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Chapter 6: The Way

Everyone gathered around various places in Coco's room. Danni and Crash sat on the bed, while Shen, Sarnie, Kikanoo, and Coco were resting against the wall. Kitsume was in the centre of the room explaining the horrible situation.

Kitsume: Now… I know all of you have experienced horrible events in the past, but mark my words; what you will be up against may very well be among the most dreaded adventure any of you have experienced.

Everyone began looking at each other with fear. Kitsume was saying something that didn't sound good from the start.

Crash: Worse than those things?
Danni: This sounds serious.
Kikanoo: Tell us dear cousin - what can be worse than those events?

Kitsume took a deep breath, and muttered some very shocking truths.

Kitsume: a figure appeared here where we were standing. A prophet. He was an aid to my grandfather, Demonarc. Which means... my grandfather has come back from the dead... and is out to wreck havoc onto the world.

Everyone was puzzled and confused. Except Aku Aku, who was showing deep concern. He knew the sensation he felt was too unholy to be even Uka Uka himself.

Aku Aku: So it's true… he has come back. I'm almost afraid to know what he intends to do.
Kitsume: Something horrible. First off, now that he has arisen the night will never end until he is defeated. But most importantly, Demonarc's plan could very well be the true end of the world.
Coco: I know… I saw it for myself too.

Everyone was looking at Kitsume in shock. What was she saying? Was she speaking the truth?

Sarnie: The true end of the world?
Shen Lo Ken: You mean… *gulp* …the Apocalypse?
Kitsume: (Nodding solemnly) Yes, the cataclysm of all mankind could very well be upon us.

Danni was almost afraid to ask; but she managed to speak a few words.

Danni: But… how can he... do this?
Kitsume: Demonarc is an evil beacon; that I have said before. The prophet who came in the night revealed his plans to me. He plans a true vision of Hell on Earth, which could come down upon us all in a horrifying orgy of blood, fire, and chaos. Evil spirits and demons would arise, civilisation and technology would be destroyed, and evil - PURE evil - would dominate the land. And this was because of my sister, Demona... who called forth my wicked grandfather!

Everyone became worried. Aku Aku was filled with rage. He never knew just when the day would come for everything to be ruled by evil. Everyone else was cringing in fear. What Kitsume said had to be the truth. Everyone knew Kitsume never lied. And this sounded very serious. All the missions before this one were grave, but this one would be certain destruction. But Coco's confidence in Kitsume made her speak up.

Coco: Wait everyone! There has to be a way to stop all this. Kitsume said there is, right?

Coco turned her anxious head towards Kitsume. Her eyes were fixed onto her with a hopeful gaze; hoping to hear Kitsume say there was a way. Kitsume spoke.

Kitsume: Yes, there is a way. But a way that would be amongst the most dangerous adventure any of you have faced. We have to stop Demonarc himself, but that won't be easy. My grandfather's love for the black arts can make him powerful beyond belief. And his power to raise the dead and create hellish creatures makes it equally as dangerous.

This seemed like it would be hard. Everyone knew that facing magical dark powers was hard before... but this sounded a lot worse.

Crash: Do you think we could win?
Kitsume: (Gently shaking her head) I don't know. But we at least have to try. We have to go to Romania and stop this chaos.
Shen Lo Ken: Romania?
Sarnie: That's awfully far.

Then Aku Aku spoke up.

Aku Aku: Not so! I know a way we can get there in time.

Everyone turned to Aku Aku with hope in their eyes.

Coco: Tell us.
Danni: Yes... we need to know.
Crash: Where do we go Aku Aku?

Aku Aku silently bowed his head, and gave them a great warning.

Aku Aku: But this is a way that could prove lethal. There is a temple - a temple that is in the shape of a huge ziggurat. If we go into the centre of the temple we will find a chamber, with a large clock on the ceiling. With this chamber, you can transport yourself to any region on the planet. But, sometimes... it never works.
Kikanoo: Why?
Shen Lo Ken: What happens if it doesn't work?

Aku Aku then looked sternly at everyone.

Aku Aku: You all could be transported to another dimension - a dimension of death and despair. And unfortunately... it would be impossible to escape!
Kitsume: Well whether or not it is the right way, we have to try. Everyone listen to me. This is our most desperate hour. We won't wait to begin this mission. We're leaving... immediately. Everyone get dressed. And make sure everything that means everything to you is safely stored. You may never see them again.

Danni's heart sank - Her children, Casey and Yarra - What if Aku Aku's idea were to be true? She would never be able to see her children again. Sadly, she turned to Crash.

Danni: Crash...
Crash: I know... our kids. I'm gonna miss them too. But no matter what, we gotta try.
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah… but this all sounds dangerous. But it's like we have no choice.
Coco: If the fate of the world is going to be this serious... then we gotta go!

Pura was tugging at Coco's pant leg. Coco looked down into Pura's sad face. She kneeled down and rubbed him gently.

Coco: Pura... I'm sorry. I'm gonna miss you too.

Pura looked hopefully into Coco's eyes.

Pura: But… there will be a chance that you'll come back... right?
Coco: Yes. I'm sure there will be. I've been in a lot of bad situations. This may be dangerous, but that doesn't mean I won't be back.
Pura: Promise?

Coco hesitated for a minute... but decided to make up a half-truth, even though she was uncertain what would happen.

Coco: I promise... I'll come back; and so will everyone else.

Coco wrapped her arms around Pura and kissed his cheek. But Pura's uncertainty grew stronger; cause he felt a warm tear from Coco hit his cheek. Pura was feeling scared now. Maybe this was one promise Coco was gonna break.
Back in the kid's room; Yarra and Casey were still sound asleep. The events that occurred didn't stir them at all. The door creaked slowly open, and yet they still slept. Danni crept in. She was crestfallen at seeing them sleep soundly… while she knew what would happen if something wasn't done. For the first time in her life, she; as well as everyone else who knew the events that were about to unfold; were very afraid. With a pain in her heart, and her throat as dry as cotton, Danni leaned over her two sons’ beds and kissed them gently on the cheek. And with a warm tear rolling down her eye, she went quietly out of the room. Crash did the same thing; and he was just as worried. Never in his life had he faced anything this monstrous.
It was time; everyone gathered outside in their full outfits. They all looked up at Aku Aku, who was floating about them preaching as clearly to them as possible.

