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Chapter 10: Angelic Persuasion

Kitsume told everyone about her encounter with Demonarc.

Kitsume: And so basically, that's what Demonarc wants to become.
Coco: A God and a Messiah? It doesn't make much sense that he wants to be both.
Abigail: Aye! It sounds very serious to me. To think a demon like him could become the saviour'.
Kitsume: He's half-crazed with power and plans to become the most unstoppable force ever. All I know is; if he isn't stopped, then all goodness in the world will be torn asunder.
Aku Aku: Then let us take this path he paved for us.
Kitsume: Maybe it's a trap.
Aku Aku: He's your grandfather. I believe he wants to convince you to rejoin him.
Kitsume: Whatever. Come on; let's just press onward. Trap or not; we're gonna run into danger anyway.
Abigail: We'll cova' ya lass!

So Kitsume and the others followed the cleared path left by Demonarc. Obviously Kitsume was not above not suspecting that Demonarc was willing to bring her back to the side of Evil.
In the far side of the woods; Alexander and Edward had Star by their side. They wouldn't trust him with Bernard, Gregory, Scyre, or Derick.

Alexander: Are you certain that Demonarc is your great grandfather?
Star: Very. But please sir; I want to help you.
Edward: I believe this boy. He is a vital asset to us.
Gregory: I still think it's a bad idea. Suppose something will happen on the way?
Alexander: Something WILL happen on the way. My forefather encountered many dangers on the way to Castle Shinra. Even within the castle the dangers were far greater than outside.
Scyre: But suppose the boy supposingly leads us to this anger.
Derick: And then we'll be burned, eaten, or ripped apart by someone or something.
Bernard: Precisely why this boy should not be with us.

Alexander turned around with an angry glare in his eyes; which was his typical way of saying; STOP!

Alexander: SILENCE!! Not a word out of you ruffians!! We are demon slayers; we must not take everything for granted.
Scyre: Like bringing a Hell spawn like this into our posse?
Bernard: Yes! Surely this child will bring destruction onto us all.
Edward: DO AS ALEXANDER SAYS!! I too believe in this boy. NO ARGUMENTS WHATSOEVER!!!
Alexander: Exactly. Now come, we haven't much time. There's no doubt there are wargs active tonight.

They pressed on; but the four followers behind Alexander, Star, and Edward began to talk amongst themselves.

Gregory: This is madness. Our leader must have mistrusted his true judgement.
Bernard: Yes! I for one would like to abandon this boy.
Scyre: Perhaps we can convince our leader that he truly is a demon.
Derick: Yeah! We'll find a way. And when we do our leader will be more willing to cut off his head than Demonarc's.

They all chuckle amongst themselves. Alexander backs an eye on them, and feels uneasy. He looks down at Star.

Alexander: Star, stay close to me at all times. Don't let any of my members get near you.
Star: I understand. I'll heed your advice.
Edward: I still think we should've gotten more trustworthy citizens.
Alexander: There are none. They'd just as soon burn this boy than help him.

Star looked uneasy behind them, and saw that the four members glared angrily at him. Star looked straight on ahead; and realized that the truth made him a despised member of the group. But after all he was the great grandson of Demonarc. So what would be an ignorant citizen's reaction to this? He decided that there was no such thing as reverence to a generation spawned by a demon. Still he pressed on, putting his faith into Edward and Alexander.
Kitsume and the others started climbing up a long twisted hill. The marked path was covered with rocks and dirt. As they kept climbing, they stared out at the moon, and saw the tiny town below them. There was only one house with lights on. Obviously it was the church.

Kitsume: Seems to me that everyone can feel Demonarc's evil.
Crash: No surprise either. This place gives me the creeps.
Danni: Ya said it. If I was gonan liveeenxt to a haunted castle I'd a moved in a second.
Sarnie: I see part of the castle. LOOK!

Sure enough, everyone looks up to see the pinnacles of rooftops and crevices that obviously belonged to a castle.

Kitsume: It's not too far now! Keep going.
Kikanoo: My dear cousin, I think we should be wary of the path amongst us. No real danger has threatened us yet; but I have this strange feeling.
Aku Aku: I feel it too. A powerful force is upon us.

As they came to a flattened out plateau that was part of the path leading up; everyone stared at a giant dead tree looming over the cliff side with its branches dangling just over the cliff. There was a huge rock next to it, and a few scattered bones around it.

Shen Lo Ken: Hmmm… the only part of the path that has a rest area. (Looking over the cliff) WOW!! Raven Mountain's higher than I thought.
Abigail: Yes, but as a fairy; we don't mind such heights.
Crash: No kiddin'. We must be about a hundred feet high up.
Coco: Then it's not that much bro.
Crash: Oh... right.
Kitsume: No time to rest. We must continue.

But just as they were about to take another step, a blinding light appeared out of nowhere. Everyone held back as the light pierced their eyes like the strong rays of the sun. The light was immensely white, and had the brightness of a super nova. Even Kitsume held back as the light's gaze nearly blinded everyone. But after about a moment, the light died away. Everyone rubbed their eyes.

Shen Lo Ken: OW!!! WHAT WAS THAT!?!?
Aku Aku: No - I see someone.

When everyone gained back their eyesight; they stared ahead of them. Sitting on the rock near the cliff was, what appeared to be, a fox with wings.

Kitsume: An… an… an angel!!!!

Indeed it was. A fox angel with black-feathered wings sat at the rock facing them. Her hair was golden yellow; her tunic was torn, leaving a scantly clad outfit for her; and her eyes shone like emeralds. When she spoke; her voice was so soft and sweet, and almost child-like; that it was hard to imagine she was a messenger of Demonarc.

Angel: Ah… Kitsume, it is you! Lord Demonarc knew you would come. (Brushing her hair back with her delicate fingers) How precious to know you're coming to join us.
Kitsume: NEVER!!! I came here to fight! Now answer me… who are you? You appear to be an angel; but your wings are tinted black. Apparently, you are an evil angel - a fallen angel. Who are you?
Angel: Hmm hmmm… (The angel stared into Kitsume's eyes.) I am Gabrielle; and yes, I am a fallen angel. But I serve someone greater now!
Kitsume: Hmph! I can see why Heaven denounced you from their kingdom.
Gabrielle: Heaven no longer interests me. As an angel I found it difficult living amongst God's domain. Taking Demonarc's path is much easier and far more rewarding.
Kitsume: PREPOSTEROUS!!! You're just taking the easiest path out. For shame you abandon the kingdom that gave you your wings.

