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Episode 16 – Arabian Might

Scene: 1000m above Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Music: Missy Elliot – “Get Ur Freak On” (Instrumental)

Our heroes were hovering up high in the plane ready to see Mecca’s crisis…

Crash: Can you see anything down…
Cortex: (gets a pair of binoculars from out of his backpack) I’m not ready yet!
Crash: (sarcastically) Oh fine. Take yer time and cost the lives of others…
Monnika: Oh Crash, don’t be such a puss…
Travis: Monnika…
Monnika: Oh… there goes the other foot – I need a better phrase…
Cortex: (looks through his binoculars and gasps) I think I’ve spotted the jelly!

Everyone except for Crash rushed over to him.

(camera turns into a binoculars view of the situation)

Cortex: 3 of the enemies are down there as ninja assassins!

(camera restores itself)

Monnika: (steals the binoculars from Cortex) Gimme that! (looks through them) Wait a mo – how come they ain’t attacking?
Travis: Maybe they’re waiting for us, chicken!
Monnika: CHICKEN?!? THAT’S IT!!!!!!

Both Travis and Monnika end up in a scrap.

Crash: Careful – you’re rocking the plane!
Travis and Monnika: (stop fighting) Sorry…

Boron sighed.

Cortex: Something’s not right with Travis – first Crash, then Monnika – what would he do next?
Travis: (clinches his fist) It’ll be you if you don’t pipe down!
Cortex: Sorry…
Crash: Anyhow, let’s see what them ninjas want!
Monnika: Aye aye captain!
Crash: Buckle up – this is gonna be a bumpy ride!

Everyone buckled themselves back in their seats as Crash lowered the plane down towards the ground…

[Music changes – Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan – “Silence” (DJ Tiesto In Search Of Sunrise remix, instrumental)]

Back down in the town centre, our enemies were seen stalking the streets in ninja costumes. Violet was in yellow, Deksta wore red and Moe was seen in pink.

Deksta: So what’s your next plan?
Violet: I’m thinking that we should trick them by being the average ninjas attacking them, and we’ll slay them down easy!
Moe: Wait a mo – ninjjjjjjjjjassssss… in the Middle Easssssst?
Violet: I know this is an oriental art, but the main thing is the bandicoot and his brats – they won’t even know our disguises!
Deksta: One weird question – why are we wearing sunshine colours? It’s making us hot under the collar!
Violet: (sighs angrily) FOR THE LAST TIME THEY ARE THE ONLY ONES I CAN AFFORD!!!!!!!!!
Deksta: (faintly) Sorry…
Violet: Now we’ll see who’s got the laughing matter… (laughs vilely)
Episode 17 – Crouching Wolfie, Hidden Kitty

Scene: The landing area in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Music: Muse – “Plug-In Baby” (Instrumental)

Our heroes managed to make a rough touchdown here but as the wheels touched the ground they started spinning out of control…

Crash: Everybody hang on! (holds onto his chair)

Everyone else hanged onto the sides of the plane and eventually it crashed into the control tower…

(Music stops)

Crash: (dizzily) Ouch…

Everyone else came out from the crash looking bruised.

Crash: Squeeze up guys – a little crash don’t bug us, right?
Voice: Yeah, and we’re glad to see you do so!
Crash: Eh?

(Music changes – Push – “Strange World”)

The ninjas came out from the darkness and got their hands out for a handshake.

Crash: Why should I? I know you guys too easily – Deksta, Moe and Hallie!

The ninjas fell over.

Cortex: What do you want from us?
Violet: Give me everything you have!

Moe and Deksta drew out their swords.

Violet: Or else!
Monnika: Never underestimate us!
Moe: Ssssssshow me your sssssstrength!

Moe charged right at Monnika with his sword all stuck out and he slashed her on the chest, causing a rip in her clothes and a scar across it.

Crash: MONNIKA!!!!!!!
Moe: I bet you’re ssssssssscared of usssssss now!
Cortex: (drew out the stolen blade) Show me!

Crash gave in the People’s Eyebrow as Moe tried to charge at Cortex… but he blocked the attack and sent him flying into a wall, drilling a hole through it!

Crash: One down and two to go!
Deksta: Ah shaddup skippy – you’re going down after what I do with you!

