New Contest has begun

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enter a fic



Hey, the winners are up. Thank you for entering. To those who won, congratulations! To those who didn't, every story was good, and I'm just sorry we couldn't give an award to all stories. To everyone, hope you enter again next year.

If you click on the award, it will show you the full-sized award. Those on the page are sized smaller to speed up the loading. Feel free to resize it on your site, or really, do anything you want to it. After all, it is your award. All I ask is that you leave the little symbol in the lower right hand corner. It stands for Mission ANime. If you like your award, e-mail Kosmo. She's our award guru. The award for Best Overall Ronin Warrior fic was drawn by Roe. GW Alternate Reality and GW Angst were made by KAW. If you want to give them comments, send them to Kosmo, who will foward them. If you find any mistakes, please, please e-mail me. Finally, at the very bottom, there's an award made just for everyone. This is for anyone who entered.

If you can't see the awards, odds are you're on a laptop. I didn't realize that was a problem for some people until I got a laptop myself. I'm currently trying to figure out how to fix the problem. If you know, e-mail me. Well, I guess that's all I have to say, so on to the winners.

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