Gabrielle let out a huge, but gentle laugh. She spread her giant black wings apart, and quirked a smile as she closed her beautiful eyes.

Gabrielle: Demonarc is my true saviour. He made me have special wings. The wings of evil are now my burden; a burden I do not mind to carry. So Kitsume, are you going to join your grandfather and sister's side?
Kitsume: NO!!! No matter what fiendish traps await; my destiny is to defeat him.
Gabrielle: (Chuckling gently to herself, and stroking her golden hair.) Oh my dear Kitsume, you're such a naughty girl. I thought you’d be easily persuaded by a friendly figure. I thought you were supposed to follow and put your trust in angels.
Abigail: ACK!!! But you're a fallen angel. A godforsaken wretch like yerself doesn't deserve to 'ave anyone listen to her.
Gabrielle: (Staring down with a gentle smile at Abigail) How cute - a Fairy Familiar. I wonder what kind of Pixie tricks you can do for me, Tinker Bell.

Abigail began to grow very angry.


Abigail fluttered furiously towards Gabrielle. But Gabrielle put out her limp wrist, and gently released a flow of sparkling magic onto Abigail. Immediately, Abigail was turned into a tiny, green, slimy, spotted frog.

Sarnie: EW!!! She's a frog now.
Gabrielle: (Laughign softly) I guess I was wrong to call you Tinker Bell. Perhaps Mrs. Froggy will suit you better.
Abigail: Why you… *ribbit* …I'll… *ribbit*.

Gabrielle laughed some more; then turned Abigail back into her normal self.

Gabrielle: Oh, don't be too mad. I was only having fun with you, you precious thing you.

Abigail clenched her fists in rage, and glared angrily at Gabrielle.

Abigail: Why you… ya filthy whore!! I'll get ya for this!
Kitsume: (Calmly) Abigail. Just ignore her.
Coco: Yeah. You already know what she can do.

Gabrielle stroked back her hair, and tilted her head up towards the sky.

Gabrielle: Have my powers persuaded you Kitsume?
Kitsume: No, not at all. It's time for you to meet your demise. Either fly away, or be prepared to fight.
Coco: Right guys? GUYS?

Coco looked at Crash, Shen, and Kikanoo. They both looked ready to fight, but had calm expressions on their faces.

Crash: We would but… but... she's just… too… *gulp* …she sounds too sweet.
Shen Lo Ken: Her voice is angelic. She sounds so innocent, yet she's not. But still, her voice is holding me back.
Kikanoo: She sounds so young and fragile. Her voice soothes my heart. It prevents me from killing her.

Gabrielle laughs as she twirls a strand of her hair in her hands.

Gabrielle: Men are so easy to tame. The most angelic woman can tame the strongest man. (She stares at Kitsume with a calm and almost welcoming smile.) Now then, my dear - Shall you take my hand and come with me to meet our true God?

Gabrielle gently smiled, and stood upon the rock spreading her giant wings out like a huge bird.

Gabrielle: So I see you won't even follow the voice of an angel. Pity… you can tell by my power what you're up against.
Kitsume: it matters not! I will press on till we reach the castle; and there, I shall prevail.

Gabrielle slowly began to lift off the ground, and smiled down at her opponents as she flapped her huge black angel wings.

Gabrielle: Very well, I will let you go for now. But mark my words; what you will meet at the gate will truly persuade you to join us.
Kitsume: What is it? ANSWER ME!!!
Gabrielle: (Shaking her finger in mid air) Ah ah ah... not until you reach to my dearest ones. (She slightly chuckles to herself, as she folds her arms and begins to take flight) You'll see. Try your hardest... if you can.

And with that, Gabrielle flew away back to the castle like a huge crow flapping her mighty wings.

Abigail: ACK!!! UNGRATEFUL WINGED HARPY!! I'll show her!!!
Kitsume: C’mon! This is getting us nowhere!
Danni: I wonda' what's at the gates?
Crash: Whatever it is, it's probably not friendly.
Aku Aku: And we must prepare for it.
Kitsume: Then let's go!

They kept travelling up the mountain; preparing what would await them. Everyone looked worried, for Gabrielle's predictions were to be true. Her persuasion didn't work; but something would. And it wasn't long until they reached the summit of Raven Mountain. And there, standing about twenty yards from them; was a stone bridge that lead to the entrance oft eh castle. This was it. They reached their goal. They were now ready to walk across the bridge towards Castle Shinra; and be prepared for what would come.
Chapter 11: The Killing Gaze

There Kitsume stood, standing before the mighty castle. Its mighty shadow stretched out over her like a dark blanket. The towers loomed over like tall kings. Tiny windows and doorways could be seen. The castle certainly was huge! In fact it was quite possibly, the largest in the world. Despite it's melancholy appearance, and ancient 13th century feel; Kitsume knew this castle has been around longer than Demonarc himself; home to many broods of evil. She still stared at it. The large white moon held high over it,. The light casted from it, showed every little detail of the humungous castle.

Abigail: Aye - look at tha' size of it.
Coco: My goodness Kitsume - this castle is huge!
Crash: Yeah! It could take us a while to get through it. In fact it could take us a lotta whiles!
Shen Lo Ken: Geez, this place looks like something vampires live in.
Coco: (Lightly elbowing Shen in the arm) Still watchin' those Dracula movies eh Shen?
Shen Lo Ken: (Slightly laughing) Eh heh... right Coco.
Danni: (rolling her eyes) Seriously mates, this mission is of the most importance. You know, this castle here probably holds more rooms than any other castle.
Aku Aku: Yes, you are right! There’s a quite monumental effort on the builder's part. But this castle is a creature of chaos - it may take many incantations.
Sarnie: Ya mean it can shape shift itself into different rooms at leisure?
Aku Aku: Yes, it does so under the magical influence of Demonarc!
Crash: Sounds dangerous!

Kitsume looked on ahead in front of her. There was a large door, barred by a portilculus. The heavy mist sat in, creating an eerie effect of foreboding. The old doors looked rusted, but stood like giants above Kitsume.

