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Chapter 1: The Resurrection

On a cold blustery night; in an unknown land where few dared to go; a shadow crept over the land. As the moon shined upon the Earth in its heavenly glory the presence of evil was abundant. Trees whipped through the wind; creating black ghosts that danced in the night. The moon threw its ghost upon the water, as the ripples seemed to make it move. Strange sounds filled the night. It was a night that few could sleep through; a night full of the presence of evil; and a night where the largest breed of evil would be regenerated. On a jagged cliff named 'Raven Mountain', whose very name sent shivers down any man's spine; there stood a monument for eyes to behold. A castle; with as many rooms, towers, and statues as any castle in the world; stood erect, and near the edge of the cliff. Its form could only be seen through moonlight, in which only its shape could be seen. This was the 'Castle Shinra'. Many ages ago a brave man named Frederick Geustave stormed the castle to defeat its lord, Demonarc. After succeeding, Frederick never returned to the castle, or any other mortal for that matter. But hundreds of years later, things changed. The only known descendants of Demonarc would soon enter its doors. Its first visitor was Demonarc's most trusted and reliable of his bloodline. It was his granddaughter, Demona. The black vixen who's eyes blazed like the fires of Hell, who's very name would make a strong man cringe, who's very essence was a menace to the world. On this night; she would be paying 'Castle Shinra' a visit; and relive a generation lost behind it's walls. Inside the upmost tower for he castle; was a secret laboratory. This was Demoanrc's laboratory; where he did his experiments with chemistry, alchemy, and biology. Each Hell listed his thirst for evil. Tonight, Demona would continue his research by doing the impossible. Resurrecting the researcher himself. The shadows of light danced on the walls as candles flickered back and forth like fields of wheat. The dim atmosphere and rank smell added to the effect of the evil around them. The air was still, and not a sound could be heard. A large well, about 16 feet in diameter, spread across the centre of the large room. It boiled with green, oozing liquids; that made strange boiling noises as many bubble rose to the surface. Next to the well was a podium. Its stand was in the shape of a grey demon statue, whose very hands were used to hold up sacred writings and spell books. Indeed, there was a book mounted on this podium. The book was entitled 'The Brotherhood of Shinra'. It contained the many spells and incantations of the all-powerful demon called Shinra, the son of Beelzebub. The book was wide open, nearly cut in half. The pages didn't stir, and the boom seemed to glow with a sense of magical light. There was only one person there who could control the book. And it was none other, than the descendant of the all-powerful Demonarc, Demona. Demona was with her three bodyguards, who sat in chairs fiddling around with their weapons. Also there, was the presumptuous Cortex and a few of his minions, including Dingodile, the Komodo Bros., N. Gin, and Tiny. Shadra was also there, clenching his staff to await a new arrival of evil. (His chance for revenge was so close he could taste it.) It was quiet for a while, as Demona flipped through the book, looking for the right incantation. Many of the ruffians grew impatient.

Cortex: How long will this take?
Lestamos: Yeah Miss Demona - I'm bored.
Quicksilver: And I hate this smelly castle. Why can't we just go?
Tiny: It scaring Tiny.

Shadra then motioned for them to be silent, as he waved his paw two and fro in the air.

Shadra: Silence please. Let the descendant of Demonarc handle this. She knows what she's doing. Have patience.

The minions and villains sulked, and tried as hard as they could to wait.

Masmaune: This stinks.
N. Gin: So does this castle.
Komodo Joe: It'ssss taking too long.
Dingodile: This castle is too creepy for me. If nothin' happens within tha' next five minutes I'm out of here.
Lestamos: Same here!!!!
Quicksilver: Yeah...

Demona quickly responded without turning her head from the book.

All 3 Bodyguards: Yes Miss Demona.
Cortex: Uh, please… forgive me madam. I don't know where my manners have gone.
Tiny: Tiny sorry.
Shadra: Better. (He kindly turned to Demona and cheerfully encouraged her) Continue my dear.

Demona kept silent. Then, she stopped at an old page, which was written in Aremaic.

Demona: I have found it - The 'Resurrection Incantation'. This will be the spell to summon our new master.

The minions looked in eagerness. The three lazy warrior girls stood up from their chairs, anxious to see some action. Cortex's minions kept their distance. They were not sure what this spectacle of evil, Demonarc, would look like. Demona put her hand in a bowl filled with ashes. These were the ashes of a holy monk, cremated over hundreds of years ago; yet still very fresh. Demona's blackened hands spread the ashes onto the green pool like seeds onto a garden. Her hand was still covered with residue of ashes; but it did not deter her. Next, she reached for a vial; and pulled the cork. In Arameic, the vial was labelled; 'Blood of Vlad'. This was indeed the holy blood for Vlad the impeller; preserved for many years in the castle. Demona poured the entire vial of blood into the bubbling concoction. She then disregarded the vial. Finally, Demona reached for a hollow skull. The skull's cranium was cut in half, but was empty with the brain missing inside. Inside were brittle finger bones and teeth; which were the remains of Rasputin, the once holy priest form Russia. As new as it was, Demona then tome a long rib, which was also part of Rasputin. She ground the brittle bones together with thrib, untilted hey made a fine powder. Then, setting the rib down, she poured the fine powder of Rasputin's bones, into the bubbling well. She then placed the skull next to her. At last, she was ready to speak the sacred words of the book of Shinra. She steadied herself and began chanting in strange tongues. For over three minutes; the minions watched in awe and horror; as Demona's gaze soon became even fierier than before. Each word she muttered was like the wail of a ghost being heard throughout the halls. Many of the minions were becoming frightened, as Demona recited the dreadful words. And the way she spoke, sent more shivers down even her bodyguards’ spines; who never saw her this serious before. Then, she stopped chanting. For a while nothing happened. Many minions began to babble amongst each other.

N. Gin: Nothing happened.
Tiny: Where's Demon?
Dingodile: This whole thing's a farce. Come Cortex, let's get outta here!
Cortex: WAIT!! LOOK!!!

Cortex and the other minions stared at the green pool. The bubbles started to boil even faster. Its noise became louder, and the green liquids spewed remnants out everywhere. Demona kept her hand raised and began to shout.


