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April 7, 2000 Im so frustrated. Time after time, i see the hidden suffering. I hear the inaudible screams. I reach out a hand to help, but no one notices. No one ever sheads a fucking tear unless its for themselves. Why cant we get it through our heads, that we all feel the same pain? How many times do i need to say it? Your cut wrist is no different than mine. Lets stop feeling ashamed of our feelings of fear, rejection, inadaquecy, and guilt. No one can get through it alone. How can we sit here so unaware of those around us, those who we say we care so much about, and let them hurt like this.
Ive always wondered how it was possible for someone you love so much to feel alone. I could never understand how someone that i saw as being strong, confident, beautiful, funny, and smart, could possibly feel the sting of self-loathing. But then again, maybe someone else has said the same about me.