Kitsume: Now all we have to do is find a way to open the doors!
Sarnie: Leave it to me!
Kitsume: I see! Sarnie, could you turn into an eagle for me and fly over to open the gates?
Sarnie: Gladly. I was gonna do it anyway!
Danni: Go for it Sarnie!
Kikanoo: Watch out Sarnie! There could be something behind that gate like Gabrielle said!
Sarnie: I will. Okay guys - I'll do my best!

Slowly, Sarnie changed into a mighty eagle. She soon flew to a nearby hoarding at the rim of the castle! The narrow slits in the hoarding made it difficult for Sarnie to go through. As an eagle, she couldn't fit through them at all. She then decided to change into an animal that could. Most regrettably, she changed into a snake, and slithered her way into the narrow slit in the hoarding. When she felt herself inside, she quickly changed back into her regular bobcat self!

Sarnie: Eesh!! As much as I hated to be a snake, it was the only way for me to get through this thing!

Sarnie looked around her. The hoarding was a narrow passageway made completely of wood. Sawdust, and rotting wood were present, and the stench of decay was hanging heavily throughout it. Sarnie walked to the left passageway of the hoarding, and noticed a rack full of weapons nearby. There were arrows, most notably used by archers during battle. There were also crossbows and spears. What Sarnie was looking for, was the mechanism that would operate the porticulus and open the door! She kept walking until she reached a strange looking device. The device was a huge chain wrapped around a type of cylinder and connected to a wheel and axle of some sort. She then looked out for the narrow slit! She saw Kitsume and the others directly below her.

Sarnie: Aha! This must be it!!

Sarnie began to tug at the chain. It didn't budge. She tried harder - still no success.

Sarnie: Grargh! Rats! STUCK!! Something's clogging it!

She looked up at the ceiling, and saw a humungous amount of cobwebs, but there were so many of them - too many, in fact. Then she looked to her left. The passageway was covered with gigantic cobwebs. Some cobwebs appeared to have bones in them. And they looked like human or animal bones. Sarnie could tell this wasn't a good sign.

Sarnie: Hoo boy! If there's one thing that scares me more than demons, it's spiders! I gotta make this quick!!

Sarnie decided to sue the strength of the animals she normally changed into. She focused her energy, and summoned the strength of a lion, a tiger, and a bull! She pulled harder onto the chain and with the strength she got from her summoning within the chain began to move! Delighted, Sarnie pulled vigorously at the chain!!
Everybody stood back as the giant porticulus slowly began to lift from the ground. It's massive iron spikes were visible as it reached into the sky to be suspended over the doorway. Then, as the porticulus reached the top of the doorway, the doors also began to open. The massive wooden doors creaked slowly open, until they were wide enough for the travellers to go through!!

Kitsume: Good! Sarnie got the gates open!! Let's go!!
Danni: What about Sarnie?
Kitsume: She'll meet up with us as soon as we're in. Now come!!

Kitsume motioned for the others to follow her, and they all followed her through the doors and into the mist behind them.
Sarnie, looking out the window, was kinda angry that they left without her.

Sarnie: Hmph! Just cause this is Kitsume's battle doesn't mean they expect me to catch up. Oh, c’est la vie.

But before Sarnie turned into an animal, she heard a low thumping behind her. It sounded like many feet going against a hard floor at the same time. Then, a large hiss filled the air, sending shivers down Sarnie's spine!

Sarnie: Oh... (Sarnie turned around and gasped at what she saw) ...AAUUYGGHHH!!!!!

Standing right in front of Kitsume was a monstrous spider - a giant tarantula-like spider. Its hairy legs thumped loudly agaisnt the floor as it walked in a creepy fashion towards Sarnie. Its monstrous fangs, about eight inches long, reared out like swords. It let out a huge hiss, and spread out its four forearms at Sarnie. The spider was about ten feet long!

Sarnie: Oh no… oh no… OH NO!!!

Sarnie backed slowly away from the spider, and felt the sweat pouring from her body. This spider was certainly in the mood for a little bobcat supper.
Kitsume and the others looked all around them. The mist made it difficult for them to see where they were.

Kitusme: I can't see a blasted thing.
Aku Aku: Let the bat light the way.

Kitsume called upon her Bat Familiar. The little bat flew into the fog, and with its mighty echo, released a stream of light to guide them. Everyone followed the Bat Familiar, until they reached what appeared to be another huge door.

Crash: Oh look… what a surprise. Another door!
Abigail: Aye, quit yer complainin'.
Coco: Yeah Crash. We might was well try and open this door ourselves!

Just then, a familiar angelic voice was heard.

Voice: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

The familiar bright light flashed again. Once again, the light temporarily blinded everyone. But after everyone regained sight, they looked and saw who caused it.

Kitsume: GABRIELLE!!!!!

Indeed it was the evil angel, who was standing elegantly in front of the doorway. She folded her wings behind her, and let out a gentle laugh.

Gabrielle: So you're still persistent eh? Hmm hmm… at elast you all have spirit. (She stroked her hair backwards and gave a slight smirk.)
Gabrielle: (Shaking her head lightly) No, I'm terribly sorry. Master Demonarc hates trespassers on his property.
Gabrielle: (flaunting her hips in a taunting gesture) My, aren't we fierce?
Coco: C'mon you filthy witch - get outta our way!
Crash: Hey sis - calm down. Don't make this chick angry here. She's an angel ya know.
Coco: Angel my bandicoot backside! She's a no-good demon to me!

Gabrielle spread her wings apart, and flew into the air. She stood in mid-air, and sensually put her fingers to her lips. She did her hip flaunt again.

Gabrielle: You fools are so eager to face Demonarc. Okay, very well then. I suppose you're all dying to know what's behind the gates. Very well, you may see it. My pet needs a playmate after all.
Kikanoo: Pet?
Gabrielle: (giggling) Yes you silly man, my little chicken pie! Allow me to show you. He loves having visitors over!

Gabrielle gracefully waved her hands at the door. As if by telekinesis, the doors slowly opened up. Just then, a large hiss was heard.

Danni: What was that?
Shen Lo Ken: Whatever it is, I don't like it.

Suddenly, a huge figure appeared out of the doorway. The first thing that stepped out of the shadows, were huge feet. They looked like chicken feet. Next, came the humungous head. It was the head of a rooster. The rooster looked around its domain.

Crash: What!?!? Ya mean to tell me the first monster we're fighting at the castle is a chicken!?!!?
Shen Lo Ken: That's a big chicken!