Her voice was enough to bring a strong man to his knees. Even her bodyguards began to fear her. The minions were just about ready to back through the door. Then, a bright light beamed down upon the well. It's bright yellow glare made many of the minions avert their eyes, and many wailed as the light burned their eyes. But Demona remained in her stance, with her hand outstretched, calling forth her grandfather. The light then disappeared into the liquid. Then, all at once, the liquid stopped boiling. The liquid became a smooth green surface, glowing like a neon light. For a moment, all was calm.

Masmaune: (Uncovering her eyes) Is… is it over?
Lestamos: (Coming form behind her chair, tail all poofed) I… I hope so.
Tiny: (Cowering in the corner) Is scary lady done yelling funny words?
Dingodile: (Hiding behind a chemistry cabinet) What the nut was that?

For a while, all was silent. Demona stared down into the pool of greenery. Then, her request was fulfilled. A dark spot appeared in the liquid. It grew bigger and bigger as it neared the surface. Demona's heart began to pound with excitement.

Demona: He's coming!

All the other minion's hearts were leaping in their stomachs as they braced themselves for the terror coming. All at once, the spot reached the surface. Grey strands of hair emerged, followed by a pair of big grey ears. Soon, more would follow - a face, along pointed face of a grey fox, with green eyes, and hair running as long as his body. Then, the torso appeared. The fox was dressed in complete black, embroidered with gold trimming. His outfit was as black as midnight. His cape was entirely black too. Only the inside was bright red, giving the only colour to his outfit. Finally; his boots arose. They too were black. Within minutes, the complete form arose from the bubbling concoction. It hovered in the air; and looked around him. He soon folded his arms, and hovered to the ground. He stood there as still as a statue, scanning the area with his eyes. His glare scared the minions out of their wits. Many cringed and edged back. Finally, he looked at Demona, who walked up to him with a prideful stride. She smiled wickedly as if she had won a major contest, and stood in front of the spectacle that arose from the cauldron. She looked into his green eyes, and then spoke.

Demona: Hi there, Demonarc… my dear… grandfather!
Chapter 2: The Reunion

The tall, slender and dark appearance of Lord Demonarc drew the attention of the minions; who looked at him with inspirational awe. He stood like a dark Adonis in front of them. His head tucked high surveying his domain. He looked at every minion, and then around his castle. He then looked at Demona again. For a moment, he said nothing. But then, he began to spoke.

Demonarc: Are you indeed my fair grandchild Demona?

Demona wickedly smiled and replied.

Demona: I am my dear grandfather.

And she bowed courteously before him. Demonarc still didn't smile, and looked down at Demona.

Demonarc: Arise. Where am I now?
Demona: My dear grandfather; you have been resurrected in the twenty first century; around the dawning of that new century.
Demonarc: Yes, just as the bible predicted. The year all things end - the year 2000.
Demona: Yes my dear grandfather. Your time to fulfil that saying is near.

Demonarc began to walk and observe the room he was resurrected in. He looked on his shelves where many beakers, Bunsen burners, crucibles, and vials were kept. Everything seemed to be in order. All of his books on science were there. Many charts were strewn about the walls, just as he had left it. Even the actual skeleton model he used as a comparison hung in the back of the room. Demonarc put his hand to his chin, and seemed to smile a little from seeing how everything was in order.

Demonarc: Excellent. The castle is still in its original form.
Demona: We kept it just as you would have wanted it my dear grandfather. This after all is your domain to re-begin your conquest of evil.

Demonarc looked at Demona and gave her a concerned look.

Demonarc: Dear child; is there not anyone else here with you?
Demona: Well… my bodyguards, Cortex and his minions. Yes they're here.
Demonarc: (Staring heavily at Demona) I am NOT talking about them. I'm talking about someone related to you.
Demona: You mean...?
Demonarc: Yes. (He rested his hand on a bust of a former Roman Emperor) Your sister, Kitsume - where is she?
Demona: Why would you wish to see her?
Demonarc: She's part of my blood. Surely she must still be helping you.

The minions giggled and whispered amongst each other.

Masamune: Yeah sure... looks like gramps has bit the dust WAY too long.

The three girls giggle, catching Demonarc's attention.

Demoanrc: What is so funny?

The girls quickly turn, and smile innocently.

Lestamos: Oh nothing, Mr. Demonarc.
Demonarc: That's LORD Demonarc, my dear.
Lestaoms: Oh… sorry. (Flaunting a smile)

Demoanrc took his arm of the best, and picked up a nearby skull. He fiddled with it like a ball in his hand. He still persisted with the question.

Demonarc: So tell me dear Demona. Your sister - she is helping you spread the flames of evil… is she or is she not? You know how much I would hate it if she was serving the being of good.

Demona hesitated; but had no choice but to answer.

Demona: I'm sorry dear grandfather. But my idiotic sister chose the wrong path. She is a slave of good, rather than a free subject of evil.

Demoanrc's eyes grew fiery red. At the moment, his fist clenched the skull, causing it to shatter into a million pieces. At that moment; all the minions jumpd back.

Komodo Joe: He lookssss angry.
Tiny: Now Tiny REALLY scared!
Dingodile: Hoo boy; old coot's really got somethin' botherin' him.

Demonarc stared at Demona for a while. Then, he began to yell which scared the living daylights out of everyone.

Demona: WHAT!?!?!?!?? MY OWN BLOOD HAS BETRAYED ME!!!!??!!?!?!? DARN HER CORRUPT SOUL TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Demonarc smashed open a large container full of green liquid with his fist as he slammed on the table, almost causing it to break. He was absolutely furious. And everyone backed away. Yet, Demona remained calm. After all, Uka Uka was no different. For about a few moments, Demonarc stared down at his table, and was letting his rage out. Then, calmly, he collected himself, and turned around to face the others.

Demonarc: Perhaps there are other ways. Demona, do you still have that book with you that you used to resurrect me?
Demona: Yes… of course.
Demonarc: Good. I want you to find the other spells in there that can resurrect me best members of the Brother and Sisterhood of Shinra. They will help aid me in my quest.
Demona: Yes Demonarc. If you would as be so kind as to tell me their names; I would gladly resurrect them.
Demonarc: There are five of them. Five of my most trusted and valued members of the brother and sisterhood. They are strong mentally and physically.
Demona: Please continue.
Demonarc: If you resurrect them; they will make us unstoppable.

Before Demonarc spoke, he beckoned for the minions to leave.

