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- SYNTPARSE, for parsing (grammatical analysis of the sentence, incl. display of the Verbal Tense, Voice, Mood) of English, German or French texts.
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Technical Specifications. This program runs on DOS, WINDOWS (all versions) and some variants of it run also on LINUX (DOS mode), UNIX (DOS mode).
The memory space required for the program is 1.4 MB.
Important: The input text must be in ASCII format.
The manual and the operating instructions are in Help and Help is accessible from every part of the menu through the F1 key, in English, French and German.
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More about it ...: Linguistic Background and Performance.

Linguistic Background and Performance of SYNTPARSE

SYNTPARSE uses the traditional approach to grammar in order to
depict the role of each constituent word and Clause in the sentence
and recognizes accurately the following parts of the sentence:
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More about it ...: Parsing examples.
Here are a few examples of the performance of SYNTPARSE:

a) Input sentence: I was finding the frustration erupting while it grew totally dark outside.
Output: I was finding the frustration erupting while it grew totally dark outside.
VERB-Past Continuous Tense: was finding
OBJECT DIRECT: the frustration
RELATIVE CLAUSE: while it grew totally dark outside
VERB-Past Perfect Tense: grew
COMPLEMENT SUBJECT: totally dark ADVERB: outside
b) Input: The others turned in unison and, following the colonel's lead, advanced on the three puzzled figures.
Output: The others turned in unison and, following the colonel's lead, advanced on the three puzzled figures.
SUBJECT: The others
VERB-Past Perfect Tense: turned
CONJUNCTION: and COMPLEMENT SUBJECT: following the colonel's lead
VERB-Past Perfect Tense: advanced
PREPOSITIONAL ADVERBIAL CLAUSE: on the three puzzled figures
c) Input: Ten percent said the president will be dismissed.
Output: Ten percent said the president will be dismissed.
SUBJECT: Ten percent
VERB- Past Perfect Tense: said
SUBJECT: the president
VERB-Future Tense, Passive Voice: will be dismissed
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More about it ...: Applications and Market of the parsing programs

Applications and Market of the Parsing programs.

The parsing programs are designed as a Computer Assisted Language Learning tools and being Natural Language Processing programs they are aimed at language students at all levels and of all nationalities. By using the parsing programs, both at home and at school, the language students can improve their knowledge of grammar and syntax, and learn to parse various sentences.

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More about it ... Menu:
The menu of SYNTPARSE

Menu of the software program(s)

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About some of the menu items: "File" provides several different options to operate with files, one of which "File/Open" allows the user to operate in "batch" mode, i.e. to open a text file and process it (parse it, or spell-check it, or translate it, depending on the program).
Menu item(s) "Spell", "Parse", etc. (depending on the software program) allow the user to either work in interactive mode (to type in a sentence and parse it, respectively - spell-check or translate it), or to parse (spell-check, translate) a whole text file.
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You can order a commercial copy: English, German or French parsing.

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