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Foreword Notes of The Day Archive

Link to older Foreword Daily Foreword Notes 2, August 23, 2005 to March 11, 2005.

Link to older Foreword Daily Foreword Notes 3, March 10, 2005 to earlier.

Foreword March 26, 2006: (On this date, the author growls as he reminisces on the horrors he suffered at the hands of the USA federal and state governments and bureaucracy). We are alone in this world. We of the lower caste should unite and go to war with the wealthy and take back our prison nation USA of executioneers and make it free and hopeful and positive in direction once more. Featured and coming, the disposal of the two Georges, and my oldie but goodie, Sueet Carol Lodi Bring Your Finger Two, on and streaming windows format and linked directly here in mp3 format for the mp3 player in your car. I smell a gunfight with new weaponry heating up.

I was informed that the federal governments criminals associated with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the National Treasury Employees Union and their criminals and conspirators in arms did electric shock on me when they abducted me in 2001 at the LA VA facility Los Angeles where I was parked and sleeping. They treated me like a traitor and damned prisoner of war, our enemies on that American Veterans facility, once they discovered I was a former federal bank examiner and veteran pointing out criminals in California federal government and D.C. government and Sheriff Jack Tillman in Mobile Alabama.  Federal associates of the FDIC and the corrupt National Treasury Employees Union paid or demanded the Los Angeles Veterans Administration to forcibly inject me against my will and do numerous other things to me.   I was  told they had performed electric shock upon me.    They would not let me view my health care records at the facility in 2003 when I returned after being in jail per the FDIC management in San Francisco's request, and which was after I was forced to sign a paper stating I was a felon for legal gun ownership due to their threats of long term imprisonment. They are also demanded silence about the FDIC. I would rather cut their heads off, if they actually have heads, those who oppose free speech, that way, we reach equilibrium and truth, which I always seek.

That was after an attempt on my life by a hit squad sent by federal assassins in Louisiana in 2001 and now I want revenge. We do not need their prongs in our throats. I salute the taker of their first head.

Some of my memories returned.  The FDIC or NTEU tried to take my camera from me on St. Valentine's Day 2001 when I filmed the then current regional director George Masa in San Francisco walking by on Market Street, and who I suspect as being highly corrupt and without ethical values.

Also, I read that after the murder labeled suicide of the past regional director of the FDIC, a new director from Chicago came to San Francisco, his name, George Masa, with a proven EEOC track violation record there and he had me terminated from the FDIC.

After George Masa came to office an entirely new staff was put in place and they are exclusive in their upper ranks, and in the coming war, I want their building removed, or at least the top floor, which was where the previous regional director was murdered in the early 1990's (pardon the pun, by George). George Masa, and his staff should be run out of dodge, San Francisco, but I have reason to hate him, I suspect that whoever put him in office had the previously regional director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation assassinated. And those, the ones we have no choice but to hope they are eliminated. If your children or cousin tries to volunteer for military service, tell him to forget about it and go back to school, preferably another nation.

Pushed from the circle of well being and safety in the United States, this honest auditor and abused ex-federal bank examiner, applauds anyone who can close down the corrupt federal government in Los Angeles and their corrupt and bribed California Superior courts. Let us applaud anyone who can find the source of our suffering in America in their courts, not only in Los Angeles, our enemies domain, but through out America, starting in Mobile Alabama which is controlled by horrific beasts or points of magnetic servitude, and let us serve their head on Five Points, the last being consciousness.

Here is my song on my last assault in Alabama, "Mess with Kurt, Mess With Dirt". Short video up front of abuse." This has been going on since 2001. I want to treat and view those people who attack us, as our mortal enemies. The time for war is already started, an they are housed in thick and material mass in Los Angeles and D.C. and New York, and especially the South East states, including and especially Alabama and Florida. Is the USA gone? Support the overthrow of the regime and their mass media monopoly and go after their supporters internationally like racks of lamb.

The buildings used to force medical experiments like the LA VA in Westwood in 1999, and what they did to me in 2001 and 2003, or their courts that abuse Americans should be removed because this is the time of war and they are defeating our human people in America and injecting us and behaving like the Nazis of lore. I would like to see more vehicles dealing with their $100,000 jack job vehicles, which are driven by our enemies in America and Europe and Asia, and who own and ruin our childrens futures with their design, of oil and war and servitude to their drug lords who are exclusively allowed to grow dope on their over-priced properties as in California, where an acre can cost several million dollars, as opposed to Alabama where it is $2000 per acre.

Genetic engineering indicates that anarchy and sabotage of their design is a good thing. They are like monkeys with explosive weapons, because they are, regardless of how smart they are, but worse, they are like slave owners or land owners, and we the slaves, to their needles and medical experiments. I like to sample drive, don't you, and those big overpriced vehicles with frilly laced men with dog faces and or their whores of like image, deserve to hit the wall, just like everybody else. Never again serve the regime and back your children away from their lies of justice and democracy and let us pray for an end to their nightmares, whether the rebirth is here or there. This is not a good domain.

Foreword March 25, 2006: And the cycles of death and despair continue in the USA. Austin Indymedia sees another American's head on the chopping block per the evil regime in power internationally. Comment on article by Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone. I discourage the use of any slanderous terms, particularly on race or location of origin. We are being torn apart for a reason and you do not see, not all anyway. The man's name who was being executed was lost when Austin Indymedia went down. I do not recall his name. There are so many in our inhumane and unconscious era. I search for it on Houston Indymedia.

Foreword March 30, 2006: Americans have been robbed of rights and dignity by the regime in power in the United States and around the world. They inject us with chemicals like the Nazis did the Jews and they beat us from government involvement like the Nazi did the Jews. But this time it is not about Nazis and Jews. This is about the subjugators we are at war with in the United States. The time has come to escalate the war with small profit taking through saboutage, unless you are a big thinker, and then take your lions share from their lives like they do ours. Our enemies in power are filthy rich drug lords and oil barons and the rest are beast criminals who own the USA Treasury Department and their police kick us from government, as my videos illustrate in Alabama on this site. California's videos in which I had surveillance of the FDIC in San Francisco, murder central, were destroyed by federal criminals who abducted me and injected me in Los Angeles per the FDIC San Francisco and National Treasury Employees Union syndicate instructions. The video of the FDIC director, George Masa and his companion in crime, was destroyed when I was abducted by federal agents in 2001, April. I survived an assassination attempt in February 2001 by federal banking associated assassins after I tested Masa and his associates by informing the public of their syndicate and murders. We must deal with them like criminals in "our" house.

Democracy is no longer existent. We urge the overthrow of the regime in the USA. They are violent, brutal, and hidden, and we should seek them out where ever we can find them. The mass media should be attacked at all points also. They are mouthpieces for our enemies.

The Los Angeles Veterans Administration in Westwood under the National Treasury Employee Union syndicate and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a corrupt money laundering federal agency with murderers in their higher ranks, forced injections upon me in 2001 and the federal and state police agencies attacked me for years, simply because I reported criminals in the federal banking regulatory agencies. I will applaud when our enemies are removed from our governments, and when they tremble in fear when we come to even the score. I do not believe in the weapons they describe from history.

Foreword March 29, 2006: A few weeks ago, the Bohemian magazine in Northern California's Sonoma county, had a picture of a woman who was being abused by a doctor, at least in the picture. Some people mentioned my comment on the picture. I said, "It is Rosanie Sanie Danie of Brazil being forcibly injected by a USA doctor, but then I thought she looks like lady liberty being forciby injected. The hand sign of the doctor is government leprosy in the eyes of Mobile Audit Club. Who is it? Rosanie Sanie Danie of Brazil or Lady Liberty? Link to pic

Since 2001 the USA government has been forcibly injecting people against their will. The federal government injected me in 2001 and other horrors. They also allow forced injections in several Southerwestern States per a clause in their Chapter 36 law. Our enemies think our bodies are their domain, that we are their slaves or articles. The federal forcibly injected me, fact. They tried to kill me for being a government informant, a fact that I can only state. I want their heads on racks, if they have heads, and you might have to go overseas or overhead to destroy them completely, those who control us and abuse our rights and US Constitution. In Arizona, some state lawmakers allow forced injections. They should be assassinated or their lives left like ours, in shambles. They are at war with us. Proceed in like manner is the action starting around the world.

Foreword March 26, 2006: (On this date, the author growls as he reminisces on the horrors he suffered at the hands of the USA federal and state governments and bureaucracy). We are alone in this world. We of the lower caste should unite and go to war with the wealthy and take back our prison nation USA of executioneers and make it free and hopeful and positive in direction once more. Featured and coming, the disposal of the two Georges, and my oldie but goodie, Sueet Carol Lodi Bring Your Finger Two, on and streaming windows format and linked directly here in mp3 format for the mp3 player in your car. I smell a gunfight with new weaponry heating up.

I was informed that the federal governments criminals associated with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the National Treasury Employees Union and their criminals and conspirators in arms did electric shock on me when they abducted me in 2001 at the LA VA facility Los Angeles where I was parked and sleeping. They treated me like a traitor and damned prisoner of war, our enemies on that American Veterans facility, once they discovered I was a former federal bank examiner and veteran pointing out criminals in California federal government and D.C. government and Sheriff Jack Tillman in Mobile Alabama.  Federal associates of the FDIC and the corrupt National Treasury Employees Union paid or demanded the Los Angeles Veterans Administration to forcibly inject me against my will and do numerous other things to me.   I was  told they had performed electric shock upon me.    They would not let me view my health care records at the facility in 2003 when I returned after being in jail per the FDIC management in San Francisco's request, and which was after I was forced to sign a paper stating I was a felon for legal gun ownership due to their threats of long term imprisonment. They are also demanded silence about the FDIC. I would rather cut their heads off, if they actually have heads, those who oppose free speech, that way, we reach equilibrium and truth, which I always seek.

That was after an attempt on my life by a hit squad sent by federal assassins in Louisiana in 2001 and now I want revenge. We do not need their prongs in our throats. I salute the taker of their first head.

Some of my memories returned.  The FDIC or NTEU tried to take my camera from me on St. Valentine's Day 2001 when I filmed the then current regional director George Masa in San Francisco walking by on Market Street, and who I suspect as being highly corrupt and without ethical values.

Also, I read that after the murder labeled suicide of the past regional director of the FDIC, a new director from Chicago came to San Francisco, his name, George Masa, with a proven EEOC track violation record there and he had me terminated from the FDIC.

Pushed from the circle of well being and safety in the United States, this honest auditor and abused ex-federal bank examiner, applauds anyone who can close down the corrupt federal government in Los Angeles and their corrupt and bribed California Superior courts. Let us applaud anyone who can find the source of our suffering in America in their courts, not only in Los Angeles, our enemies domain, but through out America, starting in Mobile Alabama which is controlled by horrific beasts or points of magnetic servitude, and let us serve their head on Five Points, the last being consciousness.

Here is my song on my last assault in Alabama, "Mess with Kurt, Mess With Dirt". Short video up front of abuse." This has been going on since 2001. I want to treat and view those people who attack us, as our mortal enemies. The time for war is already started, an they are housed in thick and material mass in Los Angeles and D.C. and New York, and especially the South East states, including and especially Alabama and Florida. Is the USA gone? Support the overthrow of the regime and their mass media monopoly and go after their supporters internationally like racks of lamb.

The buildings used to force medical experiments like the LA VA in Westwood in 1999, and what they did to me in 2001 and 2003, or their courts that abuse Americans should be removed which are driven by our enemies .

Genetic engineering indicates that anarchy and sabotage of their design is a good thing. They are like monkeys with explosive weapons, because they are, regardless of how smart they are, but worse, they are like slave owners or land owners, and we the slaves, to their needles and medical experiments. I like to sample drive, don't you, and those big overpriced vehicles with frilly laced men with dog faces and or their whores of like image, deserve to hit the wall, just like everybody else. Never again serve the regime and back your children away from their lies of justice and democracy and let us pray for an end to their nightmares, whether the rebirth is here or there. This is not a good domain.

Foreword March 25, 2006: And the cycles of death and despair continue in the USA. Austin Indymedia sees another American's head on the chopping block per the evil regime in power internationally. Comment on article by Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone. I discourage the use of any slanderous terms, particularly on race or location of origin. We are being torn apart for a reason and you do not see, not all anyway. The man's name who was being executed was lost when Austin Indymedia went down. I do not recall his name. There are so many in our inhumane and unconscious era. I search for it on Houston Indymedia.

Foreword March 24, 2006: When I look at the predicament that my people suffer, those people of no material wealth in the United States, those who are excluded at every point, whether in government or in their huge corporations, I am sickened. My people have been crushed and slandered by our enemies in the United States who feast like feral pigs among the starving of my people.  I used to care for America, now I see we have lost the future and I want the end instead of their continued state of worldwide martial law.

They are likely controlled in many respects overseas.  I want to see the drug dealers mansions in California ablaze and I want the National Treasury Employees Union torn to bits and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in San Francisco, closed, and its management, removed.  Corrupt bastards killed one regional director.  They missed me.  They like suicides and accidents and natural causes.  Give us the power to destroy our enemies and to reach overseas and into the sky to rip his brain out by root.

Foreword March 21, 2006: I sense the cats are hunting today, low in the grass. Proceed in all objectives, "It is the hour." was the order or is at all times. I am vain son of a witch on holidays. so come out to play in mp3 on Indymedia (help support uncensored indymedia sites). If you want to fight to regain New Orleans and our lost rights as a people, join me in New Orleans Indymedia in mp3 when I snatch that Big Federal Dick from Our N'awlins Big Easy Bud Hole.

With the second crown, I present my music video again, Whip or Will Pea You Jack. Of Mice and Men, I will miss Jack.

Foreword March 20, 2006: Today Mobile Audit Club is offering their multiple services in more traditional venues such as in the financial district of San Francisco.

Today's inside joke, "It appears that Brenda With Her Spoon has picked up a fork and ran over Saint Ram Bone with a Land Rover, almost." Link to pic when I search for Saint Ram Bone on Indymedia.

March 17, 2007 Foreword: I served time in jail in Los Angeles while the thief Sheriff was at home in Alabama, counting his $380,000 and while the FDIC criminals in bureaucratic office usurped the fortunes and futures of millions, through their assistance in money laundering and swindling the American investor. A larger war lost perhaps?

March 16, 2006 Foreword: We have suffered a hostile takeover in the United States. Certain factions of society exclude others from government involvement and rights to justice and due process by law.

March 13, 2006 Foreword: Todays word is Government Leprosy, and today's post covers the birth and evolution of the dreaded disease in American Government and is linked to, in which we are strangulated and killed in relation to government. Outcasts is what the evil regime is doing to us common Americans of long term ancestry on American soil.

March 12, 2006 Foreword: I made a mistake trusting the regime controlling the USA government.  Now they are allowed to forcibly inject us in many states, with the evil regime's blessings from the federal government. The federal and state governments appear to betray all of us, many of us labeled insane or as criminals, our careers destroyed, particularly in the financial and political arenas of our politically and bureaucratically enslaved United States.

We live in fear in these hated United States under the current regime.  When we enter the public and see their mafia criminal elements, just like old time Nazis, surrounding and following us, or coming to our homes for no violation of law, for simply trying to have our rights to enter USA government meetings or to vote, as they have done to myself repeatedly in Alabama. That regime needs to be destroyed in Mobile Alabama, stretching to Montgomery, D.C., and to the Deutschland if necessary, Germany or Bavaria, their primary investor in industry and social enslavement

It appears the, "Government Leprosy" sign is catching on.  It was coined by Mobile Audit Club in a video in which the camera man was being beaten and arrested at the Mobile Alabama City Council Gate in June of 2004 for doing nothing other than trying to enter a government meeting. Clips of the beating are in this art video Jack Son's Heart Shaped Hole. I am holding the camera and being beaten in the government building. The abuse started in 2001 when I survived an atttempt on my life and reported criminals in federal and state government on three coasts and four cities of the USA.

the "Stone Cold In My Electric Chair" music video also show the government leprosy sign, moved from the reality and into art. I wrote it after an assassination attempt upon my life by USA federal government related assassins, and then after being abused and injected by corrupt officials in Alabama and California. Now it appears in a Northern California alternative paper, the Boheman, on the cover in a picture, "Succumb Here More Often."  It makes Saint Ram Bone sort of familiar at times. The Doctor in the picture is like a government agent injecting our people, and the woman on the operating table is Lady Liberty, at least in my eyes.

