Software for PCs.
Machine Translation software program.
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About the English-German-English Machine Translation Softare Program.
- DOS and WINDOWS application, can be used through WINDOWS (all versions).
- Consists of several independent programs:
- GERMAN-ENGLISH Machine Translation;
- ENGLISH-GERMAN Machine Translation;
- GERMAN-ENGLISH Bilingual Dictionary (You type in a word and get its translation(s)
with the right click of the mouse, then click the translation and it is
pasted for editing. While editing, an Orthographical Spell-checker comes active,
if you make a spelling error).
- ENGLISH-GERMAN Bilingual Dictionary (You type in a word and get its translation(s)
with the right click of the mouse, then click the translation and it is
pasted for editing. While editing, an Orthographical Spell-checker comes active,
if you make a spelling error).
- USER'S Bilingual Dictionary (you can create your own bilingual dictionary
with this easy to use program by typing in a word and its translation and
clicking the respective menu item to memorize your input).
- TEXT EDITOR (to be used to write texts for translation or save translated
- Needs 50MB disk space and only 560KB RAM for the Machine Translation programs,
but 288MB RAM (minimum 400MHz) for the Bilingual Dictionaries.
- Translates the words when written both with the Umlaut and without the Umlaut
(ue, oe, ae).
- Translates the words when written with the German "ك" and with the Swiss "ss".
- Translates the words when written with the old spelling and with the new spelling (after the 1997 spelling reform).
- Works interactively, you can type in directly, words,
phrases, sentences, or a text and press "Enter" to see the translation.
You can also paste text for translation copied from a text file or from
the Internet.
- You can save the translated text using a simple menu.
Our program translates such words as
Leuchtspurgeschoss correctly. You can check how the other
German-English Machine Translation software programs on the Internet or
on the market will translate this word. And not only this, there are
many words which our Machine Translation software programs translates
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order a commercial copy.

Translation Directory - all web resources dedicated to translation.
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