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Episode 24 – Home On The Strange

Scene: Outside Crash’s home
Music: Cleptomaniacs feat. Brain Chambers – “All I Do”

It wasn’t long until our crew headed towards this area in the bi-plane and landed down safely. As they headed into the house they saw Coco and the others hard at work.

(Music turns instrumental)

Crash: Did you find anything?
Coco: Not yet, but we’re sensing that the final prizes are somewhere on this island!
Crash: Wicked!
Travis: Brother reunion, here I come!
Coco: I also sensed something else – the final Power is with the Egg and the hostage, in the main hideout. The other hostage is alone.
Snappy: Do you know where they are?
Coco: Not as we speak.
Cortex: OK… (turns to Monnika) Do YOU know where they are then?

Monnika shrugged.

Crash: Come on – you’ve got enough power to detect a space shuttle!
Monnika: OK, OK! Just don’t get your underpants in a twist. (gets in a meditating position)

The crew waited for a response, until…

Monnika: Their hideout is on top of the highest peak of Glacier Park, and the fortress is known as Peak Palace.
Snappy: Brrr… Ice ice baby!
Monnika: Three of the prizes are in the hideout while the lone hostage is sealed in a cave in the peak.
Snappy: (sings) I’m going deeper underground…
Cortex: Fine – you want it you got it. (pounds Snappy onto the floor)
Snappy: HEY!
Crash: Looks like they’re ours for the taking!
Dingodile: Now I want you to be careful mytes, as you’ve got a hard task to come to.
Travis: Why?
Dingodile: Surely you must have known before…
Travis: But I never fought them before – I only just joined them, thank you!
Teejay: Calm down, just calm down. Freeze.

(Music stops)

Everyone stood still.

Teejay: OK, so Father Tiko, as I may call him, may be a hard nut with all sorts of horrid tricks up his sleeve, Deksta’s plans get much more sneakier every time and newcomer Violet, well, you knew HER strengths.
Travis: Can I phone Mike Tyson for helping us out?
Midget: (sighs) Oh boy…

[Music restarts – Destiny’s Child – “Survivor” (Instrumental)]

Midget: This is a no-peace-no-doubt situation – if we don’t stop him then we’ll be his eternal slaves! By the way, Mike Tyson is a big – girls – blouse.
Travis: WHAT?!?!? (rolls up his right sleeve) Why you little…
Cortex: Travis, control yourself!
Travis: Sorry.
Crash: Looks like we’re gonna thrash ‘im one! Glacier Park, here we come!

Crash, Cortex, Travis and Monnika dashed out of the front door… but Snappy still remained how he was.

(Music stops)

Midget: Why aren’t you going, dad?
Snappy: You told me to freeze.
Midget: All right then, unfreeze!

Snappy then bolted out of the door and caught up to the others…
Episode 25 – Rapid Power

Scene: The dark dungeons of Peak Palace
Music: Dido – “Thank You” (Instrumental)

The first thing the camera sees is a chicken completely eaten to the bone and as we shift to the right slightly we then see Boron sound asleep with what looks like a beer belly. Then Violet came in looking worried.


Boron then sat up like in a trance, yawned and opened his eyes slightly.

Violet: You gotta help me, and it will work better if you switch yer ear lobe back on.

Boron did what he was told.

Violet: (turns back on her stud device) As I was saying, we’re in trouble!
Boron: (immediately and tiredly) I heard you the first time, thanks.
Violet: Look – Tiko’s using the relics to kill your best friend and to control the world under his feet!
Boron: (gets alert) JUMPING JERRY SPRINGER!!!!!!
Violet: We have no choice but to take you into hiding.
Boron: PLEASE DON’T!!!!!!!
Violet: Why not?
Boron: I need to thrash Tiko for what he did to us, past and present!
Violet: But his power is so strong he can knock you out, or even kill you, on the first shot! And what’s worse, we don’t have all four Powers of the Four Seasons yet.
Boron: Who cares about his strength – I can handle it!
Violet: No wait – I don’t want you to get hurt! Now listen, we need to take you out of the way and to the Lost Ruins. You won’t get any damage.
Boron: Who cares if I don’t get hurt? It’s just as long as Tiko gets the kisser!
Violet: But… (sighs) Maybe this would help…

She fires her sceptre over at Boron, and eventually he had droopy eyes and broke out of the cage like he was in a trance.

Violet: That’s better. Now we’re getting out of here.
Boron: (sleepily) Yes master.

Violet smirked and took him to a nearby speedboat. Then they sped off over the lake towards the Lost Ruins.


[Music changes – Gabrielle – “Out Of Reach” (Instrumental)]

Our group were heading towards Glacier Park in fine weather and the sun was still in the sky…

Travis: (sniffs and breathes out) There’s nothing like a cool lakeside breeze in the early hours of the evening!
Crash: I could do with cooling down – all this fighting’s hard work!
Snappy: What about speedboat hire?
Cortex: Snappy, he’s not serious.
Crash: I am!

(Music changes – Yomanda – “Synth And Strings”)

Monnika: And look – there’s one up ahead!
Cortex: Let me take a look… (gets out a pair of binoculars and gasps)
Crash: What do you see?

