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My Philosophy-- Your one-stop shop for info on Life, The Universe, And Everything!

My Philosophy on Truth

Let me start by saying that "Proof" is mearley a very likely theory. No one really "knows" anything, not even me:c) People used to "know" that the Earth was flat, and they used to "know" that the sun revolved around the Earth, and they "knew" that anyone who said otherwise was a witch. So, I'm not saying that anything I'm saying is a fact, it is simply what I believe, and what I hope you will give some attention to.

By the same token that there is no proof, there is also no "good", or "evil". Why? Because with all of the different cultures, societies, religions, perspectives, and standards in the world, there are literally billions of versions of what "good", and "evil" are. There's no fair way to tell which one is right, so the only thing you can do is abide by your own moral standards, and hope that you are the right one.

That's all for now, I'll be back soon with my stands on other things, plus philosophies from friends of mine as soon as I either get them to cough up or get some new friends. -Sarah Elizabeth

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