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Episode 9 – Up The Greek

Scene: Yet to be identified
Music: Basement Jaxx – “Red Alert” (Instrumental)

We see our heroes in the bi-plane heading towards Australia…

Travis: For some reason I just don’t feel right…
Monnika: Why not?
Travis: Surely it won’t take us THIS long to fly back to Oz!
Monnika: Ask the pilot.

Boron gave in The People’s Eyebrow.

Travis: OK… (turns to Crash) Are you sure you’re going the right way?
Crash: Positive – I followed the right compass point when I took off.
Travis: We’re getting nowhere. (looks down) This definitely can’t be Oz because I can’t feel the heat, I can’t hear any didgeridoos and Rolf Harris ain’t around.
Crash: Don’t even think about criticising us now!
Monnika: Let me try a few questions – where exactly are we?
Crash: We’re above an anonymous continent.
Monnika: And the time?
Crash: (gets out a piece of Wumpa fruit) Lunch time! (eats it whole)

Boron gave out a disappointing sigh.

Monnika: In other words, you’re saying that we’re lost.
Crash: Whatever. (belches)
Travis: (shakes his head) We’re never gonna get anywhere…
Monnika: Yeah you do – you’ve got a mobile phone in your pocket!
Travis: How can you tell?
Monnika: I can see it from here!
Travis: Do you know anyone else’s phone number or email back at camp?
Monnika: Coco’s email is - easy as that!
Travis: Right!

He gets out his mobile and emails Coco with this message –

“Hi Coco! We have a problem here – your brother’s plane control has left us in the middle of nowhere. I want you to try and locate us alongside the next batch of enemies – Crash has cost us some valuable time here!

Sincerely yours,
Travis Tortoiseshell”

Monnika: This is gonna take a while…

Just then a hologram came squeezing into a spare seat.

Monnika: Coco?
Teejay: No – it’s just me.
Monnika: Close enough.

Boron started barking at him.

Teejay: Take it easy little fella – I have it all under control. We have located you just above the Lost Temples of Greece – they are so special there isn’t even a footpath to lead to them!
Travis: Cool!
Teejay: It’s also where another relic, another hostage and another criminal have been located. We are yet to find out their whereabouts for these bodies.
Crash: Thanks a lot! We’re going down!
Teejay: Remember – when you need me just send Coco a quick text! (vanishes)
Crash: We’re goin’ in!
Boron: WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Crash dived the plane further down towards the temples…

[Music changes – Spooks – “Karma Hotel” (Instrumental)]

But little did he know that Tiko and Violet were on an ambush.

Tiko: Those brats are coming in…
Violet: And do you have the plan on the ready?
Tiko: I have it all undercover. Their next hostage is so secretly hidden he can’t even see through his cage!
Violet: I have a faint idea about that!
Tiko: Now be careful – I want you to try and stop them getting their hostage. If all else fails, keep the location for the Power of Spring a secret between us.
Violet: I will not fail!
Tiko: Good. (teleports away from the area)

Violet smiled at the plan and then awaited for Crash’s plane to land…
Episode 10 – Puppy Love

Scene: The Lost Temples of Greece
Music: Grandaddy – “The Crystal Lake” (First verse and chorus)

Our crew were landing the plane down towards the ground with a struggle. After a minute the plane wasn’t parked perfectly.

(Music turns instrumental)

Monnika: (sighs) Men drivers – what are they like?
Crash: Sheesh, I’m trying to be more sensible with my driving, just like you said.
Monnika: Fine.
Travis: This will be getting too daft for your own good – I just wish that some sheila would come and help us out!

[Music changes – Tenth Planet – “Ghosts” (Vincent Da Moor radio edit, instrumental)]

Just then a pink beam was seen zooming across the sky and after a few seconds it hits the ground and Violet came out. The others jumped out of the plane and glared at her.

Crash: (turns to Travis) At least you got yer sheila.
Travis: Yeah, but what does she want with us?
Monnika: Probably another date with Boron…

Boron was seen looking in her eyes with love hearts in his eyes and his tongue sticking out.

Crash: What do you want with us?
Violet: Look – I don’t mean to tell you this, but you should scram outta here before you take anything else.
Travis: What are you talkin’ about?
Monnika: Yeah – why should we go with just one of the Powers of the Four Seasons?
Violet: We need them for a secret plan!
Monnika: For a secret plan, eh? Not good enough for me.
Violet: Listen foxy, you really don’t understand what I’m doing…
Crash: Course we do – we need to restore balance in this world, and yet you’ve distracted it by putting your heartless body towards our wolverine!