Gabrielle: (laughing loudly) Oh, you are such hopeless men!! Come my pet. (Motioning to the rooster like monster) Show these playmates of yours who you really are!!

The rest of the monster soon appeared. But its body wasn't that of a chicken. It was that of a snake. The wings were there, but on the sides of the snake-like body. Its tail was also like a snake's, long and sharp. Even when the rooster-like creature opened its mouth, a long snake-like tongue appeared!

Coco: EEWWWWW!!! Half snake, half rooster!
Shen Lo Ken: My goodness! What is this thing!?!?
Gabrielle: (Giggling in delight) You fools! It's my pet. He's a 'Basilisk'.

BASILISK - Mythical monster form European lore. It is said to be half rooster, half snake. It is a deadly and wildly feared creature. The have sharp claws, and a sharp tail used as weapons. They are also noted to breath fire. But most notably, a Basilisk can kill with its looks! If it were to gaze into you, you would die!

NOTE: There is a lizard in South America called 'The Basilisk' that can walk on water; but it's very harmless.

Aku Aku: (In shock) Basilisk!!!
Kitsume: OH!! Fighting a monster we can't look at?!?! NO!!!!

Gabrielle laughed wickedly as she crossed her arms triumphantly.

Gabrielle: You should have joined us Kitsume!! Now my precious Basilisk - KILL THEM!!!!

The Basilisk let out a mighty hiss. It then eyed his opponents, who were turning their eyes away from it! Spreading its massive wings apart, the Basilisk began to run towards them, letting out a huge hiss at it ran!!

Aku Aku: RUN CHILDREN!! I'm just a mask! As long as it can't look at you; I'll protect you!!

Everyone ran way. Aku Aku called on the Demon Familiar!

Wormwood: Yes master!!
Aku Aku: Wormwood! Fight the monster!!!
Wormwood: Yes master!!!

Wormwood flew towards the gigantic beast with fiery determination. The beast looked straight into Wormwood, but Wormwood was still intact! The beast then tried to blow fire on him, but it did not faze him. Wormwood flew over and tried to spear the Basilisk's skin. It didn't work.

Gabrielle: Ah ha ha!!! Its hide is impenetrable all right! And you mortals don't stand a chance against him. Good luck my dears. I hope its looks don't kill you! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!
Crash: NO!! This… really sucks!!!

Everyone tried to run to the door, but it quickly slammed on them!!

Danni: DAMN!!! What will we do now!?!?
Coco: There must be a way!!

They then saw the basilisk run towards them.

Shen Lo Ken: Right now we gotta hide!!!

They leaped into the mist; hoping the Basilisk wouldn't see them. But it could see perfectly, even through the heavy mist!!

Kitsume: No!! Aku, what can we do!?!?
Aku Aku: There must be a weakness!!
Wormwood: Master, I shall try and find a weakness somewhere in his scales!!
Aku Aku: Good! Go and do that!!
Wormwood: Yes master. I shall try!!!

The mighty Demon Familiar flew straight towards the basilisk. The Basilisk lashed his massive snake tail around, trying to sting his enemies!! Coco managed to dodge the monster's tail.

Coco: AUGH!! HELP!!!

Just then, Coco saw the massive claws of the giant Basilisk come towards her. Quickly, she leaped out of the way, before the huge claws kicked into a massive castle wall! Coco quickly got up, but the Basilisk saw her. It raised its massive tail, and brought down onto Coco. Coco leaped out of the way just by the skin of her teeth. The tip of the sharp green tail pierced her left leg, tearing off a tiny portion of her pant legs, and causing a wound in her thigh! She landed on her face, and held her leg.

Coco: OWWW!!!!! NO!!! HELP ME!! PLEASE!!!

She could feel the presence of the Basilisk behind her!! She closed her eyes and was scared down tot eh bone. The giant monster hissed loudly, and was about to set his massive claws onto Coco. Then suddenly, an arrow shot out of nowhere, and landed straight in the Basilisk's gullet! It staggered back away from Coco!! She quickly got up, and hid behind a tall pillar. It was Kikanoo who shot the arrow!

Kikanoo: You OK Coco?

Coco: I'm a little nicked, but yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Kikanoo.

The Basilisk quickly pulled out the arrow with its beak. The wound that was left behind quickly closed back up!

Kikanoo: WHAT!?!? AH NO WAY!!!
Danni: It... it automatically healed!!!

Just then, a large figure leapt out from nowhere.

Crash: A warg!!!
Shen Lo Ken: It followed us here!!
Danni: It must've leapt over the castle walls!!

The warg growled and viciously eyed Crash and the others, they slowly backed away. Then, the monstrous hiss of the Basilisk caught its attention!! The warg looked at the giant Basilisk and growled! The Basilisk looked straight into its eyes! immediately, the basilisk's eyes turned green!


Everyone did as she said. Only the warg was looking into its eyes now. The eyes shone like emeralds, and they captivated the warg. He began to whimper, and wandered slowly towards the emerald eyes of the Basilisk. Then, out of nowhere, the warg howled in pain!! It felt its heart slip away, and then, a gruesome event occurred! The warg's flesh began to deteriorate!! Every muscles and organ peeled off the flesh. One by one, all of its entrails were dissolving. Then, the warg was gone. Only it's bleached bones layed behind. And it wasn't long, until they turned into dust! The Basilisk's eyes were back to normal!! It then looked at his victims till averting their eyes!!


They soon resumed tot heir normal states, and ran away from the Basilisk!! Coco was hiding behind the pillar still. Then, the Basilisk shot out a strong flame stream of flames at the pillar! The flames were so strong it knocked the pillar over. Coco was trapped under a pile of rubble!

Danni: COCO!!!!!

Danni ran as fast she could over to the rubble. The Basilisk looked over the rubble, and was about to dig his sharp claws into Coco's motionless body! Just then, Danni appeared like a flash, and hoisted Coco up on her shoulders!! She then just barely escaped the creature’s deadly claws!!! The claws slammed down on the rubble, just missing Danni and Coco. The Basilisk turned angrily at her, and hissed loudly!! Danni took Coco straight to Abigail.

Danni: Quick Abigail!! Heal Coco!! I'll distract this thing until we come up with a betta plan.
Abigail: Right! Good luck lass!!

Danni ran straight towards the Basilisk!

