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April 10, 2000 *sigh* Today was a good day. First and foremost...i ate! Yes, my allday sickness gave me some what of a day off. Which pleased my taste buds greatly. I came to a conclusion today. One that has probably been in the minds of many of you (especially my boyfriend's) for ever now. This isn't my only chance to have a child. It's as if for some reason i thought that if i kill it...thats it. Its over. Never again. Maybe ive always known this but i needed someting to draw my attention to it. I don't know. But I feel as though i've been looking at this through the wrong eyes all this time.
There's another few thoughts i truly feel a need to unleash. I've never really spoken much about my boyfriend. Maybe i thought it would come off as cheesey to write about him, but these are MY words. Thought by me. And only me. I shouldnt feel silly about expressing any of them. Well first i wanna tell how we met. Only because it's a funny story. He He. One day after having my photo gallery site up for a while, i posted a message on the halifax hardcore messageboard informing everyone of it's exsistance. About a day or two later, my best friend calls me up telling me that i have a secret admirer. She said some anonymous person had left a reply stating that they had seen me around halifax for months, developed a crush on me, and now that they saw my site they finally knew my name. I found this hard to believe and insisted that it must be a joke. I read the message myself and was completely intrigued by whoever wrote it, although i still couldnt believe that someone would actually have a crush on me. After days and days of desperatly trying to get my admirer to reveal his identity, and with little success, I finally convinced him to give me his icq #. "Yes!" i thought. "This is it! i'll finally know who it is!". But to my dissapointment he wasnt letting up. His icq name was Xits_a_secretX. After sometime he told me his picture had been posted on the halifax hardcore message board recently. I looked back and saw photo of the cheesiest looking group of sxe kids ever. And my beloved admirer, JD, was right in the middle of it.
I gave him my phone number and before i knew it we had set up a date for that coming weekend. I was to meet up with him at the mall at 2pm, we'd go shopping and then go see The Plan. Well, it wasnt untill 4pm that he made his appearance. Later that night during the show my friends and i were discussing how it feels to kiss with particular piercings. My friend and i agreed that experiementation was the only way to really know what it's like. Unfortunately at a bad time. Afterwards i searched for JD, as it was the end of the show and i knew he would be leaving right away. I couldnt find him anywhere and later learned that he left, without saying goodbye, after seeing me make out with a friend. Oh, the mistakes we make! To shorten this story up, we met again maybe a week or two later and it was then that i realized i had fallen for him. A week later i made the long journey to Lawrencetown to see him. Since then it's been nothing but falling deeper and deeper in love with him. Well thats it. Thanks for listening.