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Here's something new for you all. I have started something called 'Author's Commentary'. Author's commentary is a way for an author to tell the reader what they were thinking when they wrote a story. I've written one for The Side Less Seen and any information on it can be found on my fanfiction page.

I'm hoping that other authors will catch on to the idea, but hardly anything in my life goes how I wish it to -_-. Anyway, hopefully readers will appreciate this (at least the ones that read mine).


Here's a new story for you all, called A Morning In The Life of a Tokyo Pedestrian. It's not centered around any of the senshi (though Sailor Moon makes an appearance), but documents a normal morning for a pedestrian on the streets of the Juuban district of Tokyo. I just thought the "little people" needed a story.


Deception fans rejoice! Chapter six of Deception is up and ready for you to read.

There will also be another fic up as soon as Kylana, my beta reader, looks it over and gives it her OK. So keep watch!

7/13/01 Friday the 13th!

Well, as you can see, I've decided to put this updates page up. There's also my guestbook that I encourage you to sign ^^.

I'll be putting up the goings on of the site, and perhaps little things that happen to me. Sort of an update of my life. I have no idea when I'll get the next chapter of Deception finished, or when I'll have any other fic done. I'm not even MUDding religiously anymore.

Well, see you at the next update, and enjoy the site... at least what little there is of it ^^;.