Aku Aku: Crash, Coco, Kitsume, Danni, Sarnie, Shen Lo Ken, and Kikanoo - I know this may be a frightening moment. But you must be strong. It is the only way we can end this horror. Follow me to the temple; and we will try and stop the horrible threat, which may very well end everything on Earth. And I know, that even the temple can take us to that impenetrable dimension… but it's a risk we must take.
Crash: Well... I hope everything turns out for the best.
Danni: I wouldn't hope. I'm sure we can do this.
Coco: Yeah, I mean... I'm not afraid... that much anyway.
Kitsume: Enough talk. We must go. Aku Aku; take us to the temple. How far is it?
Aku Aku: Follow me.

Everyone followed the floating mask. For hours, everyone kept following him. They trekked along the island searching for the temple, which would take them to the castle. When… at last, they arrived. There stood the huge ziggurat. It was the same architecture as any Mayan temple; steps climbing like a pyramid with a small chamber on top. Aku Aku motioned them forward to follow him.

Aku Aku: Follow me to the top!

Aku Aku floated towards the top of the Ziggurat. Everyone else began to follow him up the long flight of stairs. Then everyone reached the top. They stared at the ceiling of the tall chamber, and saw the giant clock, just as Aku described it.

Kitsume: We're here.
Coco: So what now?
Aku Aku: Patience child - we still have to be patient. I shall read these ancient writings to help transport us.
Crash: But it will lead us to Demonarc's castle… or will we go to that dimension?
Aku Aku: That's up to the temple.
Shen Lo Ken: What do you mean the temple?
Sarnie: You mean… this temple's... alive?
Aku Aku: Yes, it is very human in every way. I must speak to it mentally tot ell us where we want to go. As soon as I utter these words I can speak clearly with the temple.
Crash: Uh… okay. But... nothing weird will happen, right?
Aku Aku: Just wait. I must speak.

Aku aku spoke out the strong words inscribed on the temple altar. As soon as he was done, the temple began to glow a bright yellow. The entire temple was covered as if it was gold. Aku Aku contacted the temple's spirit. He began focusing on himself. And then, speaking mentally to the temple, he waited for its response. For about a few moments, nothing happened.

Kikanoo: Is there anything wrong?
Crash: I don't like this.
Aku Aku: Wait - it's responding.

The temple did respond, because out form the temple came a voice. A strong deep voice who spoke like God himself. Everyone was startled; but the voice calmed them.

Voice: Fear not - I am the temple of transport. I understand your situation is grim and that this planet faces a serious and deadly crisis. I will help locate the castle Shinra for you, so you can stop this fiend.
Aku aku: (Bowing graciously) Goodness be unto you. Thank you very much.
Voice: Let me focus my energy, to reveal the location of this castle; and you shall go there.
Aku Aku: Thank you.

For a few moments the voice began to hum lowly, as it focused its energy to reveal the location of the castle. Finally it became apparent.

Voice: Yes! I have it. The castle's location is clear to me. I shall transport you to it.

Everyone began to gather in the circle underneath the clock.

Aku Aku: Thank you spirit of the temple. Please take us immediately.

Everyone stood right underneath the clock. Then, the temple said a few strange words... and then, within minutes, the clock's hands began to rotate swiftly. It became so fast; that it looked like a giant fan overhead. Then, a huge blue beam fell upon Aku Aku, Crash, and everyone else. They were soon warped into the sky by the temple's influence. And within minutes… they were gone. But where were they? As soon as the bright light disappeared from everyone's eyes, they peered out into the new world they ventured into. When they looked around them, they were in an estranged place. When they looked ahead, they saw a huge forest full of skeleton trees and a beaten path. The moon hung high in the night sky, casting its blue shadow onto everyone. An open field surrounded them. A field that stretched out with rolling plains of dry grass. The field looked blue as the moon shined upon it. Everyone saw nothing around them. The only thing that could see was the heavy forest ahead of them. Aku aku looked straight at the forest.

Aku Aku: We are here.
Crash: So, this is Romania?
Aku Aku: Yes. We made it.
Danni: Beggin' yar pardon Aku Aku, but there's no civilizationa round here anywhere. It's completely deserted.
Aku Aku: Yes it is. It's the Romanian countryside. Nothing grows out here except dry vegetation and dead trees. Also, no one ever dares to venture out here.
Sarnie: Why not?
Shen Lo Ken: Whaddya mean why not? I already know it's scary enough out here. No one in their right mind would go through this part of the country.
Coco: Yeah... I guess that's why.

Kitsume turned to everyone and sighed as she responded.

Kitsume: That's not entirely true. The real reason is strange events happen here. Apparitions, ghouls, and many other things associated with the evil arts live throughout this area of Romania. The presence of evil is always near around here. Anyone who once lived here disappeared without a trace.
Sarnie: Whoa. Sounds serious.
Aku Aku: Indeed.

Just then, a loud howl echoed through the air. it was the cry of a hungry wolf howling in the distance.

Danni: Gah... are there dingoes here?
Kitsume: No - werewolves.
Crash: *Gasp* Did you say… *gulp* ...werewolves?
Kitsume: Yes… there are werewolves wandering around here - probably in the forest too. You see they always hunt in packs. Many enjoy hiding in the tall grass, like around here. But they don't attack from the front... but from the side. They close in and rip anyone who passes through here to shreds.
Crash: GAHAAA!!!
Shen Lo Ken: Oh… oh... okay Kitsume. That’s enough. You're uh... scaring Coco.

Coco punched Shen in the arm. Shen just looked at her with a look of phoney hurt.

Shen Lo Ken: Wha...?
Coco: Listen Shen. I'm pretty scared out here myself, but no way am I afraid with Kitsume around.

Another chilling howl entered the air.

Coco: YIKES!!!
Sarnie: Another werewolf!
Kitsume: Wait... no not quite. I listened to that howl. Werewolves have low frequency howls. This one has a high frequency.
Danni: So it's jsut a regula' dog then?
Kitsume: No - it's a warg.
Crash: Warg?
Kitsume: Yes... giant wolves that grow to about ten feet long and six feet tall. Some have been known to spit fire.
Crash: GAH!!! Uh... uh...
Shen Lo Ken: Boy… talk about a creep show here.
Aku Aku: Excuse me children, but I do believe we must get going. We have much to worry about then just wolves or wargs. Follow me.
Coco: Where will we be going?
Aku Aku: Through the forest.