Demonarc: Gentlemen… and lady. My granddaughter and I wish to be alone for a bit. Please... leave this room. You may wander around my castle if you wish.

The minions agreed. They exited out of the main door of the room. Cortex and his minions were first. Demona's bodygaurds were second. Shadra was amongst the last but he still wanted to stay. But gradually he joined the others and closed the door behind him.

Demona: Well… good thinking dear grandfather. Now for the names, please.
Demonarc: Of course!

Demonarc pulled out a black book from the bookcase. (Its design was the same as the Book of Shinra). It had the names of all the members of the brotherhood in it; signed in blood. Demoanrc flipped the pages, reading off names as he looked through them.

Demonarc: Let's see… Mormegil... Katana.... Mourne... Collien... Akudom....

It took Demonarc over a few moments to finally find the page of the most elite members of the brotherhood and sisterhood of Shinra. It was a page printed in solid gold. The names were also written in blood. The title read 'The Most Valuable of the Cult'. There were five names listed in big letters.

Demonarc: I found them. These are the most trusted members. Like many of the original members of the cult; they have gone to rest. But rest assured; they can be resurrected. Then our legacy will continue.
Demona: Um… may I have their names?
Demonarc: I will read them in each order they have been signed in.
Demona: Good; first name please.

Demonarc looked carefully at the book; and read the first name out loud.

Demonarc: Here we are - 'The Succubus' - a she-demon whose beauty and spells seduce men in their dreams.
Demona: Excellent. I have her written down. Next.
Demonarc: The 'Death Lord'; a grim reaper of sorts who devours souls of his victims as he strikes them with his scythe.
Demona: Interesting.
Demonarc: Then there's 'Gabrielle', the fallen angel who joined the side of darkness for some unknown reason. She is an expert at magic and dangerous with unholy power.
Demona: Wonderful. The next person, please!
Demonarc: Then there's the best warrior of the cult - 'Disiphorous', the soul hunter - An expert with swords; and traditionally hunts down mortals' souls as a sport.
Demona: Splendid. Who is the last member?

Demoanrc stared at the last name, and his wicked smile soon turned into a twisted frown. The last member of the cult was one who had betrayed him.

Demona: Who is he or she?
Demonarc: This last member of the elite part of the cult is a sorceress known as 'Delilah'. But I may not approve of resurrecting her.
Demona: Why not?
Demonarc: When I was younger; and the cult was stronger; there was this sorceress amongst us who was plotting to betray us. She seduced many members into their deaths, and she kept staking claim to more victims. This traitor was finally caught and found out. She used to be a beautiful thing; until I, the leader of the cult grew weary of her antics. As punishment I took away half of her face, leaving her face half flesh, half skull.
Demona: Perhaps you can give hrr another chance. The more the merrier I say.

Demonarc thought long and hard about this. Bringing back a traitor was out of the question. But this time; he would not allow any slip-ups. Delilah was amongst the best in sorcery and black magic. She would be a useful asset.
Demonarc: Very well… add her to the list.
Demona: With pleasure! That's everyone. I shall resurrect them tonight.

Demonarc walked over to a narrow window, and looked out into the sky at the bleak moon.

Demonarc: Excellent. Then our next plan will come into full-scale model. It is to do what the goal of the cult is - to gain and posses the soul of the mighty Shinra. It is written; that the leader of the cult will gain Shinra's soul; and become the demon who was born from Beelzebub. He is the chosen one, the destroyer of the world and mankind. That is our goal and purpose. And it will be achieved.
Demona: But surely; Kitsume will sense this and try and put an end to this terror.
Demonarc: Then we must act quickly. There are ways to get her to join our side.
Demona: How shall we persuade her?
Demonarc: Easy. Once you have all five cult members resurrected; then there will be one to convince her to return to us.
Demona: Will she accept?
Demonarc: For a bargain! For a bargain! In time she will see the bright side of evil; and will realize that her destiny lies with me; and the cult. She will not destroy me; she will join me; and make me whole.

Demona: But her will is strong. She cannot be persuaded so easily. She has a strong heart.

Demonarc looked at Demona with a stern gaze.

Demonarc: Then we will see if there is iron in her soul.

(The camera zooms away from the castle.)

Lord Demoanrc has been resurrected; and his grand plan to resurrect his best cult members, as well as other hellish beings is in full-scale production. And his plan to posses the soul of Shinra is grander than ever. But; his plans to convince Kitsume to rejoin him in remaking this world may alter. If Kitsume joins, the world will surely end. If she does not; then it is up to her and her friends to stop the new terror, which has arisen.
Chapter 3: The Strange Sound

We move now from the desolate plains of Romania to the sunny warm surroundings of Australia. Here, Crash and the others are still asleep. Crash, Coco, Danni, Sarnie, Shen Lo Ken, Casey, and Yarra were all still asleep in their warm beds. It was only about 8:00 in the morning. Yet the sunlight peered into each window like beams of radiant energy. In the guest bedroom, Sarnie was tossing in her sleep. She kicked frantically with her feet. What was goin' on? Nightmare perhaps. But Sarnie didn't seem afraid. She just does that in her sleep - Sleeping in her plaid shorts and white t-shirt - she seemed pretty comfortable. Or so it seemed. Just then, she woke up. She looked around the room; and stretched her hands and legs.

Sarnie: Geez... what time is it?

Sarnie looked at her clock. It said 8:16.

Sarnie: Heh. Guess I still got a few more hours of sleep.

But not for long, there was a knock at her door.

Sarnie: Who is it?

A voice called out.

Voice: It's me… Danni.
Sarnie: Oh... you're up too eh? Come in.

Danni walked in. Her hair seemed pretty messed up; and she was still in her sleeping clothes; short plaid shorts and a white tank top.

Sarnie: You're up too huh?
Danni: Would appear that way mate.
Sarnie: It's strange. Did you hear anything weird last night?
Danni: I was about to ask you the same thing. I too heard something bizzarre. But I'm not sure what it was.
Sarnie: Yeah... and for some strange reason it didn't sound like it was coming from this place. It sounded like it came from… somewhere else.
Danni: Yeah - I wonda' if anyone else heard it.
Sarnie: Maybe we ought to wait for them to get up.

Someone was up. It was Shen; walking down the hall with his white shirt and sweat pants on. He rubbed his eyes and let out a loud yawn. He then saw that Danni and Sarnie were up.