March 10, 2006 Foreword: Two new posts to the Quatrains 4 and Love Line 5 pages linked below (Predictions and Comedy). It is obvious sometimes, where we stand. The regime in power keeps some of us, the we, out of the government at all costs. If Mobile Alabama government let me in front of their Comcast cameras at their city council meetings, they would have to deal with their actions, such as the horrors of their holocaust state in Alabama brought from D.C. Reign in the regime in power, they inject us and do not protect us. They are at war against us, the we.

March 9, 2006 Foreword: The question of the day: "Should we or should we not attack with violence when we are blocked from entering government meetings that are open to the public". Late update. Let it alone, it will fall if not sound.

March 4, 2006 Foreword: Today's post is on a newsgroup and a call for positive directed anarchy against our enemies in our power in the USA, many of them with international connections. I cherish the end of the world because of this nightmare many of us know in the USA, those of us from the current American holocaust prisons, war generations of years past, present, future. Does anyone else feel betrayed by the regime in power in the United States of America? Someone told me, "Kurt, your image needs a makeover". What they were referring to is the fact that I am labeled a criminal by the criminals of the regime in D.C. via Los Angeles, where I was forced to sign papers saying I was a criminal, simply for surviving an attempt on my life, initated by the same people who killed the regional director of the FDIC in San Francisco in the early 1990's. The dead directors replacement should be checked, because the person who placed him in charge from Washington D.C. knows he assists criminals. Therefore, he is one removed from one of the heads we should place in a box, and work down if necessary. I was cornered by government criminals. I support all attacks against the regime. Remember your lessons from history. The criminals of the government in power with weapons provided by the international syndicates have side swiped us with technology, and left us as if we were hit directly. Now the criminals of federal and California government and their smiling faced and face less humans will not give me a trial by jury. No one cares if we die. I can not afford to battle them on their terms. I do not have the money to waste. The regime I have heard has been tracking hits to this site. Only view from public terminals if possibly appearing suspect. They killed some people I have heard in a hostage transfer in which I was trying to negotiate a release of Douglas Wood, featured in a video that was linked on this site to Sydney Australia Indymedia. I will have to repost the video within the next few months and will note it in the foreword notes.

We are no longer allies, as the deep throat told me from the SS or Secret Service, "The Trust Is Gone". .

March 3, 2006 Foreword: California is a debtors prison due to the fact that the Americans who are in the state are in many cases drug addicts, drugs easily gotten within the California state lines.  Due to limited land development, home and land prices have escalated to levels far out of pace with the USA due to supply being far short of demand.  The mastermind(s) behind the drug business, the casino business, and the placing of the federal banking agencies in the hands of the syndicate behind the National Treasury Employees Union, has undoubtedly purchased huge tracts of land in the legal drug growing state of California, its monopoly in the USA.    I was a bank examiner in California, the land of the money launderer, right next to Nevada.  Drugs on one side of the line and gambling on the other, and the streets are full of Americans betrayed by those people in the USA governments they mistakenly trusted.

Worse, modern day  masterminds and criminals of present and recent history  have been able to maneuver the financial underpinnings of corporations both inside the government and outside the government and shrink and devour them.  .

Foreword March 1, 2006: In the foreword note on February 28, 2006, yesterday, I mentioned those who were holding the USA federal government needles that were forced into me in April 2001 for being in fear for my life after the first of two murder attempts against me, the first in February 2001, for alerting the public to criminals murdering honest high ranking government officials and a criminal syndicate in the banking system. As one of our adversaries told me in Los Angeles, "One moves another aside".

I forgot two important details in the post yesterday. The federal war criminal who initiated the first or the second injection, and who seemed to be in charge, was dark-headed, who knows from where, appearing American but with the Spanish influence.

Foreword February 28, 2006: (Today's post on Pittsburgh Indymedia) After someone tried to kill me in February of 2001, an ex-bank examiner, in retaliation for what I disclosed in the corrupt federal agencies and unions involved, I was injected and forced to remain silent and forced to become a convict in April of 2001, now with no chance of a trial guaranteed to me by the attorney at the time of the felony. I still have a strike in California. I never harmed anyone. I was in fear for my life. I am one of the lower caste of Alabama so I do not count. Now it is our turn to pitch. They will get three strikes and out. So Help us Creator of Intelligent life, or give us the transition to the soils. I am no longer their or its friend. We know of each other in total if not partially and have seen each other and must prepare for the final conflicts. Our side's strength is international imagination with a goal of preserving intelligent life as seen by the Sicilians in World Wars from eternity, meaning that which sustains life.

2-26-2006 Foreword: Today I am as hostile as yesterday in the USA, as a forced medical procedures and injections victim who was forced to say I was a criminal for daring to survive criminals at the throat of American, government. My grandmother was angry when I joined the military in the early 80's, saying, "Remember Vietnam", after I had signed the governments papers. Protect your families if you can.

Foreword February 22, 2006: Today's post on Indymedia. Someone wanted the replacement regional director of a a federal agency dead when I was leaving their employment as a federal bank examiner. Death preceded the replacement regional director as the one before him was moved aside, killed in his office. The replacement was cruel in his and his cohorts abuse of US veterans and blacks. Heand his cohorts at the swinging door continue to build their empire on our society's financial underpinnnings. Do not ever be deceived and realize that there are many ways to deceive an unaware beings mind. Always look at their institutions as being suspect. I give the "Green Light" to retake this nation, however it has to be done, or undone. They inject us and kick us from their government and imprison and fuck our children like sex and wage slaves. I feel nothing for them or their kind now, as we are the same in that manner, vice versa.

Foreword Saturday February 18, 2006:  On a less serious daily note in the growing Holocaust world, Mobile Audit Club presents Believe it or not, Saint Ram Bone will likely be in Taiwan to challenge the current Qijong champion in Taiwan who can lift 200 kilograms with his penis.  Saint Ram Bone will pull the truck  in this pic with his penis and will later lift 400 kilograms with his penis, live and televised, utilizing Qijong technique. I had speculated that the Master of Qijong's penis looked like a platypus tail, but a young Taiwanese lady told us it looked like a long noodle, and neither theory has been proven or disproven.  We will be selling books and supplies on the TV show and we will likely be putting up more websites so you too can practice the art of Qijong.  Jack Snatch, thieiving Sheriff, will meet Sueet Carol, lowlife USA federal employees who abuses the public and other employees, on the show too, as they are both very very crafty and devious, and their enzymes are likely not complete and will have to buy supplements. (We thank Book TV for their link to the Master of Qijong Himself, his book listed on Book TV website for sale).

2-17-2006: Although this website is of a serious nature, I have added a comment on Home Grown Music page of Mobile Audit Club and link to Dave Chappelle comedian at the Warfield on Monday 2/20/2006, day of fasting, and a comment on the disappearing crack addict, Chris Rock comedian. Song link titled Brenda With Her Spoon, by the Devil with his fork--Saint Ram Bone--Kurt Brown--American Holocaust Victim with no trial by jury, forced injections environment, number X ?07 911 84 in California. Today's post is a food offering for the Chapelle Comedy routine Monday at the Warfield, linked to It's Merda. and because that Merda was pink in San Francisco, I put it LA too, Jack. LA Indymedia.

January 8, 2006 Foreword:  Today, when I drove through Sebastopol California, a young girl was whistling like a whippoorwill.  It appears the note from yesterday has struck a chord.  A salute to the whippoorwill of grace and beauty in Sebastopol, which is near Petaluma.

The head of Sheriff Jack Snatch of Mobile Alabama was the bait and it whistles, "Whip or Will, You Will Be Deal."

If you want the evolving comedy story based on true facts, go to Love Line 5 and see the "ViolentMediaComedy" section.

2-15-2006: Today a young man of mixed race and darker skin saluted me in the Three Finger Government leprosy salute while in a mall in an exclusive area of a wealthy American suburb. He is an outsider, one of the poor, much like myself. I salute him in return and urge him to go to college, and do not sign the military's bottom line. Check on foreign citizenship when you are educated kid, is my advice.

While in exile from my home in Alabama and forced to live in Los Angeles in 2003, a young woman told me regarding my audits and investigations of government criminals, "If you live like Jesus Christ, you will be persecuted like Jesus Christ". That was during my goodie two shoes auditor period in early 2001 that I chose to live like Jesus Christ, helping others of low chance of survival, or the families of the murdered to gain reconciliation. Now I pull out the edge JC refused to wedge. BBQ at 7, by Jack-0 Lantern light.

Mobile Audit Club has declared the federal government of the USA a criminal entity that has lawyers who are better off tied into barbwire and swung by us poor ass negras and rouge-necks tag poles in N'Awlins to Mo-bile. They sell us California marijuana at the price of gold and brown Mexican marijuana, also known as Merda or Shit or George Bush's pot at the price of high grade alcohol of exclusive domain. The time has come to take the gloves off and turn on the smoking lamp for those marijuana addicts and tourist addicts in New Orleans also, not just the criminal empire in California. The song is in mp3 and is titled Big Federal Dick Up Our N'awlins Big Easy Bud Hole, and is by Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, American Holocaust Victim with no chance for trial by jury X --- 911 --, and the song is on a New Orleans Indymedia article linked here. Also in this link is a tribute to the Mobile To New Orleans Veterans And Survivors March. I have made a comment with a link to the two songs about New Orleans I wrote. New Orleans Indymedia. (The USA government is labeling innocent men as felons and criminals and they are coming up as such on publicly available computer searches, and in addition they are forcibly injecting chemicals into many. I say Free Sadam Hussein. Hussein is no more our enemy than the facade of humanity in power whose hands or paws are as bloody as his.) They violate the sanctity of our bodies with their needles. They declared war upon us. We must respond in other angles of force. There are many options, but only one way out, over their regime and their needles and bullets and bombs and new weaponry of technological origin. Seven.

2-14-2006: Someone called me a termite because I tried to, "Save The Wood" in this video of a kidnap victim, two actually, myself and Douglas Wood. He is free now and for nostalgia and to tell my people not to lament over the ongoing and likely increasing internal conflict in the USA, I present old video in Windows Streaming Format, with one of my better songs, Lip Synched but played by Saint Ram Bone, me. The first 30 seconds is talk, so fast forward to music video, Stone Cold In My Electric Chair, music video that was written to save a kidnap victim. Instead, Arabs died, which is unnecessary, but part of the cruel international regimes predicaments.

Today's foreword note is a dire warning to all criminal and financial crime investigators associated with every USA federal agency that is under the National Treasury Employees Union stewardship, and I speak with experience as a surviving bank examiner with a federal banking regulatory agency, the FDIC.

I believe at a 99% confidence level that the regional director of the FDIC in San Francisco, was murdered in the early 1990's and it was not suicide. My life has been crushed and my career left in shambles. We live in a bitter world. The rules are not what they say. my sense of safety violated with forced injections and forced torturous and maiming medical procedures at our enemy facility, the Los Angeles Federal Facility in Westwood and later Flagstaff Medical Center.

Foreword 2-9-2006: Regarding President Bush's claims of attacks in Los Angeles in 2002, he is full of lies, he or his TV image. The mass media regime glosses over the terrors of their own regime in Los Angeles, including my abduction and torture, as an ex federal bank examiner turned informant in 2001, and abused and injected by many factions of the federal government with the assistance of our enemies in control in Alabama and D.C. .

Remember Vietnam, remember the killers that preceded and followed, all of them sitting in the federal and local magistrate position.

Foreword 2-9-2006: Regarding President Bush's claims of attacks in Los Angeles in 2002, he is full of lies, he or his TV image. The mass media regime glosses over the terrors of their own regime in Los Angeles, including my abduction and torture, as an ex federal bank examiner turned informant in 2001, and abused and injected by many factions of the federal government with the assistance of our enemies in control in Alabama and D.C. They are dope dealing prison builders with a penchant for war, my favorites sport. They claim people are insane and their victims, often high ranking "honest" bank examiner officials, which are "rare", are often found dead in their offices in murders staged as suicides or honest government officials and ex-officials are often contained and imprisoned in government mental wards controlled by all intents and purposes, Hostile enemies of the American people just as at the LA VA Westwood in 2001, and most likely 1999 and 2003 and beyond. Crush the regime in power. Move factions out with new weaponry from the militaries of the world to unite under one banner, that of two fingers and a thumb, representing the government lepers united against their opposing forces, in each of their lost nations, just as ours in the USA. Otherwise, we are just fingers, incapable of grasping our enemies hands from our throats and intestines and our childrens futures.

We the common in America mean nothing to the ruling millionaires and billionaires of international origin who now rule the USA. They allow forced injections and the killing of honest men in the financial and government sectors, both in the public and private sector. Their mass media, in particular Hollywood and New York, ignore the atrocites of their sect against the world, including the people of the USA who are poor.

The lies are apparent that we are different from the ruling class. I encourage military leaders to form groups outside of the main stream military in case of contingencies in the ongoing battles against us, the common American. They are taking our ammunition, but you will need new weaponry, of an advanced technological sort. They betray us, we take note of their behavior. I believe their overall goal is to destroy us eventually, or worse yet, imprison us into their lower level factories or experimental wards, to be used in medical experients and to receive forced medical procedures to control us.

Now they will pay or we will all have death, which is better than life under the cruel facsimile of a human being, or worse, life under a lesser human, who is more akin in consciuosness and empathy to an animal.

8-12-2001. I had been forcibly injected and forced to sign papers and was released from the third world state that is the USA legal system penalizing investigators of large government crimes including murders.

(A final note regarding federal bank examiners, corrupt money launderers in the federal government...their attitude is "The money has to be laundered somewhere" "Why pretend it does not happen, and just let it happen here in the USA under...protected arrangements per the National Treasury Employee Union connections with internal banking connections and the Treasury Department.") My personal note regarding the dead Regional Director of FDIC to his filthy mother f-----, I felt your presence in your comrades, like a snake wiggling under my skin per your victims flesh. I do not care if we have full scale war. It has been waging for me ever since I reported the fithy FDIC as diseased and Sheriff Jack Snatch Tillman of Mobile Alabama as a thief. Which one matters most? It depends on the dead victims family I suppose.

Foreword 2-9-2006: Regarding President Bush's claims of attacks in Los Angeles in 2002, he is full of lies, he or his TV image. The mass media regime glosses over the terrors of their own regime in Los Angeles, including my abduction and torture, as an ex federal bank examiner turned informant in 2001, and abused and injected by many factions of the federal government with the assistance of our enemies in control in Alabama and D.C. They are dope dealing prison builders with a penchant for war, my favorites sport. They claim people are insane and their victims, often high ranking "honest" bank examiner officials, which are "rare", are often found dead in their offices in murders staged as suicides or honest government officials and ex-officials are often contained and imprisoned in government mental wards controlled by all intents and purposes, Hostile enemies of the American people just as at the LA VA Westwood in 2001, and most likely 1999 and 2003 and beyond. Crush the regime in power. Move factions out with new weaponry from the militaries of the world to unite under one banner, that of two fingers and a thumb, representing the government lepers united against their opposing forces, in each of their lost nations, just as ours in the USA. Otherwise, we are just fingers, incapable of grasping our enemies hands from our throats and intestines and our childrens futures.

