About Me
Really, this page should be unnessesary. Anything important about me
should be on the rest of this webpage. If you can't tell who I am by my
writing, intrests, and friends, I don't know how else you'd find
out. But here are the demographics anyway. (Is demographics the word I
Who: Marina Moses
What: Possibly Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Also a daughter, sister, friend, cousin,
neice, girlfriend, genius, idiot, director, actor, techie, insane, bibliophile...
Where: Santa Barbara, California, USA
When: All times co-exist, so this is a meaningless question. If there ever
was a meaning in the first place.
Why: Why do I exist? At the moment because I am the ultimate product of
the universe. When I'm depressed, because I might in some way influence
someone who might do something or other. Why don't I just kill myself?
Because I'm having too much fun. Why did I make this webpage? One, because
most of my friends have one and I like reading theirs. Two, because I have
all these ideas and it's just a crime to
leave them sitting in my notebooks. Three, cause it's fun fiddling around
with Netscape Composer. Four, to annoy all the people out there who don't
know me, don't want to know me, and would never hear about me if it weren't
for this page. I hope.
How: Netscape Composer! Yay for the computer illiterate!
Age: mentally and emotionally ranging from 5 to 50.
Generally in the area of 20 - 30. I have been alive approximately 6,000
days. You do the math if it's so important to you.
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: in the area of 125 lb. Maybe 10 lb. less
or more. It changes. I don't weigh myself.
Siblings: Ethan, age 13. He has a webpage somewhere...
Eyes: blue
Hair: long. brown. possibly purple sometime in the
near future...
School: Homeschool.
Brand of Toothpaste: (why would anyone ever want
to know this???) Crest
My answers to a survey.
(It's interesting! Go read it! If you have lots of time on your hands...)
Interesting Stuff:
I write.
I like dragons.
My mission in life is to have own a theater,
direct about 5 plays a year, tech for several others, maybe take small
acting parts in others, and teach theater classes to children, teens and
In other words, I want to be frantically busy.
My role models: Radu Azdril. Antoinette Parry.
Grace Llewellyn.
For my birthday I especially want poems, dragon
stuff, and yellow sunglasses.
My purpose in life is to teach people to do trust
My best talent is listening. My second best talent
is understanding. Other than that, it's all performing.
Quirks: the good, the bad, and the ugly
I write poetry. If I know you, there's most
likely a poem written about you somewhere. Maybe even on this website!
Go look! heh heh heh...
My mom can make me cry easier than anyone
I like routines. You can get things done
faster that way.
I'm addicted to e-mail and Wiki
and IRC and AIM and...
I can't make friends immediately. Most
times it takes me years (or Not Back To
School Camp) to become good friends with someone.
I very rarely go out of my way for anything
or anyone. I hate that.
I'm lazy and I procrastinate everything.
I can almost always see at least two sides
to every situation
I'm always willing to believe the best
about people.
If someone hurts me, which happens very
rarely because of the above quirk, I'm very very slow to forgive. Often
I don't show that I'm angry or hurt, I just close off. Walk away.
I don't like to cook.
Sometimes I think I'm amazing and wonderful
and a genius and stunningly gorgeous. Sometimes I think I'm crap.
I'm shy. Really. Everywhere except at
camp or with other really good friends I don't say a thing. I fade into
the walls as much as I can.
I love playing music, piano and guitar
and singing. I hate that I'm not as good as I want to be.
I don't mind being messy. Except when
I'm eating, then I constantly wipe my hands and mouth with napkins... constantly
because I'm a messy eater. :)
I hate calling people on the phone. I
always get queasy before I dial. I don't really mind just talking on the
phone though... except I always pace. I cannot sit still while
talking on the phone.
I can't understand why I get A's in my
city college classes.
I love watching people and laughing at
them. Not at them, really... but people are so funny!
I love reacting seriously to a bad joke.
It totally turns it around and then the jokes on them. I have a couple
friends where we can go back and forth with bad joke and serious
response for... quite a long time, and have a ball.
I like puns. Even though I double over
and groan at really bad ones.
I have a hard time replying to emails.
Every once in a while I'm really mean
to people. I overshoot the jokey-insult mark. I don't mean it...
I'm fairly egotistical, but I've been
working on that.
I type fast and like to get words spelled
I think raising children is the most important
job in the world.
I'm almost always ready for a philosophical
My favorite thing in the world to do is
learn something.
I love a lot of people.
My Livejournal
- my online place for ramblings, poetry, rants, diary entries... whatever.
This is where my current life is recorded. In exausting detail.
I really can't imagine why anyone would want to know most of this stuff.
All the good stuff is in the rest of my webpage anyway. Sheesh. If you
have this much time on your hands, go read my poems.