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[Waves crash on the beaches surrounding Cortex castle. Deep within the dark castle walls, Dr. Neo Cortex sits in his lab and contemplates his efforts for global domination.]

Cortex: All the planning, all the weapons, and all the work, laid to waste because of that darn Bandicoot! How am I ever going to rule the world with him getting in the way? (He pours himself a cup of coffee and sits down in a big armchair.) I have to think of something where that Marsupial won't stick his nose in my business. Perhaps some television will calm me down. (He turns on the TV, the news is on.)

TV Reporter: …and the Prime-Minister and President concluded the meeting with much success. And Now with American news, Margaret Gold, Margaret?
Woman reporter: Thank you Tom. The top headline in the states: another disappearance in New York City. Yesterday 25 year-old Matt Frome was reported missing after he went out jogging in Central Park. This makes for the 12th disappearance in the City this month. (She is handed a paper) This just in, there seems to be a man calling in claiming to have witnessed Frome's abduction, we have a live feed from New York. (To caller) You're on WorldWide News sir.
Caller: Yes, thanks for listening to me. Those stupid cops won't!
Reporter: Sir, You called us saying you had seen one of the New York kidnappings. What did you see?
Caller: Well, Margaret, I was takein' my usual walk in the park when I sees this guy get jumped.
Reporter: Didn't you try to help?
Caller: No way, that Frome guy wasn't jumped by no ordinary mugger, this guy was some kinda animal!
Reporter: You mean he was violent?
Caller: No! I mean he was an actual *animal*! He was some kinda mutant dog or somethin'.

(Cortex does a spit take.)

Cortex: What?
Reporter: Surly sir, you don't expect us to believe you saw some kind of giant dog kidnapped a man off the streets?
Caller: He wasn't a giant dog he was a dog man! He jumped out of the bushes, grabbed Frome, and ran off with him. I tried to talk to the cops but they didn't believe me, they said I was some kinda wacko.
Reporter: Well, the NYPD aren't the only ones who think that. (She cuts off the call and turns to her co- host) Did you believe any of that, Tom?
Man Reporter: Actually Margaret, this isn't the only report of mutant animals in New York, just last week representatives from Lopez Research Inc. reported that one of their subsidiaries was attacked by what they claimed were giant Rats.
Woman Reporter: Well, we all know that Lopez Inc. lost all their funding after that report. And speaking of that, the Apex Tech Corporation gained another large financial boost today when supporters that had dropped Lopez inc. turned their stock in favour of Apex Tech. Multi-millionaire John Apex reported…

(Cortex turns off the TV)

Cortex: Mutant animals in New York? Someone's stealing my idea!

[Later all of Cortex's minions gather in the main hall of the castle.]

Koala Kong: What do you think the boss called us here for?
Dingodile: Beats me mate.

(Cortex arrives and greets the minions)

Cortex: I'm sure that all of you numbskulls are wondering why I called you all here.
Pinstripe: You're not gonna make us all pitch in and give Tiny a bath again are you?
Tiny: Hee, hee, Tiny like bubble bath.
Cortex: No. I have assembled you here to discuss some dire news…
Moe: The toiletssss are backed up?
Cortex: No! There have been reports from New York City that a group of mutant animals not unlike yourselves are running rampant. As you all know I have tried for years to conquer the planet with the not so satisfactory help of you nimrods. But now this new group may very well be the creation of some other mad scientist with plans of world domination. There can not be two mad scientists out there using mutant animals for world subjugation, and seeing since I had the idea first, I should be the one to do it.
Dingodile: So what's yer plan there Doc?
Cortex: Everybody pack up, we're going to New York!

(The minions cheer. Ripper Roo starts jumping around the crowd laughing wildly)


[The next day, the island is waking up with the sun. Birds fly over head chirping happily, cute little koalas nestle in the branches of Eucalyptus trees munching leaves and Danni Dingo finishes her morning run. She stops by a watering hole, leans down and scoops up some clear water in her hands and joins the other animals around her in a drink. As she drinks she notices a few of the animals becoming startled by something up in the sky. She cranes her neck to see what it is. Something large, flying across the horizon, blocks out the rising sun. It is a very big plane, with a very big "N" printed on the side. She immediately knows what it means. Cortex!]

Danni: This can't be good. I'd betta' tell Crash n' Coco `bout this.

[Meanwhile; at the home of Crash and Coco Bandicoot, Coco, as usual is at her computer and Crash is showing off his Yo-yo skills. Rex watches intently as the Yo-yo goes up and down.]

Crash: Coco! Look at this! (He does a few tricks, Rex squawks happily.)
Coco: (distracted) Very nice Crash.
Crash: Hey, you weren't looking.
Coco: (without looking up) Sure I was.
Crash: (disappointed) Well, you liked it right little buddy?

(Rex makes happy noises. Crash attempts more tricks.)

Coco: (angry with her computer) Darn server! It's always busy!
Crash: Uh, Coco?
Coco: What now Crash?
Crash: It happened again.

(Coco looks up, her brother's hands are tied up in the yo-yo string.)