I believe their overall goal is to destroy us eventually, or worse yet, imprison us into their lower level factories or experimental wards, to be used in medical experients and to receive forced medical procedures to control us.

Remember Vietnam, remember the killers that preceded and followed, all of them sitting in the federal and local magistrate position.

Foreword 2-1-2006: An outgoing Sheriff of Mobile Alabama, Jack Tillman, a proven thief and a criminal who helped to frame auditor Kurt Brown on 4-3-2001 with sanctioned approval by the regime. Jack Tillman and his protectorate of war criminals is remembered in this link on Indymedia. On Page Love Line 5 Jacks head is used as crab bait in our real world comedy.

Foreword January 31, 2006: Today's post is just an observation of more beating and abuse and exclusion by the regime in power in the United States, our mutual enemies. The USA governments are beating and injecting and killing and imprisoning and terrorizing men coast to coast. Lift their masks and you will find they are not like us, the common of the USA and the South East. Have mercy, be swift and brutal in the escalating war, sabotage and subterfuge are the hallmarks and trade of the lower caste. Develop a new weapon and use it to remove the closed door regime, damn the consequences, full bullet-less ammo and armor ahead. Do not fear them. Do not trust them. Expect to be attacked through trickery. They are the Proverbial "Snakes in the grass". Link to beating article of the moment on Atlanta Indymedia. My song for today is my old tune, when preparing to drown in blood, or after I survived assassins sent by the corrupt federal banking regulators and their union in the USA. I wet my lips for their blood and pray for divine final and swift extinquishment of their existence, ours if necessary, as death is preferable to life with a moronic creatures boot on your life. Here is a direct link to the mp3 song, Sueet Carol Lodi by Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, Genre--unknown. (When attacking the immortal enemies and adversaries, always look for that light controlling the puppet, and then look for the animal behind the light. Extinguish it.

Foreword January 30, 2006 (Today's post is on Usenet News)

Foreword January 25, 2006: (A special salute to Couleur 3 radio online follows this foreword) I was recently told, "The United States government has a needle in its arm, it breaks my heart." The author of this website, American Holocaust Victim X ... 911 84, Kurt Brown, was victimized in California via Alabama with added abuse from the corrupt federal government under the National Treasury Employees Union and corrupt federal banking regulators. They will not give me a trial by jury. Therefore all would be volunteers in the struggle to regain the United States as a democracy of positive capitalism and humanitarian endeavor are requested to act in groups, including surveillance in a technological fashion unknown before.

Foreword January 23, 2006:  Today's post is a look into the eyes of Iraq, and our condition in the USA, where natives of both Iraq and the USA are bleeding, while under the boots of the regime in power in the United States and most likely internationally.  I urge all not to blame any one race of mankind. In this Usenet post I make a plea for the Jill Carroll and an offer to have my life sacrificed by those Iraqis who I do not know as it is not as bad as betrayal by those Americans who I came to trust, in particular the federal banking regulatory agencies and the Veterans Administration, the plaintiff. We are all held captive, whether it is Jill Carroll or the Iraqi female captives, or the Americans cast out of voting booths and government involvement by the enemy regime in power, or those labeled falsely as felons, such as myself.  If you must kill or die, let us hope it is not your own people you kill and that your own people do not kill you.  The world of the common man has blown its tread, most likely like a re-treaded used tire.  The razor of technology is a slicing mother in the end, or was it already over, like veal, caught at birth with no chance to roam freely.

Foreword January 5, 2006: Today someone flashed my American Holocaust number at me, X 017 911 84. It was in large black numerals on their arm in the ongoing Holocaust tradition, a number I received under extreme and hostile force and injections, with no chance of receiving relief or compensation in a trial by a jury of my peers today or afterward, simple because they forced me through "Sheer Terror" to sign a guilty plea. They are guilty of war crimes, including forced medical procedures. My peers witness this horror by looking at Los Angeles Superior Court whose whores dress in black and have large faces and whose consorts are men of miniature size in of heart and mind but large in dominion. My peers, where-ever they lay mangled in service of what they thought was America, will never be able to judge one of their peers, myself, X 017 911 84, in court. It would be like a jury of holocaust victims in cages judging others like themselves in holocaust victim cages. The curtains are pulling back and the camera is rolling and soon, it snaps, to X point.

*ON A MORE SERIOUS NOTE A note to federal investigators of deaths of government officials.  The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Regional Director in San Francisco, California, in the early 1990's who was found dead in his office, and it was not a suicide, I would deduce at a very high probability based on some key factors.    The FDIC is a federal banking regulatory agency.

*First, he was killed with his own gun, therefore, for a man to carry a gun to his office, would indicate he was in fear for his own life.  I know all about that one, the FDIC and National Treasury Employees Union had the Federal government give me a felony for being in fear for my life and for carrying legal guns. 

*Second, most people in the area of psychology would likely agree that a suicidal person will not seek out his co-workers and friends when he or she is going to kill themselves.  If it was suicide, he would have sought a more discrete location.  I know about feeling depressed, and the last thing I would want to do is kill myself near other people.  It is a private affair, kind of like masturbation, but while sucking on catsup.

*Third,  I tested the replacement Regional Director and the associates surrounding him one morning, St. Valentine's Day 2001 to see if they would try to kill myself, an ex-employee of the FDIC who was pushed out like many others from the San Francisco FDIC office, despite my extensive education and skills beyond that of a simple accounting or finance graduate.  I, Kurt Brown (Later to become Saint Ram Bone)  had become a nuisance by reporting my suspicions on the web, and what I had heard while as an employee at the FDIC in San Francisco and Sacramento.  The test came back proof positive, as a murder attempt was made on my life a few days after I left the criminals at the FDIC steps see myself.  They even sent someone out to try and take my camera away from me on Market Street at the alley way that leads to the FDIC office building.  I was surrounded, one in front and more watching and aside.  That was St. Valentines Day 2001.  Less than three days later, I became an American Holocaust Survivor, and three months later, the Evil Regime gave me my Holocaust Number in America, X 017 911 84.  Now I do not mind keying a car, but that was a bit much, as they treat myself and others of true human flesh us as if we are not deserving of human dignity and respect.  Pull out the transmitters, the thing-a--ma-jigs and stop the lasers from blinding our side.  WE must look for the third and fourth layers or maybe beyond the layers in a microscopic, macroscopic jump in magnitude of view through new interaction and observation.  We lost our nation I fear.

In conclusion, we are and have been under attack, we being those of humane thoughts for the multitudes.  We can fight like and for rats for eternity or realize that life likes to beget life and our destiny is not on this planet but above, in space colonies.  I see humane application of bio-engineering in furthering that divine plan.  My message to the Mastas, the Sweet Carows, the strangle hold put upon us by that thing that is of intelligence and strength in American government, that thing that forces injections upon the innocent, and bears false witness.  I am not insane.  I am your worst nightmare, your wettest dream.  Catsup anyone?  My and our ranks should heed this warning as my shot through the heart of the the shadow beasts.  Now, let us look for the links behind the shadow and grab it with both left and right.  Sever the FDIC head, you know, make it Kosher with a circumcision.  I would gladly sit in D.C. and audit for free if Sweet Carow was my personal foot stool.  I do not like war, I just know of it.

What's up Jack Snatch, I head a subway coming your way, loose on the track, not coming back, slipping and sliding straight to hell, Jump IN Jack, "Snatch". I see "Snatch" among our people in conference, "What's the matter Snatch, you do not like our people, we are liberal minded and advanced folk here. We feed our dogs who work for us before we eat, Mother F-cker. "No brakes". (Today's post on, with a tag for Jack)

Foreword January 1, 2006:.

It appears that in Alabama now the Mobile county commissioners are legally holding closed door sessions. They were already denying people entry illegally in the city council meetings. Natural Gas Contracts are forced upon the city while oil is trucked out at the Alabama Point pump station. I counted the caravan of oil trucks under that natural gas contract.

Foreword January 19, 2006:  Mobile Audit Club believes to save the life of the American Journalist, Jill Carroll, the United States elitists billionaires regime should release all Iraqi female prisoners.  It is the humane thing to do and it is the directive from the newly formed Humanitarian Party, formed by Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, whose directives are simple, save mankind and enhance standards of living and mankind's environs.    In other words, more usage of technology and less usage of carbon combusting material of low efficiency.  Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone would like to have a dinner party for all released female prisoners, including Jill Carroll, and he would like to select his next wife, in the NORMaL Mormon fashion.  Here is a link to Jill Carroll's story on mass media.

I would also like to note that no songs on this site about Sweet Carol or Sueet Carol have anything to do with Jill Carroll.  Jill is caught up in the war, to make a dollar, to survive.  I pity all of those women held captive, and I believe President Bush (W means what) and his financiers and image creators should look in the greater picture.  Simple greed, simple repetition, life is a nightmare or a dream, can we choose?  We common Americans are barred under the current regime from government involvement or a voice.  Do not believe your eyes and if you feel odd, you probably missed something. Always assume an enemy is near, just like spiders looking to feed.  The window, once fractured, is discernible to the discerning eye. 

A song I wrote after a couple of attacks by American government mafia associates on America's highways. The third time was post traumatic stress, I had a passenger. Looking Over A Four Leaf Clover, God Allah Buddha Ethereal Conscsiousness in mp3. (The order of God Buddha and Allah are interchangable in the song. To celebrate the release of the women, if not in this horrid venue, then all of the others, and especially to that large assed type B blood type woman of passing years, I know W is holding her somewhere.  I present my song, Sueet Carol Affair, in mp3, a direct link.  I hope to share a big bowl of ice cream with the ladies with Saint Ram Bone preparing the trimmings.

I sometimes live in a world of make believe.  I am from the poor.  Lastu Ghaniyaan.  We have nothing else in the barest moments.  Remember, "I hear the train."  Save Jill Carroll by broadcasting my American Holocaust Number across the image of Jill Carroll upon her release, and tell the American media to wake up, we have no democracy, we have no voice in mass media, and we do not get justice in the American courts.  My American Holocaust number is in California, X 017 911 84. Federal Treasury Criminals in D.C. and their Union the NTEU and the Alabama government helped. The lie is in the image of peace while tied in ropes and barred behind cages.

 I would also like to add not only an Iraqi woman but a selection for each of the ice cream flavors.  Things change.  Always.  Its a constant, baby. A repeat of today post on Beirut Indymedia. I will write song for Jill Carol while I am ostracized from government involvement in the USA, because it is my only voice. We must always ask if the mass media is manipulating us with lies. The trust is gone.

Foreword January 18, 2006: A call has been put out on this site to realize that the USA government is no longer the ally of the common Americans whom I have witnessed. I Encourage the overthrow of the billionaires by any means necessary. Their genetic manipulations in genetic engineering leave us no choice but to view the self serving entities or animals as exterior to our own.

I encourage a "World Wide Humanitarian Party" .

Foreword January 17, 2006: Today's post on Atlanta Indymedia with a link to today's song in these shackled United States in streaming windows video. It is also in mp3, and titled, "Big Federal Dick Up Our N'awlins Big Easy Bud Hole" on New Orleans Indymedia. Today when I look at the United States, I see huge regions robbed of their rights while drug and criminal cartels dictate their laws and  government to us, the common people, and the world.   For instance, the regime in power has acted as the price support for a weed, marijuana, to be sold at the price of gold. If you use, don't sell it, just grow it and say it is a wild weed if discovered.

Foreword January 12, 2005:  The regime in power in the USA is forcing injections on the innocent, forcing prisons and assylums on sane and innocent men, forcing innocent men out of bureaucratic positions and replacing them with their criminal cohorts, such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in San Francisco, which should be the militia's primary target, including the National Treasury Employees Union. We should dismantle them through any means necessary. They are enemies to mankind.  Because Alabama government is closed and we are abused there, I welcome a revolution in the USA that leaves the current governments in shambles and in flames.  War criminals rule America and greed is the only virtue.  Let the Wars escalate.  They laugh at the abuse us.  Let us laugh when their cities crumble with our enemies caught in our hooks.  Welcome the war and know it has been waging, but now you are conscious of it.  Never trust the governments of the USA or their mercenaries.  A tribute to Jimmy Ogle and the collection of defunct political parties at the Parliament.  Jimmy believes we have a chance in peace. Jimmy has not been at war with our governments as the honest bank examiners have, dead and alive under their abuses

January 10, 2006 Foreword: I warn all Americans who are poor or working class to keep their children from the hands of USA government, including injections and pills and hospitals and schools, and if possible their cities. We in America would be better off dead in today's hostile environment, we being those at the bottom of the feeding chain, the caste system.

Foreword December 31, 2005: The new year brings in a cold realization-- I have a strike against me under California Law with federal approval for the rest of my life and the United States is no longer our sanctuary. My American Holocaust number is X 017 911 84, and I was given that number with no chance of a trial by jury, only forced injections, forced medical procedures, and the criminals of the federal government forcing me to sign papers of silence and subjugation in Los Angeles in 2001, for being an honest auditor of state and federal governments. When they die, praise the heavens for sending them to Hell. However, I doubt that many who reign in the courts are even human as we, but instead, cold blooded killers and thieves deserving of a Sicilian hogtie. I doubt that some are even touchable, like those large headed German looking types who reign in key positions.

We, the common American citizens, are on our own in all matters pertaining to us, our well being.  The government has become corrupted at the highest layers.  After observing their murders and callousness and corruptness in their courts, it is obvious the threats to our well being are not just international any longer, but national.

I encourage people to never turn to the USA governments to report corruption in the government.  It is a dreaded mistake.  I tried to report criminal after criminal in government and I have been beat down, and now I feel as I am a victim of the American Holocaust, with post traumatic stress inflicted by the enemy in power in the USA.

Protection your children.

Today's post is on DC Indymedia and LA Indymedia and Beirut Indymedia.

Foreword December 30, 2005: The courts of Los Angeles will not give me a trial by jury, instead imposing a strike upon an American citizen who was forcibly injected and forced to sign papers. I have a strike, therefore, regretably, the city where I served the USA military has courts that have made a strike against myself. Avoid all contact with the federal and state governments and their hospitals. The war is now. The war is waging. America is gone, as the arteries to the head, the government, have been severed by international and domestic terrorists. I would rather have died than to have gone through the holocaust of America, my holocaust in 2001. Let the dogs of war in is my sentiment. Who needs a nation that is not ours? Today's post is on Love Line 5, Comedy and Science, regarding weaponry allowing forced injections and medical manipulations without people's knowledge.

Foreword December 25, 2005: One of those odd letter days, like 4-3-2001.  Sometimes the mathematical variables and their expressions leave us baffled in our next move.

As an example of ruthlessness masquerading as justice for alleged ruthlessness, the regime gives us a glimpse of the future for all of us, if only we are lucky enough to be killed instead of forcibly injected and subjected to medical and psychological torture as I and others were, in its many forms.  I present Tookie Williams as my mortal example on of their imposed death upon us, soon to escalate again.  I would wish Tookie a Merry Christmas, but there is too much sorrow in the air, and there is work to be done here.


My two songs for today, Sweet Carow Lodi featuring the little China bastard of Guerre, Sun Tzu, with a finger or two for Sweet Carow Too, in mp3 and loader direct on server..  And the other song, Browns Lizards Laughter, to celebrate the birth of genetically engineered Dove's wings for man, linked on Indybay and in mp3 format.

Foreword December 27 2005: Vanity photos of artist in nude. Sweet Carol of corrupt federal bank examiners and Jack Snatch of corrupt lawmen can scratch my winged nut. Link to nude photos of auditor and artist, photo album.