(View changes to binoculars view)

Cortex: The Crystal Lake has taken Boron!

(View changes back)

Cortex: I just knew that she was nothing but trouble!
Crash: Ditto!
Travis: We HAVE to get him back!
Monnika: Wait a mo – how about we split up and work on both the mission AND Boron’s future!
Travis: OK!

(Music mixes into Musique vs. U2 – “New Year’s Dub”)

Crash: Let’s see… Cortex and Travis, you’re coming with me to sort out that Blue Puss. The rest of you will try and cross the lake and track her down.
Snappy: But how the heck can I cross a lake?
Cortex: Have you thought about swimming?
Snappy: Oh yeah… (slaps himself on the face)
Monnika: We’ll contact you when we catch something!
Crash: OK! (turns to the others) Looks like the final prizes depend on us, so we need to watch out!
Travis: Sure! I can handle anything, me!
Crash: What about controlling your electric power? You’re using it too much!
Travis: But that’s a good thing! Anyhow, we’d best be going!
Monnika: Take care! Good luck!

Both teams then went in different directions and headed towards their destinations…
Episode 26 – Violet Explains It All

Scene: The Lost Ruins
Music: Schiller – “Das Glockenspiel”

The speedboat came towards him and Violet came out, dragging Boron from behind and hiding up a cherry tree. Then just a few seconds later Snappy and Monnika came to the edge and looked around the area.

Snappy: Can you trace her?
Monnika: I’ll try… (gets back in a meditating position, but then squeals in pain)
Snappy: What?
Monnika: (collapses on the floor) I don’t have the power to track her down.
Snappy: Relax – You try and relax as far as you can. Will you feel any better?
Monnika: (faintly) I don’t know…
Snappy: Calm down – I’ll try and find you something that can heal you…
Monnika: (faintly) Thanks.

The first place he comes across is a cherry tree. He then climbed up and took them down one by one, but eventually he grabs a pink sceptre.

Snappy: Eh?

He whizzes it onto the floor but as it touched the ground a beam of light shone from it, causing him to turn around and he saw Monnika back on her feet.

Monnika: Thanks a lot! By the way, where did it come from?
Snappy: Up the tree.
Monnika: (smiles) How about you climb a bit further?
Snappy: Right!

He climbed further up and pulled down a purple cape.

Voice: (takes the cape back) HANDS OFF!!!
Snappy: (gasps) HER!

(Music stops)

He then jumped back down and kicked the tree so madly he brought down Boron and Violet.

Monnika: OK, so what are you doing with him?
Violet: It’s none of your beeswax! (turns to Boron) Finish them!

Boron didn’t respond.

Snappy: Looking for something? (shows her sceptre in front of her eyes)
Violet: No please – don’t…

Snappy then pushed a “deactivate” button on her sceptre and within seconds Boron collapsed on the floor and drifted into a sound sleep.

Violet: WHAT?!? (turns to him) SQUEEZE UP!!!!!!!!

There was no response.

Violet: (turns to Snappy) WHAT WAS THAT FOR?????
Snappy: You tried to steal Boron from us, didn’t you?
Violet: Yes, but this is for his own good.

[Music restarts – Seal – “Kiss From A Rose” (Instrumental)]

Monnika: What do you mean?
Violet: I’m meaning that he needs to be safe from Tiko – he’s gonna rule the world!
Snappy: Tell me something we don’t know…
Violet: And I thought he was going to restore the world’s natural balance with them!

Snappy smirked behind Monnika’s back.

Monnika: It’s not funny.
Snappy: Sorry.
Violet: Now can I please have my sceptre back?

Snappy handed Violet her sceptre. As she got it back she looked at the power rating.

Violet: (gasps) And there’s not enough to take him on!
Snappy: Be patient. We’ll sort him out.
Violet: Thanks. I’ll wait here in the safe trying to awaken my man here. By the way, do you know how long it may take?
Monnika: Come to think of it, it may take about 4 hours from now.
Violet: But that’s late night!
Monnika: Don’t worry – at least he’ll have enough strength, and by the way his bedtime is about midnight so… (looks at her watch) If it’s just 5 past 5 now, then he’ll be all right.
Violet: That’s OK. Contact me on the phone when it’s time. Here’s my number. (passes a piece of paper to Monnika)
Monnika: Thanks. Travis will take note of this. Wonder where he is anyway…
Snappy: We’ll catch up to them eventually, and I bet your power will lead the way.
Monnika: Right!
Violet: Take great caution – he is stronger than you think!

And so both of them leave the Ruins back to Glacier Park…
Episode 27 – Trigger Returns

Scene: The lake between Glacier Park and the Lost Ruins
Music: David Morales presents The Face – “Needin’ U”

Snappy and Monnika were speeding across the lake in all ways possible towards Peak Palace…

Snappy: Can you see them yet?
Monnika: How can I when the mountains are in my way?
Snappy: Never mind…
Monnika: Don’t – I’ve caught them!
Snappy: Where?
Monnika: They’re heading into the cave of the peak now! We have to try everything we can to help them!
Snappy: Just leave them to it…
Monnika: No Snappy – last time they were in a cave they were nearly beaten up bad style!
Snappy: What, by a puny little bat?
Monnika: No – by a newly powered little brat that can use a whip and The People’s Elbow in style. Now just stick with me and we’ll get to them faster than you can say Peak Palace!