Coco: How do you manage to keep doing this? (She tries to pull off the string)
Crash: Don't hurt me.
Coco: Calm down you big baby. (Rex looks up at the sky and starts growling)
Crash: What's the matter Rex? (He and Coco look up and see Cortex's big plane fly overhead.)
Coco: What do you suppose that was?

[The plane with its motley cargo makes a B-line to New York. When it gets to La Guardia airport it makes an attempt to land.]

Air traffic controller: Runway to tower there's a plane headed this way.
Tower: We see it runway. (The tower attendee talks through a radio) La Guardia To aircraft, you do not have permission to land, I repeat you do NOT have permission to land! (The plane continues to come) Is anyone there? Aircraft can you hear us? (A voice is heard on the other end of the radio laughing insanely.)
Ripper Roo: (Flying the plane) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Bombs away! HEHAHAHAHEHAHE!

[The plane ignores the attendee's warnings and comes barreling down the runway scaring many attendants away before it comes to a screeching halt only a few inches away from the tower.]

Cortex: (to Ripper) That's the last time I let you drive.

(A door opens on the side of the plane a stairway extends from the door to the ground. Cortex emerges from the craft.)

Cortex: Ah, New York. The city so nice, they named it twice.
Koala Kong: They did?
Pinstripe: Yeah, dummy. New Amsterdam.
Cortex: Let's get on with this. (They descend the stairway) Everyone remember where we're parked.

[Inside the airport the villainous group gather around the luggage claim to discuss their plan.]

Cortex: Now that we're here, we'll head to the city, look for clues to who's in charge of this whole mutant animal thing, and beat them up for stealing my idea.
Tiny: Tiny like the beat up part. Tiny smash good!
Dingodile: What if we run inta' some a these mutants? Do ya think we can handle em?
Pinstripe: What, are you afraid?
Dingodile: Me, afraid, naw. I ain't afraid a nothin'.
Pinstripe: Oh, really? [Pauses] Hey, look! It's Steven Irwin!
Dingodile: Where?!? Hide me! (Cowers behind a pile of luggage)
Pinstripe: (laughs) Ha, afraid of nothing huh?
Dingodile: (angry) Why I autta roast you fer that… (Sticks his flame-thrower in Pinstripe's face)
Pinstripe: (Takes out Tommy-gun) You wanna try?
Komodo Joe: (getting between them) Break it up you guysssss. Why don't one of yousss go get ssssome mapssss.
Dingodile: Aah, I'll do it. (He mumbles to himself as he heads over to the Information booth. The woman working there is bent over behind the counter picking up brochures. He knocks on the table to get her attention.)
Woman: I'll be with you in just a second. (She gets up.) Now what can't I do for…(She gasps and drops the brochures upon seeing him.)
Dingodile: Pardon me Sheila, you got any maps `a th' city? (Shaking with fear she reaches slowly under the table and hands him some maps. Then she runs away screaming hysterically.)
Woman: Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dingodile: What? You've neva' heard a Australian accent before?

[They all go outside to the car loading/unloading area]

Cortex: We're all going to split up from here. Pinstripe, you take Brooklyn, Komodo Bros., take the East Side. Ripper, you take Mid-town, Dingodile, take the subways, Koala Kong, you're going to the West Side, Tiny and I will take Times Square. We will meet up at the docks by the Hudson River at sundown. Agreed?
Joe: Sssssoundsss good to me. (Moe is reclined on Joe's shoulder, he is sleeping) Moe, what are you doing?
Moe: (Startled awake) Wha… Oh, sssorry Joe. I have jet lag.
Cortex: You can sleep later. We have work to do.
Minions: Right!
Cortex: Very good. (He attempts to hail a taxi ) Hello, Yoo- hoo, Taxi. (Cabs pass him by) Cabby? Someone stop? Please? Drat!
Tiny: Tiny get car for Cortex. (He walks into the middle of the street and stops a speeding taxi with his hands.)
Taxi Driver: What the….?
Tiny: (to Driver) You give Tiny ride.
Driver: (In fear) S… s… sure, w… what ever you say.
Tiny: (Proudly) Tiny get door. (He opens the cab door for Cortex… by ripping it off its hinges.)
Cortex: Uh… thank you Tiny. (They get in the cab, the frightened driver pulls away)
Pinstripe: Well, what are we still here for? Let's get going. (He whistles loudly) Yo! Taxi! (A cab stops for him)
Moe: Sssure for him it'ssss easy.
Ripper: HEHEHEHE I found my ride! (He jumps onto the windshield of a passing van. The passengers scream and exit the vehicle. Ripper jumps into the front seat and drives away laughing maniacally and hitting into things. Dingodile goes to a manhole cover and lifts it.)
Dingodile: Aright, th' quickest way to th` subway from `ere would be unda' ground. See ya blokes lata`.

[He dives into the manhole. Koala Kong and the Komodo Bros. are still standing on the sidewalk.]

Koala Kong: Um, take a bus?
Komodo Bros.: Okay.

Meanwhile... Back in Sunny Australia, Crash, Coco and their pets are sitting on the Beach looking up at the sky, thinking about the HUGE plane that was flying overhead earlier. Coco is busy looking at the WORLDLY NEWS on the INTERNET. Crash is still confused, however...

