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Gay/Lesbian Relationships   ::   "What A True Open-Mind Is"

When I first started reading Sailor Moon fanfiction, I didn't know about the whole Haruka & Michiru relationship. I won't say that I had thought lesbian relationships evil, but I will admit that I didn't like them. That was before I read an H&M fanfic. When I first read one (I can't remember which one, but it was a good one) I was a bit uncomfortable with it. The thought running through my mind the most was, "Was it right to read it?" I am a very open-minded person, and it disturbed me that I was uncomfortable with the concept of gay/lesbian relationships. So, I thought about the story and how I really felt about it. I came to the conclusion that I didn't really mind it. I got to that by thinking about religion. I have my own views about God, and they may be wrong, but they keep me from going crazy thinking about it. I've never read the Bible all the way through. I'm not going to quote it. I think of God as a person. I think he is basically just like us except that he can do a lot of things that mortals cannot do, and that he made us. That is why I love God. God might have meant that men should love women and women love men, but he had to know that love can't be contained like that. Love doesn't stay on the track of "love the opposite sex", love forges it's own path. I believe God loves everyone and everything regardless of personal preference. What makes a man loving a woman all that different than a woman loving another woman or a man loving another man? It's the person you love not their gender.

I now see gay and lesbian relationships as just another relationship between two people that love each other. Love is love, and I seriously doubt God would disagree. If anyone disagrees with my views, that's ok. It's your opinion and this is mine.

Christina Anton 10/22/00