[Music changes – LeAnn Rimes – “I Need You” (Instrumental)]

They headed towards the mountain range, where the others were likely to run into trouble. Meanwhile, in the cave of the highest peak…

Crash: This place is too dark!
Travis: Don’t panic – I’ve an idea!

He formed a beam of electricity in his hands and it shone around the place, making it nearly certain to see.

Crash: Thanks. I can do with that!
Voice: So can I!
Crash: Huh?

A black shadow came across the area.

Crash: Another bully?
Cortex: Show me your face… (loads his laser) Or else you’re in the deep fry.

(Music stops)

The mysterious person came out of the darkness and revealed himself as… Trigger Tortoiseshell!

Travis: (gasps) DAD!
Trigger: Travis! (laughs) You’re alive!

Both of them came closer and they both hugged each other.

Travis: I missed you!
Crash: Oh brother…
Cortex: What are you “oh brother” ing at? This is a family reunion, and yet I never even knew that Trigger would be alive at this time!
Trigger: Mind you, it’s a bit of a long story, but I’m not going to explain it to you because of the cruelty you did to me when you were Travis’s age.
Cortex: But it was YOU who started slavery in Artesia, not me!
Trigger: You don’t understand – racing is my life!
Crash: Calm down you two! Now Trigger, could you please explain to us how you survived all these years?
Trigger: No problem.

[Music restarts – Madonna – “What It Feels Like For A Girl” (Paul Oakenfold remix, instrumental]

An old car was zooming through the desert and in that car were an adult cat and two kids.

Young Travis: Where are you going?
Trigger: Somewhere far away from home – I just can’t stand my defeat.
Young Toby: But dad, everyone has to lose sometime – racing isn’t all important!
Trigger: It IS to me, and because of that it’s caused a divorce from your mum!
Young Toby: But just learn to like losing – it was so cruel about what you did to all those people back in our hometown!
Young Travis: And besides, I don’t want a new home!
Trigger: We have no choice kids – we NEED to move somewhere else so that we won’t get taken the mick and be called losers for the rest of our lives! Now if you excuse me I can’t see where I’m going –

(Music stops)

But before he can say anything else the car crashed into a cactus, Trigger was left unconscious at the wheel, Toby flew out onto a cactus and knocking himself out and Travis flew onto the sandy desert ground making him unconscious too.
[Music restarts – Lonestar – “Amazed” (Instrumental)]

Trigger: I never knew much since then, but after awakening at a hospital in San Francisco I tried to change my name so that I was never called a loser again.
Travis: So THAT’S how I never found out…
Trigger: And then a couple of weeks ago I was told about a blonde cat being located around these parts, so I went out to look for him. And besides, where were you all these years?
Travis: A kind man took me to Miami. While I was there I managed to see his humanoid partners – and his daughter. Five years later, I saw Cortex and his crew for the first time as they made a pit stop over there.
Cortex: Don’t give me flashbacks about it – His daughter took over my mind up until the encounter in Los Angeles.
Travis: Sorry…
Trigger: And what happened to Toby?
Cortex: He was in a homeless shelter in Melbourne, and he got on well with my nephew when he was transported there in 1993. He was currently living with us, but he’s now one of Tiko’s hostages.
Trigger: Thanks a lot! Now a family will be complete! (sniffs) But we have no mother…
Crash: Don’t worry – we’ve got girls so one of them can look after the kids.
Travis: WE’RE TOO OLD FOR THAT!!!!!!!
Crash: (A big teardrop comes down his face) Oh…
Travis: Anyway, we’d best get back to business. We were told that Toby was down here. Do you know where he is?
Trigger: But this cave was so dark I couldn’t find my way out, never mind progressing through the tunnel!
Crash: It looks like you’re on with us! You can help us out with your Texas gear anytime!
Trigger: Texas gear? (looks at his belt) Ah, my weapons – how come I didn’t think of that?
Crash: Never mind about that now – we have a cat to rescue!

And now the Fearless Four start heading up the cave with Travis’s electric spark leading the way…
Episode 28 – Toby Dick’s Vengeance

Scene: The dark cave underneath Peak Palace
Music: Roni Size/Reprazent – “Who Told You” (Instrumental)

The last time we left our heroes they were being lead by Travis down the dark cave. The cat hunt started making bad progress, until…


Travis: (gasps) What was that?
Crash: Some sort of stray kitty, I guess…
Trigger: But what if this ain’t the one we’re looking for?
Crash: Then again we could be torn into shreds by it and never have the strength to track your boy down at all…


Travis: There it is again! (starts rushing down)
Cortex: Wait Travis – if you go then we can’t see… ah, he’s gone.
Trigger: Where’s a torch when you need one?
Travis: (from another area of the tunnel) Don’t panic about light – just stay where you are and I’ll track down that cat!

(Music stops)

Crash: Fine then. (whistles along to “All For You” by Janet Jackson)

[Music restarts – Robbie Williams – “Let Love Be Your Energy” (Middle 8 instrumental)]

Travis dashed down the tunnel with hopes of finding a stray cat, until he came all the way down to a dead end.

