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UFO Resource Center

UFOs Talking: Enhancements "c."

Here is the second series of enhancements that we produced on our PC. You can do these yourself, if you are operating a Windows 95 and have the Kodak Imaging feature.


Adobe 5 Enhancements: Image @ %100

We did a cookie cutter cut-out using a Print Screen Deluxe program. This took our bitmap image that we received from Richardson and converted it to jpeg.


Image Enhancemnet @ %200

As you can see here, the image shows remarkable clairity and detail compared to the other UFOs in the clouds. Here, we pumped up the image to %200, to give us a better look at pixillization and overall distal qualities.


Image Enhancement @ %300

As we caught the screen image with our PSD program and converted it to jpeg, we opened the PSD file and zoomed in by the designated ratio.

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________