Crash: What do you suppose that was, Coco?
Coco: (turning to Crash) Did you see what was written on the plane?
Crash: (scratching his head) Well... No. The sun was shining on the plane so brightly I couldn't see anything on the plane. But I would have liked to know what it was...

All of a sudden there is a rustle in the bushes behind Crash and Coco. They both jump. Rex yelps and dives behind Crash, who picks up the Frisbee that he was playing with earlier... He CHUCKS it at the bush to see what's in there...

Crash: Who's there... SHOW yourselves!!

They hear an "OUCH!!" in the bushes. Someone was in there... Danni steps out from the bush. She is looking very pissed. She is rubbing her head and looking at Crash angrily. She chucks it back at Crash.

Danni: This yours? (looking VERY peeved) It was JUST me! Crash. Don't have a STROKE!
Crash: (gulps) Er... Heheheh (trying to hide his embarrassment) SORRY Danni!
Danni: Well anyway (shaking her head, changing the subject) Look. I was down by the watering hole this morning. And Cortex’s plane was flying overhead... AWAY from his Castle... I don't know what he's up to but when it comes to Cortex you know it means TROUBLE!

Coco gets up.

Coco:(to Crash) That’s HIS plane we probably saw Crash!! But WHAT could Cortex be up to??
Crash: That's right... But where could he have got to??

Suddenly, Coco's computer bleeps.

Coco: Hey! Theres more NEWS!

Crash and Danni look at each other. Then go up to the computer screen. More Worldly News has just come in... Their eyes widen in shock... On the screen, it says...

"News of today: Mutant Animals Bombard the BIG APPLE"

They all look at each other. Fearing the worst. Coco clicks on to the topic.

Coco: Oh No! (Crash, Danni and Coco read the topic)

The message reads...

"At 9:15am this morning more sightings of strange mutant animals have been sighted. One animal in particular, stated from an eyewitness. Was an enormous tiger in a loin cloth... Apparently he was seen stopping a Taxi outside New York airport. He was accompanied by a strange big headed scientist... The scientist had the letter "N" on his forehead..."

Coco, Crash and Danni gasped. Cortex was in NEW YORK!!

Crash: But WHY!!
Danni: To cause TROUBLE Thats why!! (she growls) COME ON!! We're going to New York!!
Crash: (puts his hand on Danni's shoulder, stopping her) But HOW?? How we will get there... It will take us forever and we have NO transportation to get there...
Danni: NO WORRIES!! I know someone who can!
Coco: Who?
Danni: He LOVES flying! He has a HANGER full of Planes that he's collected. Come on! Follow me...

Crash remembers who Danni is talking about...

Crash: OH!! You mean JACKO?? That Kangaroo that always wanted to fly ever since he was a little kid?
Danni: BINGO!
Coco: Ok! Show us the way Danni!!

Crash, Coco and Danni and the pets start to run into the Jungle... Suddenly, Danni falls to the ground. She yelps in pain.

Coco: Danni! You OK?

Crash picks up Danni. Danni is looking very embarrassed... However, she hates to show it.

Danni: (brushing dust off herself.) Don't worry! heheh! I'm fine! My leg just gave way thats all!
Crash: Danni! That's the third time that’s happened to you! Are you sure you’re not overworking yourself in that gym of yours?

Danni growls angrily at Crash.

Danni: (snaps at him) I AM FINE! I AM NOT WEAK!!

She storms off into the jungle.

Coco: HEY! Danni... Wait! (she runs after her)We NEED to know where Jacko is!!

Crash feels a bit shocked. Danni has never snapped at Crash like this before. Can't Danni even remember the deep feelings that she and Crash have for each other? He looks down to the floor upset... Coco turns around.

Coco: Well COME ON!! Crash!! We have to find this Jacko guy! Danni's showing us the way!!
Crash: (half thinking) Uh?... Oh... Ok!

Crash and Coco catch up with Danni. By then, they are further into the Jungle. Danni points to an enormous hanger. Covered in Ivy and moss. It looks like it's been abandoned for who knows how long!

Danni: There it is! I haven't known Jacko for very long! So I can't tell you much about him yet! (her leg starts to hurt again. She winces) OW!

She ignores the gnawing pain in her leg. Crash notices her though. Coco turns to the others...

Coco: COME ON! We have no time to waste...

They walk up to Jacko's Hanger. Crash is looking at Danni. He sees that she is looking at her leg, quite angrily. He frowns at her, concerned. They reach the Hanger. Coco taps at the door. Nothing happens...

Coco: Hello? HELLO? (bangs on the door) JACKO!? Are you there?

Suddenly a loud clunking sound is heard. And the shutters of the hanger go up. The others leap back in fright. Pura, Rex and Polar yelp and hide behind Crash. They all stand back, as an unfamiliar figure emerges from the Hanger's door... Standing before them is an 8ft tall red kangaroo. With Black tipped ears and a Dark red tipped tail. He is wearing a "Biggles" Flying Jacket and a Dark Purple flying Scarf... He surveys the surprised group with his light orange eyes. And greets them, with a strong Australian accent...