Everyone looked ahead into the deep dark forest. Its gloomy and spooky atmosphere made anyone dread going in there. Some of the members began to edge back.

Crash: Uh... are you sure it's safe?
Aku aku: I never assured safety on this trip. We have to do what we have to do. Follow me inside. I'm sure you're all prepared for the dangers that await us.
Danni: R… right! Warg or wolf, or whateva's in that spooky forest... I'm not afraid of anything - monsta' or spook!
Sarnie: Me neither. Let's just get in there and go get that rat who calls himself Demonarc.

A sudden outburst of multiple howls suddenly filled the air. Wargs and werewolves were howling in unison. The air was filled with the shrill cries of werewolves and wargs.

Shen Lo Ken: Uh... yeah. Let's just get this over with.
Coco: Gee Shen - scared?
Shen Lo Ken: Heck no. C'mon... destiny's just ahead of us.

Aku aku lead them to the forested gateway. Kitsume lead the ongoing, but nervous band of heroes who were to stop the demonic Demonarc. It wasn't long before they steppe into the forest, and were prepared to make their way through it. What dangers lied ahead? And were the sounds of the werewolves and the wargs near or hopefully far? They didn't have time to discuss it. They just went straight tot he chase… and ventured into the darkness... ready for anything.
Chapter 7: Something Familiar

Truly the forest the adventurers were entering was most certainly the most horrific forest anyone would dare venture into. Giant dead trees loomed overhead, with wooden claws leering over the group as if they were ready to grab them. As if the forest itself wasn't scary near them, far from them, it was just as frightening. Upon walking on the beaten path, now and then, the wanderers could not help but look off in both directions into the forests. Trees, thousands of them, covered the areas. Whatever bare ground there was, was covered by mist. In the distance, the baying of wolves and wargs could be heard. Some could be heard as if they were close to them.

Kikanoo: Kitsume… do you know these woods?
Kitsume: Possibly. The path is very straightforward. The appearance of them however can throw anyone off though.
Shen Lo Ken: Ain't that the truth. I can't blame anyone for not wanting to enter this god-forsaken forest.
Crash: I'll bet no one except a few werewolves live here.
Danni: Right. I'd have nightmares if I lived in a forest like this.
Coco: Hey look! (Coco points her finger out in the distance) I see smoke.

Indeed she did. In the clearing, a tall stream of smoke could be seen looming over the trees.

Crash: Hey, it looks like chimney smoke.
Sarnie: Yeah. It does.
Kikanoo: Aku Aku, do you thinks somebody does live here?
Aku Aku: Possibly. I am detecting some life here; and it is not anything related to beasts.
Kitsume: I think we shall see. Come.
Aku Aku: Follow me.

The wanderers followed the floating mask through the forests. As they rounded the bend, they could see orange light coming in the clearing. The light was circular, and had objects in it. As soon as they were in view they could see that the light was coming from three windows. The smoke did come from a chimney - from a cottage. The cottage was small, wooden, and had a thick straw thatched roof. Bits of firewood and rocks were scattered here and there. There was also a small stone well nearby. This indicated that someone lived here.

Crash: Uh… Kitsume. I don't wanna sound dumb or disappointed… but is THIS Demonarc's castle?

Both Kitsume and Aku Aku looked at Crash as if he said something incredibly stupid.

Kitsume: OF COURSE NOT!!
Aku Aku: Crash, I thought you would be smarter to know a castle when you saw one.

Crash looked very sheepish, and blushed and looked down at the Earth.

Crash: S… s… sorry.
Danni: Honestly Crash, try to be more observant.

Just then, the door opened. Everyone looked as a small figure rose out of the light. He began to speak.

Figure: Eh... who goes there?

The full figure came into view. It was a tiny badger dressed in a ragged robe, and had a straw hat on. He looked very old.

NOTE: The badger kidna sounds like Master Roshi

Kitsume: (Calmly approaching the badger) Excuse me kind sir... may I ask of your name?
Badger: Wha… my name? Oh... my name is Garland. Why do you ask? Are you associated with Demonarc?
Kitsume: Do you know him?
Garland: Course I do. He's only a few miles away from me.
Crash: How many?
Sarnie: It must mean we're close.
Garland: Close? Don't tell me you're goin' to his castle. That's beyond insane.
Kitsume: Say what you will but that's where we are heading.
Garland: (Putting his hand over his face) Oi; what's the matter with you people? Were you born without brains? Don't you know that going to his Castle is like taking an extra shortcut to Hell?
Aku Aku: As if we were not aware. May we explain a few things to you?
Garland: I guess. Come in; it's pretty wild out tonight. I'm surprised you didn't run into any wolves yet.
Sarnie: Hmph… I guess there's no harm in accepting his hospitality.
Kitsume: Yes. All right, we'll come in.
Garland: This way please.

And they entered Garland's house. Garland looked outside to make sure there was nothing about. In the distance, he saw two red eyes glare at him. Quickly, he closed the door.

Garland: Darn wolves.
Inside the hut was ancient artefacts collected by this strange badger. Some were dated back to the medieval periods. Even to the times of the Romans.

Coco: Quite a collection ya got here.
Garland: Yes... I've been around some time ya know.
Kitsume: You must know a lot about the past.
Garland: Thank you… but I don't know everything.
Aku Aku: If you don't mind, we're in a bit of a rush. Demoanrc is planning to enslave the world in chaos.
Garland: Hmph… big surprise.
Crash: Huh? You're not even scared?
Garland: Of course not. Just as long as I stay in this little hut I'll be safe from him.
Danni: Right... (Rolling her eyes)
Kitsume: Anyways, how close are we to his castle?
Garland: You're pretty close. Just gotta go through those forests without any werewolves attackin' ya. And you especially do not wanna cross paths with a Warg. They are ten times larger than any other wolf.
Danni: Er...
Shen Lo Ken: That's all good, but we don't have time. We gotta get to that castle.
Coco: Yeah - we'll deal with whatever comes our way later. But right now, we need help.
Kikanoo: And how.
Garland: If you expect me to come with ya, you're wrong. I'm not goin' back there again.
Kikanoo: Again?
Shen Lo Ken: You've been there before?
Kitsume: What was it like?
Garland: I labelled the scariest place on Earth. I did manage to get past the wolves guarding the forest. I wanted to get to that castle, because my rightful property was there.
Coco: Your rightful property?
Garland: My jewels! This lethal Succubus stole them. A long time ago, when I was younger, this beautiful woman appeared, and she… well... eh heh...