Boron walked towards Violet like he was in a trance.

Violet: But it’s just that… (sighs) Just keep away from our prizes, OK?
Travis: Why should we?
Violet: (gets out her sceptre) Because you’ll get a blasting from this baby!

Everyone gasps.

Violet: Now, just go back to your plane…

Everyone but Boron retreated back to the plane.

Violet: Why ain’t you goin’, kid?

Boron gave out a howl of love and – wait for it – cuddles her!

Violet: (pulls Boron off) I’m not in the mood for love right now.

Boron then picked up a batch of flowers from the ground and gave them to Violet. She still shook her head. Then he got out a diamond ring from his backpack

Boron: ROAAR ROAR RAROOAR ROAAAAR?????? (Will you marry me?)
Violet: I know that diamonds are a girl’s best friend but my career has to come first.

Boron then rooted in his backpack again and pulled out a bottle of perfume.

Violet: Like I said, I don’t have time right now! (vanishes)
Crash: YEAH!!!!! Way to go Boron!
Travis: A good use of romantic techniques there – and it seems like you really ARE love struck!

Boron had a worried expression along his face.

Crash: What’s the matter?

Boron then started crying and buried his head in Crash’s chest.

Crash: (strokes Boron) Don’t worry – she’ll be back! (turns to the others) Guys, you try and find anyone else in this area while I calm him down.
Travis: No problemo.
Monnika: Ditto!

Our heroes then started searching the area for another prize…
Episode 11 – An Unsolved Myth-story

Scene: The Lost Temples of Greece
Music: Sound De-Zign – “Happiness” (Instrumental)

The sun was already setting in the sky and our heroes were seen scurrying around the area trying to find a prize – Travis checked the gardens, Monnika was flying above the ground looking for anything suspicious, Boron was round the back of one temple and Crash was around the front of another, until…

Voice: (muffled and nearly impossible to hear) Help!
Crash: Eh? What is this - a talking statue of Hercules?
Voice: (muffled and impossible to hear) Get me outta here!
Crash: (puts his ear to the statue) Speak up!
Voice: (muffled and impossible to hear) For the last time… GET ME OUT!!!!!!

The statue started to shake.

Crash: (turns to the others) Hey guys – I think Hercules has awoken from a millennia long coma!
Monnika: Hercules?
Crash: Sounds like him.
Travis: This doesn’t seem possible…
Boron: RAOORAR!!!! (Ditto!)

[Music changes – K-Ci and Jojo – “Tell Me It’s Real” (Instrumental)]

Everyone rushes towards Crash.

Monnika: So what’s this about a talking statue?
Voice: (muffled and nearly impossible to hear) I AM NOT HERCULES!!!!!!!!
Crash: Oh, well why do you look like him?
Travis: The statue looks fresh, so I don’t think this is a Greek legend you’re speaking to. What else did you sense?
Crash: It even felt like someone was pushing it.
Monnika: Someone’s trapped in there!

The prisoner says some further words, but they couldn’t hear them. Crash then placed his ear on the stone cell and tries to hear what he said, but he still didn’t catch a word.

Monnika: I think we should push him out.

Boron nodded.

Crash: What else can we do? (cracks his knuckles) Let’s see what I’ve got!

(Music stops)

Crash gets behind the statue and pushes it down to the tiled ground underneath, shattering the stone and releasing Dr. Neo Cortex from the cell. Boron barked madder, rushed up to him and started licking his face clean!

Cortex: (laughs) Take it easy – cut it out! CUT – IT – OUT!!!
Crash: There’s one little fella that’s happy.

[Music changes – OutKast – “So Fresh So Clean” (Fatboy Slim remix, instrumental)]

Monnika: So what’s this you were trying to take us?
Cortex: I managed to see with my own eyes where another relic is taken!
Monnika: (turns to Crash) Let’s hope you’re good enough to get us there…
Travis: Yeah – you’re simple, you’re dumb, you’re the pilot.
Cortex: We don’t HAVE to fly there!
Monnika: Why not?
Cortex: Because it’s close to this area! I saw Lio entering the temple behind me with the Power of Spring.

Everyone else looks behind them and saw a locked temple.