Shen Lo Ken: Oh... Good morning!
Danni: Mornin' Shen.
Sarnie: Ditto. Hey Shen - did you hear anything weird last night?
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah… something pretty weird. You two heard it too huh? It sounded VERY weird. It sounded like a loud cry.
Danni: A weird cry; like something metallic.
Shen Lo Ken: I can't explain what it was... but I wonder if there's anyone else who heard it.
Later; when everyone else was up; they sat around the breakfast table, eating pancakes, pastries, and toast. No one seemed to have mentioned anything about a sound last night. Just then, Coco spoke up.

Coco: Hey... did any of you hear anything peculiar last night?

Everyone stopped eating. Shen, Sarnie, and Danni both spoke.

Shen Lo Ken: Yeah... it was a weird call.
Danni: Or a cry.
Sarnie: And it sounded like it came in the distance.
Coco: That's the weirdest thing. That's exactly what I heard too.
Crash: Join the club guys.
Coco: You heard it too Crash?
Crash: Yep!! Kept me awake last night. It scared Casey and Yarra. The little kids got scared by the noise; and wanted to sleep with me.

Both kids blushed... but nevertheless… the sound they heard was a bit frightening.

Yarra: Well... it was pretty scary.
Casey: Yeah, and you know how protective dad can be from such things.

Whatever it was; everyone decided to shrug it off.

Coco: Well... it's morning now, and that sound is gone. Why don't we all have a good day today?
Sarnie: Yeah - let's just forget about all this.
Shen Lo Ken: I think I'll go fishing.
Danni: You mean bare handed as you always do?
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah! Those fish never stand a chance against me.
Coco: What about last time?
Shen Lo Ken: Whaddya mean?
Coco: Remeber Shen… when you caught that fish and fell down into your pants!! Hee hee hee... you sure looked funny hopping up and down like that!

Everyone around the table, including Shen, started to laugh out loud. Everything seemed fine now; and pretty soon everyone forgot about the strange noise, and continued to eat… and to get ready for the day ahead of them.
Elsewhere; high above a plateau; Kitsume was looking out in the distance. She looked a little worried. Her cousin; Kikanoo, came up to her and asked...

Kikanoo: What's wrong?
Kitsume: Did you hear anything strange last night?
Kikanoo: Yes, I believe I did. It sounded like a cry far off in the distance - a very peculiar sound.
Kitsume: Yes, and I'm not sure what it means; but it's coming from a distant region of the world... possibly in Europe.
Kikanoo: How can you tell?
Kitsume: My vast knowledge of calculating origins where certain sounds come from is unique. But I can't exactly pinpoint it.
Kikanoo: But do you have any idea what it means?
Kitsume: All I know is... it's probably something of the greatest of evil. I have a bad feeling something awful has happened.
Kikanoo: There's a surprise - everything bad happens to us.
Kitsume: As guardians of the Earth; you have to expect trouble. Oh well... I'm making a journey over to Crash's house. Care to join me?
Kikanoo: Sure.

The two walk side by side into the direction where they would find Crash's house.
Back at Crash's house; Casey and Yarra were playing a video game; 'Crash Bash' no doubt.

Casey: YEAH!! I win again!!
Yarra: No fair!! I call do over.
Casey: Cry me a river; baby.

Aku Aku watched over them and said…

Aku Aku: Children, play nice. I'm sure neither your mother nor your father would want to see you two fight.
Yarra: Sorry.
Casey: Won't happen again.
Aku Aku: Thank you.

Aku Aku then sense someone arriving.

Aku Aku: Hmmmm... someone's at the door. Who will answer it?
Crash: I'll get it.

Crash ran over to the door, and opened it. Standing at the porch was Kitsume and Kikanoo.

Kitsume: Greetings Crash.
Crash: Oh… hey Kit. Hey Kikanoo.
Kikanoo: Hi. Uh… can we come in?
Crash: Yeah, sure.

The two warriors came into the house; Aku aku then greeted them.

Aku Aku: Hello Kitsume. Hello Kikanoo. What brings you here?
Kikanoo: I dunno… Kitsume?
Kitsume: I came to talk to everyone about the strange noise last night.
Aku Aku: You heard it too? All right - I'll organize a meeting for everyone.

Within minutes, everyone gathered around the table. Kitsume was at the head of the table, waiting for the meeting to commence.

Aku Aku: Now... this meeting is on account of the strange sound heard last night. Kitsume heard it too, and may have an idea where it came from. Proceed Kitsume.

Kitsume stood up and began to talk slowly.

Kitsume: Well... it took me a while to trace the sound's origin. But I do believe it came from a far region somewhere in Europe.

Everyone started mumbling to each other.

Shen Lo Ken: (To Sarnie) Europe? How can she tell?
Sarnie: (To Shen) Beats me. She's really smart.
Danni: (To Crash) This is bizarre! She claims it's in Europe?
Crash: (To Danni ) That's too far from here. How was she able to hear that?
Aku Aku: Silence everyone.

Everyone stops short; and Aku Aku continues to speak to Kitsume.

Aku Aku: So you say the voice came from Europe?
Kutsume: Yes - practically the entire world could hear it.
Aku Aku: Hmmmmmmm... Kitsume.
Kitsume: Yes?
Aku Aku: Is it possible that sound from Europe came from a country there… oh say… Romania?

Kitsume then stopped short, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Kitsume: Romania?
Aku Aku: Yes... I say around an unknown region there... from a castle possible… atop of a hill called 'Raven Mountain'.

Kitsume then caught her breath. She soon realized what Aku Aku was hinting at. But instead of asking in a polite way she gave Aku Aku a stern look.

Kitsume: Are you saying...?
AkuAku: Yes... is it possible that castle belonged to your grandfather?

Everyone looked at Kitsume.

Coco: You have a grandfather?

Kitsume looked at coco very coldly.

Kitsume: I used to have a grandfather. I'd rather not talk about him.
Coco: Why not? He could be on our side right?

Kitsume's stone cold gaze grew sterner.

Kitsume: He prefers the darker path. But there's no way he can be alive.
Crash: Why can't we know about him? I mean; if he's your grandpa... then he's probably a genius and very strong.

Kitume put her hand to her head, and her voice grew deeper with rage.

