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Everybody's been waiting on this page now its finally here the jobs page. Wanna job look for one here and post it on the message board.

Earth Jobs

Body Guard
Pay: 250 credits a week

Earth's Special Forces: Become a member of the most elite force on planet earth. Your job is to help serve and protect the world from unwelcomed guest.
Pay: 500 credits a week

Martial Arts Instructor
Pay: 350 credits a week

Capsule Corps. Employee: You help capsule corps. to invent new things. At times you will be given a chance to invent an item of your own.
Pay: 300 credits a week(bonus 400 for every new invention you make. The invention must be sold to at least 7 different people before you get the bonus.)

Tournament Announcer
Pay: 300 credits a week

Tournament Champion
Pay: 600 credits a week

Planet Vegeta

3rd Class Saiyan Warrior
Pay: 150 credits a week

2nd Class Saiyan Warrior:(Must have been 3rd class saiyan warrior for a 2 weeks)
Pay: 300 credits a week

1st Class Saiyan Warrior(Must have been 2nd class saiyan warrior for 3 weeks)
Pay: 600 credits a week

Saiyan Elite( must have been 1st class saiyan warrior for 4 weeks)
Pay: 900 credits a week

Member of King Vegeta's Elite Tactical Force
Pay: 300 credits a week

Personal Emmisary to King Vegeta
Pay: 350 credits a week

Saiyan Outpost Commander
Pay: 400 credits a week

Planet Freeza

Soldier for King Cold/Prince Frieza
Pay: 200 credits

Member of King Cold's/Prince Frieza'a Elite Guard (Such as Kui.)
Pay: 400 credits a week

Ginyu Force Poolee(Congrats your at phase 1 of becoming a potential ginyu force member)
Pay: 150 credits a week

2nd Class Ginyu Force Member (only 10 slots available)
Pay: 300 credits a week

Ginyu Force Member (only Five slots available)
Pay: 700 credits a week

Freeza's High Ranked offical:(think of zarbon and dadoria)
Pay: 600 credits a week

Planet of the Kais

Guardian Warrior of Kaioshin
Pay: 450 credits a week

Personal Assistant to Supreme Kai (Such as Kibito.)
Pay: 350 credits a week

Kaoshin Poolee (Study and train under the Supreme Kai and Kibito in hopes of one day becoming a Kai. Only applicable for Kaioshin type characters.)
Pay: 200 credits a week

Supreme Kai(Become a supreme kai yourself)(only available to kai's and half kai's)
Pay: 1,000 credits a week


Guardian Warrior of Yardrat
Pay: 300 credits a week

Yardrat Monk
Pay: 200 credits a week


Farmer for namek
Pay: 100 credits a week

Namek Guardian
Pay: 300 credita a week

Guru Watcher( watch over the namek elder Guru)
Pay: 400 credits a week

Dragonball Creator(Must be a namek or half a namek)
Pay: 500 credits a week(Yes you get to keep this set of dragonballs, you must tell me how many wishes they have, how long it takes to find then and what cannot be wished for with these dragonballs, I'll be the judge if you get to keep them or not)

Cyber Space Station

Inventor(Create any item you have in mind)
Pay: 200 credits a week(bonus 300 if you sell at least 10 of your product)

Pay: 200 credits a week

Mechanic(Fix everything that breaks)
Pay: 400 credits


Standard Warrior in the Evil King's Army
Pay: 200 credits a week

Elite Warrior in the Evil King's Army( must have been a standard warrior for 2 weeks)
Pay: 300 credits a week

Prestigious Warrior in the Evil King's Army (i.e. high ranking officer. Must have been an elite warrior for 3 weeks)
Pay: 500 credits a week

Prison guard
Pay: 300 credits a week

Gladiator in the Evil King's Arena
Pay: 300 credits a week (Bonus of 200 for becoming champ)


Become a Prized Fighter
Pay: 600 credits a week

Other world tournament Champ
Pay: 1,000 credits a week

Personal Assistant to one of the Kai's/Grand Kai
Pay: 300 credits a week

-Main Page-
-Rules of the RPG-


-Planet Vegeta-
-Planet Freeza-
-Cyber Space Station-
-Next Dimension-

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-Planet Creating Guide-
-The Book Store-