Travis: Even the padlock on it looks so fresh so clean…
Crash: But we need to figure out who has the key for it.
Cortex: Does anyone have any ideas – Crash, Boron, Monnika and… what’s your name?
Travis: The name’s Travis – Toby’s bro.
Cortex: The name sounds familiar…

Boron kicked Cortex from behind.

Cortex: D’OH! (slaps himself on the forehead) I should have known you from last decade!
Crash: Eh?
Cortex: While I was trying to send my brother into jail, I met up with this cat in an excursion in Miami.
Crash: Ah, Miami… I wish I was there – the sun, the sand, the sea and the showgirls!
Travis: Think about it later. For now, we need to unlock the padlock!
Crash: Yeah, but where’s a key at a time like this?

Boron started tugging on Crash’s pants.

Crash: No, Boron – they’re not up my pants.
Travis: Not the pants – he may try to tell you something!

Boron pulled out one of the longest flowers from out of the ground and started waving it around like a magic wand.

Travis: But we don’t have a wizard here! Oh… unless he’s talking about the CERULEAN Wizard…
Crash: Except that he’s not a proper magician.
Travis: Wait a mo – Violet’s sceptre!
Crash: Ah yeah… how come I didn’t think of that?

[Music changes – Bang – “Shooting Stars” (Instrumental)]

Travis: Because you’re so thick you can’t even flow like water!
Crash: Why you little… (attacks Travis)

The other crewmembers looked on in amazement as Crash and Travis ended up in a short fight.

Cortex: (sighs) I guess we should try and track her down and leave those two behind.
Crash and Travis: (stop fighting) WAIT FOR US!!!!!!!

The crew started heading around the area looking for Violet…
Episode 12 – Crystal Magic

Scene: Outside a temple in the Lost Temples of Greece
Music: Madonna – “What It Feels Like For A Girl” (First verse and chorus)

The scene opens with Violet relaxing with a magic book and performing all sorts of tricks on small natural creatures. First came a rabbit, and with a quick click she multiplied it. Then a toad hopped towards her and she shrunk it down to the size of an ant. Next a sheep came and with one twirl of a wrist she removed its wool!

(Music turns instrumental)

Our heroes came towards her with great stealth. Eventually when they reached the temple, they hid behind a huge rock.

Cortex: (whispers) Are you sure that’s her?
Crash: (whispers) Positive – She may move like a magician but I can recognise that pink fur anywhere.
Cortex: (whispers) So what does she have to do with Boron?
Travis: (whispers) Take a look for yourself!

Each of them turned around and they saw Boron with his tongue hanging out and with love hearts in his eyes.

Cortex: (whispers) Oh, I get it – Love at first sight.

Back with Violet she formed some power in her hand and managed to turn it into a butterfly. It started flying gracefully, until it eventually landed on Crash’s nose.

(Music stops)

Monnika: (whispers) Careful – you never know what could happen…

Crash then looked like he was about to sneeze.

Monnika: (thinks over and over again) Please don’t sneeze…
Crash: ATISHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Music changes – Limp Biskit – “My Generation” (Instrumental)]

The sneeze caused Violet to go off target with her magic and accidentally turn a statue of Zeus into Godzilla! It started chasing her around the area with panic. Back at the rock, Boron then started tugging Cortex’s shirt with a worried expression across his face.

Cortex: (turns to Crash) Shall we help her out?
Monnika: Why, after everything she did to us? I don’t think so…

Boron then looked like he was about to cry.

Travis: I know your feelings, but this girl is evil and we aren’t gonna put up with that!

Boron then ran towards Violet and Godzilla.

Travis: Careful – don’t be a hero!

But it was too late – Boron jumped up onto Godzilla’s head and started poking it in the eyes, causing it to squeal and eventually collapse on the floor.

[Music changes – Shaggy – “Angel” (Instrumental)]

Violet: (gasps) You!
Boron: Uh-oh…
Violet: (angrily forms a beam) This is for destroying Godzilla…

The beam is triggered around Boron’s head and it managed to remove his over-tied headscarf.

Violet: (smiles) You can be my prince any day!

Everyone else looked at each other blankly.

Violet: Mind you, I’ve got a lot of work to get through, so I’ll see you around! (vanishes)
Crash: I’m… surprised…
Travis: Yeah – I thought she was a nasty marauder!
Cortex: Who cares about her actual personality – what we DO know is that she left her sceptre behind!
Monnika: (giggles) The Power of Spring will be ours for the taking!