Danni: All right ya cock-headed freak; come and get me!!!

The Basilisk hissed, and ran after Danni. Danni was fast; but so was the Basilisk! And its strong tail tried to sting Danni like a bee!!

Danni: Crikey! Don't these things eva' stop!!?!?

Kitsume, hiding behind a pillar, was trying to come up with a plan. She then had a brilliant idea!! She looked into the reflection of her sword!! It showed her own reflection perfectly!!

Kitsume: Yes!! That's it!! If the Basilisk can kill others with it's looks then perhaps it can kill itself by its own reflection!! All right!! Here I go!!
Aku Aku: Kitsume, be careful!!
Kitsume: I WILL!!!

Kitusume dashed out into the opening. She saw the Basilisk chasing Danni.

Danni: The bugga's fast, but not fast enough!!

Just then, a large beam of energy came down in front of Danni. It crashed right in front of her, creating smoke! She looked up to see Gabrielle chuckling!!

Gabrielle: Hee hee hee!!! Too bad now!!
Gabrielle: Too late now - look behind you!

Danni, on impulse turned around. She was now starring into the eyes of the Basilisk!!!

Crash: DANNI!!!!

It was too late - the Basilisk's eyes were glowing with the emerald green colour again. Danni could no longer resist. The creature’s eyes now mesmerized her!! It kept staring at her!! Now, Danni was walking slowly towards the beast!!!

Crash: NO!!!! DANNI!!!!!
Shen Lo Ken: I CAN'T WATCH!!!! POOR DANNI!!!

Danni was almost about to be killed, but just then, Kitsume rushed right in front of Danni, blocking her view!!

Gabrielle: (Stunned) Huh?

Kitsume held up her sword in front of her face. She quickly turned her face away. The Basilisk was now staring at its own reflection in Kitsume's sword.

Gabrielle: Wha... NO!! IT'S REFLECTION!!!

The Basilisk could no longer pull away. It was now drawn into its own reflection by Kitsume's sword. Then suddenly, the mighty beast hissed very loudly. It's head swayed from side to side, and it slowly began to fall to its knees. It's head tilted towards the sky as it hissed loudly. It soon fell onto its side. Its head lied deathly still onto the ground. Soon, the green emerald eyes faded, and the body lied motionless. The Basilisk was dead. Danni soon was brought out of the trance, and shook her head in disbelief.

Danni: Uhh… huh?
Kitsume: (Putting her hand on Danni's shoulder) It's all right now!! You are safe!!
Danni: (Hugging Kitsume) Thank you for saving me!!
Aku aku: Bravo Kitsume!!! What a brilliant plan!!
Kitsume: I must admit Danni. I owe part of the credit!! If it weren't for you, I may not have persuaded the Basilisk to look at itself.
Danni: I had but only three lives to give. Now I have two. I owe them all to Kitsume!!
Kitsume: I've never seen a golden dingo turn white!!

They both laugh at the same time. Soon, Crash, Coco, Shen, Kikanoo, and the Familiars rejoined them.

Danni: coco, how are you?
Coco: Great, thanks to Abigail here!
Abigail: Twas nothin' lass! I see ya got rid of that whore’s pet.
Kitsume: Yes. Quite a nasty fellow at that too!
Crash: Hey what about Sarnie? She hasn't come back yet.
Coco: Yeah. We better go look for her!

Wormwood quickly butted in.

Wormwood: I'll go look for her!!
Danni: Really?
Wormwood: Yes! I feel terrible for having no effect on the monster! I tried my best; but failed! I shall go and bring back Sarnie as some sort of recompense.
Aku Aku: Wormwood; you did splendid. You fought bravely against that monster!!
Wormwood: Even so mate - it is my life to serve you. I will go back and get Sarnie!
Danni: You're very nice for a demon!
Shen Lo Ken: And very reliable too!
Kikanoo: Well? What do you say Aku Aku?
Aku Aku: Very well. Bring Sarnie back... please!
Wormwood: I live to serve master!!

The Demon Familiar soon flew off back towards the hoarding!!

Abigail: Aye, what an admirable Familiar there! And in fact, for a demon he's kinda cute!
Coco: (Letting Abigail rest on her shoulder) Hee hee… a Fairy falling in love with a demon. Sounds like a great fairy tale to me!

Both Coco and Abigail laugh.

Abigail: Aye! You're such a jolly lass.
Kitsume: Yes! Well, let's go! The doors are still open! We've not a moment to lose!!

Everyone began their trip towards the doors!
High in the towers, Gabrielle sat on top of a stone gargoyle, and looked into a crystal rob with Demonarc’s head in it. She began to speak in a putting voice.

Gabrielle: Well master, I hope you are happy. They are now going into the castle, and they killed my pet!
Demonarc: We'll play with them a little longer!
Gabrielle: She was just as you described her - an intelligent and strong woman.
Demonarc: I told you not to underestimate her! Now come back. I'm sending out new reinforcements! You are disqualified for now. Return at once.
Gabrielle: (sulking) Yes Master Demoanrc.
Demonarc: AHEM!!!
Gabrielle: I mean... Yes... LORD Demonarc; My saviour!
Demonarc: That's better! (The image fades away.)

Gabrielle stood up and looked over the landscape. Suddenly, Nighthawk flew onto her hand. She took the bird aside as if courting it.

Gabrielle: Dear Nighthawk, why are you not with Demona?

She looked into the sky.

Gabrielle: So… the kingdom that once ostracized me has truly given me punishment. They sent that white vixen here! (Nighthawk cowered) If I ever get a chance to, I will meet her again in battle. And this time I will use true power to destroy her! My vengeance for her will be eternal until her blood is shed onto the very floors of my lord!!!

Gabrielle then spread her wings out and flew into the sky. Nighthawk followed shortly after.
Chapter 12: SEDUCTION

Sarnie was still backing away from the monstrous spider. The spider kept crawling closer and closer to her. Sarnie then noticed a pile of weapons in the corner. She saw a huge spear. She then lunged for the spear and grabbed it. She began to inch away from the giant spider, and thrusted the spear at it. The spider reared on its hind legs, revealing its long sharp fangs. Sarnie kept thrusting the spear, until she decided to throw it. She threw the spear, and it hit the spider dead straight into the centre of his body. The spider seemed to hiss really loudly now, and began to fall on its back. The spider then wiggled its giant legs in the air, and they soon became lifeless as it laid on the ground on it's back. Sarnei breathed a sigh of relief.