Foreword December 26 2005: Song released today, Meet Me At The Warfield , in honor of the city and the landmark and the best catering service in the city, Brenda With Her Spoon. Music is Creole Rock, San Francisco Bent, Left Wheel. My dream is that at Mardi Gras next year a float be shown with outgoing Sheriff Jack "Snatch" Tillman of Mobile Alabama being held by Saint Ram Bone, who has him tied up like a chicken wing on a string, riding him bare back in circles. see Home Grown Music for Whippoorwill video or linked below.

Excerpt from December after Tookie Williams Post

Sometimes the clock-work orange is a magnitude of a weapon larger than a phalanx cannon. Our current predicament in the world, at least for those of us who are outcast from the fake governments and democracies of the USA and the world, is that of dismal and pathetic failures.  The time has come for global war, but in their chess match, they have all the pieces.  They act like animals, snapping at the air.  They shall be dealt with as animals, as we are not their damned beasts in cages, prisons, and medical experiment wards.

Foreword December 23, 2005: A new song is coming with video, "Meet Me In The War Field" by Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone. Zydeco mix with Hard Rock. Saint Ram Bone asks, "Where is my money for the abuses inflicted upon myself by the federal Nazis who have illegally abused the American and International Populace?" Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone for Mayor of his city where he is outcast by the illegally reigning regime, in his native city, Mobile Alabama. Our homes are worth nothing in Alabama because we do not have control of our governments locally. California Condo $450,000 or more, while Alabama house is $20,000. Both residents can or can not afford one equally in respect to the location. You do the math. They cast us out and then destroy us. Welcome the warlords of America. We are rising like the setting suns. Beware. Know the way out may always be laced.

Foreword December 18, 2005: We Americans of working class ancestry have lost control of the USA government, if we ever had it. I am an American Holocaust victim as of 2001, if not in 2000. The regime of money will not protect the innnocent. I urge others to review how they view the regime in power and their corrupt bureaucracy. Often when a society is collapsing in upon itself, as in America, there are those who try to protect their own. We are on our own and cannot expect the government to protect us. I know, I escaped death by their underground killers of some FDIC or NTEU faction and then was persecuted by their bureaucracy and courts. Beware my friends. The war is eternal.

Foreword Note December 17, 2005: It appears the currency of trade in San Francisco and California is marijuana, at $400 an ounce, higher than the price of gold. In San Diego a marijuana monopoly is being created by the local government criminals, most likely Mexican government criminals in the USA. We should rid ourselves of all Mexican and drug cartel officials in America. They think Americans are dullards. Article on

The regime in power is abusing the American populace from before the time they are born and until they are dead. Their injections of children should be viewed as suspect, as some are building a caste society with our people at the bottom. We have lost control of our government and bureaucracy in the USA. The weak and infirmed and naive are their favored victims.

I am calling for the organization of groups separate from the USA government. WE will protect our own. We will remove them from our presence in every fashion the sons of bitches and bastards if they try to invade us, including ridding ourselves of all of their drugs and their media. We should reach beyond our borders for our assistance if needed. WE are surrounded by our enemies. Extreme prejudices linger from WWII and now we find that men from various regions are persecuted in California and elsewhere. I welcome global war if necessary to remove their harnesses and poisons. Today's post is on New Orleans Indymedia.

I, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, am demanding $1 Million in holocaust reparations from the USA government. If I do not receive it, I want the war to escalate against the regime in power for not giving honest Americans the rights guaranteed in the Geneva Convention, including to be free from forced injections and physical and psychological abuse and medical experiments and torture in their prison and elsewhere. Sabotage is a beautiful thing if it tears down an evil empire.

Foreword Note December 16, 2005: I am demanding one million dollars for American Holocaust Reparations from the criminal faction in power in the USA government. I was a bank examiner turned informant who was subjected to forced medical procedures, an assassination attempt, and years of terror and abuse, some of it caught on video below. I do not expect it. I expect a future extermination of my people in the future and in the present.

Some say I have already had my trial by jury. I was held captive and injected with chemicals, physically abused, and mentally crushed. I was forced to sign an agreement saying I was in a crime for daring to defend myself. They will not give me a trial by jury, the Los Angeles Superior Court and the Federal Government. Alabama is just as guilty. A fireman in San Francisco said, "You had your trial by jury.".

Foreword December 13, 2005: Some say I preach hate. Some people fear peace and equality in the eyes of the law. We have neither.

Foreword December 12, 2005: I, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, auditor, analyst, and reporter, have discovered that the USA government is corrupted in some sectors to the point of being unsalvageable.  Many in America do not care about the ongoing holocaust in the USA, including forced medical procedures and other horrors. For alerting the public to murder in America's banking regulatory systems and government, I was forcibly injected by the USA government regime in power in California, subjected to forced medical procedures and abuse for years by their criminal associates in Washington D.C. who approved when Alabama government was also in on the melee after I had reported obvious and proven theft of inmate food funds by a Sheriff who helped in persecuting myself, a honest ex-federal bank examiner turned informant.   I want reparations for the Holocaust inflicted upon Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, forced Convict number, X xxx911xx with no chance of trial by jury in the enemy state of Los Angeles California.  or I want a national and international movement with a center focus or panel representing the nations and groups.  The time for confrontation globally may be now.  Today's post is a goodbye to a fellow human who got caught in the worst part of these dieing USA states and a note to a dieing man's family on

Foreword 12-4-2005: In regard to the horrors listed below, it appears that Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone is getting to be known among his favored people in the Bay Area and a few in Alabama, where some want to kill him and others exalt his investigations into corrupt government officials in the bridled United States. Fear not my flesh filled friends, we have an advantage in the mud pit called this life and its filthy games. Quatrains 3/Prophetic Poem Art 3, UPDATED today   and a pic with a thought for today is at I, Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone, was ordered by the corrupt Los Angeles Superior Court and the federal government criminals to stop all investigations in the vicinity of the FDIC after an attempt on my life and after being subjected to a holocaust environment in 2001, which lasted until late 2004. Let us discover the true nature of the criminal intent, let us move with haste, let us "not hesitate in the finest moments". War will be the only eternal solution in a world of animals calling themselves men and we must be like them and attack like pack wolves. Urge your children to not serve the military or the government of the USA and to train them to survive beyond their bureaucrats and brainwashing indoctrination under our enemies cold hands and feet on American soil.

Someone has just presented Kurt Brown--Saint Ram Bone a mobility chair. The money was not in it as usual mother f-er. Send it back to Kenneth and tell him to lend a hand, $1 Million Dollars in reparations for the American Holocaust inflicted upon myself and the regional director of the FDIC in SF in the early 1990's who was killed in his office and labeled suicide by the criminals who are associated with the federal murderers and slotting all key positions for their criminal kind. I will take the murderers reward sum right now--IN MY ELECTRIC CHAIR, stone f-in cold--snap crackle pop.

Foreword 12-1-2005 As a veteran held captive at the Los Angeles Veterans Administration Los Angeles, Westwood, and LA County Jail and tortured by the federal and California and Alabama governments as per the request of my past corrupt and murderous employer at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and their union the National Treasury Employees Union, with some of the abuse on videotape, I am demanding financial reparations for the American Holocaust I suffered for being an honest citizen and bank examiner turned informant and for the damage not only to myself, but my career as an honest auditor. Or I am hoping and requesting the forming of a resistance movement with a war declared in America against the closed government regime. We are obviously not all allies in America, so do not fool yourself. Proof of abuse like forced medical procedures on other veterans also is linked here and may still be at Scroll down to the 1999 Los Angeles paragraph. After abusing me they would not let me view my records. It was a nightmare being forcibly injected twice, subjected to medical forced procedures, and abused for 112 days while in jail and an insane asylum But worst was the three years of probation in which I was beat from my governments doors, on videotape below, and then being forced from my family, where I was attacked again and made partially blind with a poison. The blindness can be verified through my Los Angeles Probation officers.   Mobile Audit Club has other links with proof of abuse on this site. I used to fear death and global war, and now I see it as a transition in the life form. Some have no clue at the depth of the eternal struggle. 

For them, it is about money and power.  For us, it is about survival and an equitable and fair society.  We are on opposite sides of the closed government doors. 

If I, Kurt A. Brown, forced signature saying that I was a felon, X number xxx 91 1xx, does not receive financial reparations for the injections and psychological torture and imprisonment and extortion and harassment of my family and destruction of my career and reputation, I want a national and international movement to stop every election in America henceforth, particularly those that do not allow all citizens in to vote. The elections do not matter as they are not counted but it is a step in the right direction.  Many states do not allow us to vote or enter their god cursed government meetings, which is a violation of law, but they are war criminals in power behind those illegally closed government doors.

They are likely not even human, or at least they are so ignorant they are like serial killers or cold blooded animals akin to primitive sharks and reptiles.  The time for men with brains, ethical fortitude, and courage to come together and rid ourselves of the overlords who are simpletons among us and amassing wealth to the detriment of the world and our people.  You must be very precise in excising them from your presence or they and their ignorance resurface, over and over.

One District Attorney, a young kid in Los Angeles being paid by corrupt members of the government called me a "Menace to Society", for running for my life and reporting murders in the federal banking regulatory industry and for a murder attempt upon my life, simply so he could extort money from me or pick up another government check for himself. He was as bad as the judge who set my bail at One Million Dollars for having legally owned guns in a UHaul and Truck with other household belongings, while parked outside the LA VA graveyard and sleeping in the front seat. If I had not been injured in their military, the UHAUL would have been unloaded. Thanks for the supports I say. Let the regimes leaders take point. We have their back, those who abuse us.  The federal government's allies in the criminal infested National Treasury Employees Union and the FDIC, had been injecting me forcibly, performing medical procedures on me forcibly, at the LA VA in April 2001, and imprisoning me and threatening me with long term incarceration or placement long term in an insane assylum.  Because I could not pay their extortion of ONE MILLION DOLLARS, I was forced to sign papers, as I could not make my case in jail and while being abused and tortured, and the California government orally demanded silence on the attempt on my life, and now some proof is given in that Sheriff Jack Tillman in Mobile Alabama has been proven to be a thief and had helped on 4-3-2001 to worsen the post traumatic stress I had endured from an assassination attempt by federal banking regulatory associates, closely associated with my last employer the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the huge criminal infested union, the National Treasury Employees Union.  The Menace to Society is the Los Angeles Superior Court and the Federal government there, as they will not give me a trial by jury and they allow abuses of veterans like they are dogs or guinea pigs for experimental torture.  They made me sign papers and took my legally owned firearms, some my only defense and some of them family heirlooms.  Welcome the coming world war or give me the One Million Dollar restitution for the suffering in the time of the American Holocaust, which started for me in 2001. They wanted bail for One Million Dollars, I want the bottom bid on restitution to myself to be One Million Dollars to be used to help house disabled veterans in California and Alabama or a state of your choice.  The mass media holds a bloody rag for the world's wealthy while we the common Americans are buried under their bullets and prisons and their criminal echelons associated with drugs and the casinos that have sprung up in America like veneral warts, needing to be cleared from our soil. American corporate profits are swindled through the use of casinos, is the most likely scenario, in addition to their crooked gaming and money laundering in association with NTEU banks and FDIC assistance. 

Today's post is on LA Indymedia.

November 29, 2005: Today's mass media announced that someone was conspiring to kill, "President George W. Bush Jr.".  The media should have just called him "W" to continue their good-ole-boy propaganda front.

When assassins from within the federal government or their associates in the criminal union infesting the USA Treasury, tried to kill myself in 2001, an ex-federal bank examiner and auditor, they called me insane, injected me, endangered my life for years, and destroyed my reputation and imprisoned me, and created havoc for my family.  Hell, who cares what happens to those in power in the closed door regime when we are attacked by their cohorts in arms.  I want reparations for the holocaust imposed upon myself since the W regime took power.  Clinton was no better in the end.  He was just as well dead as the EEOC at that point allowed the termination of disabled veterans for their disabilities so that the slotting of key positions could continue at the banking regulatory agencies, the FDIC and Treasury. They are not what they seem, so do not shed a tear when they disappear. They do not care for the common auditor with ethics as he gets in their way.

In other words, in many American's opinion, Bill Clinton can suck a disabled veteran's cock and dance on the watery tomb of W in New Orleans.  Who gives a shit in a holocaust state.  WWIII or reparations is the final solution I am calling for, Kurt Brown, convicted felon in the eyes of the state of California, never given a trial by jury, forced silent on a murder attempt against myself.  I am from the poor.  I am ready for the end of the suffering in the USA, however it has to be done. Their lies are apparent. The corruption has spread into our corporations and the design of our lives. Capitalistic USA in the positive sense is dead. Is it the downfall or a new day? Does anyone care other than myself? (Today's post is on Beirut Indymedia.) They deliberately break us down. Break away from the American indoctrination of your children, as it is in the Soviet and Nazi tradition of their conquered states.

Foreword November 28, 2005:  The planting of seeds for ideas and the manipulation of minds should never be overlooked as the hidden and most important intrusion into our personal lives and the greater society by the international billionaires mass media.  It shapes how we view the modern world  in our era of forced injections by the USA government, legally widespread in the Southwest USA since 2001, and actually much sooner in some cities. 

The lie will be unveiled.  The distorting of truth and the hammering of our people into exclusion from the government makes me want to agree with the USA Senator who used the American Constitution, or its remnant part, as toilet paper to wipe his anus on their censored mass media. 

The time will come.  I urge all to separate their societies into smaller groups with concentration on protection of the young and their manipulation to achieve their highest potential.  Biologically engineered people will share often times the traits of serial killers, who kill with absolutely no sense of true humane empathy.  It will take a healthy populace of diverse backgrounds, perhaps with humane conscience, to over-ride and destroy the enemy who has closed our governments doors to many of us and will increasingly do so, betraying the people of the United States of America on their own soil.

We have been led astray.  The time to recover or to initiate action to recover what was lost is always NOW in real time.  Boycott and dismantle international billionaire censored media, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, etc. etc and their billionaire mass media with its goal in mind, not ours.  The bastards likely have children in space colonies and we can not even see their insect heads because we have no longer have a viable space program in the United States.  We will likely become extinct with the oil dependency alleviation goal of our people, as those who control oil at its highest layers share the seat with the whores who control USA government, media, and their god damned casinos and prisons and drug smugglings in the government.  The USA is like Hong Kong was, we need our fix. I welcome the international militia and its final solution in the ongoing chain of final solutions.  The serial killer never sleeps and he is smarter than the more ethically intelligent in some cases. It will take many indirect glances in combination for a synergistic effect.

In the 1950's it was made law on US Currency to read, "In God We Trust". It is amazing how the current regime prays in front of their closed door governments as they do on Comcast in that dreaded and corrupt city near you or your heart. By doing so, the government openly violates the Open Meetings Law and their comrade in arms against us, Comcast, violates their agreement to Open Community Access Television because citizens are barred. The war is always international.

Foreword November 25, 2005: To celebrate the armed and insane regime and its killing and imprisoning for oil profits for eternity and to counter the regime's declaration that I, or we, are insane, I direct you to an anti-war demonstration in Crawford Texas where I once again allow all who trust the government as I did, to sit in my electric chair. We provide the and video at article.

Foreword November 22, 2005: I encourage all gun owners to beware that criminal factions within the government are trying to incriminate all who own guns and who have opposing viewpoints to their own. The regime has factions in the USA that are killing gun owners with their own guns...see the FDIC suicide in San Francisco early 1990's, which was a murder. We must help to break the Soviet style manipulations of the casino and prison and oil regime.

After the horrors of forced injections, no trials by jury, and watching as murder is allowed by factions of the regime in power throughout much if not all of the USA, I search for those who will assist those with humane empathy in the event of a national or global cataclysmic event, either natural or manmade. My local government in Alabama and in Los Angeles has proven that they do not care if I survive. The feeling is mutual.