She gets out a rifle gun and starts firing at the gang. As the bullets went Crash and Cortex both passed out.

Deksta: (laughs vilely) So we’re just left with a couple of household pets! What do you have for us?
Travis: (forms an electric beam in his hand) A sorry excuse for a comeback!

He fires an electric beam at Deksta, paralysing her!

Violet: So, she’s burnt to a crisp eh? You’ve still to see what I can do!
Travis: Show me what you’ve got!
Violet: And I’ll show it to you… not yet! (vanishes with the others)

(Music stops)

Travis: COME BACK YOU COWARDS… (sighs) Oh man…

Sooner enough, the others started reviving themselves from their injuries.

Crash: What… happened?
Travis: Them thugs were in one heck of a beating!

[Music restarts – Shaggy – “It Wasn’t Me” (Instrumental)]

Then a white flash was seen and faded to show a hologram of Midget!

Midget: Hey, you did a great job guys! Now listen carefully – we have found another recruit!
Monnika: GREAT! Where is he?

Boron started barking and growling.

Midget: He’s right here in Mecca!
Crash: Hey – this is too easy!
Midget: We have located him in the town centre! Be careful while you can!
Crash: Thanks skippy!
Midget: No problem! (vanishes)
Crash: OK, let’s go!

Everyone evacuated the area – well, everyone except for Cortex. Sooner enough, Travis came back to him.

Travis: What’s the matter?
Cortex: I’m just a bit worried about the hostage we’re about to free…
Travis: What do you mean?
Cortex: I mean, occasionally, Snappy gets on my nerves with his personality and Toby is a bit crazy at times.
Travis: He ain’t crazy – he’s my brother! Now don’t panic – whomever we free will soon understand the problems we’ll be going through, so just relax.
Cortex: Thanks.
Travis: Now let’s scram before it’s too late!

They both leave the area and start catching up towards the others…
Episode 18 – Fried Gator

Scene: The main streets of Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Music: Lil’ Bow Wow – “Bow Wow Wow (That’s My Name)” (Instrumental)

Our heroes were roaming through the busy streets in search for their next hostage. The atmosphere was packed with so much activity wherever they went!

Chef: GET YOUR FRESH CURRY RIGHT HERE!! All your favourite spices are there!

Boron started licking his lips with hunger.

Jeweller: (to Monnika) Good morning, young lady – do you want a necklace? (shows it to her) Trade them for anything good and you can have it.
Monnika: No thanks – I’ll pass.
Fishmonger: (shoves a fresh cod towards Travis’s face) FISH FISH FISH!!!! WE CATCH THEM YOU BUY THEM!!!!!!
Travis: Yummy!

(Music stops)

Minstrel: (sings and plays the sitar) Pure and simple, I’ll be there for you…
Crash: (sings and throws a toffee in the minstrel’s hat) Pure and simple gonna be there!

[Music restarts – Crazy Town – “Butterfly” (Instrumental)]

Meanwhile Cortex bumped into a fire-eater whose identity was still in the darkness…

Cortex: Sorry…

The fire-eater belched out fire and turned his face to ash.

Cortex: (breathes out smoke) Ouch…
Fire-eater: I’m sorry, was I too much for you?
Cortex: Not really… wait a minute – you sound so familiar.
Fire-eater: So do you! (comes out from the darkness)
Both: (point at each other) IT’S YOU!!!!

[Music changes – Janet Jackson – “All For You” (Intro)]

The fire-eater’s identity gets revealed slowly as the camera looks at him from the waist down up to the head. We soon find out that he was… Snappy Gator!

(Music turns instrumental)

Cortex: I’m so glad to see you here! I mean, why are you here in an Asian marketplace taking up such a vivid pastime?
Snappy: See me legs, Sherlock Holmes!

Cortex looked down at Snappy’s legs, and he saw that they were linked in chains to an old lamppost next to him!

Snappy: See? Do you have any plans on releasing me now?
Cortex: I think so… (gets out his laser)
Snappy: Be careful – I don’t want you to be caught red handed, or any other colour for that matter!

Within a few seconds the power from the laser managed to melt the chain down, setting him free!

