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April 8, 2000 Well today, i feel a million times better. It's so nice to see that my simple words actually mean something to someone else. Its so nice to realize your not talking to a wall. I'll write more later..
Well, in case anyone is wondering, as far as my pregnancy goes im feeling the harsh affects of morning sickness. But what i wanna know is, why the hell is it called that anyways? From now one we shall address it as "allday sickness", because thats exactly what it is. I cant eat very much lately. Just the thought of food makes me wanna puke. My hormones are having a great time going crazy. The slightest thing can upset me emotionally and cause me to break down into tears. Im not having fun. And i dont recommend this to any one. I couldnt imagine going through this for another 8 months or so. As you can tell from my messageboard i've been receiving plenty of support, and i truly appreciate every word of it. Nothings better than knowing im getting through to people. Thank you all for listening.
On the subject of the abortion, everything is still set to go. I have my internal examination with my doctor scheduled for tuesday, and i think by then she may know when exactly i can have the procedure done. All i know now, is that i've got another two weeks approximately before i am allowed to have the abortion.
As for moving away, i have to honestly say....i can't wait!!