Kitsume: My grandfather was a VERY sick man. Talking about him only adds more torment to my life.
Danni: Was he really that bad? Was he even more evil than Demona?
Kitsume: FAR more evil than Demona. His plans were just as evil, twisted, and godforsaken. I don't want to talk about him, and I don't believe that voice came from his old crumbling castle.
Aku Aku: But surely a voice as evil as that came from his castle. He may be gone, but isn't it also true he could be resurrected? Maybe your sister resurrected him.
Kitsume: Why do you continue to badger me like this? I told you; talking about him only makes things worse. His evil twisted mind was ablaze with thoughts of evil and corruption.
Crash: Uh… I see. Okay… you don't wanna talk about him… fine.
Coco: Kitsume, I wish you would just tell us more about your grandfather and his work. I can't help but be interested.

That did it. At that mention; Kitsume slammed her fist on the table making everyone jump; and she began to yell.


As soon as she caught her breath; everyone stared at her. Their eyes were wide with terror, and their mouths hung low. Kitusme never yelled like this before. Kitsume then regained herself, and rubbed her forehead.

Kitsume: Please... not another word about him. This meeting is over.

Kitsume walked away, and headed upstairs. Coco looked down and seemed kind of sad.

Coco: I'm sorry… it's all my fault. I just wanted to know more about her family. Maybe there was some good in it.

Everyone came over to comfort Coco.

Kikanoo: It's all right; my cousin really gets short whenever anyone talks about her grandfather.
Aku Aku: It's quite all right child. I should have known better not to bring up her grandfather Demonarc.
Coco: That's his name?
Aku Aku: Yes...very similar to Demona's.
Crash: Man… was kitsume pissed of. She must REALLY hate him.
Danni: You said it mate.
Shen Lo Ken: Maybe we outta let her rest here. Get her mind off of this tuff. Night time will be here soon.
Coco: Yeah… if only I kept my mouth shut.
Sarnie: It's OK girl. It's not your fault at all. Kitsume's probably having an off-day.
Kikanoo: you mean an off-life.
Coco: I need to know though - is Demoanrc really THAT evil? This seems to be a mystery to me.
Aku Aku: To us all. But for now, let us not bring about the subject.
Coco: OK.
Chapter 4: Deathly Appearance

It was almost night. The sun was beginning to sink into the horizon of the Earth; leaving its array of bright colours of red and orange hugh painted high across the sky. Many clouds, once white, were now purple as they drifted through the sky. Coco sat atop a hill, along with her friend Pura, who had his head rested in her lap. Coco still was concerned about Kitsume. Her violent reaction to the name and mention of her grandfather caused her to worry about her. She wanted to talk to her; but never got the nerve to say it. She patted Pura's head and sighed heavily.

Coco: *SIGH* Oh Pura... if only I knew what was wrong with Kitsume, then maybe I could help her.

Pura looked up and gave her a reassuring smile.

Pura: It's okay aunt Coco... everyone knows it isn't your fault.
Coco: I know everyone thinks that, but I still blame myself. I should have known better.

Aku Aku just drifted up behind Coco and began to speak.

Aku Aku: You're a good girl Coco... and we all know, even Kitsume knows, you don't intend to hurt anybody. You're kind and generous. It's all right. Kitsume's grandfather was just a bad man.

Coco turned around to stare into Aku aku's eyes with wonder.

Coco: How bad?

Aku Aku hesitated. Demonarc was among the most evil beacons of mankind. He just breathed out a huge breath of air and replied.

Aku Aku: For Kitsume's sake... I wish not to say the reason.
Coco: I... see.
Pura: But golly Coco... Aku Aku's right. You're so good, even Kitsume knows that.

Coco patted Pura's head and smiled warmly at him.

Coco: Thanks honey.
Aku Aku: It'll be all right. Kitsume wanted to stay overnight. I trust everything will be all right in the morning. Now come child... the night will fall soon and you will be will be waiting.

Aku Aku drifted away. Coco got up and stretched her arms and legs. She walked slowly to the house with Pura trodding besides her. She went into the house and looked into the dusky twilight of the sky.

Coco: If only I knew...

She closed the door, leaving the outside world behind her.
That night, it was unusually foggy. The wind blew rapidly across the land. It sounded like the howl of ghosts searching for their graves. In the domain of Crash, lights still were lit, and many of the residents were still up. Kitsume was sitting at the table, sipping tea and reading a book of ancient spells. (She would probably try a few herself). Crash and Coco looked from out the doorway where it lead.

Coco: I don't know Crash...
Crash: Go on. Kikanoo says she cooled off. I'm sure she won't yell. Just go! Trust me!
Coco: Oh... all right.

Coco crept into the room Kitsume was studying in. Carefully, she approached the table where she sat, and sat down in a chair next to her. Kitsume sensed Coco was near. She stopped reading her book, and focused her attention on Coco.

Kitsume: Yes my dear?

Coco stalled for a minute… but then began to talk slowly to Kitsume.

Coco: Kitsume... you're not... mad at me are you?

Kitsume chuckled a little, and pout her hand on Coco's shoulder.

Kitsume: No, no, of course not my dear. Why would I be mad at you?
Coco: That's good, because well... no offence... you kinda lost it when I wanted to know about your grandfather.

Kitsume's gaze soon stopped smiling. She took her hand form coco's shoulder, and put both hands holding her cup of tea.

Kitsume: I'm sorry… forgive me. I see you really wanted to know. Well, dear child... I'm afraid I can't tell you. It's a part of my past I would just like to forget.
Coco: It really troubles you to talk about it huh?
Kitsume: Yes, I'm afraid it does. (Suddenly smiling warmly at Coco) But it's all right. You were just curious, and you didn't know how he was like. I'm sorry I lost my patience with you. Just forget about it dear. Try and get some sleep.
Coco: (Looking both happy and sad) Okay... I'll never ask you about him again. I can take a hint. I'm very sorry for asking such a rude question.

Kitsume put her hand on Coco's shoulder again, and still smiled warmly at her.

Kitsume: You're too good Coco. You have a gentle, caring heart. I know you would never try and be rude. You're a wonderful and courageous girl. I'll respect and love you no matter what you say.

Coco suddenly smiled gently at kitsume.

Coco: Thank you.
Kitsume: Yes. Have a good night's sleep.

Coco got up from the table and walked towards the door. She looked back at Kitsume.

Coco: Good night.

Kitsume: Good night… 'White Dove'.