Jacko: G'Day MATES!! What brings you ta my Hanga'?
Danni: Jacko, It's me Danni rememba'?
Jacko: Danni Dingo? Long time no see. What brings you to visit?
Danni: Jacko, I want ta introduce you to my friends Crash and Coco. Crash and Coco this is Jacko.
Jacko: Pleased ta meetcha. (Shakes Crash's hand)
Crash: Nice to meet you too.
Danni: Jacko, we need one `a your planes. It's an emergency.
Jacko: What kinda' emergency?
Crash: The kind you spell C-O-T-R-E-X.
Coco: Crash, you just spelled out cotrex!
Crash: I did?
Coco: Our arch nemisis Dr. Neo Cortex has gone to New York for some reason and we need to get there before he causes any damage.
Jacko: Cortex? Danni told me `bout `im once. (To Danni.) He's the fella you said ruined ya` life an` ya wanted ta kill `im fer it, right?
Danni: Sorta like that.
Jacko: Well, I'd love ta help ya out. Folla` me.

[He takes them deep into his hanger. There are plane parts hanging on the walls and ceiling. Pictures of aviators hung neatly over a work desk. Jacko looked at them all proudly.]

Crash: Wow you have a lot of plane stuff.
Jacko: It's been me passion since I was `a Joey.
Coco: I'll say.

[He takes them over to a large plane sitting in the middle of the hanger]

Jacko: Here she is.
Crash: Where? I don't see anybody.
Coco: He's talking about the plane, Crash.
Danni: It's a beaut` Jacko. Will it fly?
Jacko: "Will it fly?" Of course it'll fly!

[Jacko, with the help of his friends, pushes his plane out of the hanger and onto a small runway]

Coco: So you're going to fly us to New York?
Jacko: Sure right. I can get ya wherever ya need ta be.
Crash: Then lets get going. The sooner we get there the sooner we can stop Cortex.

[He hops into the back seat of the plane. Danni sits next to him. Jacko and Coco get into the front seat. Polar and Pura whine and whimper from the side of the runway]

Coco: Sorry guys, looks like there's no room for you.
Crash: Don't worry, we'll be back soon. Pura, make sure Polar don't make any "messes" while were gone.

(Polar growls)

Jacko: You fellas ready? Let's go!

[He turns on the engine of the plane; the propellers start to spin. The plane rolls down the runway slowly at first but quickly picks up speed lifting off the ground. It soon takes off soaring through the sky.]

Coco: (Looking down over the ocean) Wow! We're realy flying!
Jacko: Sure are mate!

(Crash is sleeping in the back seat snoring loudly. Danni is fidgeting next to him. Her movement startles Crash awake.)

Crash: Hey Danni, could you quit that? I'm trying to sleep.
Danni: Sorry Crash, But something keeps pokin' me.

(She sits up, the seat folds back. Rex pops his head out and roars happily.)

Crash: Rex? How'd you get back there?
Jacko: He musta snuck aboard before lift off.
Coco: Well it's too late to turn around now - we'll have to take him with us.
Crash: (To Rex) You hear that little buddy? You're coming too. (Rex licks Crash's face)

[Meanwhile back in New York, A subway pulls up to a station. A group of commuters enter a car, a few seconds later they all come out running and screaming. Dingodile sticks his head out the door and yells at them.]

Dingodile: What? You never seen a flamethrowa' before?

[The Subway car doors close and the train leaves. Dingodile moves from the empty car to another startling all the passengers. A man reading a newspaper on a seat looks up from his reading. Upon seeing Dingodile he drops his paper, jumps out of his seat and runs to the opposite side of the car. Dingodile picks up the paper and takes the seat.]

Dingodile: Now who says New Yorkers aren't friendly?
Woman's voice: My purse!

(A small figure comes running in from another car. He is wearing jeans, a baggy oversized sweater, and a floppy cap that hides most of his face. He is carrying under his arm a woman's hand bag. He laughs to himself as he runs away. Not looking where he is going, he runs into Dingodile. The impact knocks them both to the floor, the figure's hat is knocked off. We see he has large ears, a long nose and a tail pops out from his pants, He is a giant rat.)

Rat: (seeing Dingodile) Holly, molley!
Dingodile: Well, what have we here?

(The rat grabs his hat and the purse and runs out of the car. Dingodile follows him. Knowing that he is being followed, the rat jumps from the coupler into the subway tunnel. Landing with ease {he apparently has done this before}he runs away. Dingodile looks out the coupler door and jumps, clumsily landing on the ground. After stumbling to his feet he goes looking for the rat.)

Dingodile: Here rat boy. Come out, come out where eva' you are. (He spies the rat hiding behind a support beam. He shoots his flamethrower at the beam. The rat jumps out of hiding, his tail is on fire)

Rat: Yeow! Watch it with dat thing. Somebody could get hurt.
Dingodile: Now then, who are ya and who do ya work fer?
Rat: I… I don't hafta tell youse.
Dingodile: I think ya should, unless ya wanna be a roasted rat.

(Somebody walks up behind them)

Rat: Please don't hurt me.
Male voice: Hey, leave my brudda alone.

(Dingodile turns around, behind him is a much bigger rat person. He is wearing a "Starter" jacket, baggy jeans, a mohawk and an earring.)