Sarnie: Phew… that was too close! Well, got rid of this filthy spider; that's good. Now I just need to regroup with the others.

She headed towards an open slit in the hoarding. But then, she heard the same terrible hiss again. The spider sprang back to life. It rushed towards Sarnie with its fangs reared, as if it were ready to sink them into her. Sarnie fell backwards, and the spider was upon her.

Sarnie: (shielding her eyes) NO!!!!!!

The spider then collapsed on top of her. Its fangs nearly missed her. She then felt something weird. The spider’s legs weren't moving, and it seemed to be a dead wait on her body. Sarnie then pushed the giant spider carcass off of her, and then saw what its assassin was.

Sarnie: Wormwood!
Wormwood: (The demon bowed) My lady, are you alright?
Sarnie: I am now. Thank you. I would have been spider chow if it weren't for you.
Wormwood: We must hasten back. The castle doors are now open. You must hurry, the others will be waiting for you.
Sarnie: Okay. I'll be out in a minute. I just need to get through this narrow slit.

Sarnie changed into a snake, and then slithered out of the slit on the side of the hoarding. As soon as she landed on a ledge, she then changed into an eagle, and flew towards the open doors of the castle. Wormwood followed closely behind her.
Inside the castle, Kitsume and the others did not believe what they were travelling through. There was a giant hallway. It stretched out for what seemed to be miles. For about ten minutes they were walking, and there was still no trace of any rooms. It was just one big hallway with a red rug going through it, and no windows. Not even one painting was seen on the walls. It was just a large stone hallway.

Crash: Kitsume, we've been walking through this dumb hallway, and there's nothing here!
Kitsume: I know - Demoanrc's playing another one of his tricks on us.
Coco: Another?
Kitsume: He did the same thing to us in the woods. Obviously, he sees I'm reluctant to join him, so he's shifting the walls and rooms of his castle.
Aku Aku: Surely there must be a room ahead… or perhaps even hidden in these walls!
Crash: There's an idea! Maybe there's a hidden doorway in these walls.
Kikanoo: Do you think we should try?
Shen Lo Ken: Okay we better start searching.

Crash, Kikanoo, and Shen started feeling the walls to see if there was any doorway. Nothing showed up so far.

Crash: Aku, do you sense anything?
Aku Aku: I sense nothing.
Kitsume: Demonarc really is using his magic this time. Old devil… really knows how to deceive a foe.
Danni: But either there's a hidden doorway or there's an end to this hall. Eitha' way we betta' find something quick.
Kitsume: It's not that easy. Demonarc's magic is beyond my control. There's no telling what will happen.

Shen then was feeling a nearby wall. It started to form a ripple as if Shen had just touched water!

Shen Lo Ken: Hey!! I think I found something!!

Crash and Kikanoo rushed over to where Shen claimed to have found something!

Crash: What is it?
Shen Lo Ken: Look! (touching the wall causing it to ripple)
Kikanoo: Wow!! That must be a secret doorway.
Crash: Go on Shen - press through it.

Shen pushed his arms through the wall. He felt them go inside. Then, out of the blue, Shen felt he was being pulled in. Soon, a force pulled Shen into the wall. Shen disappeared.

Crash: Huh? He must a went in. (Crash soon followed Shen into the wall, also disappearing)
Kikanoo: HEY!! We found something!! Come quick!!!

The others rushed over to where Kikanoo was shouting!!

Coco: What did you find Kikanoo?
Kikanoo: Look! We found a doorway. (Kikanno stuck his whole arm in. Then he too was pulled into the wall by some unknown force.)
Danni: He found somethin' all right. Well mates - time to follow them.

Danni pressed her arms against the wall. But nothing happened. The walls remained perfectly solid.

Danni: Huh? What on earth...
Coco: (Pushing against the wall) Nothing's happening.
Kitsume: I can't understand it. They disappear into the wall and we can't enter it? I have a feeling something evil is nearby.
Coco: (Looking worried) Evil? What about Crash? He could be in danger.
Danni: Yeah - there's no tellin' what's behind those walls.
Aku Aku: I too sense an evil force nearby.
Kitsume: We must figure out what happened. Please remain quiet. I will try and focus to see what is happening.
Actually, what was on the other side of the wall was nothing but a large cloud of pink mist and haze. Crash, Shen, and Kikanoo looked around dazed and confused.

Crash: What's wrong here? There's nothing here but pink mist.
Shen Lo Ken: I gotta bad feeling about this. How do we get back?
Kikanoo: Wait - look!

They looked ahead to see a bright light. They ran towards the light. As they entered it, they saw a pink lake ahead of them.

Crash: A lake?

Shen Lo Ken: Something's not right here.
Kikanoo: Yeah - I feel a bad presence nearby.

Just then, they all heard strange giggling in the distance. It was the sound of girls giggling; but it was innocent cheerful giggling. Then, as if it just happened, Shen, Crash, and Kikanoo were staring straight into the lake. They noticed now it was full with girls. Bandicoot and fox girls were swimming in the pink lake. They were swimming up to Crash and the two foxes. They both smiled and waved at the three. They cautiously waved back. They were all so beautiful.

Crash: Wow!!! Look at them all. They're beautiful!
Kikanoo: I'm overwhelmed. Their beauty is astounding.
Shen Lo Ken: And they… want us.

Soon, all the girls rose up from the lake. The fox and bandicoot girls were scantly dressed in light veils around their bodies. They gracefully walked up to the three men. Crash felt three beautiful blonde bandicoot girls swoon around him; touching him delicately and gracefully.

Bandicoot 2: Oh, what a handsome man.
Bandicoot 3: I agree - so young and sexy.
Bandicoot 1: (Taking Crash’s hand) Come with me little man, and we'll treat you to the garden of Earthly delights.

Crash would have said no, but he was overcome. Their beauty, they're sensuality, their convincing looks - Crash felt he was being overpowered by something but couldn't help it. He then smiled, and the three bandicoots lead him away. There were six fox girls swooning over Shen and Kikanoo. One fox girl was rubbing up against Shen's chest.

Fox 4: Oh… isn't he gorgeous?
Fox 2: Oh yes, a young Adonis for sure. Built like a god.
Fox 1: Come with me deary. (Taking Shen's hand) We would love to have men like you over for dinner.