Coco walked proudly up the stares as Pura followed her. Everyone else was beginning to go to bed as well. Back in the room where Kitsume was studying; Aku Aku came in and spoke with her.

Aku Aku: Will you EVER tell her about Demonarc?

Kitsume looked into Aku's eyes and gently replied.

Kitsume: My dear Aku... never will I tell her. The day I will tell her the truth of Demonarc... is the day she will see Demonarc himself!!

Aku Aku then glided away.

Aku Aku: I have a feeling that time may be near!!

Kitsume stopped sipping her tea; and watched as Aku aku glided into another room. She put her hand to her chin and thought about what he said.

Kitsume: Odd... whatever did he mean by that?
In Coco's room… Coco got into her sleeping clothes. She wore a purple t-shirt and flannel pyjama bottoms coloured blue with dogs on them. She decided to wear socks to sleep, seeing how she feared catching colds. Coco leaped into bed, and Pura soon jumped on there with her. She stroked her gentle hands across his soft fur. She soon forced her body under her bed covers, and layed her exhausted head on her fluffy soft pillow. She felt like reading; but was getting sort of tired. She began to speak to Pura.

Coco: I feel much better now Pura. I talked to Kitsume and she always knows how to cheer me up.
Pura: Yeah... she likes you. She's kinda like a mom to you isn't she?
Coco: Yeah. She's a gentle soul. Still, I can't help but feel like I HAVE to know about her past. It's strange.
Pura: Maybe you should just leave that alone Coco. I think it's for the best. Do whatever makes Kitsume at ease.
Coco: You're right. I'll feel better in the morning. G'night Pura.
Pura: G'night coco.

Coco switched off her bed light, and turned her head agianst the pillow, settling her body within the covers for comfort. Pura curled up right next to her, and with a big yawn, quickly fell asleep.
It was the middle of the night. The entire domain was silent. All the lights were out, and everyone was settled into their beds. Coco was sound asleep, as well as Pura. Then, something unreal happened. A strange distant sound could be heard. It sounded like a call of a screaming ghost. Though it was dense; it was still terrifying to hear the sound. This sound went into Coco's ears - she awoke, and looked all around the room, her heart pounding rapidly.

Coco: It's... it's probably just the wind.

Pura woke up yawning.

Pura: What's wrong?
Coco: I heard a sound.
Pura: Again?
Coco: No it's just... wait a minute.

Coco got out of her bed and walked towards her window. She scanned the outside a bit but couldn't see anything. She then went back into bed.

Coco: Just the wind, I guess.
Pura: Yeah… go back to sleep.
Coco: Yeah… everything will be...

But the scream came back… and was louder than before. And soon, another strange thing happened. A green glow peered through Coco's window. Green beams of light reached into Coco's room, and spread across the floor.
Pura: Wha… wha.… what's that?
Coco: I... I... I don't know!!

Then, the most terrifying thing happened. Coco's windows flew open!! For a minute, Coco shrieked, and edged closer to the head of her bed. Pura's fur stood on end, and he back away into Coco's side. The green glow grew brighter, because through the window, a green orb flew in. it glided to the very centre of the room. Now Coco was very scared. Pura was equally as frightened. What was this orb? They were about to find out. Then, finally, another terrifying thing happened. The orb levitated, illuminating the entire room green. As it grew brighter, it suddenly began to change shape. The shape grew larger. And as it grew, it was forming into some kind of weird outline. For a minute, it looked like a small mountain. Just then; a large scythe flew into the room. Its long brown handle with its sharp curved blade on the golden headpiece was placed right in front of the object! The glowing object then began to change colour. Within the blink of an eye the glowing object became a true form. And what a frightening form it was. It was a form; dressed in a large dark robe; outlined with gold trimmings and other cloth. Holding the scythe were long bony fingers, attached to even skinnier fragments of bone. And; within the hood of the robe; there layed a large yellow wolf skull. Its bright yellow teeth grinned evilly, and it's empty eye sockets glared at Coco. This was a member of the brotherhood of Shinra... the Death Lord!! Coco was petrified in horror now. This thing appeared to be the grim reaper to her. She thought that death was here to lay its calim on her soul. Coco's mouth was open with terror, and her eyes as wide as dinner plates. She tried to scream; but her breath went away. Pura stood as solid as a statue. He was just as horrified. And then; the Death Lord began to speak in a dry empty voice - a voice as chilling as wind itself. He pointed his long bony finger at Coco, with his scythe resting on his shoulder.

Death Lord: Where is your friend?

Coco was too scared to speak. She managed to gasp a few words out.

Coco: I… I... I... don’t...

The Death Lord stilled persisted.

Death Lord: Where is your friend? The one Demonarc calls his black sheep granddaughter!

Coco then thought of the three words the Death Lord said - 'Demoanrc', 'granddaughter', 'black sheep'? Could it be that he was after Kitsume? With enough courage; she managed to sputter out a few words.

Coco: Ki… ki... kik... kit… sssss… s… s… sume?

The Death Lord smiled a toothy grin, and relaxed his hand.

Death Lord: Yes my dear - the one they call Kitsume! I've come to take her to her loving grandfather, who has been resurrected by her dear sister!

Coco then thought; 'Dear sister'? Demona!! She did it! Aku Aku was right!! Demona resurrected Demonarc. Coco then regained her strength; and calmly asked as cautiously as she could.

Coco: Wh... who are... you?

The Death Lord put his bony fingers on his rib cage.

Death Lord: I am Death Lord - master of death, and the feaster of souls!! I wander the world in search of souls waiting to be devoured by me!!

That did not sound good! Coco began to get even more frightened. She started to squirm and writhe in the corner of her bed.

Death Lord: Do not fear my dear! I have not come to have your soul for supper. But I demand that you take me to Kitsume immediately; so she can be taken back to her rightful home - the Castle Shinra… in Romania!!

'Romania'? That's where the noise came from!! It all made sense now!! Demoanrc had arisen!! Coco got it!! But was still concerned about the Death Lord!! But Coco remained true to her word; and would not hand Kitsume over to this skeletal spectacle.

Coco: N… n… nn… no... you… can't… h… h… have her!

The Death Lord did not look pleased!!

Death Lord: Then perhaps I shall change my mind!! My appetite for souls knows no bounds!!

He began to drift towards Coco's bed. Coco began to edge and writhe closer to the foot of her bed! Pura was hiding under the covers!! Just then, the door flew open, and in ran Kitsume!!