Big Rat: This Freak show giving you trouble Tommy- boy?
Rat (Tommy- Boy): Gee, I glad you got here Rudy. This guy, he chased me off at the subway, and he, he scared me, and, and he set my tail on fire, Rudy, see. (he shows the bigger rat his tail which is still on fire)
Rudy: Tommy- boy, if ya tail's on fire, PUT IT OUT! (He steps on Tommy- boy's tail putting out the fire.)
Tommy-boy: Gee, thanks Rudy.
Dingodile: I'd hate ta interrupt yer talk, but I'm lookin' fer an answer ta my question, an if I don't get it somebody's gettin toasted.
Rudy: You wanna piece a me Freak Show?
Dingodile: You stop callin me Freak show, Rat boy. (He readies his flame- thrower)
Rudy: (sarcasticly) Ooh, I'm so scared.
Tommy-boy: (shaking) I am!
Rudy: Bring it on, Freak Show!

(Dingodile jumps Rudy and sticks his flamethrower in his face)

Dingodile: The name's Dingodile! And ta you that means trouble.
Rudy: Well, that's okay, (He takes out a semi-automatic gun.) `cause I like trouble.
Tommy-boy: (shaking) Are you s-s-Sure about this boss?
Rudy: (to Tommy-boy) QUIET!! I'm gonna show this FREAK of nature what REAL ammunition tastes like...
Dingodile: You’re the FREAK!! Rat face! (he growls and knocks the gun out of Rudy's hand, while he is talking to Tommy-boy)

Rudy looks at his hands... And then at Dingodile...

Rudy: Why You...
Tommy Boy: Oh! We’re in trouble now! (trembling)
Dingodile: Heheheh! Oh you ARE in trouble. You like trouble huh punk?

Rudy smirks... He then replies…

Rudy: (with an evil smirk) Yeah... So do THEY...

Rudy points behind where Dingodile is standing. All of a sudden growling and hissing noises are surrounding him. He turns around to find huge rats in baggy jeans and ripped jumpers and huge dogs in the same gear surround him. Most of them are Alsatians or Bulldogs. They are all wearing black leather coats with chains, and NYC caps on their heads. They laugh evilly at him and pull out their knives and clubs and guns... And continue to close in on Dingodile...

Meanwhile... After spending hours and hours in the air Crash and the Team are getting closer to New York airport. Jacko is loving the air sweeping through his fur. Coco is looking at her laptop for more News. And Crash is asleep. And Danni is playing "I spy" with Rex...

Danni: OK! (to Rex) My TURN! I spy... With my little eye. Something beginning with... "S".
Rex: (squeaks) Uhh?

The screen on Coco's laptop suddenly starts to flicker.

Coco: GRRRR!! That's the fifteenth time it's done that!
Jacko: (to Coco) It's the turbulence! It effects Electrical equipment.
Coco: How come this Laptop isn't affecting this plane?
Jacko: Because this isn't a modern plane, like those big jumbo jets. This plane doesn’t have any electrical equipment on this plane to be affected by your laptop.

The computer flickers badly now...

Coco: That’s the 16th time! I hope the laptop doesn’t flicker out! We need this computer for navigation as well as news...

Suddenly, the computer screen goes black. Coco yelps.

Coco: Well that’s torn it! (to Jacko) Now what?

Jacko points out. Coco looks to the direction. And sees the familiar Statue of Liberty standing tall and proud above the Big Apple...

Jacko: We MADE it. We're still about 20 miles from it though...
Coco: But HOW will we get back home??
Jacko: This plane may be an OLD design. But it should have the navigational equipment on there!

Danni overhears Jacko's cheer that they are near New York. She and Rex look out and see the Statue of Liberty. Rex enthusiastically licks Crash who is still asleep.

Crash: *snore*~Ughh! Rex, stop that!!
Danni: (nudges Crash) WE'RE ALMOST THERE! Crash! Look!
Crash: Wha?

Crash looks out and sees the oncoming city coming towards them... Jacko shouts to the group.

Jacko: Not too long now mates! We'll be landing in a few minutes!!
Crash: We got here quick didn't we?
Coco: You were asleep through most of the journey Crash!! We had to stop and re-fuel at 2 different countries... Singapore and England!
Crash: Oh.

Back at New York airport the military have come in and are discussing about the mutant Animals that arrived yesterday... Suddenly something bleeps on their flight controller radar screen. An unfamiliar "Dot" is seen on the screen. In an instant the Air Traffic Controller is at the computer. He then radios to warn the flight control unit downstairs...

Air Traffic Cont: There is an unidentified plane coming in... This MAY be similar to the other plane that came in earlier yesterday morning!
Flight control: Then we cannot take chances...

The Air traffic Controller nods. And radios the Military to come on to the runway. And prepare to destroy the plane...


Crash: Are we there yet?
Danni: (growling) You've been saying that for the last 10 seconds Crash! KNOCK IT OFF!
Crash: Sorry... I'm really bored!
Jacko: (suddenly surprised) HEY! LOOK AT THAT!

They all look out towards New York airport. Which is still 5 miles away. And see a light orange flash. Getting bigger and bigger.