(Music stops)

Travis: Funny. There’s nothing here…
Voice: GET ME OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Travis: What?!? Where is it coming from?
Voice: LOOK UNDER YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Travis looked down and he saw that he was standing on a cage that wasn’t fully buried. And in that cage he saw his brother Toby!

Travis: TOBY!!!!!!! I’m glad to see you here!
Toby: BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!

[Music changes – Shaggy – “Angel” (Instrumental)]

Travis pulled the cage out from the ground and used an electric current to break the bars.

Toby: (gasps) THANKS BRO!!!!!!!!!

Both of them came closer to each other and hugged each other with happiness and with tears in their eyes. After a while they released themselves.


Sooner enough the others came to the scene as quick as they could, with a light shone from Cortex’s laser acting as a flashlight.

Trigger: Hey WOW!!!!!! TOBY’S BACK!!!!!
Toby: DAD!!!!!!!!
Crash: Oh brother. Again.

Now Toby and Trigger came up to each other and started hugging each other. Then after a while he came back to the others.

Crash: Welcome back to the group!
Toby: Thanks!
Crash: Now that we’re sorted here, can we go and torch Tiko now? This cuddling thing is making me sick.
Cortex: I know you don’t like it, but spare a thought for them. They have been drifted apart for about 15 years and now we can see that they’re back together again. Think about you and Coco – what if you two ended up in a car crash and got separated by travellers for 15 years?
Crash: Good point…


[Music changes – Eminem and Dr. Dre – “Forgot About Dre” (Instrumental)]

Snappy and Monnika came close to it waiting to tell the guys the good news…

Snappy: Those bods HAVE to hear this!
Monnika: No wait… (drags Snappy back) It’s that dark in there and we can’t use a flashlight to go in.
Snappy: So how are we gonna get in then?
Monnika: Don’t panic – Travis deals with electric attacks and can shock people from anywhere, as well as causing a flash from it.
Snappy: Fair enough…
Crash: (from further up the tunnel) HEY!
Snappy: Eh?
Monnika: He’s coming back!

(Music stops)

Just then Crash and the others came out with Toby in their possession.

Snappy: Wicked! And you got another cat with you!
Travis: Me? You surely know me, right?
Monnika: Not you – the ginger one!

[Music changes – LeAnn Rimes – “I Need You” (Instrumental)]

Trigger: Mind you, I’ve been tryin’ to track them kids for ages now and I finally found them! We’re one happy family!
Toby: (sighs) Dad, can you give up with that? Oh… and by the way did you manage to track down that pink wolverine?
Snappy: Yeah… but hear this – she is working on our side!

Everyone but Snappy and Monnika starts laughing.


Everyone gasps.

Crash: So THAT’S why she caught him…
Snappy: She even thought that the Powers were needed to go back in the mantle and let the world live forever! (cracks up) What a dopey tale!
Cortex: For once you’re right – everyone knows that when anything gets placed in mantle it melts into it, never mind giving eternal health to the planet!
Crash: It looks like Tiko needs to be given punishment for his own little lies.
Monnika: And I feel that now’s the time! (looks up) And the palace seems a long way up!
Crash: Don’t worry – we can fly there!
Monnika: Oh yeah… (slaps herself)

[Music changes – Steps – “You’ll Be Sorry” (Instrumental)]

Just then a sprinkle was heard in the sky. As they turned back a crystal pink beam was seen flowing across the sky. Then as it touched down right in front of them Violet showed herself from the smoke.

Snappy: (gasps) Violet!
Monnika: But I thought you were busy looking after Boron…
Violet: I know, but he woke up a bit too early. He still looked a bit weak but after offering him some fresh vitamin C from the cherry tree he will be back up and running in a jiffy. I don’t know if it would be quick enough.
Crash: Don’t panic – we’ve got it all undercover. Hopefully Boron may track you down back up at the palace, so what can go wrong?
Violet: Exactly.
Monnika: We’d best show ‘im what we’ve got before I’m turned into a Cerulean Witch!
Crash: OK, let’s go already!

Monnika flew up the peak side, Violet vanished into thin air and the others used jetpacks and jet boards to reach the top…
Episode 29 – The Escape!

Scene: The entrance of Peak Palace
Music: Craig David – “Rendezvous” (Blacksmith remix, instrumental)

It wasn’t long until our heroes came towards the entrance. Well, all except for Violet.

Crash: (taps his foot angrily) It’s been a long while since she promised to be up here.
Travis: Maybe she ran into a bug on the way there.
Toby: I very much doubt it bro – this girl can wipe anyone out with her sceptre.
Trigger: Calm down boys – for everyone there must always be a weakness.
Cortex: A weakness? I have a good suspicion that she chickened out to meet up with Boron.
Snappy: Monique, can you detect her?
Monnika: (in a meditating position) She’s gone back to the Ruins.
Cortex: Let me see… (gets out his binoculars and looks through them towards the Lost Ruins) Ugh… how could she do that?
Crash: Do what?
Snappy: It’s too saucy to describe. And besides, you should know because you’re a daddy!
Crash: I forgot…
Snappy: (sighs) Blinkin’ ‘eck! I’ll explain later.


