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UFO Resource Center

UFOs Talking; Enhancement "a."

The Kodak imaging was used to zoom in to the areas that we had selected for study. The image arrived at %100 after the PSD image was caught and filed. Those zooms were done at %200 and again as %300. Those images were again caught with PSD program, and filed as jpeg's into our web shell system.


Adobe 5 @ %100

These images demonstrate that these are solid objects somewhere within the cloud mass they were filmed in. If we can judge their authenticity to be genuine, then Mr. Richardson can add some weight to the messages handed down through his form of communication.


Image Enhancement @ %200

The distallation of the two images demonstrate that they were most probbly at the cloud ceiling and above. We shall try to determine the weather conditions and other pertinent data for future research and evaluation of same.


Image Enhancement @ %300

These images were brought to you by a man who I believe is very sincere about his communications with the occupants of the objects in these photographs.

The evidence suggest that the UFO occupants have a message that they want to communicate to each one of us, personally. If they do want to communicate, then it would follow that they would seek whatever avenue of approach that would enable that contact.

WE have determined that the UFOs viewed in "UFOs Talking" are of an unknown origin. They are unverifiable objects, which earns them the classification of UFO; DD (Daylight Discs).

Examination of the original negatives by our film experts did not reveal any signs of tampering or enhancements.

_______________A WHITE KNIGHT PRODUCTION_______________