These figures are from Cannon Fodder Miniatures' "Yangtze Patrol" line. They were painted by Ken Hafer, and formed part of the force of armed sailors under the command of Robert Whitfield, in our Back End of Nowhere game played on May 17, 2003. Photo by John Switzer.
Please go to our NEW web site by clicking on WWW.JACKSONGAMERS.NET to see our 2012 game schedule.
This year our "theme" is The 20th Century and Beyond Games should be set in that most violent of centuries and into the unknown future.
However, please be aware that the Jackson Gamers reserve the right to play any game that seems like fun! Even when it has no relation to our theme year at all! 2012 is the 250th anniversary of the last full year of the Seven Years War, the 200th anniversary of Napoleon's invasion of Russia, and the 150th anniversary of the 1862 battles in and around Mississippi during the Civil War. We shouldn't pass on these anniversary opportunities
In months that have five weekends, we will game on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Saturdays instead of just the 1st and 3rd.
You must realize that while this is our best attempt at a definative listing, changes will certainly be made to this schedule of games. This should be considered as tentative until we actually start rolling the dice for the game! Below are some images from previous WWII or futuristic games.
A view from the north edge of the battlefield in our 15mm Crossfiregame which we called An American Victory. This was played at Fondren Presbyterian Church in North Jackson on August 21, 2010. Photo taken by Jay Stribling.
The destroyer U.S.S. Fletcher is cutting across the bow of the cruiser U.S.S. New Orleans. Note the darkness closing in as the parachute flares from the Japanese float planes began to die out. This is from our game Ironbottom Sound Played at Hobbytown USA in North Jackson in the year 2000.
Imperial heavy units with three escorts speed towards the enemy in our game Convoy Battle at Hobbytown USA in North Jackson. The game was played on October 19, 2002. David Causey was the Game-master and we used Games Workshop's Battlefleet Gothic rules. Photo by Jay Stribling.
Do you want to run a game? Contact the webmaster below. Note that games can be rescheduled to accomodate you and the farther into the future that a game is scheduled, the easier it is to change or reschedule.
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