Boron picked up the sceptre and our heroes started heading back to the temple with the padlock…
Episode 13 – Pink With Anger

Scene: A top-secret location in Glacier Park
Music: Kosheen – “Suicide” (Instrumental)

Violet was seen face to face with Tiko…

Tiko: Did you manage to learn any tricks?
Violet: Yep! Now I feel ready for them thugs when they next come to me! (thinks) Although I saw them just recently…
Tiko: So I feel the ready for you now… I now want you to wait in ambush for you at co-ordinate C.
Violet: Roger!
Tiko: Good. Now I’ll be in wait for you!

(Music changes – Santos – “Camels”)

A buzzer started beeping, causing Tiko and Violet to turn to the radar.

Violet: What’s happening?
Tiko: They’re coming to another Power!
Violet: Which one?
Tiko: (rushes up to the radar) It says here that they’re aiming for the Power of Spring in the padlocked temple! Still, no one can go past it without a sceptre…
Violet: Speaking of which… I lost mine!
Tiko: It can’t have gone far… (turns to a computer screen) Computer – show me where Violet left her sceptre.

The computer screen then shows our heroes using the magic of the sceptre to unlock the padlock.

Tiko: Grrrr… VIOLET!!!!!!!!!!!
Violet: Er…
Tiko: (angrily) Exactly what in the name of George Bush did you do?
Violet: Sorry – when I was trying out my magic I didn’t use my thing-a-ma-jig at all, leaving me to leave it lying around.
Tiko: (sighs) Next time you see them brats… GET IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!
Violet: (hesitates) Um… yes sir.
Tiko: LIO – GET HERE NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Lio came into the room from out of nowhere.

Lio: The Pinkeye Fiend, ready for duty! (salutes)
Tiko: Now we have a problem for you – someone’s gonna take another power!
Lio: So what can I do about it? I know that Crash is getting easier to beat, but what about the others?
Tiko: Don’t panic – just seep the Power into you and then you’ll be ready for a rock hard battle!
Lio: I’m on the ready! (teleports out of the room)
Tiko: There goes someone who orders my commands…
Violet: What do I do wrong?
Tiko: You let them brats go too far ahead!
Violet: But I’m so sorry…
Tiko: IT’S NOT ENOUGH!!!!!!!!

The shout chased Violet out of the room screaming with a worried expression on her face.
Episode 14 – Aqua Aqua

Scene: Outside the padlocked temple in the Lost Temples of Greece
Music: B15 Project – “Girls Like Us” (Instrumental)

Our heroes were outside the temple with high hopes in order to break in…

Monnika: So how do we use the sceptre again?

Not quite.

Travis: This is like soooooo easy! Here, give it me and I’ll show you!

Monnika gave the sceptre to Travis.

Travis: OK, here goes nothin’!

He twirled the sceptre around and aims at the padlock, unlocking it and causing the door to open.

(Music stops)

Crash: Hey, nice job!
Travis: Thanks!
Monnika: Hold on – I can sense something here…

Everyone waited in silence.

Monnika: I can sense dampness from the other side of the temple.
Cortex: This could be the next Power!
Crash: Yeah, but which one?
Cortex: (angrily but slightly quieter than expected) We’ll know it when we go inside.
Crash: What do you mean “we”?
Monnika: You know what happened last time – you got thrashed bad style!
Crash: I know. So?
Monnika: You need a bit of backup!
Crash: (sighs) OK. When are we getting started?
Voice: Just when you step in the temple, you dorks!
Crash: (gasps) Lio!
Travis: Count me in – he needs a shocking experience!
Monnika: You’ve done enough for once.
Travis: Awww…

Boron patted Travis on the back.

Cortex: I’ll be behind him all the way! I know exactly how tough he is, and yet how he can be outsmarted too easily!
Monnika: If that’s the case, you can help him out.
Crash: Wait a mo Monique – who’s the leader?
Monnika: Look – this is for your own good, so be careful.
Crash: (sighs) Fine… (cracks his knuckles) Stand back – We’re going in!

[Music restarts – Orbital – “Funny Brake” (Chorus)]

Crash and Cortex set foot into the temple and started walking up the long corridors for their target, but Crash’s squeaky shoes caused a disadvantage. The dampness force became stronger as they came closer and closer to it. Eventually, they came to another dead end.