Foreword November 20, 2005:  I remind all of our people to pull away from the main stream indoctrination in the USA resembling Soviet style indoctrination, including caste setting.  I have put up a pic of a severed head I drew long ago in my acrylic arts phase, it was right before 9-11-2001.  The pic is linked here on Seattle Indymedia, where a shooting is discussed.    It is acrylic on canvas, 2-feet by 2-feet, and is for sale for $91.10.  The same painting is on sale at a counter recruitment campaign on the North Coast, . Contact

Foreword November 19, 2005:  Pardon Moi or is it Moyez, to correct the date of a bank examination or I should say, an issuance of a charter, or business license, for a potential bank owner and operator while I was employed at the FDIC and observing corruption within the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and potential bank owners.  The date of the bank charter issuance in which I assisted was in 1999 near Sacramento.  "You should'a seen the grease dripping off of that Low rent cut throat Reno-Type Shinney Slime Ball".  "Makes me want Old San Pedro in a fishin boat to salt the racketeers down".  A quote from this bank examiner-X a holocaust victim later, USA 2000-2005.  F-ck em in the next election mates.  I saw a church used as a voting booth and there were no frequent flyer Libertarians there. Disenfranchisement and social abuse were everywhere and criminals started falling out like a sinking pirate ship when I prodded at their shit filled sides with my Xtra-ARD Brown F-DIC. To mark the grave of those would-be pirates in our children's futures, one of my hopeful wives will dance Bharata Natyam on their soil covered head, and here she is in a Quicktime movie, dancing Bharata Natyam. Dance of the red hand.

November 17, 2005 Foreword: I urge all people to refrain from funding the criminal regime in power. In particular, the casinos that are used to launder our wealth. Their drugs are just as bad, from alcohol to pot to their favorite, cocaine. "W" means, "F-ck You". W means what Harrah's casino in Lake Tahoe? Encircle an honest auditor again, and I hope you are taken out of the equation is our message to the Lake Tahoe Casino Federal Fan Club with the murderous National Treasury Employees Union. Threaten me, go ahead, I like the aperture. A time for war is in America. They drew first blood.

Foreword November 11, 2005: Late Update: I assisted in the interview of what I suspected was a corrupt money launderer from the Reno Casinos who wanted a bank charter in 1999 in the California area when I was a bank examiner for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). I reported this fact despite the fact that the current FDIC regional director of 2001 is a composite piece of a larger criminal conspiracy and swindle against common Americans in my opinion based upon research and facts at the bottom of this Home Page Mobile Audit Club. Tonight, I went into a Nevada Casino and soon found a table of goons playing tick-tack-follow, as I left after dinner. One bank examiner is dead from the early 1990's in San Francisco, the Regional Director. I would wager the corruption of money laundering is rampant. Our enemies travel in packs like dogs connected at the waist. The technology factor is a constant, or it shoud be when viewing them and dealing with them.

As the lyrics to the new song go, "No where to run". Let the international parody and fights begin. Know Nevada as enemy territory in the Casinos and where the state allows forced injections. The time to finish World War I, II, III, !!!! is now. Fear not the growing tide of blood.

The same may go for Biloxi Casinos and all others. It is the domain of the cut throat mind with no ethics and the criminals have moved in for the kill. So be it, let us dance like devils.

Today corruption grips America and we, the Americans, are forced to accept the corrupt and closed door government being used against us and the world. Veterans Day means nothing. If most recruits knew the truth of horrors contained in this site, they would choose another job other than mercenary--hired killer. Forced injections by the federal government with forced silence on murder and attempted murder of federal bank examiners. I, a veteran, am allowed "NO TRIAL BY JURY". Never again would I trust a nation gutted and left with betrayal in key positions. To the woman dead in the crosswalk in San Francisco, to my own close calls with a person driving DWI, or DWO. has today's post.

Foreword November 7, 2005: Today the grand lie on mass media is that any man can be a millionaire investment banker in the USA. Liars, we are ostracized from government and industry and tortured and humiliated and driven from our families and robbed of everything, and if we speak against the criminal element ruling over us we are often executed like dogs. We are at war with a cruel and sinister element in America, or they are at war with us and the world and many do not know it. Congratulations to the revolutionaries in France. We need a focus for physical thrust and a leader to help us crush their inhumane grip. Overthrow the international closed door and violent regimes. Burn their media and puppet rulers if global war erupts. Lastu Ghaniyaan is Arabic for, "I am from the Poor". Viva La Revolucion. Internationale Syndicate of Humane Humans Rising. Welcome the coming global wars. We will all be better off dead rather than under our enemies design but the war is ongoing, so hide your weapons and patents until the hour needed. Bush appears to be a front for our enemies faction, but even that is a distraction from the true cause of our God Damned American nightmare. Today's post is on Marseille France Indymedia.

Foreword October 22, 2005: "I am known as the auditor and bank examiner the USA government did experiments upon" I did not give myself that label. I do not know what all they did to me outside of the horrors I know and the VA in LA Westwood did not let me view my medical records.

Someone recently had a website in the mid-East running some of my art on their websites. I saw a picture I painted of a decapitated head with a human hand print on the artwork. The picture will be linked here soon and the artwork is for sale for $911, with all of the proceeds going to the singer and activist, Cat Stevens, Yusef Islam's favored Arab speaking charity. His Pulitzer Peace Prize means nothing when our guns are used against us. He is fobidden entry into our over-run USA. If you are interested in advance purchase before publication of the image, again, and if you want to contact me regarding purchase, contact

Foreword October 19, 2005: Mobile Audit Club will be Mobile for a while. We are taking care of business under contract and the posts here may be less infrequent during the next few weeks. Stay tuned and do not forget to remain aware of the horrors of our society, and for a laugh, take a look at our latest adventure on page Love Line 5, Science and Comedy, where we unearth the first clue left by SainTramBone.

Foreword October 14, 2005: Today's post is on Beirut Indymedia. A sense of hopelessness pervades much of my world and many of my kin and myself on bleak days.  We have lost some sort of war in America.  Our government is gone.  For those who behave as our enemies, if you have space colonies, it is my hope you pay with pure Hell when you are caught, as life on this planet has become Hell under your ape-like idiocy.  Go Ahead, Take The Toll Booth, who cares, sabotage for us is akin to ridding us of attorneys with no ethics who are controlled by the criminally insane in Washington D.C., or perhaps they are not like us at all, and view us as a farmer does his poultry.  After the attempts and injections and abuse I have received for being an honest auditor and abiding by constitutional law, I vote for the freedom fighters of the world in their native lands, including the Mujahideen of Iraq, for mayor of my city if they remove the criminals who hide behind armed guards and kick us into the gutters and will soon rob of us of more than money.  I would prefer the grave if that is necessary, for all of us.  It appears we have to meet the dead-line sooner than expected.

Foreword October 12, 2005: The feeling of an approaching war is encompassing lower Alabama in Mobile.  The lines of friend and foe are more clear now.  The government is closed.  A war like element is among us and stopping us from entering government and voting.  Beware of quick assumptions in slitting the throat of an supposed enemy. 

Someone said that if I, auditor and investigative reporter Kurt Brown was black, I would be allowed into my government.  Another man scoffs at me as a lesser, and he is white, or appears such.  Our eyes deceive us in who is our enemy of our American soil.  I believe that if a fellow bank examiner was black and who left as I did with the information I did from federal government, he to would be excluded and beaten down. I welcome the lacing of our "True" enemies, those who close the door on us, to have their entrails entangled in telephone wire, starting at their loud vocal chords. The government forces experiments on veterans and they force injections on whistle blowers. We should applaud the freedom fighters in their native land, not attack them. Any freedom fighter in that right is my fellow soldier.

The piss-ants among them taunt, bring it on.  I remember fighting against mechanical odds.  I will wait until they are crippled like I am, in body and spirit, and then I will decide if I too will kick them as they do me or us, and then I will decide if I too will want to have them eliminated as they have done and tried to do to myself.

Let us pray for our release from the corrupt government, or let us pray for the annihilation of the planet.   Pray to who or what you choose, as enlightened minds have more than one perspective, freedom. 

We must take positive action in forming international alliances with stringent methods of observing them observe us.  We will always be tracked, or you should assume such, including with internet connections.  We are all no longer alliances in the United States.  It is as if a wealthy what-knot took control of the governments.  They laughed at me being beaten by their mob.  I will laugh when all of consciousness eliminates their boastfulness. 

They fear free thinkers and free men.  Let it erupt.

Today's comment is after an article on regarding a man who is on death row in our sabotaged USA.  I have included a picture of "Snatch", a lawman who has murdered, framed, and stolen from the innocent.  I hope to have the option soon in this life or the next to hang him on a sun swept beach on a large abandoned telephone pole, just like the Spanish used to do the Dutch in the 'Dam.

Foreword October 10, 2005:  I hope that some day, the people of Alabama can have their government back.  Today, it is owned by outsiders.  To serve those fascist cut throats controlling the United States in our era is a tragic mistake.  Betrayal makes us all want to wet our lips with blood.  But how? The masters control the weapons, the prisons, the nightmare.  Perhaps we will have a small world war, escalated when necessary.  The war against the people of my state has been long going.  I do not believe all of the history in the his-story books anymore than I believe that we have a democracy by our people.  The lie is in the quicksand.

Foreword October 9, 2005:  I, an ex-bank examiner  survived attempts on my life by assassins sent by criminals within the government of the USA.  I started this site to create awareness of the criminals attacking me and who have murdered others.  The governments of America have obviously been taken over by a sinister element.  It will take a sinister collection of minds to oust them from our presence.   They can spy in ways you can not imagine. They, or it, tell us lies and they or it keeps secrets from us. I will have a new song out soon with more videos coming. I may need back up at the gates of government meetings and court sesssions in Mobile Alabama or at the LAX Airport Court in Los Angeles where we will try to film and test in some of their courts. Overthrow the criminal faction of the regime. Accept no lies, accept no abuse.  A note to what is eating you, NTEU, "We are not paper tigers, and neither were our ancestors."   Accept death my fellow empathetic humans in battles on your own soil, as the reaping is much greater in sorrow if you do not. Today's post is on LA Indymedia calling for videographers to test and analyze government and their murderous courts. (A personal note: Thanks Sheriff Jack Snatch Tillman of Mob AL for proving my point, as he admits to taking and intending to take greater than $315,000 from many including the mouths of Un-Born Children in female inmates.)

To illustrate how insanely cruel some are in American Government, as a result of a bit of a speech impediment from my childhood resurfacing when under extreme stress, once I was ordered punished and it continues to this day, per the orders of a government psychiatrist bucking for a promotion and inmates at her Vietnamese institution on American Soil, the VA in LA in Westwood, I received forced injections and and incarceration in an insane asylum with forced medical procedures and eventually a $1,000,000 bail or ransom and the forced signature saying I was a felon for owning legal firearms and they demanded silence on the attacks on my life and the murder labeled suicide at the FDIC in San Francisco. Our enemies in American government will not give me a trial by jury in California, where I mistakenly served the US government. They are the terrorists, not our fellow lower caste in Iraq or Lebanon.    The Vietnamese psychologist, who wanted a promotion and who was holding hands with our enemies who abuse and murder in the federal government, said, "Do you know you are speaking quickly?". 

In order to conquer the speech impediment, I learned to bypass it by sometimes speaking in a more natural rhythm, which when under stress is a quicker speech pattern.  I stuttered otherwise.  I want the LA VA Westwood shut down or I want their buildings lit up by the international lower caste liberation arm and the entire government of Los Angeles viewed as an enemy of the American people and the world.  It is already that way in Alabama and much of D.C. Tiger Paws OUT, who cares if we have a full scale world war, maybe some will survive in Happiness and freedom. Positive capitalism is dead in America. Thanks for helping with the downfall NTEU.

Foreword October 8, 2005:  Portland Indymedia Article with video demonstrating exponential increase in rate of melting of polar ice caps with comment by Mobile Audit Club and a free government leprosy pic.  Once again the world of propaganda and news and censorship collide, this time on  We are on our own regardless of who we are fighting.   Form your groups in advance.   "The worst part of telling the truth about criminals in government, is that their alliances can legally imprison you, stick you with needles and inject you with chemicals, in the regime's America of 2005.  I would love to get retribution for that little turn of the die by some social climbing bureaucrats of the opposing  federal alliance of hi-jacked government. 

Like Archimedes Principle, they came in one by one, step by step, replacing each of their opponents until nothing remained except the awakening, right before death or life or that feeling.

Foreword October 7: 2005: The questions of the day, "How much money do the Sheriffs of America's towns and cities make in ill-gotten funds?  Everything from kickbacks on $700 a month long distance bills on their pay phones for what would be a $50 charge with a calling card.  Then there are the food funds they steal from inmates, including pregnant women. 

"How much does it really cost to feed an inmate per day Sheriff Jack Snatch?"  And Mayors Wod, who have learned to steal and hide their funds, "How much does a cement dildo in the mouth or anus of any old Mobile Bay cost?"  " Then there is the question of, "How many blow jobs could you buy with the money it costs to hire an employee forced upon you by a leg-end-ary Councilman Sullivan at the Mob AL YMCA". One last cruise mates!" "One last hidden cruise"

"If only we could bend or slow time and flush those criminals from America's and the world's system. They are just like those alleged bastards of the foreign dictatorships.

Bonsoir to Couleur Trois Online Radio Crew and thanks for the condominium gift to ease my Post Traumatic Stress while I am in France, Merci moi Amir parlez vous SainTramBone.

Foreword October 5 2005: Today, a young woman in Alabama was behind me in a store.  She made a non-verbal gesture as of breaking and eating bread, in the religious sense.  If she recognized me as that silenced voice fighting for hers and every common persons rights, especially in the socially oppressed zones, all of our rights being denied in many cases to all of us who can not afford extortion through legal expenses.

I wanted to hold her hand and lead a procession of bumper to bumper traffic to a new city, one where life was natural, and not contrived and strained like a mule in the harness, like modern day Alabama, where even the right to vote is taken away.  I would veer clear of Los Angeles and the South West, as their states allow forced injections and medical atrocities on their people, our people, us, me and you and everyone else of ethical values.

If a war ever passes our way, I hope we choose the right troop to cling to.    A young woman on the North West Coast seemed glad to hear she would come with me, yes, me too.  Rodney Dangerfield awaits with a chisel and hacksaw in the nude to remove clingers on with Walter Mathau singing accapella to a Jack-son with a heart shaped hole in the parking lot. (Jackson's Heart Shaped Hole on, Windows streaming video, music and video by Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone, filmed in Mobile Alabama and San Francisco) -- I commemorate this video to James Carpenter, a man who died in the dungeons and whose corpse I helped to resume with a price tag on it for his children's benefit.  The price has not yet been paid in full yet, Jack.  See you in the filter zone.

Foreword 10-4-2005: Most of America's public officials are not elected through public votes as in a "True Democracy". Snatch them off of their horses or remove them from the television screens and use haste as in battle is my advice. The United States is no longer a nation of our forefathers or of our children. Never again let your family serve the regime as they are violating all trust and laws. We will likely be at war with their leaders soon enough, full scale and engaged.

Today is Tuesday, the meeting day of my native city's closed government at 10:30 p.m. Those who run the city of Mobile Alabama should be dealt with as if they have ousted and murdered our true benevolent and wise leaders, as their form of carpet bag government is soon to become history.

Because I wrote this song in a festive batallion spirit, I sing, "Sueet Carol Affair", as the world screams for more. We should ignore and pull away from those who are on the government payroll when investigating deaths, suspicious deaths of key money handlers such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's death of their last, in my opinion, honest Regional Director in San Francisco, who was murdered and labeled suicide by government investigators in the early 1990's, according to what I could glean from my personal Deep Throat in short pumps. I survived their assaination attempt and now I want the National Treasury Employees Union dismantled, every damned brick and pane of glass. To that Melody I sing "Sueet Carol Affair" in mp3 with a new Diane Cannon on every beam, to protect and detect and let the gallows whistle sweet carols. I will have a Paypal link up soon. I was told someone wanted to make me a donation in my, or our, efforts. If you have a request in your donation, send non-sensitive details to

The natives of America's cities should take back their cities and region if a global war erupts. Damn the closed door lieing regime(s). I should have left with my family from the USA long ago. Let the international games allow in some more players, us. Burn the Bush of wires.