Everyone kinda looked at the ceiling and cleared their throats.

Garland: Well anyway. As it turns out, she was one of Demonarc's henchwomen, and quite far, his best. She was the Succubus. After seducing me, she hurt me quite a few times. Then, when I woke up, my jewels were gone. She took them straight of my neck. And I can't tell ya how many scratch marks she left behind. But anyways, when I went to get ‘em back, I just got up to the bridge. Then, out leaped this cloaked warrior, with a weird lookin' sword. He looked violent, and I knew he was Dissiphorous. Before I could run, he leaped at me, and took a swing. Now look.

Garland held out his right arm. Everyone notice his hand was missing.

Garland: Cut it clean off he did. I never returned to the castle; knowing how dangerous it was. Even if you get to the bridge, there's no way you'll make it inside.
Sarnie: Sounds serious.
Aku Aku: I understand how you don't want to return, but as for us; we have no choice. We HAVE to go. Could you kindly give us directions?
Garland: Well... ain't no way I'm gonna return outside. But maybe I have a few people who can help ya.

Garland headed over to a small closet, and pulled out three jars. In one jar, there was a pink cloud; in another, was a dark blue cloud; and in the last one, was a black cloud. Garland set them on the table in front of everyone.

Shen Lo Ken: What are they?
Sarnie: Are they magic potions?
Garland: Sorta... but what comes out of them is somethin' a bit more. For example -

Garland opened the jar with the pink cloud in it. The pink cloud then floated onto the table. As soon as it did; it began to form the shape of a young bandicoot girl. As the shape grew bigger, well about 9 inches anyway, the girl grew wings and had a small green dress on. She also had white boots too. Her wings looked like dragonfly wings. She also had blonde hair and freckles on her cheeks. At first, she sat down, and then looked over the giants that looked at her. She spoke in an Irish accent. No doubt she was a Fairy.

Fairy: Oh me gracious… where am I now?
Coco: It… it talked.

The Fairy looked at Coco rather angrily.

Fairy: Of course I did. Do ya think I'm mute?
Coco: Sorry - I never seen a... say; are you a Fairy?
Fairy: Yes… that I am. Me name is Abigail.
Coco: How do you? You know, I never saw a Fairy before.
Shen Lo Ken: Me neither. And I gotta say - I never saw a cute Fairy either, until now.
Abigail: (Blushing) Oh my goodness - I never received compliments in a long time.
Garland: This is one of the three Familiars that can guide you on the way. She can heal you and your group, or even point out traps and whatnot. She may be a little woman, but she's very helpful.
Abigail: Oh… am I goin' to be helping them?
Garland: Of course you are. Don't think I let you out just to get some fresh air. You are to do what these people tell you to do. You're only summoned when you need to do soemthin'.

Abigail looked down. It looked as if her feelings were hurt.

Coco: Oh no it's OK. She can help us; but we're not gonna treat her like a slave.

Abigail then brightened up and looked at Coco with glee.

Abigail: Oh bless ya lass.
Coco: Don't mention it. I'm gonna treat you like I treat my other members… with respect.

Abigail flew up to Coco and rested on her shoulder.

Abigail: Oh I think you and me are gonna be good friends. I look forward to servin' you.
Garland: Okay… now the next familiar is used for fighting. He's not independent and stubborn like Abigail is.

Abigail frowns at Garland.

Abigail: Oh my - you've got the manners of a hog.

Garland opens up the second jar. Out flies the blue cloud. It soon forms into a tiny dog demon with horns and cloven hooves and goat legs. He also carries a spear with him.

Garland: Meet Wormwood, the Demon Familiar.

Wormwood presents himself in front of Aku Aku; because he directly knew who was the most powerful. He spoke in a heavy English accent.

Wormwood: I'm ready to serve master.
Aku Aku: Please don't call me that. You are to be treated like Coco treats Abigail.
Wormwood: No - it is my life to serve. I am strict at taking orders. Do what you want me to do; that is my one wish - to live and serve for my master.
Garland: See? He's much more reliable. He's an excellent fighter. He will go to an enemy, and injure him for you. This makes them fall easier.
Crash: Cool! This demon guy sounds great.

Wormwood flew right next to Aku Aku.

Wormwood: Please; tell me what to do and I shall do it. I am your humble servant.
Aku Aku: Hmmmm... you're very ambitious aren’t you? Fine; then you will do exactly as I command.
Wormwood: Yes master - I will not disappoint you.

Garland then opened up the last jar. The black cloud then formed into the shape of a bat.

Garland: And this is the Bat Familiar. He is neither a fighter nor a healer. But he can light up the ways for you with his radar, and even pick locks for you. True, not as resourceful as the other Familiars but he can be used for something.

The bat rested on Kitsume's shoulder.

Kitsume: Well… I guess the Bat's mine.
Shen Lo Ken: So these Familiars will guide us?
Garland: Yes; but that's about as much good as they can do. If you plan to face Demoanrc, they will be useless.
Abigail: Useless? My goodness… you underestimate us once again. I'd be willin' to fight off that banshee of a man who calls himself Demonarc.
Wormwood :It is my life to fight a powerful foe. I will also help destroy him.
Bat: Squeak… squeak… chirp.
Garland: We will see. Take these Familiars with you and it will make the journey less difficult.
Kitsume: Thank you Garland. You gave us the first step to saving the world. If we ever meet the Succubbus, we'll try and get back your jewels.
Garland: Thanks for the offer; but that Succubus is one nasty witch. Watch out for her.
Kikanoo: don't worry old man. I guess we better get goin'.
Garland: Are ya sure? Why not wait till mornin'?
Kitsume: There won't be a morning until we defeat Demonarc. The night will never end if he lives.
Abigail: Beggin' your pardon... but do you know how to fight Evil?
Kitsume: I've been doing it for sometime… (looking at Coco) …with a little bit of help.

Coco blushed, and Abigail smiled back at Coco.