Snappy: (jumps up and down) YAHOO!!!!!!!!
Cortex: I’m so glad to see you back! Now you come with me round the back before we get caught!

(Music stops)

Both of them head in the back alleys. Meanwhile, back with the others…

Travis: (talks with raw fish in his mouth) Have you seen where Cortex went?
Monnika: (shows off a white gold necklace) I can’t hear you!
Travis: (talks with raw fish in his mouth) I said… (swallows it) Have you seen where Cortex went?
Monnika: The last place I saw him was right ahead of us with Crash… speaking of which…
Crash and the Minstrel: (sing together) Nobody wants to be lonely…
Monnika: EY!
Crash: (turns to the crew) What?
Travis: I think we’ve lost someone…
Voice: You haven’t!
Crash: You what?
Boron: (stuffing curry in his mouth) Eh?
Voice: Come round the back and I’ll explain everything!

[Music changes – Toni Braxton – “Un-Break My Heart” (Instrumental)]

They went round the back and they saw Cortex and Snappy hiding away from the activity.

Monnika: OK, that’s 3 down and 1 to go!
Toby: Also, why are you hiding like that?
Cortex: We didn’t want to get caught by the police. Now we need to try and track down a power, but we need a good disguise…
Snappy: (looks up at a washing line) Man, I’ll feel like a woman…
Cortex: Pay attention!
Snappy: I was, just that I found a good idea! (points up)

They just saw a washing line full of ninja clothes!

Crash: I guess we’re struck lucky!
Monnika: Now we can find the next power for sure!

Sooner enough, Monnika flew up and fetched the clothes down!

Monnika: Now we just need the Power…

[Music changes – Salt ‘n Pepa feat. En Vogue – “Whatta Man” (Instrumental)]

As they head round the back with the costumes we see Violet in an ambush in a trash can…

Violet: (contacts Tiko on her wristwatch) Boss, are you there?
Tiko: (on the watch) Ready as you shall be. Have you caught them yet?
Violet: No, but they’ve just released another hostage.
Tiko: GET HIM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Violet: I know… I just didn’t have the guts at the moment!
Tiko: Calm down my princess – we’ll strike back on them – as soon as they leave this area…
Episode 19 – Catch The Cub

Scene: The main streets of Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Music: Jason Downes feat. Milk – “White Boy With A Feather” (Instrumental)

Our heroes were seen heading through the streets on the hunt for a power… in identical ninja costumes of different colours – Crash in blue, Cortex in red, Snappy in yellow, Monnika in Pink, Travis in green and Boron in white.

Crash: Can you see anything yet?
Monnika: Come to think of it I can’t sense anything for miles.
Snappy: Are you sure that Midget said that the Power was here?
Cortex: He didn’t even mention anything about a power here…
Travis: Hold it there – I can feel the heat.
Snappy: So do the rest of us – I’m so thirsty I can drink out of my own bladder!
Monnika: Ugh… nasty!
Travis: I really do mean it – I can sense the next power!
Crash: Where?
Travis: It’s in some old house down the street! I can sense it!
Crash: Great! Let’s go!

(Music changes – DJ Jean – “The Launch”)

Boron: YEAH!!!! (goes right ahead of the others)
Cortex: Wait for us – you don’t know the way!

But it was too late – Boron was already 2 yards ahead of the gang. The old house at the end of the street was getting closer to him as he came nearer. But sooner enough, he made a vivid slip…

Crash: SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!

But time was already out – Boron ended up falling into what was meant to be a sewer. Just a few seconds after the rest came.

Snappy: I’LL SAVE YOU!!!!!!!
Travis: Be careful –

Snappy dived down the hole but about a second after it…

(Music stops)


Snappy: (speaks with pain) Ouch my jaw line… (collapses)
Cortex: SNAPPY!!!!

[Music restarts – Toploader – “Achilles Heel” (Instrumental)]

The others peered above the hole.

Crash: Snaps, are ya OK?
Snappy: (talks in his state of unconsciousness) I wanna ride a pony…
Cortex: (sighs) This doesn’t look too good…
Crash: Calm down – leave everything to me.

Within seconds, Crash climbed down and brought Snappy back up.