Foreword 10-2-2005:  In regard to the role, I, Kurt Brown, alter-ego Saint Ram Bone, has played in revealing the cut throat nature of the American banking industry and its regulators, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the National Treasury Employees Union and their hundreds of government agencies.   Saint Ram Bone says regarding his offer of re-employment at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in San Francisco as ARD FDIC San Francisco, "You never know when you are going to need this kind of cantankerous fellow".  "You are a bunch of pencil pushers at the FDIC and much of the USA governments with a cotton swab up your asses and it is being rotated by a bunch of good fellows working for international war criminals.  "SainTramBone will want an office with Sueet Carol and he will want to bring his musical instruments, his ARD FDIC laptop." Remember the old Ditty I wrote to our love and Uncle Carbuncle, Mass'a Ho". "Sueet Carol Lodi Sun Tzu And Bring Your Severed Massa's Bug Hole In Twixt The Du". "I love war and love. Was it in my resume?" But only if it is done right, twice, thrice, who who knows stuttering who? In mp3. Sorry about the separation, or matrimonial severage between Sueet Carol and Mass-hole De Bug Hole. Thanks to one of those latter day FDIC, wipe, heterosexuals.

In fact, I, as a bank examiner observing bank examiners often wanted to run technological tests and inspections on some of the odd good fellows of the FDIC in San Francisco,  and LA, to see what made them tick.  Of course there are key players in other suspect areas.  Of course, considering the fact that WWI and WWII and current day, 2000+X, have a very peculiar nature in the social interactions.  I speculated upon some things to consider.  Mankind can be manipulated due to his lack of perception.  When I speak of mankind, I am not speaking of some representative of mankind in form, but something that is peculiar to true mankind in that he or others can not detect in its true nature.

I once envisioned waiting to fight on a hill.  Two troops approached from different nations.  A challenged young officer contrived two mechanical soldiers of two opposing forces and fired upon both sides with each while the challenged young officer stood back.

They tore each other apart and afterward, he sat down, ate, and dined, eventually dined upon by the insects descendants from the battlefields.

Foreword September 29, 2005: At what degree we the common human in the world have lost our government is debatable. Many government agencies and locales should be shut down and their inhabitants deported or executed. That is my opinion. The Los Angeles Veterans Administration Hospital in Westwood committed atrocities against this veteran in violation of the Geneva Convention and the same to numerous other veterans. They never did let me view my medical records, abusing me and my rights in an antiseptic fashion. The problem is, they are the disease.

Therefore I move that the LA VA Westwood facility and the acrage be split in two, with half being sold as discount rate condos to veterans in need, and that the other be used as a place for the homeless and others to park and camp and gain shelter. I spit in their face from afar and welcome WWIII to leave their jaws jutted ajar. Of course then Alabama's closed government doors will have to be jutted ajar also, or their jaws ex-post-facto. The message, Mass-hole send Sweet Carow kisses, du massage.

Foreword September 26, 2005:  Update, it appears Douglas Wood, Iraqi Captive was returned home.  This video footage of New Orleans I made to help save him shows "some" areas of New Orleans no longer existent in the music video section, "Stone Cold In My Electric Chair".  Mass media news clip link regarding the Wood's return. Wood and I share some similarites, we were both held hostage and we both were partially blinded, he allegedly by Iraqis, I by criminals within the federal and state governments of the falling United States. I hope the Iraqi freedom fighters who are protecting their lands from invasion by the international war criminal syndicate are now as safe as Douglas Wood. The US governments turned against the common man of America and the world.

Today's post is a thought on societies maladies and its concurrent malady of an arthritic condition and the cure to both, on Quatrains III page of Mobile Audit Club.   A Hell-0 to Couleur Trois radio online and this message, " Mo from Humboldt enroute to gay Paris via Amsterdam and Wod il Pistillino to be shipped with the Wod of Pork Worms and Snatch has medication and a Heart Shaped Hole, de-void.

Foreword September 25, 2005: (Today's late post is a call to Union Organizers to the federal banquet per the rupture of the NTEU and the release of agencies to new unions, one independent union per agency, like Canada's non-collusion inviting design.) Boston Indymedia Post on subject with pic of Sheriff who tried to force me into prison after I reported his thievery and homicide, 4-3-2001.

A call to an American Revolution against the closed door regime and their international war criminals who sit at our gates beating us down. The news post is on Beirut Indymedia. Do not fear the lesser coward with the bigger gun. Just cut his ammo supply and push him off of the precipice. They have disarmed honest Americans and abused us. Crush the regime, crush the regime and give us back our rights, all of them, or break the United Statets into numerous nations. Who cares, I welcome their removal in the flesh or post mortem. Beirut Lebanon Indymedia.

Foreword September 24, 2005: (Today's Post in two comments on Portland Indymedia, Help Save Victims of the Closed Door Regime's Abuse, Including Doctors) In the United States, we, the honest and humane Americans, have lost our government and as a result, our top industries.  Those who control the government, or that which controls the government, is a dangerous psychopath.  A war against us is under way.  You must be prepared.

Do not ever trust anyone associated with the regime.

Know how to protect one's self and family from chemical and biological attacks.  The regime has an ample supply of nerve gas and a cocktail of other lethal substances and as you can see from my videos, they do not deem us as worthy of being their equals in their presence, so be it, they shall only suffice as the lesser of the Bone family in our presence. Give them no peace if they try to resurrect the puppet states.

Have a stock supply of canned foods, bottled water, and have some dried beans and such that are capable of being planted in the event you survive the onslaught and if they are gotten rid of by the mercenaries factions supporting our people.

Know how to deal with corpses, burn or bury them, as they spread disease.

Form alliances now between local, national, and international groups. Have militia of various groups. Do not share all details with each other. We are infiltrated by our enemies, especially through forced interrogations and methods we are unaware.

Remember, in weaponry and deceit, they have the upper hand. Stealth and randomness shall be our forte if we are to survive. Remember, the American Indian lost due to lack of weaponry, not lack of courage.

Never ever drop your guard and never ever think the regime is your ally.  They are not our ally in peace or war.  They are not our gods or our brothers, as their bloodletting, murders, forced injections, and raping of our constitution and bill of rights and their prison state illustrates.

Support the international freedom fighter and keep your children from the grips of those who control us like their farm animals.  Do not weep when they are gone.  They are not us and they do not care about you or I or our families.

It is over in America.  I once feared global war, and now I see it as fine silloquoy to the end of a nightmarish life in a media filled world of lies of happiness and brotherhood by the government towar us.  Now I see that the regime could lose and that we will have to rid ourselves of the factions remaining in our quadrants. Remember, our greatest enemies already have space colonies hidden, and they will come back for their private Earth banquet.  Take no pity or mercy in the blood baths of the battle. Be swift and final.  Protect your children from all contact with the regime, their media, and their ideas meant to control and abuse us. 

God D-mn the closed door criminal regimes of America and their crushing of our right to trials by jury. The Supreme Court said each state can decide if we are entitled to a trial by jury. I deem we not need or want or believe in the Supreme Court, their Federal Government, or their local puppet governments whose courts have war criminals as our judges. To the creator of this nightmare, Please Crush The Closed Door Regime.

Foreword September 23, 2005: On this morning I salute the freedom fighters of the Arab world with a post to Beirut Indymedia. I urge the common American to keep their children from serving the closed door regime and to beware of their fake compassion for our people. Tell them after we have kicked their asses, "Get Out", just like they do to me at the government meetings and just like they do to our brothers at the closed and restricted voting booths. Have no mercy in the final hours, it must be quick and permanent.

A high and significant probability exists that the United States Vice President, Dick Cheney, was arranged to have a pace-maker.  Therefore all electronics could not be used to test him and when he is in conference with others of the closed door regime. 

We are engaged in a technological confrontation with the regime in power and other competing international psychopaths.   Crank up the volume.  This is no child's game and it is no time for whimpering and no holes are barred in this confrontation.  The chips are down and our opponents have conned us to the point near extinction.  If they close the door to you as they did myself, I give you the green light to do with them as you wish . They are not my or our countrymen.  Our countrymen believed in the sanctity of the human mind and body and enlightened social and open interaction.  Who cares if their regime and abuses cease to exist?  I do not.

Foreword September 22, 2005: Today's post is a Video released on, Video of governmental abuse, and a free song by Mobile Audit Club, "Wanna Mess With Me, Mess With Dirt". Never accept the governments abuse of the common man's rights. A call to the militia and armies of the world to rise against the tyrants who close our governments, steal our mass media, and lie to us while they keep secrets, including forcibly injecting and silencing honest auditors of America's corrupted banking and treasury system. Do not let them steal our children's hopes. The time for actions is now. ORGANIZE.

Foreword September 21, 2005: Today's post on with new music in mp3, "Wanna Mess With Me Mess With Dirt" to accompany upcoming video, with request to depose one knot-head behind a closed government door, Reggie Copeland and assembly of Mob AL. No trials by jury for us in the USA, therefore no more full out felonies by them upon us. Split the onion and find the worm. Audit principle 1. Help suport uncensored

Foreword September 19, 2005: Because George Bush Jr. was not elected into office by popular vote and because their Chief Supreme Court Justice nominee, John Roberts, is not being appointed by an official President, and because of our justice systems collapse, we should demand his removal from the office of the Supreme Court Justice during the next political coup election, if not before, so help us alliance of man. 

One U.S.A.  Senator said our government is evolving by, "Restricting the right to due process".  One old wise person once said, they tell each other secrets and tell us lies.  We want to hear neither their lies nor any secrets.  We were an open and free nation.  Because they no longer allow a guaranteed "Trial by Jury", nor do they allow, "The Right to Bear Arms",  nor do they allow the "Guarantee of Reasonable Bails and Bonds",  the Victorian era of warfare and post negotiation is hereby reinstated. 

Foreword September 18, 2005: Today's post on Italy Indymedia, and a scientific theory on new combatant weaponry on the Weapons and Comedy page on page Love Line 4 on this Mobile Audit Club website.

Foreword September 17, 2005: Today's alias for President Bush, Jr. is "Mr. Robot-O". "Yesterday it was Techno George". Are all of our politicians on remote control by a Korean warlord or Nazi death camp designer? Today's post is on Amsterdam Indymedia and is a collection of videos and my art.  The last video on the post, "Stone Cold In My Electric Chair" is my favorite.  What happened to Douglas Wood?  The message is that our government in the United States has closed its door on Americans and we fear them more than we do terrorists.  We acknowledge them for what they are and encourage people to draw back and withhold giving them patents to anymore technological weaponry or tools to be used against us.  The trust has been raped and the children and their parents destroyed. There is no more us in the United States of America.

Foreword September 16, 2005: Todays post is on New Orleans Indymedia. When the category 3 levee in New Orleans was built, the decision for a category 3 levee being brought up to a 5, could not be discussed. Now, when I try to enter the Mobile Alabama government meetings as an auditor and reporter, the city council president said, "I can not discuss it". We should not give those who abuse us a trial by jury if we are ever given our day of freedom. Their religious symbols and prayers mean nothing while we are being beaten. We need our nation or we need their extinquishment as rulers of our destiny. We are destiny's children.

It has become obvious that I, Kurt Brown,  a native resident of Mobile Alabama USA, mean nothing to the rulers in power locally or nationally.  They call the local rulers the Mobility as in Nobility, but what I see are war criminals whose government is closed and the politicians and bureaucrats are corrupt and abusive like other war criminals through history.

 I have received forced injections by the government, forced silence, imprisonment, no chance for a trial by jury, and now I want their trials in the streets of America or in war criminal tribunal if there is an aftermath..  I give the Green Light to re-take our nation and regain its constitution, or give us eternal death in their hands I pray.  

Bush you fake brain dead cock sucker and military crew, get our troops, our people out of Iraq.  Overthrow the oil dictatorship regime.  We are drowning on the Gulf Coast of the USA already. Break Oil Dependency and force patents onto market that bypass oil usage for energy.

We are nothing in their eyes. Beware that their combatants could be battling you eye to eye and yet their bodies and life could be 200,000 miles or more away. The regime calls me criminal and insane and will not give me a trial by jury. I see others suffering. We must organize at the lowest levels, those of us lowest in their eyes.

Foreword September 15, 2005: I, auditor and musician Kurt Brown, have a new video release and audit report with video abuse in Mobile Alabama by local government, this time Councilman (Beast or Machine) Copeland and accomplices, accompanied with our new music sound track.  I hope to release it by the end of the year 2005.  I have given up hope for change in Mobile Alabama and I fear for much of the USA. Therefore, as the old song goes, we will be, "Sleeping Above Ground" in mp3 format". Have you ever heard life on many planes, with many variations?

The ironic thing about marijuana prohibition and alcohol prohibition is that when one was legal, the other was not, and now we are set in stone age by the tyrannical drug lords control of America, where marijuana, a weed with addictive qualities, is sold in abundance but forbidden with the exception of key distribution channels, akin to the alleged British distribution of heroin in China years ago.

 In other matters in 2005, Scarlett was seeking Rhett for love and found, "Sling Blade", who said, "Soon Mobile Audit Club will be entertaining with pony rides Scarlett, hmph!."

Foreword 9-13-2005 Yesterday, a radio announcer said medical marijuana is being sold in New Orleans, legally, at $400 an ounce, the same as California. I propose the Cannabis fields in Mississippi be airlifted to the survivors there and that Dennis Peron kick in 400 ounces of his best Bud. In the third picture in this article, Peron battles with his local bud chicken.

On another matter. Some say that New York is controlled by one person. 

Foreword 10-3-2005: In San Francisco in this video linked article on a glorious group of people are fighting against Police State tyranny in the United States and the world.   A truly moving documentary of our real world.  The nightmare state.  If I had done what they did, I would have received forced injections and thrown into an insane asylum and then jail.   Is that the notorious Uncle Astor of the pea company singing acapella?  Did it do any good? Of course not, we must approach our situation in a new united international fashion.

Foreword September 28, 2005: I, an ex bank examiner turned government informant and abused for it, wrote the song "Brown Lizards Laughter", linked here in mp3.

Foreword 9-9-2005  I, Kurt Brown, started this website after an attempt on my life by federal associated assassins in 2001, 99.5% certainty they were federal assassin related, for alerting the public to my findings in investigations of the federal banking regulatory agency, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC, insuring your bank deposits.)

We are alone in America.  Their dictatorship government does not give us any rights.

I encourage you all to become auditors and investigators of government.  Know technology and know basic auditing and investigation principles and engineering and science and religion. An ignorant Sheriffin Mobile Alabama who was allowed to take all of the inmate food funds he wanted had many inmates emaciated or died as a result of negligence and shortage of funds, including James Carpenter.

My career as a bank auditor was cut short and then my hopes as a citizen in participatory government.  It appears the symbol for government leprosy is spreading, or maybe it is just leprosy.  Many of us are cut short in our careers and ask why.  I have simply entered a new arena, everyday.  Some know who I am or maybe we just know each other from another better time.  I do not fear the regime and their needles and I do trust their fake politicians with their ignored scripture.   I always watch for the hidden technology that is being used like a wicked blood letting whip among us by our so-called leaders and their criminal cohorts.  Rome had to fall also.

 There is no time like the present to regain what we lost.

