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1)This rpg has simple rules so read before joining.
2)The is no arguing with the manages.
3)Please people keep profanity to a minimum. No racist remarks either.
4) No Cheating this includes me and other managers. Everything will be fair.
5)Have Fun with the RPG!!!!!!!!

Battle Rules

All Battles are turn based and they are done in the chatroom occasionally message board battles can be done, but fo those type of battles you need to e-mail the person a challenge then post it on the message board, these are also turn based. Once person writes what he does then the other person writes a counter action.
Chatroom battles: These are done only by turn based. There is no speed sim!!! One person attack then the other person counter attacks. But you can also battle with the turn based speed sim. And at a beginning of a battle you agree on what type of battle you want, the turn based speed sim or the turn based battle Example (turn based). Goku::Charges a kamehameha, then fires it at vegeta::
Vegeta::takes hit::
Goku:Does 50,000 Damage
Vegeta:: Fires a galick gun at goku::
Goku::Counter with Kamehameha::
Vegeta: Does 25,000 Damage
thats how its done simple isn't it.
Example (speed sim turn based). Chibi Trunks::Does a Final Flash at Goten::
Chibi Trunks: Does wutever damage the attack does.
Then at fast as Goten or Trunks can Goten should put ::dodge:: before Trunks can put::hit:: which determines if the attack hits or misses.
Then it's Goten's turn.

Stat Rules

The Speed stat is to determine who goes first.
Example. Chibi Trunks has 500 speed and Goten has 375 speed. Chibi Trunks would go first.
The Intlligence stat is for learning moves.
Example. Post the move you want at the message board under shop. It normally takes 5 days to learn. If you have 1200 intelligence it takes off 2 days because every 500 you have can delete a day from learning a move. (Not for a training move learned from Roshi or Kami) The Defense and Strength stat is useful.
Every attack has a damage amount.
Example. If you have 500 Strength and you attack with a move with a damage of 90.
The whole damage would be 590. If your enemy has 490 defense, the damage of the attack would be 100.
easy right?
I, Chibi Trunks, has covered all the rules I think.

-Main Page-
-Rules of the RPG-


-Planet Vegeta-
-Planet Freeza-
-Cyber Space Station-
-Next Dimension-

-Message Board-
-Planet Creating Guide-
-The Book Store-