Crash: I also found out where Boron went – there was some sort of futuristic door panel down there.
Monnika: Ah, so THAT’S where he could have gone…
Crash: Yeah, but who would do such a thing like that?

Everyone else looks at him angrily.

Crash: (in the style of Shaggy) It wasn’t me!
Cortex: Of course it wasn’t you, but surely you must have known the culprit by now!
Crash: Relax – I was only jokin’! But if we have to get him back, we have to track that girl down, and chances are that we’ll meet up with her again at some stage.
Travis: For now we’ve got a power to attend to, and it’s right over there!

Everyone heads towards the house with their fists clinched tightly…
Episode 20 – Violet’s Emotions Rise

Scene: A dungeon in the secret location in Glacier Park
Music: Stereo MCs – “Deep Down And Dirty” (Instrumental)

Violet was seen waiting at the docking area for a speedboat… until it finally came to her.

Violet: Great! My package is coming!

The speedboat travelled at an average speed of 100km/h and just as when it was about to hit the docks it crashed and a crate was sent flying into a metal cage. She rushed up to it and quickly locked it up before the crate was busted open, revealing the sorry soul as… Private Boron, still in his white ninja costume!

Violet: I’m glad to see you here.

Boron howled with madness, took off his costume revealing himself in his usual clothes and rushed up to the edge of the cage towards her.

Violet: Now listen – why do your friends keep on bothering Tiko’s plans?

Boron started barking at her very quickly.

Violet: I don’t understand…

Boron kept on barking.

Violet: Here, take this. (gives some sort of futuristic ear stud to him) Slip it on your ear and turn the switch on.

Boron did what he was told. Violet did the same with another stud she had with her.

Violet: OK. I want you to try and speak.
Boron: Testing one-two…
Violet: IT WORKED!!!!!!!
Boron: What worked?
Violet: Never mind. Now listen – I want you to tell me what’s the matter with your crew, and why they’re bothering my group in our new scheme.
Boron: You don’t understand – Tiko is evil!
Violet: Evil?
Boron: Yeah – he was a GTA assassin from back in the days!
Violet: But I thought it was for something else…
Boron: OK, so what did he tell you?
Violet: (gives Boron a roast chicken the size of her head) Here – this listening should give you an appetite.
Boron: Thanks! (starts eating it) Well?
Violet: He told me that the Powers of the Four Seasons, combined with the Egg of Courage, would make this world last forever.
Boron: More like make HIM last forever…
Violet: He also said that way back before humans roamed the planet the Powers were safe in the planet’s mantle, covering it with magic. But when a volcano erupted near an Aztec village about 10 to 20 thousand years ago, they discovered these Powers and relied on them to keep the race strong. The magic then went on to the humans and not the planet, so if we place these back into the volcano then the world will be immune again.
Boron: (talks with chicken in his mouth) Something’s fishy about that tale… At first I never even knew about the Powers being a part of an Aztec lifestyle.
Violet: I think that too, but then again I’m doing this for the money.
Boron: (spits chicken out of his mouth) YOU WHAT?!?
Violet: Well that’s what a princess wants, innit?
Boron: Don’t be too jealous for yourself – there are things that are more important than money, and I had to live without it as a child!
Violet: Awww…
Boron: See? If I can survive without it, so can you!
Violet: I really HAVE to see Tiko about this…
Boron: I’ll come with you – I’ve a score to settle!
Violet: Sorry but… I can’t.
Boron: Why not?
Violet: You just feed yourself to the chicken! (rushes towards the main area of the castle)

Without going any further, Boron started eating the chicken as fast as he could, starting to feel more drowsy than usual.
Episode 21 – Tiko’s Truth

Scene: A top-secret location in Glacier Park
Music: Sugarbabes – “Run For Cover” (Instrumental)

Violet was seen with Tiko again, feeling more confident than ever.

Tiko: It’s not like you to see me! What beings you here?
Violet: I have unveiled the truth about you.
Tiko: But everything I have told you IS the truth!
Violet: I don’t think so – how can the powers be THAT powerful so that they can survive in molten lava?
Tiko: They just do, OK?
Violet: I don’t really think they do. (gets out her sceptre) Now tell me the truth or else…
Tiko: (giggles) I dare you to!
Violet: OK! (fires the sceptre at Tiko’s feet)

[Music changes – Eddy Grant – “Electric Avenue” (Ring Bang remix, instrumental)]

Tiko’s feet were soon set on fire and he started dashing around the room screaming loudly.