[Music changes – Dido – “Thank You” (Intro)]

Ryane Platypus was seen unconscious in a cage, until she slowly began to revive herself. After a while she managed to sit up.

Ryane: (looks around) Where… am I? And what the heck am I doing here?

She looked directly at the bars and she tried to bust them free with a fireball, but she never even formed it.

Ryane: My… power… (looks at her hands) It’s… vanished…

[Music changes – Airheadz – “Stanley” (Instrumental)]

Then some thuds were heard from upstairs, causing her to turn around. Then a girly shadow was seen on the walls. She put her fists up ready for a fight. Then the person with the shadow came closer to her revealing herself in the flesh… Deksta!

Deksta: OK, you puny little duck – time to get your just deserts.
Ryane: I’m not a duck!
Deksta: I don’t care what you are – as long as you never see the light of day again.
Ryane: Show me what you got, lassy…
Deksta: Fine, but I shall not lose.

She loaded up a shotgun and immediately fired a blast towards the bars of Ryane’s cage, breaking them. As Deksta was about to fire more at her, she escaped her clutches and started running towards the dock. Then she was cornered.

Deksta: Say your prayers, ducky!

She looked around and eventually she saw a cardboard box right next to her, containing the Power of Fall and the Egg of Courage. Then as more blasts were about to be shot she pushed the box into the lake, grabbed a torn-off pole and started rowing away from her to the mainland. More blasts came and each one missed her by the skin of the teeth. As she reached the shore she collected the relics and started climbing the mountain as hard and fast as she could.

(Music stops)

Deksta: (sighs angrily) She got away! (kicks her shotgun across the floor)

As she kicked it, it slid towards a box full of cargo, the trigger was pushed into it and she was shot in the leg, leaving herself unconscious.


[Music changes – Celine Dion – “Falling Into You” (Instrumental)]

Our heroes were looking up at a funny-shaped padlock.

Crash: So how are we supposed to get in?
Monnika: It says that we need all five relics that they stole off us so that we can get inside.
Trigger: And how many have you got?
Travis: Just the three, I’m afraid.
Cortex: And we need the other two relics to succeed. Speaking of which, can any others be detected?
Monnika: (in a meditating position) Come to think of it I can sense them both… and they’re coming this way!!!
Snappy: Don’t make me laugh…

[Music changes – Apollo 440 – “Charlie’s Angels 2000” (Intro)]

Monnika: IT’S TRUE!!!!!
Snappy: Say what?
Voice: (painfully) Ah…

Everyone turned around at the edge of the cliff and they were shocked by the surprise…
Episode 30 – Keys to the Door

Scene: The entrance to Peak Palace
Music: Apollo 440 – “Charlie’s Angels 2000” (Intro)

Our heroes were facing the cliff edge, where they saw two hands hanging onto it and as she struggled to climb up we saw her identity as Ryane! After climbing up onto it she fainted.

(Music stops)

Crash: (gasps) Raz!

He rushed up to him and she saw the bad condition she was in – there were bruises from head to toe and she was breathing lightly.

[Music restarts – Creed – “Arms Wide Open” (Instrumental and no percussion)]

Crash: Something terrible has happened to her!
Monnika: (in a meditating position) I can detect it – she’s been in a fight with Deksta in the dungeon. Unfortunately she lost her power during her state of unconsciousness down there, explaining the hard work climbing up.
Trigger: At least I wasn’t in a critical condition like that.
Toby: DAD!
Trigger: Sorry…
Cortex: I’ll try and sort her out while you’re in there.
Crash: In where? We don’t have any powers!
Snappy: (pulls out the Power of Fall and the Egg of Courage from her pocket) We do now!
Crash: YEAH!!!!!!! (takes the relics from Snappy) It’s time we showed him a lesson in manners…

[Music changes – Darude – “Feel The Beat” (Slow bit)]

Suddenly the powers started glowing.

Crash: Eh?

Then the Power of Fall rushed into Toby’s heart and the Egg of Courage duplicated, with the copy seeping into Ryane’s body, removing the bumps and bruises and reviving her quickly.

(Music fades out)

Ryane: (looks around) What happened?
Crash: You’re about to help us sort out Tiko for stealing your prized relic!
Ryane: WHAT?!? He has to pay for this…

[Music changes – Fatboy Slim – “The Rockafeller Skank” (Instrumental)]

Surprisingly enough, she fired a fireball from her hand onto the wall, causing a 3-second earthquake.

Monnika: (gasps) SHE’S BACK!!!!!
Crash: Excellent! Now we can go in there and thrash him all by ourselves!
Trigger: First we need to find out Tiko’s plan.
Crash: OK.
Monnika: (in a meditating position) I can sense it…


[Music changes – WWF – Tazz’s theme (“If You Dare”)]

Tiko was seen talking furiously on the phone to someone…

Tiko: I know, but are you sure this would work? OK… don’t get your scales all twisted. And what kind of upgrade shall I add? Eh? I never knew that… but take this in mind – Crash has a strong army coming in, and it’s just myself against all his lot! I know but… what else can I do? I don’t have that much on me at the moment. OK, I take it back – I have a LOT on me – I can kill them and retrieve the relics… and become the dangerous mind on Earth just like you are on Gazmoxia! OK, thanks for the advice Oxide! Cheers! (puts the phone down)

He then turns to a window round the back and looks out.