Foreword September 7 2005: (A message to the puppet controllers of D.C. on D.C. Indymedia) Tuesday evening, at 8 p.m. CST, in Mobile Alabama, a military helicopter flew past my home, 500 yards or less and Southward of me at a 45-degree angle from the horizon.   When I moved in the twilight while sitting in my chair, a white target light came on inside the helicopter in the holding area in the familiar laser sight form.  Earlier today, a peculiar incidence occurred when I went to a local store in that a man tried to enter my vehicle after another was suspiciously doing something on the other side of my vehicle.

The person who informed me of the cock fight attendance by the local Sheriff Jack Tillman was a religious man. I let the world know about the true Jack Snatch Tillman in this video, Jackson's Heart Shaped Hole.  I modeled his head after the chicken from the cock fight the man told me of.

Foreword September 6, 2005: Today's post is a warning to all auditors, investigators, and technological terrorist trackers. It is posted on Do they react like humans to sound? Test one. Test two (Your call). (Support uncensored

Foreword August 18, 2005: Today's post on New Orleans Indymedia and I, Kurt Brown, am a veteran of the US Navy.  I am not allowed into my native city's government's city council meeting, per the order of the corrupt city council, including and especially Reggie Copeland and Clinton Johnson,  mayor Dow, and whoever controls the fake patriots and civil servants of Mobile Alabama.  I parked outside of the Los Angeles Veterans Cemetery to sleep after being abused for reporting thievery by the current sheriff, Tillman, of Mobile Alabama while moving and in fear for my life on  4-22-2001.  I had survived an attempt on my life. The government had killed men in experiments, heart, and now, in 2012, I am told they have pacemakers.

The government is a dictatorship run from the federal buildings, a pyramid scheme. Does the soon to be appointed Mayor, Sam Jones, believe in open government under the "Open Meetings Law"?   I would wager due to past experience with their regime, "No or can't do anythign about any thing regardless".

Update: As soon as today's post was made, Mobile Alabama had a black out and then two brown-outs. Now that's the "Way to Cross the Arc, Master Blaster Bone". Repost on North Carolina, Prohibition Zone Indymedia. Repost to forced Prohibition Zone, DC Indymedia.

Foreword August 17, 2005: Due to abuses on August 2 by the government in Mobile Alabama, in particular, City Council President Reggie Copeland's ordering of his henchman to illegally throw this auditor and reporter from the Mobile Alabama Government Plaza lobby, I said some things out of anger on this website. I do not want to see any of our people harmed, those true humans with empathy for other human's needless suffering. However, some people do not appear to have human hearts or ethics or empathy and they reside in political office and I really do not care if their plugs are soldered to the ground. Cross-Arc is a beautiful thing when executed in precision detail.

I hope to have a video of the event online soon. I am preparing to evacuate the area of Mobile Alabama. I encourage anyone with a cable connection to watch the videos linked above or the ones on the Home Grown Music Page. I reported a Sheriff who was stealing to the point of malnourishing inmates in Mobile Alabama. The art videos are titled, Whip Or Will Pea You Jack, and Jackson's Heart Shaped Hole, both in Streaming Windows Video format. Jack looks like he went to "One Cock Fight Too Many", and lost his talon talent. They claim he just "has no ethics" in a city with no controls on the accounts. The same goes for every would be thief in metro-jail, so where is the catch? In the "Snatch", silly.

Foreword August 16, 2005: It appears that the United States regime in power in D.C. is taking evasive action just like the regime in power in Mobile Alabama and Los Angeles California.  For instance, in Los Angeles, Indymedia appears to be shut down, hiding the horrors of medical atrocity and murder in the city of honest Americans.

The National Treasury Employees Union is using Red Herrings or distractions with corrupt federal judges in keeping their union as the international war criminal controlled union that is controlling much of the United States

In another matter, it is ironic that the shape of our universe is bounded by what appears to be a wall, if you look to ends of empty space.  The shape of the wall has ripples and is described as a loaf of bread in appearance.  I think it looks more like a brain. Are we in the remnants of what was a much larger organism? Or is this the beginning of the final product? Life is what it is.

Au Revoir. I am off to look for a new home where I can feel safe. I do not feel safe in America. Maslow's heirarchy demands safety before wealth. Someone put an anvil in the soup. I annoint thee Satan's anvil is what they told Cop-E-Land in the Village of the Damned.

Foreword August 15, 2005: It appears the oppressive and fascist regime in Mobile Alabama has hidden all of their city councilmen and mayor by changing their links after pressure has been put upon them. Their government building has a huge metal roof with the shape of a Solenoid and they have removed the pictures of the outside. The entire building is ringed inside and out with what I would call adornments and sometimes diodes or at least resemblances therein, and are part of the design of ulterior motives. Hitler always loved a war dance in architecture. I am a first class burner and I would love to remove the roof of this monstrosity in Mobile Alabama, or better yet, I would liketo train some novices in the art of metal meltdown.

We can not trust the Mobile Alabama government. They are just like the old time Nazis and they treat the locals like the Nazis treated the Jews. Black and white and Indian and mix are all stepped upon. Demand the destruction of the machine like building. One last video will be up on this site showing their government forcing myself and my camera from their lobby on August 2, 2005, against Mobile's Judge McMaken's agreement with myself from June 2004.

Foreword August 14, 2005:Today's post on New Orleans Indymedia.  In Mobile Alabama, the government has been bought and sold with no chance for democracy.  EADS, a European Weapons Manufacturer is being forced upon the people.  This year's mayoral election in their closed door government is no surprise.  Today's news poll illustrates that  a male African American is supposedly in the lead, funded by hundreds of thousands of dollars out-of-state Pact money.  Which brings up the question?  Whose money is funding him?  I would wager criminals associated with the National Treasury Employees Union and their network of candidates, including Bush Jr., chosen by the NTEU's Presidential Election Commission.  They love killing and EADS.  I would gladly consider voting for the candidate if I could vote, but the government has taken that right without giving me a trial by jury.  If the candidate would allow me my rights under the Open Meetings Law, I would vote for him..  He is controlled by Pact money, therefore he is part of the closed door regime.  None of the candidates are legitimate in my opinion.  I suspect that if the Pact money candidate is elected that a 20% probability exists that someone has plans to assassinate him. Their overall goal is martial law.

I will be relocating soon I expect.  These daily foreword notes may cease.  Best of luck all, and watch your backs.  Those are not your friends controlling local government.  Soon to be signing out.  Music and videos of abuse will remain.  One more video is to come in which Reggie Copeland denies responsibility for the Open Meetings Law violation, and then orders his Nazis to illegally kick me out of the building. The government in Mobile declared war on me with federal assistance. Isn't America to die for?

In another matter, congratulations to Ariel Sharon and Israel in releasing the West Bank Gaza strip. Perhaps the wall will end also. In traditional Jewish tradition, I hope the jewel of the old world trading routes, the holy land, is halved like coin, with each side holding a piece close to their hearts, as one. Alabama and the USA are now a disgrace to the American worker. It can not be halved, but will disintegrate into chaos and a third world state. A final note to the "True" Christians in their newsgroup.

When I was a child, the old woman told me in the garden, "Things are never as bad as they seem". I add to that, "Some things are worse than death". Do not fear the approaching armegeddon, as I already hear the screams of fear. We are a sect, and even though some wear our countenances, theirs is like a locust's pupating skin, never the same once the image is shed. It repulses some of us to see those who resemble us acting like lower animals. Will we ever be free? I have fought and now I am tired and at wit's end. I need a miracle. I need a government that opens its doors to me, to us, the one's who came from a more humane arena in our hearts.

Foreword August 13, 2005:(A late post to Indy media regarding the murder of another innocent American ignored and instigated by the hearless enemy regime in power. Cop-E-Land is in this pic, the horned devil, not smart enough to be Satan.   Today, I looked up an image to see how Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone was viewed on the web, and it turned out to be a Cherub with big balls.  Then I looked at the post to St. Louis Indymedia yesterday in a cry for help to overthrow the evil and vile closed door regime ruling Alabama, and much if not all of the nation, and soon to put us in our graves.  Maybe we all are cast in stone in our better moments. Until I am allowed in Mobile Alabama government meetings, I hope a Holy War is declared against them. No one I knew growing up knew any of the city council members or the mayor. I will not miss them when they are put out of our misery, or whoever it is that controls those fake humans.

Foreword August 12, 2005: Today, a young American soldier asked me, "Is it true what they said they have done to you?". I did not know what to say. It is true that Mobile Alabama government seems to delight in beating me at their city council gate. It is true that I suffered immense horrors since 2001 for my investigative work in uncovering criminals in government. It is true I was forcibly injected and abused and forced to sign papers by the new illegal regime in power. It is true I have changed, in that I welcome the coming technological wars with them. Know your physics and protect your children, or know your deaths.

I weep for the idealistic soldier and the other veterans who have been betrayed. Those ruling America are not us. Their kind is as foreign to us as the opposing soldiers financier in the battlefields of the world. As one honest bank examiner told me at the FDIC, "Watch your back and cover your tracks". In other words, they are persecuting the innocent, whomever heads the rising beast of the world. Never go to the Los Angeles Veterans Administration veterans, and beware of all government officials who stab us in the back, here and abroad. demonstrates some of the horrors I and the other veterans suffered in LA. I hope to never return and regret having served, as upon my birthdate in Alabama and my signature date for the US armed forces, I was born in a pact with their devil, just another bridled man turned into a beast.

Foreword August 11,2005: Update: Mobile Alabama Government City Council Meetings media black out. No coverage by Comcast News and no posting of the Minutes of the meetings on the government website and I am beaten from the gates, not even allowed into the meeting or the government lobby. EADS is here with the crawling Nazi-like regime.

After being beaten from the Mobile Alabama government lobby per the order of City Council President, Reggie Copeland, who ran when I was asking for a re-vote from the city council in giving me, Kurt Brown's, rights under the Open Meetings Law, someone told me "One of your headlights is out". I am not sure if they were talking about manipulation in the hospitals locally at birth or through poisonous medications and inoculations sanctioned by the regime and their bureaucracy, or maybe we too have lost part of our machine to overcome these tyrants from Hell.

It is ironic that Mayor Mike Dow came into power at the same time as Bush, according to my sources. The machine-like building in Mobile Alabama was built soon thereafter by Dow's regime. Dow watches as I am beaten down the street and in the government lobby by his police forces. Give us our nation's government or give us our deaths I pray to the caste.

Do not believe all of the politicians claims, either in paper or orally. Of course that is a no-brainer, just as the corrupt government that has come to power over our honest and dead bureaucrats and politicians. I was a federal bank examiner. Now I am glad I am no longer, at least in the federal government where the last honest regional director of San Francisco's Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's brains were found on his desk with a bullet. "I survived you assassins from the National Treasury Employees Union and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the fascist regime in Mobile and Los Angeles, federal and state". Now I want our government, or I want all of our deaths, mother-fuckers, I piss thief and Sheriff Jack Tillman's bloody soul on your hill top mansions. God Damn them all.

Foreword August 10, 2005: We on the internet who are investigative journalists and auditors are the eyes and ears of the world, almost uncensored. Our efforts are useless if we do not realize all of the weaponry and the factions who might use the new technologies against us. My horrors began with government officials who approve of abusing us, and the truth is, I would wager that many do not have human empathy or human hearts. has a stop the Nuclear Weapon rally, while I scream for the city of San Francisco to look at the weapon used against us in Alabama, a new machine or machines and their suspect building and the Nazi faction or Genghis Faction behind it including the Germans, their corporations, and EADS a weapons manufacturer which is Chrysler Corporation sucked dry by internal corruption in the USA and then the capital is reborn in German hands with manufacturing and depositing of weapons into the third world American state of Mobile Alabama . comment. Help support Excellent and uncensored, except for the hidden medical and war terror atrocities in America committed against us.

Foreword August 9, 2005: Today's video is not ours but is a music video of contemporary "Horror Art" on titled 'Destruction' Salute the regime by removing pieces of their machines, their buildings of closed doors, governments gone to war criminals. Warning to Iraqi freedom fighters and American militia. "The regime in power has new weapons inside their buildings and in their immediate exterior perimeters that allow for full interrogation or your eventual murder." "The Mobile Alabama city council is likely the best example." "They will not take a vote to allow this auditor inside and will never allow all of us to actually vote in their closed door voting churches." "Give us our nation or give us our deaths." If the door is closed, remove those behind it, or let us pray for our quick deaths as they will prolong it for their wealth and pleasure, in the end. They might just be machines so watch for the knife to the back. Lastu Ghaniyaan, Arabic for "I am from the poor". I heard an Egyptian pronounce it, "La Hatsu Gh Haan I Yaan", when I was in Mobile county jail in mid-2004 for trying to enter the Mobile Alabama City Council meeting.

The Egyptian store clerk was terrified when the police took him from general population. Another man of Arab descent ran a hotel across from the corrupt government building in Mobile Alabama. He was found murdered. The Nazi and Ghengis Khan types run thick with the local inbred snack of the war to come.

Foreword August 7-2005: Due to the fact of heartless abuse by the dictatorship in Alabama, Los Angeles, and their career Nazi-Like and Genghis Khan factions upon myself, a career auditor of government criminals, and numerous other innocent men, both dead and alive, I would not care if an assassin got me on what would be now, their third attempt. As I would rather be dead than an American under the abuse of those who violate all laws and corrupt all things, and it is worse if they have a horn on their head, because then, you witness the Proverbial anti-christ surmount what was once our government and violate the Open Meetings Law and order his henchmen to terrorize us at the gates of American government, like Reggie Copeland City Councilman of Mobile Alabama and the ones who he serves, including the fake President, both of which might or might not have human hearts. They are not our kind. They do not have empathy for humans, so we shall have none for them. They might just be one, controlled with new technologies, but we can rest assured they are both using secondary parties and structuring accounts. Of course, its good to be King and you do not have to care.

The people of much of America are likely manipulated, especially at birth and in the military. The door swings to quick for some to imagine.

I have mistakenly vouched for John Peavy as Mayoral Candidate of Mobile Alabama because he said he upheld the Open Meetings Law and then after having the chance to flee to private quarters with our enemies in arms, he denies responsibility in the Mobile Alabama city council for the atrocity committed against myself, denial of entry under the "Open Meetings Law". Many of us can not vote due to atrocities committed by their thief and idiot Sheriff Tillman and they hold the vote in closed door sessions at churches. The time is now, the locusts have turned.

Perhaps the gun is being held by the NTEU as usual and their candidate by muzzle, Bush, waves, or is it Bush? Who knows? We can not even enter our government as news reporting auditors. Beware of labeling on the eye by laser of your new concentration camp number.

Now Peavy claims he does not even know that the City Council can vote us in. That is not true because I received a letter in 2001 saying a vote was taken by the city council to deny my entry, with Reginald Copeland heading the affront and who continues to do so to this day. Remove the regime. Vote for Kurt Brown by saying in their next closed door vote, "Can't We All Just Get Along?" and then make the announcement that the American people will be taking over the airwaves.

Overthrow the entire government in Mobile Alabama. They are not a democracy, they are our mortal enemis better seen ejected from our presence. Genghis Khan sleeps in worm shit with Adolf Hitler and they control Washington D.C., LA, and Lower Alabama, and most other sectors of the nation. Link to post on (Please donate to Indymedia that is uncensored such as and New Orleans Indymedia)

Foreword August-6-2005: Atrocities in Mobile Alabama surpassing Selma from 1950's and 1960's. The antagonists might have changed, but the circle of victims simply widened. This is a link to a letter sent to the Mobile Alabama city council. Any building that could be a mechanical, electronic, or magnetic apparatus should be re-designed and re-built. 911 was no joke and you can not know the truth in two closed systems. Link to Letter to City Council and pictures of suspect building in Mobile Alabama. Mayoral Candidate Peavy was in my opinion targeted by the IRS, and their world conquering syndicate, the National Treasury Employees Union, for a measley $17,000. The NTEU smears those in political office who are not part of their clan, and stands by when honest bank examiners are thrown out from federal positions and sometimes hold them down and blow their brains out. But now that Peavy is holding the line for local fascists in Alabama, he will be in with their Hitler and Khan clan. Jihad, Holy War in America is a beautiful destiny to the true patriots in arms.