Violet: Tell me the truth about your scheme!
Tiko: Never!
Violet: OK! (fires the sceptre at his groin)

Tiko gave in a louder squeal and collapsed on the floor with his legs packed in tightly.

Violet: Now?
Tiko: NO!
Violet: Suit yourself! (fires the sceptre on his hair)

His hair was then seen shaved in bits.

Violet: Tell me the truth and I’ll restore you to what you were before.
Tiko: OK, I admit it! I only needed the relics to be combined to a better power so that I can be able to kill my brother and take over the world! Now can you please REMOVE THE FIRE FROM MY FEET, STRAIGHTEN MY FLOPPY BITS AND GROW MY HAIR BACK!!!!!!!!!!

(Music stops)

Violet fired her sceptre at Tiko restoring him back to his original status.

Violet: Tiko, I am sooooooo disappointed in you. After all this time, you want the powers for world domination?

[Music changes – Gorillaz – “Clint Eastwood” (Instrumental)]

Tiko: What do you think I was going to do, sell them for cash?
Violet: I never really should have trusted you in the first place!
Tiko: But…
Violet: I’m not working with you anymore! (exits out of the main door)
Tiko: Fine, who needs her? (gets out his mobile, dials a number and waits for the ring tone of “Stan” by Eminem)

The ring tone rang and sooner enough he picked it up.

Tiko: Hey Moe – I got a misssssssion for you!
Moe: (laughs) Your acccccccent’ssssss coming along!
Tiko: Thanks! Now listen carefully – Crash and the others are over at the oldest house in Mecca. I want you to absorb the energy from the Power of Summer and take them on!
Moe: I’ll be ready for them when they are!
Tiko: Good luck! (turns the phone off) I hope HE obeys my commands…
Episode 22 – Dragon Magic

Scene: At the end of one of the main streets in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Music: Madonna – “What It Feels Like For A Girl” (Paul Oakenfold remix, instrumental)

Our group of five were outside an old house. Crash and Travis were trying to break in, leaving the others about a yard back, trying to revive Snappy.

Crash: Do you have any good ideas?
Travis: Come to think of it the padlock shows that you need something to open it.
Crash: A key?
Travis: It’s not made for a key, so what else can we use?
Crash: Um… I dunno.
Travis: (slaps him across the head) Think, man!
Monnika: Guys!
Crash and Travis: (face her) What?

As they turned around they saw Snappy back on his feet.

Crash: Hey – way to go, kid!
Travis: How are you feelin’ now?
Snappy: (painfully) I need a dentist… (shows his teeth, revealing that he has some of them scarred on the outside and one that is missing)
Cortex: (picks up Snappy’s fallen tooth) Believe it or not this thief could be a big help to us!
Travis: What do you mean?
Cortex: I mean you could try this tooth up at the padlock at the door.
Crash: What?!? The tooth could be a key at THAT old place? You are joking!
Cortex: (walks towards the padlock) I’m not – this could be our only hope, if not anything else.

He slides the tooth into the padlock, turns it and it managed to open to door.

Cortex: (turns to Crash) See? It worked!
Crash: OK, so not everyone’s perfect.
Travis: Like me!
Crash: (turns to Travis angrily) Say what?
Travis: Um…
Monnika: OK, who’s goin’ in?
Snappy: Let me try!
Monnika: But Snappy, what about yer teeth?
Snappy: Don’t panic – everything’s under control! (turns to Crash) Come on Gromit – We got some serious work to do!

Monnika giggled at Snappy.

Crash: We’ll be careful guys – and we’ll be back as survivors!
Travis: Take care!

[Music changes – Orbital – “Funny Brake” (Chorus)]

Crash and Snappy started heading through the rickety old house holding their hands tightly. They even looked in all directions with scared looks on their faces. When they reached the stairway, Snappy started shaking madly.

(Music turns instrumental)

Crash: What’s the matter?
Snappy: I should have told you this before we came in – GHOSTS!!!!!!!!!!
Crash: Don’t panic – keep with me and everything will be…

(Music changes – Mauro Picotto – “Komodo”)

Just then a flying creature came from above them.