(Music turns instrumental)

Cortex: Crash, you’re as quiet as a washing machine in a traffic jam!
Crash: Sorry…
Lio: Don’t panic about that now – you have a dangerous mission to undergo!
Crash: Oh brother…

[Music restarts – Thrillseekers feat. Cheryl Deane – “Synthesasia (Fly Away)” (Club version intro)]

Sooner enough, Lio came out of the darkness glowing a bright blue.

Crash: What does he want?
Lio: Give us everything you’ve got, or else…
Cortex: OK… (turns to Crash and whispers in his ear) You try and charge from the front while I’ll try a sneak attack from behind.
Crash: ?
Cortex: (sighs, then whispers in his ear again) Just attack him however you fancy, but please don’t go round the back!
Crash: Ah… I see! I’m going in!

Cortex used stealth to try and go further down the corridor whilst Crash and Lio started starring angrily at each other…
Episode 15 – Claw Of Darkness

Scene: Inside a temple in the Lost Temples of Greece
Music: Chocolate Puma – “I Wanna Be U” (Instrumental)

Crash and Lio were looking at each other with anger…

Crash: Don’t even think about it.
Lio: Think about what?
Crash: Forcing the prizes away from me!
Lio: (giggles) Why should I? We’re gonna scrap to the finish for this!
Crash: Grrrr…

Lio jumped in the air and instead of the usual ooze attack, he shoots out of his hands… some water!!!!! It forced Crash onto the floor and soaked up more of his energy than the ooze, knocking him out within 3 seconds!

Lio: (giggles) This is too easy!

[Music changes – Twister – “Sweet Thing” (Instrumental)]

Cortex was in the shadows in wait for his target – he loaded his gun and got Moe’s stolen blade from out of his backpack and starred at him.

Lio: (walks up to Crash) Say your prayers, sissy!

Just then Cortex came as a dark shadow and started sneaking behind him.

Lio: What was that? (turns around)

As he turned around, his opponent sneaked behind him by crouching underneath and getting behind him in the nick of time. Then Lio looked under his legs and this caused his target to climb on top of him and when he stopped looking he climbed back down. Sooner enough he did a handstand as an alternative way to look behind, but Cortex dived out of the way and did a handstand behind his back. A few seconds later, they moved back into their original positions.

Lio: This seems funny…

[Music changes – Storm – “Time To Burn” (Club version outro)]

Sooner enough, Cortex walked out of the darkness and managed to sneak in to Lio’s trouser pocket, stealing his ooze, but he applied the wrong force to it.

Lio: OW!!! (turns around) WHAT?!? YOU?????
Cortex: That’s right…
Lio: What do you think you’re doin’?
Cortex: Giving you a taste of your own medicine!

He forms the ooze in a lasso, tossed it at Lio and tied him up with it, sending him to the floor.

(Music fades out)

Lio: (extremely faintly) Have… mercy… (faints)

[Music changes – Kaci – “Paradise” (Intro)]

Sooner enough, the Power of Spring came out from Lio’s body and seeped into Cortex’s heart. Meanwhile, Crash awakened from the drench attack earlier…

(Music turns instrumental)

Crash: (painfully) Ow… (looks at his body) HEY – GET ME OUT!!!!!

Cortex then formed a whirlwind with the “lasso”, evaporating the water from his body.

Crash: Hey – thanks! (calls out) HEY GUYS – WE THRASHED HIM!!!!!

Sooner enough, Travis, Boron and Monnika came in to see the action.

Travis: Hey – I heard that you took care of Lio!
Monnika: Great job guys!
Crash: Thanks, but to be honest Cortex did all the work, not me. I passed out on the first attack!

Boron couldn’t help but smirk and giggle.

Cortex: It’s not funny! (spanks Boron)

Boron started crying.

Travis: Calm down little fella… (cuddles him)

Boron then buried his face in Travis’s chest. Then another bright light filled the room.

Monnika: Let me guess – another hologram.
Teejay: Good guess!

Monnika smiled back.