These lustful foxes overcame Shen and they led him away. Kikanoo was also sharing the same problem. One fox girl rubbed his cheeks gracefully.

Fox 3: Oh aren’t you adorable?
Fox 5: He's so fine. I want him so!
Fox 6: (Taking Kikanoo) Come this way you handsome man, and we'll show you true pleasure.

Kikanoo was also come over by their charms and was soon led away. Meanwhile, in the same room, another bandicoot girl was watching everything. She was dressed in a scanty black dress, that didn't cover her legs. She had long blond hair and a gorgeous face. She also had large wings that were like devil wings behind her back. She also had horns sticking out of her head. She was the Succubus... the lethal and deadly she-demon known to captivate men. She let out a hardy chuckle as she saw the girls lead the men away.

Succubus: Oh my… such fools! Excellent work girls! Those men were so easy to tame. Oh what they do for a little pleasure. Hmmmmm... Well Master Demonarc ordered me to take care of them, so it's time to get to work, and do what I do best. Oh hoo… I gotta admit, Demonarc surely gave me an excellent job. It's been a long time since I seduced three handsome men. These three'll do nicely.

The Succubus then released a puff of smoke all around her body. Then, as the smoke cleared, she revealed herself as beautiful as ever. He horns and wings were hidden by her new looks. She wore a scanty veil around her body, and made sure she was the prettiest of the girls the menu ere being seduced by. She was very sure she was.

Succubus: Oh yes, this will do nicely! Now then, time to get down to work. I have a few men to attend to.

She chuckled as she walked towards the scene were Crash, Shen, and Kikanoo were being helplessly seduced. Well Crash, Shen, and Kikanoo really lost it now. Crash was laying on his back against cool wet Earth, as the scantly dressed bandicoot girls fed him grapes by plucking each one, one by one into his mouth. The three fox girls were kindly giving Shen a back massage. Shen was in heaven as their graceful fingers loosened up his tight muscles. And Kikanoo was swimming with the three other girls. The water felt good against his fur. It was perfect water, and the girl foxes kept giggling and splashing him. The three male warriors were so seduced, that all three of them soon forgot their purpose. It was the basis of the entire plan. Then the other part of the plan would occur. From out the mist, the Succubus walked in her seductive form. She then clapped her hands together and called out to the girls. (Who were her hand maidens)

Succubus: All right girls - time to leave these men alone. It's my turn, for it is time to satisfy my appetite.

Crash looked up from the ground as the three bandicoots left him.

Crash: Hey - where are you go…

He then saw the Succubus's seductive form. He couldn't believe how beautiful and attractive she was. She was dressed in a scanty, almost revealing, veil; that covered most of her body. Her hair was a golden yellow. Her eyes shone like diamonds. Her lips were smooth, and sensuous as her tongue licked them. She had a perfect figure. A well shaped body, firm breasts, long and shiny legs, and a seductive curvature on her hip. She smiled and motioned for Crash with her fingers.

Succubus: Come here you fine man and satisfy my hunger. (she then winked and licked her lips)

Crash was smiling and sweating.

Crash: Oh wow - she's… oh wow... coming! (He rushed up to the Succubus, and gazed at her perfect figure) Wow - you're gorgeous!!
Succubus: (Laughing) Oh thank you! I bet you say that to all the girls.
Crash: But they're not like you. You're… perfect!
Succubus: (Laughing even harder) Oh you funny man. Why don't I invite your friends over too? I'm sure they would also like to have their turn.

She then motioned for Shen and Kikanoo. They came almost like sheep, and stood before the Succubus and staring at her gorgeous body.

Shen Lo Ken: Oh… my angel!
Kikanoo: No… my goddess!!! You're so beautiful!!

The Succubus then smiled and looked evilly in each man's eye.

Succubus: Well then, which one of you lucky men will satisfy me first?
Shen Lo Ken: I will!
Crash: No - me!!
Kikanoo: I'm just as handsome as any of you. She wants me!!

The Succubus then let out a hardy laugh.

Succubus: Oh you boys are so much fun. Tell you what - I'm gonna choose my first man, then my hand maidens will entertain the rest of you until I'm ready for the next meal.

The three men seemed not to mind this offer. The Succubus then pointed her finger at her choice.

Succubus: I choose you. (Pointing her finger at Shen Lo Ken)
Shen Lo Ken: M… m… me?
Succubus: Yes! Your body is well built - such god-like muscles, and such a god-like physique. You're truly a tempting serving! (Taking Shen's paw) Come with me you fine man, and show me what you have in store for me.
Shen Lo Ken: Oh wow - take me away!
Succubus: Hmm hmm… with pleasure!

And the Succubus led Shen away from Crash and kikanoo, who were busy being seduced by the Succubus's handmaidens. What was going on here? How did this happen?
Meanwhile, back outside, Sarnie and Wormwood rejoined Kitsume and the others, who were still trying to force their way through. Aku Aku was trying to bust down the wall with his magic.

Coco: How's it going?
Aku Aku: It's useless. This wall has some sort of powerful force blocking it.
Kitsume: It can't be impenetrable though. Something must get through.
Danni: Somebody magical could.
Sarnie: Magical? Hey - what about Abigail?
Aku Aku: The Fairy?
Sarnie: Yeah. You can call her back up and see if she can get through that wall.
Danni: Oh what a brilliant idea.
Coco: I think that's really good too. Okay I'll call her up.

Immediately, Abigail came rushing up.

Abigail: Oh, good day. What can I help ya with?
Coco: Abigail, there's some sort of magical portal in this wall. It's camouflaged so you may need to...
Abigail: (pointing to the wall) Found it.

Everyone was stunned.

Coco: Really? You found it already?
Avigail: Oh me gracious lass - I can find anything that is blocked by magic. It's what a Fairy's best known for.
Kitsume: And can you get through it?
Abigail: Of course I can.
Kitsume: Good, because Crash, Shen, and Kikanoo went in there. But now, neither one of us can get in.
Abigail: Really? I sense somethin' wrong here alright. I'm goin' in to investigate!
Coco: Be careful Abigail.
Abigail: Don't worry lass. I'll be quite all right.

And Abigail went through the wall just as Crash and the other two went in. She soon disappeared from their sight. Abigail fluttered around the room full of pink mist.

Abigail: How strange. It's like some sort of a dream.