Abigail: Oh my! It is an honour to work for such heroes.
Aku Aku: Enough! We must go. We must prevent the inevitable form happening.
Crash: Yeah - let's get outta here.
Sarnie: Okay; bye Garland.
Danni: Yeah; and thanks for these helpful buggas.

Abigail looked at Danni.

Abigail: Oh… a Brit.
Danni: (Embarrassed) No - I'm Australian.
Abigail: Oh… me goodness - please forgive me.
Danni: No harm done. You don't need to apologize.
Wormwood: We must go. I am just itchin' to serve my masters!

The warriors then headed back out onto the dirt path. As they left Garland looked at them in wonder.

Garland: Hmmm… they're pretty crazy if they plan to take on Demonarc. But then again… so was I. Phew... good luck.

He went back inside and closed the door.
Chapter 8: The Great Warg

As the moon hung over the blackened sky it made visibility only slightly present. The dark forest covered everyone's view. It was near impossible to even make out the rest of the path. Everyone had their hardships along the way. Just a few minutes ago Shen stumbled over a rock and got a huge bruise on his shin. Now and then, Coco got thin red scratches across her arm from pointy tree branches. Even Aku couldn't light much of the way. The Fairy tried her best to light the darkened forest. But it still didn't offer much light.

Coco: Gee... how are we ever going to find Demonarc's Castle if we can't see a darn thing?
Kikanoo: No matter how much light we use; there's just not enough.
Crash: Hey Abigail. I thought you Fairies knew how to do everything. Show us something already.
Abigail: (Staring sternly at Crash) Aye; keep your trousas' on lad - I'm doin' the best I can.
Kitsume: Hmmm... I think I remember Garland telling us somethign about the Bat Familiar.
Danni: Didn't he say he could light up darkened areas?
Kitsume: Only one way to find out. (Kitsume held out the Bat Familiar, who was waiting for commands.)
Shen Lo Ken: One question though. How do you talk to a bat?
Sarnie: Yeah. It only speaks through chirps and squeaks.
Kitsume: Aku Aku? Can you by chance speak to this bat?
Aku Aku: I'll try.

Aku Aku spoke in low-pitched grunts and whistles. After a few moments the bat took flight, and then made an echo from his squeak. Immediately, his echo presented a clear passageway through the forest. Full light was visible now, thanks to the Bat's echo.

Crash: All right. Way to go Batty!
Coco: Amazing.
Sarnie: I'll say. I never saw a bat do that.

The travellers then walked the lighted path ahead of them. But just then, a loud howl was heard from the distance.

Kitsume: A wolf!
Crash: Wait a minute! Is it a wolf or a… a… what are those other things called? The other wolf… the Big wolf?
Abigail: A warg?
Crash: Yeah, that's it!

Just then, the loud howl soon became a huge growl. And what was worse, it seemed to be very close. Everyone stood frozen in their tracks. They soon heard the loud crunching of leaves on the ground. The growls obviously came form a wolf. But the growl was even louder than any wolf.

Kikanoo: Sounds too big to be a wolf.
Aku Aku: Indeed. Perhaps it's a warg that Garland warned us about.
Danni: Whatever it is we better start running fast. Things could get ugly here.
Kitsume: You're right. It’s best to walk faster.

Just then, a huge black figure leaped out in the clearing. Everyone froze in their tracks. For standing in front of them was a wolf, but not any ordinary wolf. This wolf stood over ten feet high. Its huge red eyes glowed like large rubies. Its teeth shown in the darkness like a bright light. And its snarl made its salivating lips curl back showing hundreds of sharp teeth as long as steak knives. The wolf looked at the huddled warriors, and began to walk slowly towards them.

Aku Aku: This must be a warg.
Crash: Great! What can be worse than a giant wolf?

The warg then opened its mouth, and shot out a long stream of flames. At that moment, everybody leaped out of the way. Crash just barely made it. But unfortunately, he got his bottom scorched a little, and he landed in a path of bushes. He then peeked out from them.

Crash: Okay. A giant wolf that can breathe fire IS worse.

The warg searched the clearing and found his closest victim - Shen Lo Ken. He was lying on the ground, and tried to get up. But the wolf brought his massive paw onto his chest, and pinned him down. The wolf's saliva dripped onto Shen's face, and Shen was gasping for air, as the wolf's powerful paw pressed harder and harder onto his chest. Shen was on the verge of collapsing. Kikanoo drew out one of his arrows, and shot into the side of the warg. The warg howled in pain, and reached over to his side to pull the arrow out with his teeth. Coco saw this as an opportunity to attack. She drew out her sword.

Coco: I'm comin' Shen!

She charged towards the warg.

Kitsume: WAIT… COCO NO!!

The warg then noticed Coco. Just as Coco was about to strike with her sword, the Warg swiped at her with his massive paw. This sent Coco flying into a tree. Coco fell to the ground, knocked senseless.

Kitsume: COCO!!!
Aku Aku: Wormwood! Now you can show us what you can do! Attack the Warg.
Wormwood: As you wish master!

The tiny demon flew up to the warg, who was just about to put his teeth into Shen. The Demon slashed wildly at the warg's hide.

Wormwood: DIE!!!!

The warg then noticed the tiny Demon, and let his paw off Shen's chest. Shen laid on the ground clutching his chest. The warg snapped wildly at the tiny Demon, who kept evading his jaws.

Danni: Sarnie; I'll distract this wolf. Go and get Coco and Shen out of there.
Sarnie: Right.

Danni rushed over to the Warg with intense speed. She appeared right in front of the warg.

Dani: HEY… Wolfie!! Stop chasing the appetiza'! It's time you went afa' the main course.

The warg then looked down at Danni, and Danni ran away from it, hoping it would follow her. The warg then ran after Danni with fast speed.

Danni: He'll neva' catch me.

But then, Danni was unprepared for what happened next. The warg opened its mouth, and shot out a huge breath of fire.


The flames reached the seat of Danni's pants. Danni yelled out in pain as she clutched her bottom. And dove into a nearby bush. In the bush, Danni was jumping up and down screaming. She kept patting her butt to get the fire out.

Danni: AH HOT! HOT! HOT!!!!

Her screaming drew the warg’s attention! It silently crept over to the bushes. Danni then patted her bottom, and the flames then went out. Danni sighed and moaned a little.

Danni: OW! My poor bum!

Then Danni heard the loud growl. She looked up and saw the red eyes of the warg staring at her.