Tiko: Looks like I’ll be heading towards them thugs with the Zewper Slayian 10000 Special Edition – an improved model on a recent tragedy – a lot better than last time! (winks) Oxide best be right… or else!


[Music changes – Aaliyah – “Try Again” (Instrumental)]

Crash: You are joking about his plan, are you?
Monnika: I’m not – this is the biggest problem we ran in since last time! Well, they get bigger as time passes.
Ryane: So what else can we do – torch ‘em?

Everyone looked at her.

Ryane: Hell yeah, I’ve an idea in mind!

[Music changes – Grandaddy – “The Crystal Lake” (Intro)]

Everyone huddles in and she whispered the plan to everyone. After a while they broke up.

Crash: The time has come, and we’re gonna live it well!

(Vocals come in at second verse)

Everyone else stood out of the way as Monnika, Cortex, Snappy, Toby and Ryane came to the door trying hard not to look nervous. As they came closer their bodies started to glow and some power came out from them, forming into a holographic rainbow key. It came towards the padlock, twisted it and the door was open. They then stopped glowing.

(Vocals finish)

Crash: Freedom is upon us, and so is the smell of victory!
Trigger: You said it!
Travis: Let’s ride!

Everyone headed into the door looking more nervous than usual…
Episode 31 – To The Peak Of Power And Beyond

Scene: The main corridors of Peak Palace
Music: Orbital – “Funny Brake” (Chorus)

We see the gang walking down this corridor with their eyes focused towards the end. Even Toby felt so scared he went behind his father for cover! When they reached the main door they came to a halt.

(Music turns instrumental)

Trigger: So how are we supposed to get in?
Crash: I don’t know…

Just then there was a thud.

Toby: I think we’re about to find out!

Just before them the door swung open all by itself. This caused everyone to look at each other.
Crash: I don’t know how we did it, but let’s get inside anyway.

(Music changes – Delerium feat. Sarah McLachlan – “Silence” (DJ Tiesto In Search Of Sunrise remix, intro)

Everyone rushed in quickly and they found lasers being shot all over the place.

Monnika: TAKE COVER!!!!!!

Everyone dived onto the ground and as they looked up they saw an improved version of the Zewper Slayian 5000, as they once knew it.

Ryane: (gasps) That thug again?

And when the shooting stopped Tiko made a front flip jump over the droid and landed safely.

Travis: So you’re the Cerulean Wizard, eh? Well what do you want with us?
Tiko: Just give me the relics, or else!

He taps a few buttons and it caused the robot to shoot out a grenade from its arm, missing the gang by a millimetre.

Snappy: Ha! You think a grenade could hurt us? Think again! (sticks his tongue out and pulls his left eyelid up)

(Music stops)

Tiko’s face turned from an evil smirk to an angry look with fiery eyes, causing him to tap on some more buttons but this time it hit them dead on.


[Music restarts – Texas – “Inner Smile” (Stonebridge classic house mix, instrumental)]

But as the smoke cleared up only Crash, Cortex, Travis and Trigger were left standing.

Tiko: WHAT?!?!?
Crash: You’re gonna have to do more than that if you wanna thrash us!
Travis: Yeah!
Trigger: But what if he comes back with a surprise attack?
Travis: There’s no need to panic – the four of us can thrash him any day!
Cortex: Make that three.
Travis: But why?
Cortex: I must revive the others if they need to help us.
Travis: Oh fine… have it your way.
Crash: But he’s right – without them we can’t defeat this massive trash can with an IQ of goodness knows…
Cortex: Thanks! Just be careful with the grenades – the strength of them could knock you out for hours, and in rare cases they could kill you immediately.
Crash: Yikes! Best make the best of it…
Trigger: So what have we to do?
Crash: You go round the back. Travis, you try for the front. And I’ll deal with blue boy over there.

The trio split up and headed for their locations…
Episode 32 – Life And Theft

Scene: The main room in Peak Palace
Music: Scott and Leon – “Shine On” (Instrumental)

Our heroes were heading towards their locations – Trigger went round the back armed with pistols, Travis gave off an electric flash as he went near the front and Crash grabbed his fists tightly as he went towards Tiko…

Crash: Just show me what you’ve got.
Tiko: Or else what, bandicoot?
Crash: Or else you’ll get all the mean punishments you ended up with in the past few months.

(The screen shows highlights of all of Tiko’s defeats. When the last one was shown the screen restored itself to its original position.)

Tiko: I ain’t gonna let that beat me sooooo badly!
Crash: Prove it!
Tiko: OK!

(Music changes – Theme from “Mission Impossible”)

He tapped a few buttons on there and it started shooting bombs from the back, grenades on the front and missiles following Crash wherever he went. As the ammo kept on counting down the proud smile on Tiko’s face became crueller. Then eventually, all three of them were struck down and made unconscious at the same time.