Crash: What is that??

Suddenly the flash gets even bigger. They all gasp as they suddenly realise that it is coming towards them.

Coco: Oh NO!

He then flips the plane to its side about 180 degrees. Coco holds on to him for dear life. Crash holds on to Rex and Danni. Danni's knee starts to hurt again.

Danni: OW! Hey watch that!

Unfortunatly for them all... The rocket that is coming towards them... is a homing missile! It hits the right wing of the plane.


They all scream, as the plane starts to spiral out of control... Jacko is struggling with the switches and the joystick...

Coco: JACKO!! Where are the PARACHUTES!!

Jacko look with worry at Coco.

Jacko: Remember I said that this was an old designed plane right?
Coco: (looking at the others then at Jacko) Yes?
Jacko: Well... Back when this was made the parachutes didn't come with this model!!
Crash: (panicking and tightly gripping on to Danni and Rex)) WHAATT!? NO PARACHUTES?
Danni: Oh no...

Jacko tries to steady the plane. He turns to the others...

Jacko: Look like we're gonna have to make a crash landing mates! Brace yourselves!
Danni: But we're gonna land into the sea! We won't make it to land!
Jacko: BRACE YOURSELVES! Coz you could be right Danni!

The others all gulp. As the plane starts to descend fast and closer to the sea...

Jacko: Hold on mates! When we get closer to the water we're all gonna jump! Got it?
Crash: But I can't swim.
Danni: That's right. Even if we survive the jump Crash won't be able to stay afloat.
Jacko: Don't worry - I got a life raft in the plane. You guys just get ready to jump, I'll take care a` the rest.

[The group stands up and readies themselves to jump. Coco holds onto Rex and Danni holds onto Crash. As the plane comes closer to the water, Jacko lets go of the planes controls. He reaches under his seat and pulls out a small yellow package.]

Coco: Okay guys, Jump Now! (They jump from the plane and dive into the water. The plane crashes into the ocean a few hundred feet from them.)
Crash: (splashing around) Help!
Danni: (Swimming over to him) Hang in there Crash! (She holds him up. Jacko Pulls a string on his yellow package, it inflates to a large raft. The group swims over to the raft and get on. Danni helps Crash onto the raft.)
Crash: Whew, thanks Danni.
Jacko: Well, I heard that New York was a tough town but I neva' thought it was this tough.
Coco: They were probably taking precautions since Cortex came to town.
Crash: Come on. Let's get to the city before they decide to shoot us again.
Jacko: Sure thing mates. (He takes out some paddles and they row to shore.)

[Meanwhile, back in the subway tunnel, a gang of mutants apparently surrounds Dingodile.]

Rudy: I don't know where you came from ugly, but we don't like anybody raining on our parade.

Tommy-boy: (singy-songy)Yer gonna get it, yer gonna get it.
Rudy: Shuddap Tommy-boy.
Tommy-boy: K.

(One of the dogs leaps at Dingodile, who turns around and shoots it with his Flame- thrower. The dog whimpers and runs away. Dingodile gives a mean look to the other mutants.)

Dingodile: Who else wants ta be a marshmellow?

(The other mutants turn around and run in fear)

Rudy: Hey, where are you all going?
Tommy-boy: Looks like they're running away Rudy.
Rudy: (Slaps him) I can see that!

(Dingodile grabs Rudy by the neck)

Dingodile: Now fer the last time, Where did you come from?
Rudy: (fearful) Okay, okay, I'll tell you, we came from Apex tech. But you should tell whomever you work for, that it's too late to stop the uprising.
Dingodile: What uprising?
Tommy-boy: Hey, he don't know what the uprising is Rudy.
Rudy: Yeah, He's got no idea what's going on here. (He gets free of dingodile's grasp)
Dingodile: You'd betta tell me `bout this uprising or I'll fry the both of ya.
Rudy: Love to but I got a previous engagement. (Another subway train barrels through the tunnel, Rudy and Tommy- boy jump into it and ride it away.)

Dingodile, watches as the pair ride off into the blackened tunnel, laughing at him. He throws his flamethrower down on the floor in anger. Suddenly he hears a noise behind him. He immediately picks up his flamethrower to shoot the person who is sneaking up on him. When he bumps face to face with Tiny. Dingodile growls in fright.

Dingodile: GAHH!! What're YOU doin' 'ere? Aren't you s'possed ta be with Cortex?? Tiny: Boss send Tiny to find you. It is sundown. And you are late for meeting at River called Hudson!
Dingodile: THAT’S HUDSON RIVER, STUPID! (he growls, going to take a swipe at Tiny.) An I can take cares of meself!!

Tiny goes to say something, but forgets. Then he remembers.

Tiny: OH! Tiny nearly forget! Tiny saw big rat in subway. He wear big jeans and shirt.
Dingodile: (sighing) Ya don't say eh?
Tiny: I DO SAY! (excitedly) Tiny BEAT rat man! He then plead with Tiny... I ask him who he WORK for… And he take me to steel door...

Dingodile's ears prick up...

Dingodile: DOOR? What steel door?
Tiny: Tiny show you... (scratches his head) But we late for meeting!
Dingodile: GAHHH!! Cortex Shmortex! Just show me this steel door!
Tiny: 'KAY!