Danni: *GASP*! OH TRIPE!!!

But just as the warg was ready to pounce on her, Kitsume rushed in and stabbed the warg in the side with her sword. The warg then howled out in pain. His howl was so loud; that Danni covered her ears, and could still hear his immense cry. Kitsume pushed her sword further into the warg, waiting it for it to pass exhaustively onto the ground. The Warg soon bowed down on its legs. It began to whine and yelp like a sick dog. Finally, it met its gruesome end. Kitsume pulled out her sword, and stabbed the Warg in the neck, decapitating its spinal cord. The warg fell down on its side, and breathed it's last breath. It was now officially dead.

Danni: Phew! Thanks for savin' me.
Kitsume: Of course. (Wiping the blood off her sword) Are you all right?
Danni: I am… but my bum hurts.

Kitsume saw Danni's bottom scorched by the flames of the Warg.

Kitsume: Oh dear. Come back with us. We'll fix it.
Back where everyone was waiting, Abigail fluttered down to Shen and Coco.

Crash: Can you help them?
Abigail: Course I can. I'm a Fairy; I can heal anyone.

Abigail pressed her fingers over Coco's head.

Abigail: Alright Lass... get up.

At that moment, Coco opened her eyes, and stood up. Her pain was gone, and she felt good as new. Abigail did the same to Shen, and he too felt great.

Coco: Wow! Thanks Abigail!
Shen Lo Ken: Yeah! You're really handy to us.
Abigail: (Blushing) Oh… twas nothin'.
Aku Aku: I should say, that we also owe some of our gratitude to wormwood. HE DID fight the Warg.
Wormwood: No! I don't expect praise! I only live to fight and to serve. That is my life. Praise means nothing to me.
Sarnie: Well thank you anyway Wormwood. I hope this little praise won't hurt.
Kikanoo: Yeah - thanks pal.
Wormwood: Well… at times, praise is good. But it still means not as much to me as others.
Crash: HEY! Where's Kitsume and Danni?
Sarnie: Kitsume went off to help Danni.
Kikanoo: Oh there they are.

Kitsume walks out with Danni by her side.
Coco: Hey! Is Danni OK?
Kitsume: Yes and no.
Kikanoo: Huh?
Danni: I'm fine… but my bum hurts. Stupid wolf burned me bum. See.

Danni tunred around on showed everyone her burnt bottom. Everyone was startled. But Crash couldn't help but giggle a little.

Crash: Eh… heh… heh… sorry Danni… it's just... hmmmm… (Couldnt' help but giggle some more.)

Danni rushed over to crash, and held him by the scruff of his neck.

Crash: OW OW!
Danni: Maybe you'll think this is funny. (Raising her fist.)
Sarnie: Hey stop! He's your husband.
Danni: Hmph!
Abigail: Oh my! I wonda' why she married a man like him…
Coco: *Sigh* Danni, he's sorry. Just let go of him. We gotta keep going. Let's not start off by beating each other up.

Danni let go of Crash.

Danni: Don't you dare laugh next time!
Crash: Sorry.
Everyone was walking down the path. Danni made sure to stay behind Crash so he wouldn't laugh at her. Just then, they heard a series of low howls coming from where the warg was killed.

Coco: Listen.
Shen Lo Ken: Oh great! More wargs?
Kitsume: It's too small this time.

Everyone hid behind bushes and peeked over and saw the carcass of the previously killed warg. In the distance, three small figures with yellow eyes appeared from the darkness. They walked erect, had inverted legs, and looked like human wolves.

Crash: What are they?
Abigail: Werewolves!
Danni: *Gulp* Oh boy; how are we gonna get past them?
Abigail: Oh don't worry. They won't hurt ya.

Everyone looked at the tiny Fairy in wonder.

Shen Lo Ken: Say what?
Coco: But I thought all werewolves were man-eaters, and they killed sheep and cattle.
Abigail: Ya thought wrong Lass. It's true they hunt down sheep and cattle, but as for humans... they don't.
Crash: What about us?
Abigail: Na! They'll leave ya alone. Just don't get near their food.
Sarnie: Well, what is their food?
Abigail: Look behind ya!

The warriors turned around, and were shocked at what they saw. The three werewolves surrounded the warg carcass. But, it appeared they were upon it. With their sharp teeth and claws, they tore away at the warg's flesh, and started devouring it. The wolves ate ravishly, and even fought over meat like real dogs.

Coco: EW! GROSS!!
Crash: They're eating the warg? That's what they eat?
Abigail: Only dead wargs lad.
Kitsume: You mean they're scavengers?
Abigail: Aye! They'll be busy on that there warg. They eat dead animals mostly.
Shen Lo Ken: Phew! That's a relief.
Danni: It's still pretty disgusting.
Aku Aku; Okay; it's time we got moving.

Everyone moved out in the clearing, and gently walked past the werewolves, feasting on the Warg carcass. One werewolf looked at Coco, and for a moment she froze. But it soon ignored her, and went back to eating the carcass. Coco sighed and continued up with the others.

Crash: Now that I know the truth about werewolves - i'm kinda disappointed.
Sarnie: Well it is hard to accept the truth sometimes eh Crash?
Crash: Yeah! Who would have thought that one of the most feared monsters, turned out to be a scavenger?
Coco: Enough talking. I think we're almost there.
Chapter 9: Great Forebodings

For about an hour, the travellers crossed through the forbidden forest. They couldn't see a sign of the castle.

Crash: Kitsume, we've been walking for about an hour. When are we gonna get to that castle?
Kitsume: I'm not sure. We should have been there by now.
Aku Aku: I sense great evil near. Perhaps this is all part of Demonarc's plan.
Kitsume: My grandfather has been reputed for playing tricks on people's minds. Perhaps this forest could part of his illusion.
Kikanoo: The entire forest?
Kitsume: Yes.
Shen Lo Ken: Man, when are we gonna get there? This is taking forever.
Kitsume: Listen to me; all of you stay here. I'm going to go ahead and see if there's any better way to go.
Coco: Why do we have to stay here?
Kitsume: Just in case I run into my grandfather. I'd prefer to make it personal.
Aku Aku: I see. Kitsume is right. Everyone stay here.
Danni: All right - whatever Kitsume decides is probably best.
Sarnie: Let's just hope there's no more wargs out there.
Abigail: Good luck lass. We'll be waitin' for ya.
Wormwood: If there is a battle, call for me, and I will serve in it.
Crash: Come back soon Kit.
Coco: Good luck Kitsume. Hurry back.