My question to Peavy, "Were you audited before or after you announced plans to run for political office? And was the lien place more abrubtly than others from your tax group?" The NTEU may have been behind a murder at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the attacks on my life. They appointed Bush through the Presidential Election Committee, I would wager at a 97.5% probability. We are not mules in a harness but we are in many ways the same victims beaten and assassinated on the Selma bridge. Tear down the wall or someone or thing else will do it for you, like crumbling a bad paper design.

On a lighter and more foreboding note, if you ever hear a mockingbird makes the sound of a red shouldered hawk, it is either in mourning or it is calling out for the eater of its young. Red Shouldered Hawk sound file, wav format, Mockingbirds only reprieve (dictionary definition). No mercy will receive no mercy. Light their fires, but do not expect them to burn as they are not what they seem...heartless locusts are not mankind.

Foreword August-5-2005:

The familiar old man sat at the table next to me in a restaurant today, held his hand up like a wall with his thumb in his palm opposed to me and said, "This is how I envisioned the fall."  

A lesson today in English for the Jack known as Snatch.  I put the onus (sound file pronunciation) on your anus because Cop E Land and Tin Horn is now famous, Mob AL Snatch, 2 through the chute? Video of abuse in Mob AL and interview with a guy who looks like Clinton's brother, mayoral candidate John Peavy of Mobile Alabama from August 2, 2005, coming in 48 hours.

Foreword August 4, 2005: I once had an idea on moving people through what some people would call a chute.  It is based on various waves in energies within the framework of a concept of the artwork known as the 3-D dimensionalizer in a faraday cage, which is key in the more simplified framework in the combination of various waves and energies to perpetuate motions and transitions in forms of matter, to more or less say, flesh in, flesh out, or emulations thereof. Most likely two are always passing through the chute.  I do not trust the design of government buildings utilizing what could be construed as mechanical or magnetic or electronic apparatus in their overall design, such as these adornments in the closed door government building in Mobile Alabama in the picture that is shown below in the comments section of the letter to Mobile Alabama City Council, moved to Houston Indymedia. LA Indymedia censored or hacked.

I have sent an email to Councilman Peavy and the city council to request another vote to determine if I too am entitled to rights under their apparent lie, their "Open Meetings Law."   The email requesting entry into the city council meeting  is contained in the first comment on this post on Houston Indymedia.  I hope we have not lost our entire nation to men without hearts, or I should say, reptiles in the flesh, or machines with a Hitler or Genghis Khan or Idi Amin, or any other man without empathy for a intelligent being's pain, controlling the batons and guns and unknown weaponry to the masses and opponents.

8-3-05 Foreword: After being pushed and harmed yesterday by a Mobile Police Department, Lt. Joe Drews, and forced out of the lobby of the Mobile Alabama Government building with my camera, in violation of a right granted by Judge McMaken in Mobile Circuit Court in June on 2004, I will be filing a restraining order against Lt. Joe Drews and Reggie Copeland, City Council President.

If the police do not grant the order and the courts do not cease and desist, I will know the full scale war is at hand throughout much of the world. Peavy, a mayoral candidate says he supports the "Open Meetings Law" for all. I will be speaking to him again on the matter I hope, as I am to call him back this week. The federal Nazis of locale and national origin with the money, will kill you if you stand to close to true democracy. Ask George Bush and those dead election candidates who were out of favor with those on his wire.

In the growing battlefield of America, where bank examiners lay dead at their desk and all assume the federal police associated with the same union, the NTEU, are OK and on the ball, manipulation of the situation affords easy kills for the billionaire predators henchmen and their killing toys.

I say beware of mind control and all machines and men. We can not play with this sort of outrage. We are juxtaposed in the battlefield. You feel others pain and remember their rights or you are just more dirt, soon to fall down again, because I do not care and salute those who throw the monkey wrench up their Jack-asses.

Foreword My prayer today. 8-2-05 is that my native city Mobile Alabama be released from the regime of evil. Their Nazi in Arms, Lieutenant Joe Drews or his alias, demanded I not stand in the lobby of the Mobile Alabama courts building (I had my camera), even after Judge McMaken said I could in court in June of 2004. I have a spinal condition from military service and carry a cane and he shoved me by blind siding me and running into me with his sixth-trimester beer belly, pushing me in the direction that at least one of the federal agents with him knew would hurt me the worst, hurting my spine terribly. The ironic thing is that after he was pushing me about, I pointed my finger at him and said out of agony in the pain, "I hope I see you in the next World War." When I pointed my finger at him, his head seemed to shrink to the size of an inbred rhesus monkey, with a layer of fluffy fat cotton like skin on the outer layer. Considering the electronics in the building used against innocent American humans, he himself might be a scab of what started as Joe Drews, and ended as Joe Drews--Pregnant house-white for Satan, who I will call, Reginald Copeland, City Council President with his horn, but the true flute player watches from higher elevations in the low life building or elsewhere, for all would be game hunters.

It was as if he is not human, I would love to make him feel our pain. I want bloody vengeance I pray to the higher order or I want death of all of my kind. Drews and his Secret Service storm troopers of the federal government controlled by the beasts illegally forced me from the building after the regime illegally denied my access to city council meetings under the lie that is their Open Meetings Law. Drews told me to leave or be arrested. They would have hurt me more. I pray I never see him again, after the Holy War, because he is not the judge, and is just a spokesman for the heartless controllers we must destroy for eternity or give us eternal death I pray. Please separate us from the lower beasts or kill us I pray. Drews pushed me afer I had tried to get a response from City Councilman Reginald Copeland who told me he could not discuss the illegal exclusion of my family from government participation. He and others voted behind closed doors to exclude me. I salute all militia who "jab the beast with a stick", after all "that is how a buzzard is made to puke". Copeland has a large knot on his head. Is he the proverbial one to beware of, "The one with the little Horn." Joe Drews is simply a brainwashed idiot. Copeland and his family are likely robbing Mobile Alabama along with the federal government faction of evil. Our city is thwarted and I pray the creator moves all combatants to come and level the closed door government building with the beast or beasts inside or that we are given instant death, all of my kind, empathetic humans who cringe when other humans are shot to pieces. Some feel nothing. They are just like the reptile, cold blooded and indifferent. I encourage our people not to eat the cows or use their medications or cosmetics and processed foods. Our enemy is a versatile pig in the rut called Mobile Alabama and the USA and Israel and most likely many other nations.

The United States ruling regime is a regime without a heart or a soul, and they have ripped ours out. Remove these criminals from power who vote behind closed doors to keep honest auditors out of Government in Mobile Alabama and remove those judges who allow courts such as in Los Angeles to destroy us with no trial by jury. No justice, no nation, armed war against the regime indicates no weaponry is needed. The only survivors will be genetic improvements. They are our true enemies from Hell. I would gladly attack our opponents in nuclear armament. I do not believe all are of our flesh. I pray to all of your deities as they are one in the same if you feel pain, as I do, as we do, and this time death is preferable to life with lower animals pretending to be human. Iraq, we bleed with you. Free President Sadam Hussein and check Bush for needle marks and welts from electronic equipment. Attack the National Treasury Employees Union if they will not dismantle themselves.

Holy War Declared In America, No More Tolerations of Their War Crimes Against Americans and our "True" allies, the downtrodden patriots in their native lands, Americans, Palestinians, and Iraqis. Beirut Indymedia. Here are some pics of the terror and divisions created by the regime controlling America on Beirut Indymedia. We were conned by American mass media so long, that our ancestors forgot that we are always among our enemies. We must view our Jihad, Holy War, in the full scale, including viewing their mass media as the liar of our immortal enemies. Pull the plug on American mass media. They are not our news source, they are propaganda experts and distractions. I say "WAR", WE say, "Fovever" maintain your guard. They drew first blood, we must destroy everything they use against us to regain everything they took from us. Mayor Mike Dow of Mobile Alabama should be deported for war crimes in forcing EADS upon us, a foreign weapons manufacturer to kill Arabs and someday, us. Let us pray for our enemies destruction and assistance from above in dismounting the beasts from our families, our nations. The regime is doing medical horrors to veterans and service man, and the states are in the game of Nazi War Crimes. Bring them to trials in the underground, rising American militias. Read of the horrors endured and predictions I expect to occur on the Quatrains 3 page We have lost our nation, it was predicted to me by a passer by long ago, that our generation would lose the nation. The Diaspora is now. Move to higher protected ground and prepare for the long night or the long battles.

Do not let the Nazi weapons manufacturer come to Mobile Alabama. They will kill in the end, all of us. EADS is linked here. The National Treasury Employees Union should be dismantled, even if it requires outside military assistance. They and their international conspirators elected Bush, who is being injected and manipulated with electronics, or maybe he is just another brain damaged cowboy our for the dollar.

September 27, Other Comments, Immediate relay, Couleur Trois Online, Mademoiselle, "Only Lady Pooft not impregnato" "Snatch Enroute, OUI, et Mo" "Bermuda Triangle Player inside with MoFo Sh-t". Pardon moi, Lady Pooft Trois, aka Sheriff Jack Snatch the Till-man.

On a lighter twist in the war zone, we have a issued a bulletin within a comment on UK Indymedia to find Tanden Spleen, Saint Ram Bone or someone who will claim him as his parent or sexually depraved Nanny.

Foreword September 5, 2005:  I am asking the musician Cat Stevens to see if the federal regime in power will allow him into the USA to give a benefit concert on the periphery of the Hurricane Katrina damaged area, perhaps Memphis Tennessee. Copy of letter sent to Cat (Yusef) on Beirut Indymedia and Tennessee Indymedia, same message.

I met a Paralyzed Veterans of America member who was in a wheelchair in 2002 or 2003 at a PVA meeting in Bay St. Louis Mississippi.   He was approximately 10 years older than myself, and had been paralyzed in Vietnam since 1969.  I hope he has water to drink and shelter.

I do not recall his name.  If I did, I would see if I could find him and give him shelter.  He lives in East New Orleans. Please Forward Message To Cat Stevens from a member of the PVA of USA, Kurt Brown.

The USA government would not allow Cat Stevens into the USA.  He won a Pulitzer Peace Prize in Italy less than a year later. 

W means What?  Prepare for the long term consequences of global Warming due to fossil fuel dependence.  The Gulf of Mexico is like a battery holding energy in the form of heat, and now the fuel cells burn hotter and the storms rip the storm prone coastal areas of the world to pieces.  An old man and woman told me to write a sad song.  I seem to be only able  to write songs in my vein, my forte, Dens Havoc, a form of Grunge.  The PVA members brother was his support.

Foreword September 4, 2005: Americans have been manipulated to be junkies for two items that profit handsomely the regime in power through murder and coercion, oil and marijuana. We have been conned to be like junkies strung out on oil, and marijuana is just money that grows like a weed for the NTEU mobsters of the federal government. We Americans really should check our trousers for mites more often, as evidenced by the auditing and singing sailor from the Pacific Fleet.  As the inventor told me regarding his almost perpetual motion machine, "They bought the patent and never used it".

Yesterday, I saw the end of the American dream.  On television, a Senator discussed with a Supreme Court Justice, Ginsburg, the US Constitution's guarantee of, "The right to bear arms", and, "The right to a trial by jury".  The Supreme Court basically leaves it up to the states.  The states are dictatorships or extensions therein in many cases.  I know, I am a victim of their lie, including having received forced injections and medical procedures and will laugh when our people have the weaponry and defense systems to overcome the invading tyrants with their lies and media. Sometimes death of a people is preferable to subjugation. The American Indian demonstrated that, as their numbers reduced to 10% and they could not live in slavery or captivity.

Also, I saw some young people leaving New Orleans on foot.  The end of the dream in New Orleans came with Katrina.  The third world state with its dictatorship will tighten.  I encourage all people to view the US government for what they are, a mixed bag.  Some are your allies and some do not even appear to be human. In the event of a manmade catastrophe, we will be on our own. Self sufficiency, hiding places, and storage of water, food, and possibly clean air will be the key to surviving in the event of an attack upon us by the regime or their international faction.

An election run-off for Mayor of Mobile Alabama between a black candidate and a white candidate.  Neither are truly the city's companion.  We can not vote and they are both bought and owned by allies to the abusive factions of the dictatorship.  Invent your own defense systems and do not patent them in the United States.  We are not all allies here, are we? They call us insane or criminal while they inject us and imprison us. I doubt many are human who control us, and if they are, they are as brain damaged as serial killers.

Foreword 9-2-2005: The hard facts of life is that not all thinking beings view each other as deserving to be free from pain or degradation.  For instance, the marijuana laws are most strict where the regime of fake humans has a gun to their captives heads, the American citizens, particularly in the South Eastern United States.  We were basically taught as children it was acceptable to use marijuana.  At least they do not fall down like the alcoholics, who resemble heroin addicts after prolonged use.

  Now the regime in power uses the drug in their arsenal of subjugation and economic exploitation.  You can not have more than the USA international drug cartel and the regime dictate as indicated by the Gulag State Doors in this NORML Map of State by State drug laws.  Amsterdam NL and Manchester UK and Vancouver B.C. are not included.  They are free in that regard to various degrees..

 The disparities are that in San Francisco, you can have as much as medical needs dictate.  In Mobile Alabama and the South East, you do hard time for a new mortal enemy with a cage and a gun if you dare to question their cartels.  Do not think your politicians can not be shanghaied and roped without you even being aware.  They could even be hanged and still have a resemblance therein strutting in front of you with their brain damaged orders to destroy and seize.   I once heard of miracles being performed with Berkelium, but it was probably just a pointer to another greater configuration of mass and metal to deceive the naive, as some can not see beyond the temporary state. Our fights may have been for nothing in all of history. As the Indian in Humboldt County California told me, "We were lucky to have had it as long as we did". W, means What?. The regime or those that control them, appears to be brain damaged, like a crafty serial killer I once met.

Foreword 9-1-2005: We have factions in control of our government who are as insane as any brain damaged criminal, whether it be the Mobile Alabama City Council President or his serial killer soul-companion, Randy Kraft.  They betray us, the common Americans. Their rise to power has been evidenced by the fake nature of their media and I have noticed in closed government buildings, the moving about of people like Chess Pieces in the background in a government building lobby, where I am forbidden to video tape in peace, as in this music video in which the people appear to be deaf.  We have lost the United States, and it is a wonder we are all not already dead.  But who cares when the nation is completely lost.  Know your physics.  It is the maternal war hood. We can not believe our eyes, only our mind's eye. Some people are blind or do not have an undamaged mind's eye. Sometimes they reign. They always lose.

Back on line after post-hurricane heat.  When I look at what happened in New Orleans after the storm with the shootings and lootings (news clip), and the incivility of the government of Mobile Alabama to myself and others,  I must say to our Canadian neighbor, "What's up, aye?"  "Los Angeles San Gabriel has the loose rocks, then riots, whats next, Mt. St. Helens going to blow a load?  Who is controlling that Gestapo who is keeping us from our "Own" big easy bud hole in the South East USA?  New Orleans to Mobile, alive and sweating like chickens in the federal coup controlled by Commander Wang of the foreign brigade and their puppet men. 

To celebrate the civility of some in these times I present my video, Cooking Hash Oil Brownies, in a clip after being beaten by Mobile Alabama government puppets with guns, in addition, my song, "Big Federal Dick Up the Big Easy Bud Hole on (Help support, uncensored)."  I also present my other New Orleans song, "Stone Cold In My Electric Chair", and our campaign to "Save The Wood". Where is the wood?  The footage in the video shows the "New Orleans before the storm."