Kitsume: STOP!!!

The Death Lord turned around; and gaze into Kitsume's vengeful eyes!

Death Lord: Ah... Kitsume!! At last we meet! I've come for you!
Kitsume: Then go back Death Lord! Your kind is not welcomed here!
Death Lord: Ha ha ha - it's quite apparent my dear! That now that I'm here... that means your grandfather is here as well! He has been resurrected; and so have me, and four other members of the demon cult of Shinra.

Kitsume realised this was all true. Without Demonarc, the Death Lord would have never been summoned. And Kitsume knew Demoanrc knew about her; and wanted to see her. Going away to meet him with the Death Lord was not what Kitsume had in mind. She was now faced with a problem. Her evil grandfather returned. And now; she had to deal with the Death Lord; and protect Coco at the same time. This was the beginning of the terror.
Chapter 5: The Prophecy of Doom

As the Death Lord continued to hover to and fro through the room, Kitsume kept a keen eye on him. Knowing his evil intentions she knew the Death Lord would not hesitate into taking the soul of another; even if he said he wouldn't. He was cunning and fast; this Kitsume knew. But what she also realised, was that seeing how the Death Lord was summoned; so was Demonarc. And things were getting even darker!

Death Lord: (Pointing his bony fingers out to Kitsume) My dear Kitsume - I've come for only one sole purpose.
Kitsume: What?
Death Lord: To return you to your loving grandfather and sister. They both are awaiting; hoping that their second chance given to you will help assist our grandest plan yet.
Kitsume: No... you don't mean?
Death Lord: Yes... the resurrection of the mighty Shinra!
Kitsume: No! His insane scheme failed years ago! There is no way he can posses the soul of that demon!

Coco soon grew very concerned - a demon, but what kind? As petrified of fear as she was, she began to listen closely to Kitsume and Death Lord's conversation. But Pura didn't stay too long. He hid under the bed. The Death Lord was growing very interested.

Death Lord: So it comes as no surprise you know of this. (Looking at Coco) Perhaps she should listen in too!
Kitsume: Answer me… what does Demonarc intend to do with the soul of Shinra?
Death Lord: It's simple you fool - he wishes to possess it!
Kitsume: Possess it?
Death Lord: Yes! This is what he intended to do all this time. When he was defeated; he would have been thwarted! But... things are looking brighter now for us!
Kitsume: So, Shinra… the son of Beelzebub!

Coco's heart was thumping more than ever. Beelzebub? Was that the name of the devil himself? Whatever it was, it most certainly was not good.

Death Lord: That's the exact one! And even better... Demonarc wishes to take the form of the demon himself and wander the Earth possessing his infernal soul!
Kitsume: Needless to say, he will be practically invincible!
Death Lord: Exactly!! Without a doubt he would be unstoppable! With the right amount of time needed, Demonarc can posses the soul of the recently deceased demon; and become an unstoppable beacon of evil!

Kitsume grew even angrier!

Kitsume: So... he's back! I cannot believe this! What does the future reveal if he is to take the form?
Death Lord: To you humans and humanoids... it is nothing but chaos and death! But to us; it's a sign of victory - of Hell on Earth; and the ultimate inferno! I want to show you something!

The Death Lord pulled out a giant crystal orb!! It floated in the middle of the room. Kitsume gazed at it; prepared to see what was in store for the future. Needless to say, the outcome would be truly frightening!

Death Lord: Behold the true meaning of the cult of Shinra!

With a wave of his bony hand, the orb suddenly began to show images of people dressed in dark black robes. Many had red eyes, and were chanting strange words.

Kitsume: The cult!
Death Lord: Yes... these are amongst the earliest members! Holy monks who fell from the church; and organized their own beliefs!! For many centuries, their leader was none other than your beloved grandfather… Demonarc!!

The next image showed a tall image of Demonarc. He was the same as he was resurrected! Long grey hair, black apparel, and the same fiery gaze! Kitsume stared at her grandfather in awe and anger!

Kitsume: So this is him!
Death Lord: Yes... the next true ruler of this soft world! Only HE can change it; because he alone is the true man worthy enough to posses the soul of the greatest demon ever to live! And when he does...

The images soon change into images that were VERY shocking and frightening. Kitsume herself was edging away from the frightening pictures projected on the orb. Coco was cringing at the mere sight of them. The images were very terrifying. It showed the world; engulfed in flames and ice. Through the black orange sky; demons are flying; carrying victims with them, and dropping them into whirlpools of fire. Civilization is lost, and everything has burned asunder! Towering flames of chaos ruled over the Earth; as demons, and evil spirits wandered the land destroying everything in their path.

Death Lord: Look well. Once your grandfather becomes ruler over everything, he will not only become king...

The next image showed Demoanrc, sitting on a tall throne of brimstone. The carvings were demonic and satanic figures, with a fiery pentagram hovering over him. He sits laughing at his throne.

Death Lord: ...he will become God!!

Coco almost passed out at these words? King was one thing… but God!?!? This was certainly not good at all! The images then faded; and the Death Lord made the crystal orb disappear!

Death Lord: That is the true and eminent future you will witness! And me, your grandfather, and everyone else... wishes you to be part of it!

Kitsume was furious! The images of Hell on Earth and the cataclysmic events yet to come fuelled her anger! 'Join them indeed'! She was not about to join the ultimate forces of evil! She glared angrily into the Death Lord's empty eye sockets… which revealed dying glowing red embers.

Kitsume: It's out of the question! I will not assist him in this outrageous scheme! My grandfather is among the biggest relation I would just as soon forget about! Your images and words have only fuelled my urge to stop him!

Now the Death Lord wasn't too happy at these words! Clenching his fist, he began to shout!


The yell was heard throughout the hallways of the house. Everyone awoke to the sound. Crash meet Danni out in the hallway!

Crash: What the heck was that?
Danni: I dunno! Wait - look!!

They both stared at Coco's room. They could see a bright green light coming from under the crack!

Danni: Something's wrong. I know it.
Crash: Yeah - we better investigate!

Shen and Sarnie then went up to them!

Shen Lo Ken: What the? What the heck is going on here?
Sarnie: What's that green light from beneath Coco's doorway?
Danni: We're about to find out!
Crash: I don't like this bad vibes ya know!
Shen Lo Ken: I don't blame ya! This sounds serious!
Sarnie: Shhhh! I think I hear talking!