(Music stops)

Tiko: (laughs vilely) You guys are going down!

Everything seemed hopeless for our heroes, but meanwhile, at the other side of the room…

Cortex: (gasps at the sight) Hang on!
Tiko: Why should they?
Cortex: (rushes up to him) You don’t understand what they need with them Powers…
Tiko: OK. Tell me.

(Music restarts – Public Domain – “Operation Blade”)

But just as when he was about to tell him, his body started glowing an aqua blue. Then he turned to the others and he saw them getting revived and they also started glowing – Monnika in glacier white, Snappy in fiery red, Toby in forest green and Ryane in solar yellow.

Ryane: We have the solution!
Toby: And the powers will lead the way!
Snappy: What do you mean?
Monnika: Just press your palms in front of you.

Cortex stepped further back, level with the others, and did what Monnika said. Then everyone else did so, taking in sunlight.

Tiko: What’s goin’ on?

Then everyone gave off a thunder current the same colours as their glow directly at Crash, who managed to revive from them.

Tiko: WHAT?!?!?

Then Crash gave off a rainbow-flashing electric current directly at the droid, causing it to being crumbling apart. As that happened, Travis and Trigger began to revive themselves.

Tiko: (laughs vilely) Too bad it ain’t enough…

As the fireworks kept on rolling, two black fuzzy creatures came in.

Cortex: They’re here! Split the current!

The currents from the “power providers” split their currents into three – one of the shockwaves went to Crash and the other two to the fuzzy creatures. Then after a while one of them gave off another rainbow thunder current towards the back and the other one shot a spectrum-flashing energy beam with a crystal sceptre, causing more crumbling.

Tiko: STOP!!!!!!! (gets out a pistol and shoots at the “power providers”)

But the ammo didn’t touch the bodies – they dissolved in the beams. Then the currents reached the centre of the droid and it caused an explosion, blasting Tiko out of the window.

(Music stops)


Instead of going over the horizon he ended up in the middle of the mountain range. Back inside, the black fuzzy creatures came to the gang.

[Music restarts – Seal – “Kiss From A Rose” (Instrumental)]

Crash: I would like to thank you for helping us out… whoever you are.

They stepped out of the darkness, revealing themselves as Boron and Violet.

Toby: (gasps) YEAH!!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!!
Monnika: One question however – why did you go?
Violet: (sickly) Don’t mention it – I feel sick… (rushes out of the room)
Cortex: (turns to Boron) What exactly did you do to her?

Boron found Violet’s sceptre on the floor, picked it up and held it in his arms like a baby. After doing the action everyone looked stunned.


[Music changes – Shaggy – “It Wasn’t Me” (Instrumental)]

Crash, holing the Egg of Courage, and Ryane were seen in front of a TV journalist…

Journalist: Crash Bandicoot and Ryane Platypus, among others, have managed to save the world from the dastardly clutches from the vicious Cerulean Wizard once again, at this time six weeks ago! What is your next plan, eh? Taking a long snoring snooze over at N. Sanity Beach? (chuckles)
Crash: (laughs) You’re a good comedian Snappy.

The camera turned around, revealing Snappy in a reporter’s outfit.

Snappy: (laughs) Maybe I can get myself in show business! (sighs) Too bad Cortex doesn’t like me jokes…
Ryane: That’s just the minority. You should sign yourself up!
Crash: Sure! (tosses up the Egg accidentally)
Ryane: (screams) What did you do?

(Music stops all of a sudden)

The Egg touched the ground and shattered into pieces.

Ryane: (angrily) WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!?
Crash: Sorry…

Just then there was a crying noise from the egg. They looked down and they saw… a baby platypus!

Snappy: Aaaaaaah… how cute!

[Music restarts – Steps – “Heartbeat” (Instrumental)]

Ryane: I guess the Egg may have not been a relic after all!
Crash: Why?
Ryane: A bloke platypus that looked like a criminal sold it to me for just $5. (picks up the baby) I think babies do seem cheap after all! This will be my little boy!
Crash: We need a name for it…
Snappy: How about Scott?
Crash: Jacko?

The baby continued crying.

Snappy: I guess Scott doesn’t appeal to it.
Crash: And I should have known that there was already someone called Jacko anyway.
Ryane: I think I have the perfect name for him! He seems like a cute little sailor to my eyes, so I’m calling him Joshua.

The baby stopped crying and smiled back at her.

Crash: I guess he likes it.
Snappy: And good names are the spice of life.
Crash: I thought that was variety.
Snappy: Oh yeah… and speaking of babies, Violet gave birth to a litter of cubs last night.
Crash: CUBS?!?
Ryane: How cute!
Snappy: There’s six of them and obviously she and Boron can’t cope with all of them, so they moved out of Cortex Castle to a bungalow near my house, and in 3 month’s time, five of you guys can own a cub each.
Crash: Wonder what their lives would be like…
Ryane: Only time would tell!
Snappy: Anyhow, I wanna catch a pic of the cute little sailor! (gets out a camera and focuses it on Crash, Ryane and Joshua) Say cheese!

They smiled at the camera.