Kitsume smiled, but at the same time kind of laughed.

Kitsume: I'm only going to be gone for about thirty minutes. Quit making it sound like I'm about to face my grandfather.

With that, Kitsume dashed into the dark part of the forest, leaving everyone behind.

Crash: Odd way of saying goodbye.
Danni: Ya know she means well though; right everybody?
Coco: You bet.
Shen Lo Ken: Absolutely.
As Kitsume walked down the forest, she heard a strange sound.

Kitsume: What is that? It sounded like a lamb’s bleat.

Kitsume rushed over through the sharp thickets and dead trees. The noise suddenly stopped, and was replaced with a large chewing sound. Kitsume peered around the corner of a giant tree. There in the clearing, was a giant werewolf; feasting on the remains of a once living sheep. The sheep must have gotten lost in the forest after it departed from its flock. It was easily prey for any werewolf or warg. But the real threat came form what Ktisume was feeling. Even the werewolf sensed it. The werewolf suddenly stopped eating the sheep, and darted off into the forest whimpering. Kitsume walked out into the clearing. The moon's bright light shined onto her like a spotlight. She stood ready and looked around through the dead trees. Suddenly, she heard another sound. Out of the dark came a fiery red orb. The orb came closer to Kitsume. She gazed at in awe. Suddenly, a black hand grabbed the orb. It startled Kitsume, but she quickly saw who was holding it. There he was, standing as tall and arrogant as ever; Lord Demonarc.

Kitsume: ...grandfather!
Demoanrc: (Staring heavily into Kitsume's eyes.) Well met my granddaughter - I thought I would find you here.
Kitsume: I came here to destroy you and the castle! I will not allow you to continue your reign of darkness.
Demonarc: You have ever been the ally of Goodness. But really, what Good as it brought you.
Kitsume: (Stadning firm) A happy life and a wonderful family; THAT'S what goodness has brought me; unlike the insipid evil you indulge yourself in.
Demonarc: (Fiddling around with his orb, and doing neat tricks with it) Your sister was right about you. You are indeed a cursed seed in my heirloom! You have brought disgrace to the world; and the promise I shall bring it.
Kitsume: PROMISE!?!?! You call raising the eternal flames of Hell promise? It's purely outrageous.
Demoanrc: I only mean to cleanse this corrupt world with the flames of chaos. People who have lived on earth do not deserve the Holy blessings. They are sheep who stranded away from the shepherd; like this once living sheep here. (He pointed to the half eaten sheep carcass the werewolf feasted on.) And like the sheep; they will ultimately be led to death. The so-called saviour over thousands of years ago was no saviour. He merely saved a few lives in his lifetime.
Kitsume: (Growing very angry) Are you talking about the Messiah?
Demonarc: I wouldn't even call Him that! He was nothing more than a man who lived for a while, then died, leaving the world to grow as corrupted as ever. If you can recall history Kitsume, the world had only grown far more corrupted and worse after the saviour's death.
Kitsume: So by being resurrected you plan on taking the role of...
Demonarc: Yes; I plan on becoming 'The New Messiah'.
Kitsume: (Clenching her hands in rage and gritted her teeth) MESSIAH!?!?!? YOU'RE NO MESSIAH OR SAINT!!! I saw what you will do to this world.
Demonarc: I know. Perhaps cheap tactics like the Death Lord used will not convince you. But then what will convince you to join my side in remaking this infected world?
Kitsume: Absolutely nothing. If it's anything, it is YOU who is infecting this world.
Demonarc: Is that any way to speak to your new Christ?

At those words Kitsume grew even angrier. She wanted to strike Demonarc down, but for some reason, his gaze restricted her from pulling out her sword.

Kitsume: YOU… CHRIST!?!? The very thought of you as Him would make me vomit!! You are not Christ, and you most certainly are not GOD!!!!
Demonarc: Yes I believe both had many non-believers as well. Why must you be like them?
Kitsume: SHUT UP!!! You only want this world as you own, so you can make everyone your slave; rule over them, and fill the world with suffering.
Demonarc: I am on a mission of importance. The people of this world do not deserve to live in it. I shall assume the role of God for them and merely give them the punishment they deserve. They are way over-due for their eternal damnation. The Book of Revelation even points out that this year is the year of their end. So... I shall act as God and fulfil what is written in the Scriptures!
Demonarc: I can see you will probably not join me. However, if you finally change your mind... (Demonarc with the motion of one of his hands, cleared a huge patch of forest, and made a pathway. As the forest was cleared, Kitsume saw in the distance a huge castle. She knew it was Castle Shinra.) ...then come over to my humble abode and tell me when you are ready to take my right hand. After all Ktisume; with me acting as God, you might as well be my Christ!
Kitsume: (Starring angrily and furiously at Demonarc) Mark my words Demonar - your cheap tricks and lies will not deter me from my quest to stop you. And above all you will never become Lord of this planet or universe! I will see to it that you are sent back to where you belong!
Demonarc: Very well then. But mark my words dear grandchild - you will change YOUR mind soon enough. I'll be betting that you will beg for my mercy even when you reach the Castle Gates.
Kitsume: And why is that?
Demonarc: Go along the path I made for you… and you will see. See you home, my lost sheep!

With that, Demoanrc and the orb lifted into the air. Demoanrc disappeared into an ethereal mist. The red orb headed straight for the castle. As Kitsume starred on the path and saw the castle, she began her way back to her group.

Kitsume: This cannot be happening. I must stop my grandfather! Oh… but his power is beyond my extent. I must grow stronger as I go along. He must be stopped this time - I will see to it he will die the death eh deserves, and that his souls will be damned for all eternity! What am I saying? He has no soul! It is already damned and lying in the pits of Hell! His mortal body is still here though. I must hurry to remove this threat!
In a nearby town that was about seven miles away from the forest; the entire village was empty. The streets were empty and the houses were empty. The only full house was that of a large church. The lights were bright in the windows, and the noises of crowds were heard. This was the community that Frederick Guestave once came from. For years it belonged to dog and cat people, who lived a happy life, until Demoanrc was resurrected! The dog and cat people inside the church were all huddled in fear. Men talked amongst themselves about plans to go out and try and stop Demoanrc. They had everything they thought would protect them from him. Crucifixes, garlic, even silver bullets. Women and children huddled together in fear. It was even encouraged for girls to bring their dolls into the church, believing that they would protect them as symbols of good against evil spirits. The town’s mayor, Hamilton York, beat his gavel against the altar, and ordered for everyone to remain quiet. He then began to speak.

