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UFO Resource Center

UFOs Talking:
Adobe Enlargements; Series "b."

These photographs were taken from D. Richardson's image attachments. We did a number of analysis on those photographs. There were several considerations during our evaluations.

This image is as we received it from the Adobe enhancement.


Important things to look for: Always consider the graininess of the film; It is measured when we take the value for the rate of distortion (distal source) and compare it to the value derived from surrounding objects and features found in the photograph. Hopefully, there should be asimilarities between the distal object in question and those features. Values are derived by taking the distance from the proximal stimuli (photographer) and the distal source (orbs). We take that distance and assign it a value and we compare this value to other objects in our field of view. This distortion is what gives the image its distance, and is relative to the surrounding features by range of distortion per meter.

Here is the images enhanced @ mag. %200

This object meets all of the criteria for a genuine UFO photograph, which can withstand the grueling analysis required such images to meet the level of authenticity required by most scientists and laymen alike.

Enhancement @ %300

We made a %300 enhancement our limit, as pixillization created too much distortion with the image.



For additional photographs and enhancements, please go to Richardson's Home page. It is entitled "UFOs Taling," and it is a site worth checking out.

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________