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April 6, 2000 Have you ever had one of those moments when you realized you were growing up? All of the sudden everything comes together and you realize your not a kid anymore. I feel like i have so much to say about this...yet im speechless. Its like when i was eleven and i got my period, everyone says "Today you become a woman". I felt no different. When I lost my virginity i felt absoulutely the same. When i finished high school, i felt the same. When i made my decision to move away from home i didnt feel anymore like an adult. And the day i read the result of the pregnancy test, i still felt like wee little alexis. Seventeen and counting. But that was all. But today everything clicked. I think it had something to do with the news of a good friend temporarily moving out of province. It made me realize that things change and as much as you wanna believe that you're going to have the same best friends since high school, it never works out that way. Yes. It is today, that i truely feel like a woman.

To set any records straight, im not using this site as a way to talk about my friends behind my back. If any situations are mentioned it is not to be thought that i am tryig to make anyone else feel bad for anything they may have said to me. We all have our own opinions. I respect that.