They did hear noises form the door. It was Kitsume and Death Lord's conversation dragging on.
Kitsume: My answer is final! No matter what you do I will not join! Kill me if you wish but you will not convince me in the least!

The Death Lord was growing impatient. He then looked at Coco with fiery ambition! Coco knew that he was up to no good! Indeed, she had a hunch what he was going to do to persuade Kitsume.

Death Lord: So… is that REALLY your final decision? We'll see about that as soon as I devour the soul of your friend here!

Coco began to panic. She was not only afraid of her life, but also of Kitsume. What if she gave in? What if this threat marked the end of her alliance with the forces of good? But... it didn't deter her the least! Kitsume was not stupid with negotiations. She came up with an intelligent response, calmly and gracefully!

Kitsume: Would you really? What would it matter? If you ate her soul it would probably better than me joining you. To help make your plan succeed would only be worse for her! After seeing your frightening prophecy I would rather die than see Coco suffer in a world of fiery chaos! If you killed her now it would be doing her a favour rather than letting her suffer in a Hell bound world! Even if you did; it would only make me hate you and my grandfather even more; and would fuel my desire to come and stop you!

The Death Lord was stunned at Kitsume's answer. But; he knew she was right. Kitsume would still not join if he would kill Coco! And letting Coco suffer in the Hellish world projected on his orb; would be worse than immediate death! Calmly, he lowered his scythe on his back, and put his hand on his chest.

Death Lord: Very well. You choose not to join us as we hoped you would! And I see taking your friend's life would not convince you either! Very well... I shall report your exact words back to Demonarc! But you SHALL regret those words! If my prophecy and appearance is not persuasive enough; then we will find ways to make it even more difficult for you! And I will warn Demonarc of your arrival! Mark my words - he will be ready for you! We WILL meet again... and most assuring... you will regret not joining us as soon as he possesses the soul of Shinra! For as soon as you see the world ruled by darkness it will make you wish you would be our ally! But because of your distrustful nature you and your friends will suffer nothing but pure agony for all eternity as the world is turned into a searing inferno of chaos! Be warned Kitsume - your grandfather and the others will NOT take this lightly. Unless you come back to join us... it will be Hell for you and the other members of your family! You have been warned!! I bid thee farewell!!!

With that, Death Lord disappeared back into the form of the floating orb. The green orb then floated out the window, with the dread scythe following it. As soon as it was out of sight the green glow stopped, and the windows closed!! Pura peeked out from under the bed.

Pura: Is... is it over?
Kitsume: Yes… for now!

Kitsume walked over to Coco's side. Coco nearly passed out. Well, wouldn’t you after an encounter with death? Kitsume calmed Coco, and put her hand over her shoulder. She could feel poor Coco shuddering and quaking with fear. Coco never had been so scared in her life. Kitsume could feel her blood racing, and her heart pounding. Coco looked like she was going to cry.

Kitsume: Coco... I don't blame you for being scared. This could strike fear into anyone. You were very brave throughout this. I'm proud of you!

Coco managed to turn her frightened face to Kitsume. Her eyes were wide open with terror, and her lips quivered. She was trembling and began to hug Kitsume.

Coco: Ki... Kitsume! I was so scared!! I thought you were going to join him.

Kitsume patted Coco's head, and held her hand.

Kitsume: It's all right child; I would never join that monster... or my demonic grandfather!! But things are very serious here!!

Coco then began to ask a question she didn't want to ask... but needed to.

Coco: Kitsume... is it possible for that prophecy that he showed us to come true?

Kitsume held her head low and shook her head slowly. Her voice was low and sad.

Kitsume: It's possible. What you saw could very well be our future!
Coco: Kitsume... I never admitted this before, but for the first time in my life... I'm scared.

Coco hung her head in shame. She regretted those words she admitted! Kitsume rested her hand on her shoulder.

Kitsume: Coco... it's OK. I'm scared too! What my grandfather can do would frighten even the bravest warrior! It's OK to admit that you're frightened of him. This enemy we're facing... is worse than any other you have met.

Coco hung onto Kitsume tight, and Pura hid under the covers. There was a knocking at the door! A voice called out. It was Crash's.

Crash: Hey… what's goin' on in there?

Coco looked up at Kitsume with fear in her eyes.

Coco: Should we let them in?
Kitsume: Yes... everyone needs to know about this! Once Aku Aku knows about this... then he too will be aware of a terrifying future yet to come! Look out at the sky Coco!

Coco looked at the black sky. The only light was from the moon! What Kitsume said next was true and frightening.

Kitsume: Demoanrc's alive… and that means the world is thrown into total darkness! The night will never end… until he is stopped!

Coco understood now! In order to protect everything there was only option - to stop Demonarc and his underlings. Coco motioned for the door!

Coco: Let EVERYONE in. They gotta hear this! Get everyone out of bed if they're still asleep! This is very important.
Kitsume: Exactly. Oh… and get dressed. As soon as I'm done explaining the situation; we will no longer hesitate! We will leave… immediately!

At that instant, Coco hopped out of bed. She knew this was serious; and unless something was done the night would never end… and a grim future would loom over the horizon!!

Coco: Where are we going to go?
Kitsume: Romania! That's where the castle is! I'll have to destroy Demonarc himself like Geustave did!

Coco walked into her walk-in closet, and closed the door behind her. Even while she was dressing, her mind was still going in circles. She couldn't believe what has happening. She looked at herself in the mirror! She looked at her hair and her quivering body. She was a wreck! This was the most serious moment in her life, and for the first time... she was even more afraid!!

Coco: I can't believe this... I'm so scared! (Looking up at the ceiling) God... if there is a God... please help us! This is the time we'll need your assistance the most! I'm very scared... help us!
Kitsume heard her words through the door, and slowly shook her head as she went to let everyone in.

Kitsume: God help us ALL!!

And with that, she opened the door, and let everyone in to tell the most terrifying story they would ever hear! The tensest moment has come! After the discussion, they would set out immediately!! For if nothing was to be done the night would continue and death would follow as the infernal shadow of the underworld would spread across the Earth! This... was the hour of any hour! The hour where the possibility of the end of the world was not possible... but very well… eminent! And the final upshot would be determined. But one slip... it would be all over. The hour of judgment was at hand!!

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