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The Spirit of the Thai Houses

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 The spirit houses of Thailand fascinate me. I know little about them and want to know more. Anyone with information, please email me.   Most homes have them.  They are usually mounted on poles and rest in one corner of the lot. I have heard two stories, gleaned from guidebooks, about their significance.  Both mention that the spirit houses are usually erected before construction and are meant to mollify the spirits. Daily, offerings of flowers, food and water are made.  One story I heard said that the structures house the evil or bad spirits which would otherwise live in the homes, thereby causing bad luck.  

Per from Sweden writes: "I have a brother living and working for a (large European )company in Thailand. He explained that spirits live in trees, stones and everywhere. So when you build a house, you have to build a spirit house for the spirits who were living where your new house is erected. Of course, you also have to give them gifts, mostly flowers and sometimes fruit. My (brother's company) in Bangkok puts new flowers in their spirit house at least once a week."

While with our driver to the River Kwai we spotted some spirit houses trashed along the side of the road. The driver said these were either discarded because they had brought bad luck, or the owners had moved and wanted to start anew with better luck.  It would be mai shohk (bad luck) to take one, even though they were in good shape. We were flying home in two days, and I did not want any mai shohk.  

During my first trip to Bangkok in 1964, I saw many small, wooden spirit houses, suitable for employment on the many small houseboats clustered along the klongs. Now, with few klongs, the only houses I am seeing are concrete or unpainted teak.

Enjoy the images, all can be enlarged by clicking on them.

Elaborate spirit houses are found at large commercial sites.

Others are small, protecting ordinary homes.

We found this one up at Kanchanburi.

Home Bangkok Pattaya River Kwai and Rose Garden Patpong A Boy's House Top Man Club Patpong Map Festival Amazing Links

Copyright Mike Williams, 1999. All rights reserved. Email Mike at

Last updated: November 25, 1999.