They then head outside of the subway startling a few people walking along the pavement. There are not a lot of people around, as it is dusk. Tiny then shows Dingodile, to an alleyway - a very dark one. Dingodile and Tiny walk inside it. Tiny then points to an old warehouse at the back of the abandoned alley. There is a steel door in front of it... and there is a logo imprinted on it... The logo is yellow and blue. With the code "Apex: C" written on it... Dingodile's eyes widen.

Dingodile: Your saying this is where the Rat took ya?
Tiny: (nodding head) Yup! Yup!
Dingodile: Y'know mate, for once you could be onta somethin'! C'mon! we'd betta go an' tell Cortex!
Tiny: Yeah! But Cortex get really mad when he see us late for meeting at river called Hudson!

They then run off towards Hudson River. Running across a few roads. Making a few cars swerve out the way when they see them....


Jacko: THERE! We made it ta shore!
Crash: PHEW! I'm glad this lifeboat never leaked!!
Coco: I wouldn't say that Crash! We may need it again!

They all look around.

Crash: WOW! (admiring the tall skyscrapers) This place is HUGE!! Much bigger than Sydney and Melbourne put into one!

Jacko packs up the life raft. He turns to the others.

Jacko: Listen! In case we need this raft again, for an emergency. We're gonna 'ave ta hide this from anyone else! Hmmm… That pier over there would be a good hiding spot!!
Crash: But how will we even get back? I doubt a life raft would last very long! C'mon Jacko! Think about it!
Jacko: (getting a bit cross) Hey C'mon mate! We're ALL in the same boat! Besides, who made you boss? Crash: (getting cross too!) Yeah! I agree we're in the same boat but YOU’RE not the boss either! Don't peeve me off!

Coco and Danni look at each other, and shrug their shoulders. And shake their heads, sighing.

Coco: (sighing) Oh... Brother!

However, the guys are still arguing.....

Jacko: Hey! You're peeved? How do ya think I feel! They just shot down me favourite plane!
Crash: Why couldn't you have got a better plane? We needed a strong plane for the journey! Jacko: (angry) My plane is not a hunk a junk! Wha? Are you CHALLENGING ME?

Crash and Jacko start snarling at each other. But before they can do anything, Danni jumps in between them and growls fiercely at them. Making both Jacko and Crash jump back.

Danni: (looking at the boys) CUT IT OUT! You two! Would you just grow up?
Coco: (cutting in) I agree! Come on boys! I think that’s enough male bickering for one day! Now stop it!

Jacko and Crash give each other a cold look. Coco turns and whispers to Danni.

Coco: Sheesh! Why'd they have to fight, about leading the group?
Danni: (shrugging) Huh! Must be a male thing!
Crash and Jacko: (overhearing them) WHA?

Danni then grabs Crash and puts him to one side. She then whispers to him, sternly...

Danni: LISTEN Crash! Don't start fighting eh? We need Jacko to help us!
Crash: (cross) Yeah! I thought you said this guy was helpful? But he's a right...
Danni: (snapping) LOOK! I don't know him very well either!! But as far as I'm concerned… Just give him a break! Would ya?
Crash: Why are you sticking up for him for? You never know... He could be another of your false friends! Like CODY!

Danni's eyes widen with ANGER. Crash suddenly gulps. He shouldn't have said that. Danni growls fiercely at Crash, which makes him nervous. Coco, Jacko and Rex look at her, with worry.

Crash: (sadly) Danni... I'm sorry!

She then walks away from Crash. The pain in her leg starts to gnaw away again... She scrunches her eyes up, wincing from the pain. Crash notices it.

Crash: (very sorry) Look... Danni. I think you're working too hard at your gym. Be careful OK?

He goes to put his hand on her shoulder, but she turns away sadly. Ignoring him. He looks to the floor, shaking his head. He feels like such a heel. He didn't mean to hurt her... Danni turns to the others, calmly.

Danni: (quietly) C'mon. Lets go. (she looks at the floor sadly.
Coco: You Ok? Danni?
Danni: I'm fine mate! Lets go!

Jacko looks at Coco, confused. What was that all about? They all then head off towards the town. Crash trailing slowly behind. Rex goes up to him and licks his hand sympathetically. Crash looks at Rex and whispers sadly. Shrugging his shoulders.

Crash: Females? eh. Go figure. (he pats Rex on the head. Who loves it)

Coco turns to the others.

Coco: LISTEN everyone! If we're gonna go through this town without trouble we've got to keep a low profile!
Jacko: Yes! that's right! Otherwise, the citizens here, will think we are part of that doctor’s party... Eh? What was his name again?
Jacko: Oh! Thanks!

Suddenly Danni, who is walking in front, and looking down at the ground, bolts to attention. Her ears prick up. And she is looking around anxiously. The others look at her...

Coco: What’s wrong?
Danni: There’s something surrounding us! I know it! I think we're in trouble!
Jacko: What do you mean?

Suddenly the voices of growling and hissing are heard. They look around and find themselves surrounded by the same mutant rats and dogs in baseball caps and baggy jeans that surrounded Dingodile earlier. Then a voice is heard.