She then heard laughter in the distance. It was the sound of a man and a woman.

Abigail: A-ha! Time to investigate.

She fluttered towards the distance, and then saw something come into view. She looked closer, and saw that it was a large bed. There were two people inside it - a female bandicoot, and a muscular male fox.

Abigail: Hey, if me eyes aren't deceivin' me, that's Shen. Who's that woman he's with?

It turned out that the Succubus and Shen were in the same bed. The Succubus gently stroked Shens' large chest, as Shen lied on his back, breathing heavily with delight. The Succubus kept rubbing her smooth hands across Shens' bare chest.

Succubus: Do you like that my dear?
Shen Lo Ken: (Overcome by passion, and breathing hard) Oh, yes! Very nice!
Succubus: Well my fine foxy fellow, you certainly are entertained. But now it's time to fully satisfy me. What do you say? Do you want me to do it?
Shen Lo Ken: (Breathing passionately) Oh yes. Do it to me!!
Succubus: (Laughing wickedly) Very well, as you wish!!!

The Succubus then grinned evilly, and raised her hands from Shen's chest. Now, she closed both of them onto his throat. Shen felt himself being choked by the Succubus. He then started to gag, and scream for help. He then grew horrified as The Succubus's horns grew back from her head. Then, her eyes became an evil-catlike glare flashing red. Her wings then appeared from behind her back. Abigail drew back in horror!

Abigail: Gah!!! She's a Succubus!! That vile wretch!!
Succubus: (Laughing wickedly at Shen) Ha ha ha… foolish man!! You're all so easy to get to. Now you're soul is mine. I'm gonna suck you dry!! HA HA HA HA!!!!

Shen began to moan as he felt the life force slip out of him. He even saw blue streams of what appeared to be flames, going from his body through the Succubus's arm. Just then., Abigail intervened and stood right in front of the Succubus.

Abigail: Stop right there!!!
Succubus: Huh? (Then smiling gently) Oh, a Fairy. (Then closing her eyes) How cute.
Abigail: Cute? You filthy whore!!! Drop him right now!
Succubus: (Chuckling) And lose my prized catch? You must be joking.
Abigail: Joking huh? I'll show you joking. (She then raised her hands in front of the Succubus, and then created a bright beam of light that flashed right before the Succubus. The Succubus winced, and then held her eyes as they painfully blinded her. The bright light was so strong, that it threw her from the bed, and onto the ground. She was still holding her eyes even after the flash was gone. Abigail went closer to Shen's body. He was barely alive, with almost no breath left in him. He was near close to dying. Abigail gently put her hands onto his chest.

Abigail: Rest easy lad - I'll heal ya in no time.

A tiny flicker of light engulfed Abigail as she spread a bright light over Shen's body. After about a few seconds, Shen was back up on his feet.

Shen Lo Ken: (Smiling at Abigail) Thanks Abigail - you're very useful to us.
Abigail: (Holding her hands behind her back blushing) Oh it was nothin'.

The Succubus then rose to her feet, and glared angrily at Abigail.

Succubus: Why you!!!
Abigail: Ya betta leave! I'm gonna protect these men from your vile clutches. You aren't gonna stop us this time.
Succubus: (chuckling to herself) Very well, but this'll be more interesting. Rest assured, you're soon going to see that even tricks like this are no match for what I can truly do. All right you win - I'll call my handmaidens and we'll leave. But mark my words - we will meet again and you won't even know it.

The Succubus then let out an evil laugh and then disappeared from sight. Then the handmaidens also disappeared. Crash and Kikanoo finally came to their senses.

Crash: Huh? Where am I? I'm lying on my back here?
Kikanoo: (Realising he had no clothes on, due to being overly seduced by the hand maidens) Uh… why am I naked?

Shen and Abigail then came to where Crash and Kikanoo were.

Crash: Whoa - what just happened?
Abigail: Well we… (Suddenly looking at Kikanoo's naked body, then averting her eyes, blushing) Oh… oh my goodness! I'm sorry - I didn't...
Kikanoo: It's OK. Where are my clothes though?
Shen Lo Ken: Guys, we've been seduced by one crafty lady. It's a Succubus.
Crash: Whoa - that was powerful!! She's really somethin' to have us seduced like that to forget about our quest.
Kikanoo: Uh guys… my clothes… where are they?
Shen Lo Ken: Good thing Abigail was with us. She broke the spell. C'mon Abigail - you deserve a lotta the credit.
Abigail: (Still looking away) Well I can see that… I did kinda save you.
Crash: Sure did. We would have been demon chow if it weren't for someone snapping us out of it.
Kikanoo: Uh… I'm still naked here!

Shen then notices Kikanoo’s clothes in the corner, and tosses them over to Kikanoo.

Shen Lo Ken: Here sucker. Put ‘em on quick - we got a lotta travelling to do.
Kikanoo: (Hurryingly putting on his clothes) Yeah - if we ever get into anything like this again we'll never reach our goal.
Abigail: (Still looking away) Is he dressed yet?
Kikanoo: Yeah I am. You can turn around now. Thanks for showing some respect Abigail.
Abigail: (Smiling) No problem lad.
Crash: OK guys - we gotta get goin'. Abigail, can you show us the way out?
Abigail: No problem.

Abigail then led them out of the room, and into the hallway where everyone was waiting.

Danni: There ya all are. Where were you all?
Kitsume: What happened?
Kikanoo: Er… we'd rather not say.
Sarnie: Did you see any monsters?
Wormwood: Ghosts?
Aku Aku: Demons?
Crash: Oh yeah… it was demons all right.
Coco: What did they do to you?
Shen Lo Ken: Er... we'll discuss that later, but right now we're getting' through this. We gotta go forward.
Abigail: Right. Good thing they weren't hurt.
Shen Lo Ken: And good thing Abigail came. (winking at Abigail. Abigail smiled and blushed)
Kitsume: Yes, we must press onward. Demonarc has really set us up traps for sure this time.
Crash: Tell me about it.
Aku Aku: Let's go!! We must press onward and end this.

And they went forward, hoping that another trap would not be springed. Crash, Shen, and Kikanoo were wary this time. They would be sure not to fall for another woman in this castle again. Or so they thought. Kitsume's ambitions for Demoanrc grew stronger and she knew the perils that would be ahead would be great. But she was ready. And so was everyone else.

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