Hamilton: Citizens! As we all know, we are in grave danger of an evil presence that lurks among us. In Faith that our church will provide us recluse from the evil outside, we shall remain in here until the demon is slain. We have organized the followers of the Geustave Cult; who will venture over to the castle and put an end to Demonarc. Here to speak for us on behalf of the Cult; is the descendant of Frederick Geustave... Alexander Francis Geustave.

As the mayor walked off the podium, Alexander walked towards it. Thunderous applause was heard throughout the church as he began to take his stand.

Alexander: My friends and relatvies… it gives me great pleasure to announce that my most trusted members of the cult and I will go over and defeat this demon. My great grandfather, who still remains among the greatest hero to our town, has succeeded in defeating him. Now, five of my best men and I will go and destroy the newly resurrected menace of Demonarc. I know I cannot impersonate my grandfather; but I shall try and help this world out by destroying the man my grandfather had fought. With my weapons and faith I will try my very best to assure peace and rest to our souls, before the monstrous acts of this demon will occur.

The crowd cheered and applauded enthusiastically.

Alexander: Now then - here are the following Cult members who will be joining me on my Holy mission. They are - Bernard Wolfington!

The crowd applauded as a tall slender wolf in black clothing and a metal glove walked out onstage!

Alexander: Next we have Gregory Hedeggar!

The crowd cheered again as a slender cat in pirate-type clothes and a great deal of knives stood up in front of the audience.

Alexander: Then, there is Scyre Fetima!

The crowd applauded again as a tall slender vixen in a green hunting outfit and short skirt stood up with her bow and arrow.

Alexander: Next is Derick Chenine

Another round of applause roared through the halls as a tall fox in warriors clothing stood up.

Alexander: And finally my most trusted advisor and follower; the legendary demon slayer... Edward Verhaden!

The crowd cheered even louder, as a tall fox dressed in the same apparel Frederick once wore stood up.

Alexander: These five brave souls will follow me on my quest to put a stop to the menace of Demonarc! I will lead them to victory, and we will surely crush the demon that we seek to face.

A voice called out from the audience.

Voice: Do not underestimate him. Demoanrc is stronger than you think.

The crowd turned around, to see a young kit in a small robe stand in the back of the church.

Alexander: Young man; come up here and explain the meaning of your statement. Have you no faith in your saviours? Who are you?

The young kit walked up to Alexander, and introduced himself.

Kit: My name is Star, sir... I am the son of Kitsume and Aku Aku.
Alexander: Who are they?
Star: The real slayers of Demonarc. They have already gone and are about ready to defeat him.

The crowd stared heavily at Star. They all stared at him with ice-cold glances.

Alexander: Young man, WE are the true slayers. My grandfather was the original slayer of Demonarc, and so will I.
Star: But my mother will defeat him… and do you know why?
Alexander: Why?
Star: Because… she is Demonarc's grandchild!

At those words, the people rose up and began to shout at Star; calling him a 'Demon' or 'Witch'.

Alexander: PEOPLE!! Let's not let this young boy's words affect us! Perhaps he speaks the truth. If he does, maybe he could join me in my quest.
Bernard: So he could lead us to our deaths?
Gregory: Or kill us on the way himself?
Scyre: Or let Demonarc have our souls?
Derick: Do not let this little IMP go with us! He's bad luck and a Demon carrier!
Edward: ENOUGH!!!

Edward rose to his feet!

Edward: As improbable as it seems, I have faith in this boy!

Everyone stared at Edward in disbelief; except Alexander.

Edward: It may be my faith telling me this but I believe this boy speaks the truth. His mother; now that I recall it; is indeed the sister of Demona. And according to my knowledge, the evil sister is black, while good sister is named Kitsume.
Alexander: How do you know this?
Edward: Frederick knew it as well. I thought you would know more about him. If there's one thing Demonarc's journal I had read showed, it showed that two sisters emerged. One was good, but she could be brought back to Evil. I feel this young boy is the offspring of the good sister. I say… let him join us!
Derick: HOW DARE YOU!!!!!
Alexander: QUIET!!!!

Everyone looked onto Alexander.

Alexander: Edward knows more about my grandfather than I do. Perhaps he is right. You too have a strong feeling for this boy. Therefore his judgement and mine will determine our new acceptance. I will take star as my companion. He will lead us to the castle.
Gregory: What? Maestro, have you lost your mind?
Bernard: The boy is dangerous!
Scyre: I will not tolerate it. Remove him at once!!
Alexander: I will not! Edward and I both agree to take him along.
Star: I will help you to the castle and we can meet with my mother to defeat Demonarc.
Edward: Young lad, you may be a great asset to us.
Alexander: Do you give us our trust?
Star: You do!
Alexander: Then let it be known, that our new companion will help us to the castle. Our sixth member, Star!

This time… nobody applauded. They all looked at Star as if he were a beacon of Evil. Star felt nervous on the stage, but felt he could do it. Then one man cried out form the crowd.

Alexander: I trust Edward's judgement... trust mine as well.
Alexander: ENOUGH!! THE BOY STAYS WITH ME… and no one will lay a finger on him. Otherwise I will not go and fight Demonarc.

The crowd fell silent. Alexander motioned for Star to follow him. He and the other members of the cult exited out of the room.

Hamilton: Well I must say… that if Alexander and Edward agree tot his boy, so do I.

The crowd then grew angry and even threw rotten food at the mayor! The mayor then motioned them to be quiet.

Hamilton: ORDER! ORDER! ORDER!!! LISTEN TO ME!! We need as much help as we can get! At least put half of you faith in this boy! I believe in Faith; so should you. Please; do not act like Heathens before God! Do what is in your hearts to trust Alexander's decision! I leave you with no more. Meeting is adjourned!

At the sound of the gavel, the mayor left the citizens, who stayed huddled in the church. Some began to change their minds. Still, the majority still doubted Star.

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