New Contest has begun

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   Winners 01
Winners 02

enter a fic




      My favorate fic writer. You may want to read her warnings before reading any stories though.~_^

      Great stories, great art. Check it out.

      Site of a good friend of mine. Read the e-mail conversations between her and Kosmo. They're hilarious.

      Another good friend. Check out the site.

      You have to visit here. This is the site of my good friend Kosmo who made almost all of the awards for the contest. We like her.

      Great site, interesting theme, wonderful fanfiction. Visit.

      If you want to link to me, you may pick one of my many beautiful banners to use. Um, well, actually I only have one(also made by Kosmo). I'll probably have more soon. If you'd like to make me one, I'd love you forever along with linking to your site.

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