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Thierry's Mansion

She led Hannah past a giant white sculpture toward a wide curving staircase. Hannah glimpsed other rooms opening off the hallway. A living room that looked as big as a football field, decorated with white couches, geometric furniture, and abstract paintings. A dining room with a mile-long table. An alcove with a grand piano.

Soulmate, Lisa Jane Smith


"Welcome to my humble abode, Nilsson, show them in then"

Who do you want to speak to?


Thierry - Night World history

Lupe and Jez - Halfbreeds

Hannah - Old Souls

Galen - Shapeshifters

Keller - Dragons

Poppy - Soulmates

Thea - Witchcraft

Ash - Vampires

Hugh - Prophecies

Delos - Blue Fire

Iliana - Various crap