Snappy: (screams) A G-G-G-G-G-GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!! (hides behind Crash’s back)
Crash: Relax – there’s no such thing as…
Snappy: LOOK UP!!!!!!!
Crash: Eh? (looks up)

The flying creature came into focus, which wasn’t a ghost but in fact was Komodo Moe, glowing red!

Crash: (turns back to Snappy) You can come back out now – this isn’t the prodigy you were thinking about.
Snappy: (comes out from Crash’s back) Thanks.
Moe: Sssssssssso, Crash Bandicoot, we meet again!
Crash: What do you want, pig face?
Moe: Jusssssst give me everything you have on you… (gets out his sword) OR ELSSSSSSSE!!!!!!!
Snappy: (sarcastically) Oooooooooh, I’m scared in my scales! (laughs out loudly)
Moe: Wanna bet?
Snappy: You’re on!

Moe sent a fireball right at Crash and sent him flying towards the wall, causing a massive…


Snappy: Ouch, that HAS to hurt!
Moe: Sssssssso, it’s just you and me, gator boy!
Snappy: Ssssssssssshow me your besssssssst!

Snappy then started walking up towards Moe with anger in his eyes…
Episode 23 – Green With Courage

Scene: The eldest house in the main streets of Mecca, Saudi Arabia
Music: Gorillaz – “Clint Eastwood” (Ed Case/Sweetie Irie radio edit, instrumental)

It was a showdown for two reptiles – Snappy Gator and Komodo Moe – and they both want the Power of Summer so badly…

Snappy: OK, how about I trade you a samurai sword collection for the Power.
Moe: NO!
Snappy: How about a Hawaiian island?
Moe: Not in a million yearssssss!
Snappy: And what about the planet Mars?
Moe: You don’t even own it.
Snappy: As you will with a knuckle sandwich!

(Music changes – Push – “Strange World”)

Snappy came up to him and gave him a tail whip in the groin.

Moe: OW!!!!!!!!!!
Snappy: Now give it!
Moe: NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!

He then rushed to Crash, recovered his sword and tried to strike him down but he somersaulted out of the way!

Snappy: WANKER!!!!!!!

This caused Moe’s eyes to glow red and he then rushed up to him with a fire-fisted counterattack, but he strikes him down.

Snappy: Crikey… (faints)

There was no escape – Moe came up to him and was about to slash him in half when there was a flash coming towards the entrance. This caused him to turn to it and then the flash came closer to him as a thunderbolt, paralysing him onto the ground.

[Music changes – Red Hot Chilli Peppers – “Under The Bridge” (Instrumental)]

The flash’s provider came up towards him, revealing himself as Travis! He came towards the fallen warriors and shocked them, springing them to their feet.

Travis: Are you guys all right?
Snappy: We are now! Thanks. (smiles)
Crash: At least I’m not facing him again in a long time.

Just then Moe’s body started glowing and the Power of Summer came out, rushing towards Snappy and into his heart.

Snappy: (screams) I’VE GOT HEARTBURN!!!!!!
Travis: No you don’t – you’ve absorbed the energy from the Power of Summer!
Snappy: Is that bad?

Travis falls over. But then Cortex and Monnika also came in to see what was going on.

Travis: (gets back up and points at Cortex and Monnika) They also absorbed energy from other Powers of the Four Seasons, so it’s not a bad sight.

Snappy: Does this mean that I yet STILL get a piggin’ heart attack every day or so?
Travis: No.
Snappy: Every week?
Travis: NO!
Snappy: Every month?
Travis: NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just then there was a white flash and when it faded it showed a hologram of Midget.

Midget: DAD!
Snappy: Hey there, my boy! (tries to hug him but he misses him like a ghost and falls flat on his face)

Midget: (giggles) It’s nice to see you back, and with the Power in possession!
Crash: Thanks!
Midget: By the way, you HAVE to come back home immediately – that is where the last two hostages are!
Travis: We’re on it! Boy… I wonder how my brother survived all these years…
Midget: You just have to find out for yourself! (vanishes)
Travis: Come back… ah, he’s gone.
Cortex: But what about Boron?
Travis: Don’t panic – Tiko may probably have him. But we’ll find out when we get there.
Monnika: OK, so the last bits of the jelly are coming, and we’re gonna win ‘em, right?
Rest of the gang: YEAH!!!!!!!!!
Crash: Let’s go!