(The screen freezes like a photograph and the credits run alongside a slideshow of Boron’s children in their first 3 months and BBMak – “Still On Your Side”. At the end of the slideshow we see that Crash, Cortex, Ryane, Travis and Bash (Saskia’s character) got their own cubs.)


Credits (in order of appearance) –

Janet Jackson as Princess Violet
Toni Braxton as Deksta Cortex
Claire Danes as Hallie Cortex and Monnika Muski
Neil Morrissey as Lio Cortex and the fishmonger
Michael Connor as Komodo Moe and the jeweller
Christina Aguilera as Ryane Platypus
Clancy Brown as Dr. Neo Cortex
Steven Williams as Snappy Gator and the minstrel
Kel Mitchell as Toby Tortoiseshell and the curry chef
Jake Lloyd as Private Boron, Midget Gator and young Toby and Travis Tortoiseshell
Dana Gould as Tiko Cortex
Marshall Mathers as Travis Tortoiseshell
David Spade as Crash Bandicoot and Teejay Cortex
Vicki Winters as Coco Bandicoot
William Hootkins as Dingodile
Danny John-Jules as Trigger Tortoiseshell

Directed by: Bev Wooff (T-Rex)

Midget: This is a no-peace-no-doubt situation – if we don’t stop him then we’ll be his eternal slaves! By the way, Mike Tyson is a big – girls – blouse.

There were some thuds being heard. Then Mike Tyson came on the set unexpectedly.

Mike: What did you call me? (picks up Midget by the neck)
Midget: (panics) OK - I TAKE IT BACK!!!!! NOW CAN YOU PLEASE PUT ME DOWN??????
Monnika: We’ll contact you when we catch something!
Crash: OK! (turns to the others) Looks like the final prizes depend on us, so we need to watch out!
Travis: Sure! I can handle anything, me!

Just then a stage light fell on top of him, knocking him out.

Crash: OK, so maybe not everything…
Snappy climbed further up the cherry tree and pulled down a purple cape.

Voice: (takes the cape back) HANDS OFF!!!
Snappy: (gasps) HER!

He then jumped back down and kicked the tree but then he squealed with pain and hopped up and down on his safe foot.

Monnika: Calm down – let me find a nurse… (dashes offstage)
Snappy: BE QUICK – IT’S SWELLING!!!!!!!
Crash: This place is too dark!
Travis: Don’t panic – I’ve an idea!

He formed a beam of electricity in his hands and it shone around the place, making it nearly certain to see.

Crash: Thanks. I can do with that!
Travis: I can’t!
Crash: Why not?
Travis: LOOK OUT!!!!!!!!

Everyone else looked ahead and they saw a swarm of bats flying towards them and they started attacking them! Eventually they leave the area leaving them unconscious with their clothes ripped.

Director: I knew this was a bad place to film…
Travis looked down and he saw that he was standing on a cage that wasn’t fully buried. And in that cage he saw his brother Toby!

Travis: TOBY!!!!!!! I’m glad to see you here!
Toby: BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!

Travis tried to pull the cage from out of the ground but when he did it went flying behind him, the cave touched the ground and he was flown onto a wall.

Travis: (dizzily) Hasta la vista baby… (slides down)
Deksta: (sighs angrily) She got away! (kicks her shotgun across the floor)

As she kicked it, it slid towards a box full of cargo, the trigger was pushed into it and she was shot on the face. When the smoke cleared up she was spitting out flour.

Deksta: (spits out flour) Can’t we make the substance for the “bullets” out of something else? I’m sick of tasting flour every five minutes!
Director: We’ll see what we can do.
Ryane: (looks around) What happened?
Crash: You’re about to help us sort out Tiko for stealing your prized relic!
Ryane: WHAT?!? He has to pay for this…

She fired a fireball towards the wall, but it caused a hole right through it, turning some parts of it into rubble. Then everyone turned to her angrily.

Ryane: But it didn’t even SAY destroy the wall, so who cares about what I do with it…
Monnika: TAKE COVER!!!!!!

Everyone dived onto the ground and as they looked up they saw an improved version of the Zewper Slayian 5000, as they once knew it.

Ryane: (gasps) That thug again?

And when the shooting stopped Tiko made a front flip jump over the droid and landed on his head.

Tiko: (screams with pain) MY ACHING HEAD!!!!!!!
Crash: (cracks up) Like big brother like little brother…
Cortex: (angrily) What did you say?
Crash: (blushes anime-style) It was nothin’…
Journalist: Crash Bandicoot and Ryane Platypus, among others, have managed to save the world from the dastardly clutches from the vicious Cerulean Wizard once again, at this time six weeks ago! What is your next plan, eh? Taking a long snoring snooze over at N. Sanity Beach? (chuckles)
Crash: (laughs) You’re a good comedian Snappy.

The camera turned around, revealing Snappy in a reporter’s outfit.

Snappy: (laughs) Maybe I can get myself in show business…

Just then a strong wind current blew his long coat into Snappy’s face.

Snappy: (pulls it down) Stay down…

But it then went over his face and on top of him.

Ryane: Is there something wrong?
Director: Well yeah something’s wrong – there’s a cyclone coming this way! Take cover!

Everyone bolted off the scene and fled away from the cyclone.

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