Cortex: We have managed to earn another power…
Travis: (still cuddling Boron) What do you mean “we”? You did it all by yourself!
Teejay: Uncle Neo… how… did you do that?
Cortex: It’s a long story. I’ll explain when we come back.
Crash: And another thing – did you catch any signals for any other Power?
Teejay: We are not yet certain but we’re picking out a distress signal from Mecca in Saudi Arabia. I can sense a strong array of Tiko’s henchmen there.
Travis: Look – we already taken out 2 of them…
Cortex: And Oxide is still back at Gazmoxia with a severe case of Hypothermia…
Monnika: This leaves the Cerulean Wizard, the Crystal Lake…
Crash: …the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker!
Monnika: (sighs angrily) We don’t have time for crack-ups right now.
Crash: Sorry!
Monnika: We also have worries about Deksta and Moe, so if all four of them are there…
Cortex: We’re dog food!
Travis: Hey!
Cortex: Sorry… wrong wording there, but you get the picture.
Crash: We’d best leave that behind right now… so ARE WE GONNA THRASH ‘EM??
Rest of the gang: YES!!!!!!!
Teejay: Good luck! (vanishes)
Crash: Thanks! (turns to the crew) We’re moving on up!

Our crew then leave the temple back to the aeroplane for the next venture…


Teejay: Take it easy little fella – I have it all under control. We have located you just above the Lost Temples of Greece – they are so special there isn’t even a footpath to lead to them!
Travis: Cool!
Teejay: It’s also where another relic, another hostage and another criminal have been located. We are yet to find out their whereabouts for these bodies.
Crash: Like, there could be an arm in one temple, a leg in another and a head somewhere outside.
Monnika: CRASH!!!!!!!
Crash: WHAT?
Monnika: I know you want to add some humour, but leave that to Snappy.
Crash: (sighs angrily) But he doesn’t come in until…
Monnika: Shut it!

Crash remained silent.
Boron then picked up a batch of flowers from the ground and gave them to Violet. She still shook her head. Then he started rooting in his backpack trying to find the diamond ring. He even emptied his bag by tipping it upside down and pouring the contents out, but it wasn’t in there!

Crash: OK, who has the ring?
Monnika: (shows the ring on her right hand) It said in the script that diamonds are a girl’s best friend! This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!
Boron started tugging on Crash’s pants.

Crash: No, Boron – they’re not up my pants.
Travis: Not the pants – he may try to tell you something!

Boron pulled out one of the longest flowers from out of the ground and started waving it around like a magic wand, but just a few seconds into it he starts sneezing and then sits on the floor feeling sick.

Crash: I think he’s got the hay fever…
Director: You’re too right – we should film some scenes without him for a while before the cold eases up.
The scene opens with Violet relaxing with a magic book and performing all sorts of tricks on small natural creatures. First came a rabbit, and with a quick click she multiplied it. Then a toad hopped towards her and she shrunk it down to the size of an ant. Next a sheep came and with one twirl of a wrist… she accidentally turns it into a vicious monster! Quickly she turned it back.

Violet: Sorry… did I do something wrong?
Director: You twirled your wrist the wrong way round.
Tiko: Did you manage to learn any tricks?
Violet: Yep! Now I feel ready for them thugs when they next come to me!

Just then a pink cloud filled the stage and when it faded out it showed Violet dressed as a magician, has a sword in her hand and in front of her was a mugger in a box.

Violet: OK, who did that?
Snappy: You said that you’re ready to perform the tricks, right?

Violet gave out a sigh and left the stage.

Snappy: But I’m waiting for…

Violet tossed a sword at Snappy and chopped his pants off, showing him in pink boxer shorts. He then blushed and ran offstage.
Crash and Cortex set foot into the temple and started walking up the long corridors for their target, but Crash’s squeaky shoes caused a disadvantage. The dampness force became stronger as they came closer and closer to it. Eventually, they came to another dead end.

Cortex: Crash, you’re as quiet as firecrackers in a hospital zone! Wait… can we cut? I said the wrong line…
Daffy Duck: (comes onto stage from nowhere) Of course you have – you’ve got my script for the FMV Sequences in the new videogame “Sheep, Dog ‘n Wolf”, based on the Warner Brothers cartoon of the same name.
Cortex: (sarcastically) That’s nice Daffy, now if you please –
Daffy: Here’s yer script. (gives Cortex his script) I think we got ours the wrong way round. (goes off stage) Later!

Crash and Cortex looked at each other blankly.
Lio: What was that? (turns around)

As he turned around, his opponent sneaked behind him by crouching underneath and getting behind him in the nick of time. Then Lio looked under his legs and this caused his target to climb on top of him and when he stopped looking he climbed back down. Sooner enough he did a handstand as an alternative way to look behind, but Cortex dived out of the way and did a handstand behind his back, but ends up losing his balance and falling on top of him.

Lio: OW! What was that for?
Cortex: I’m not really adapted enough to handstands. I’ll see if I can find a stunt double… (goes offstage)

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