Our heroes left the rickety old house for the landing area…


Crash: Can you see anything down…
Cortex: (gets a pair of binoculars from out of his backpack) I’m not ready yet!
Crash: (sarcastically) Oh fine. Take yer lime and cost the tives of others…
Director: CUT!
Crash: But…
Director: What’s the matter Crash – cat got your tongue?
Travis: (gets Crash’s tongue from out of his pocket) He is so right!
Deksta: (laughs vilely) So we’re just left with a couple of household pets! What do you have for us?
Travis: (forms an electric beam in his hand) A sorry excuse for a… ooh… (starts scratching)
Deksta: In other words, you’ve got fleas.

Boron also started scratching.

Violet: (screams) Don’t give them to me! (runs offstage)
Director: Don’t worry – I’ll give them treatment as soon as possible.
Snappy: See? Do you have any plans on releasing me now?
Cortex: I think so… (gets out his laser)
Snappy: Be careful – I don’t want you to be caught white handed…
Director: CUT! Snappy, you did the wrong colour!
Snappy: But white’s the colour of my belt, so where can I go wrong?
Cortex: But I thought it was red…
Director: (sighs) Let me try a test with something – what colour’s my hair?
Snappy: Pink!

The cast and crew laugh.

Director: (blushes) He’s right…
But it was too late – Boron was already 2 yards ahead of the gang. The old house at the end of the street was getting closer to him as he came nearer. But sooner enough, he made a vivid slip…

Crash: SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!

But time was already out – Boron ended up slipping on a banana peel and went right into the camera, breaking the monitor!

Crash: OK, who left the banana peel there?

Tarzan comes on stage and picks it up.

Tarzan: Sorry – banana me lunch.
Crash: (sighs) Next time, don’t even think of inviting Jane for a romantic meal for two on this stage!
Tarzan: Me sorry…
Boron: (talks with chicken in his mouth) Something’s fishy about that tale… At first I never even knew about the Powers being a part of an Aztec lifestyle.
Violet: I think that too, but then again I’m doing this for the money.
Boron: (spits chicken out of his mouth) YOU WHAT?!?
Violet: Ugh… what was THAT for?
Boron: What?
Violet: The chicken’s gone in me hair!

The camera then shows Violet with chicken bits in her hair.

Director: Relax – we’ll hire a hairstylist…
Violet: Tell me the truth and I’ll restore you to what you were before.
Tiko: OK, I admit it! I only needed the relics to be combined to a better power so that I can be able to kill my youngest brother and take over the world! Now can you please REMOVE THE FIRE FROM MY FEET, STRAIGHTEN MY FLOPPY BITS AND GROW MY HAIR BACK!!!!!!!!!!

Violet was about to restore him but…

Violet: Funnily enough I didn’t even notice…

Tiko dashes off-stage as a fireball and heads towards his changing room.
Travis: How are you feelin’ now?
Snappy: (painfully) I need a dentist… (shows his teeth, revealing that he has some of them scarred on the outside and one that is missing, but then the rest fall out.
Crash: Wait a mo – how did ALL of them fall out?
Snappy: I had an accident at lunchtime – scoffed up too many donuts.
Crash: (turns to Travis) Please can I borrow your mobile? I need to get Snappy to a dentist – PRONTO!
Just then Moe’s body started glowing and the Power of Summer came out, rushing towards Snappy and into his heart.

Snappy: (screams) I’VE GOT HEARTBURN!!!!!!
Travis: No you don’t – you’ve absorbed the energy from the Power of Summer!
Snappy: Is that bad?

Travis falls over.

Snappy: IT’S TRUE – I’VE GOT A HEART ATTACK!!!!!!!!!
Crash: What from – the battle?
Snappy: Yeah – just send me a doctor!
Crash: Oh… (turns to Cortex)
Cortex: (sighs) For the last time I AM NOT A MEDICAL SCIENTIST!!!!!!!!!
Crash: Sorry…

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