Voice: Hehehe! In TROUBLE? You couldn't be more right!

Out of the darkness comes two familiar figures, by the name of Rudy and Tommy-boy. Rudy then whistles to his gang, while Tommy-Boy looks on. Admiring his boss... Rudy then looks at the group. Then shouts to his pack....

Rudy: SIC 'EM!!

Cortex stands outside an abandoned warehouse by the Hudson river. He looks at his watch and taps his foot angrily.

Cortex: I told them all 6 pm sharp! Where are those minions?

Komodo Moe and Joe come running up, Moe is carrying a paper bag.

Joe: Sssorry we're late Dr. Cortexxxx. Moe here wanted to get baglesss.
Moe: The delisss on the east ssside are the bessst.
Cortex: Did you find anything?
Moe: We found a Chinesssse resssstaurant that had great Mushu Pork.
Joe: In other wordsss we found nothing.

Koala Kong comes, he's dressed in a Knicks Jersy, baggy pants and a backwards baseball cap.

Cortex: Why in the name of Calvin Kline are you dressed like that?
Koala Kong: Nobody on the West side would talk to me until I dressed like this. Everybody kept calling me "Whitey".
Cortex: Did you at least get any information?
Koala Kong: If I did it's all in Ebonics. What's a "Fuzzy ass cracker"?

Ripper Roo comes bouncing in, he's carrying a bunch of shopping bags and has an "I Love NY" T- shirt on.


Cortex: (sighs) Did YOU find anything?
Ripper: I found HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE, that New York has the BEST shopping! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA I have souvenirs out the wahzoo!
Cortex: But did you find out anything important?

(He takes out a large Triple Latte and starts drinking it with big sloppy slurps.)
Cortex: It's there anyone who actually found something we could use?
Dingodile: I did. I ran inta a big rat on th` subway. Put up a fight but I got sum interestin` information outta him. And Tiny here found some stuff too.
Tiny: Tiny find door. Bad rat go in it. Tiny try to follow but door close on Tiny's head.

(Ripper finishes off his coffee and starts bouncing around the warehouse ricocheting off the walls like a pinball.)


(Pinstripe walks up to the warehouse he is covered with white gunk and looks very angry)

Moe: What happened to you?
Pinstripe: Don't ask. This city better have a good dry cleaner!
Cortex: There had better be an explanation for this.
Pinstripe: I'll tell ya what happened. I ran into a mutant pigeon in Brooklyn.
Cortex: And?
Pinstripe: I got some info out of him. Unfortunately it wasn't the only thing that came out.
Dingodile: You mean he...
Pinstripe: Don't say it. I feel like a park statue.
Cortex: What did you find out?
Pinstripe: He said something about something called "the uprising". But he flew away without explaining and left his "little gift".
Dingodile: Say, that rat I ran inta said something about an "uprising" too. And he mentioned Apex Tech.
Cortex: Apex Tech, that sounds familiar. We may need to research this further.

(Ripper whizzes over everyone's heads)

Tiny: You know Tiny can't read. Words hard.
Joe: That'ssss ok, Moe can't either.

(Ripper zips past knocking over a table)

Moe: I read the firssst page of "Go Dog Go" oncccce. It took me an hour, but I did it.
Cortex: If we're going to be charging head on into this we could use some help.

(Ripper zooms past again)

Pinstripe: Who would help us?
Joe: We need a plan.
Dingodile: I say we wait fer that rat ta show his ugly face again and I'll roast um.
Pinstripe: That's not a plan.
Dingodile: Than you come up with one!

(Ripper zips past yet again.)

Cortex: That is so annoying!

(Ripper zooms over again, Tiny tries to grab him but is pulled along)

Tiny: Wahhhhhhhhh! Let go of Tiny!
Moe: We ssshould know what we're going to be up againssssst.
Joe: That'sss what we're trying to do, ssstupid.

(Ripper is hanging from the ceiling, Tiny is hanging from his legs)

Tiny: (Fearful) Tiny want down!
Cortex: Remind me to keep Ripper off the caffeine.
Koala Kong: (looks out the window) Hey, Dingodile, You know that rat you were talking about?
Dingodile: Yeah what?
Koala Kong: Did he have a mohawk and an earring?
Dingodile: Yes.
Koala Kong: Oh, then he's outside.
Cortex: Huh?

(They all run to the window and see Rudy and his gang beating up a small group)

Joe: What are they doing?
Pinstripe: They're beating up some guys.
Moe: Hey, issssss that who I think it issssss?
Cortex: Who? (He takes a closer look) Is that... Yes it is.
All: It's Crash!

While the fight was going on, somewhere in a darkened ally two teenagers walk. The tall, brown hair teen looks at her black haired girl friend.

Jerry: Cassie, are you sure this is a good idea?
Cassie: Oh, don't be such a worry wort, it'll be fun.
Jerry: It just doesn't seem right.

Jerry kicked a can out of his path and continued on.

Cassie: All the other kids are doing, it must be safe.
Jerry: Then why haven't we seen commercials for it on TV, huh?

Cassie gave a snort.

Cassie: Probably because they know how worried parents get.
Terry: But, changing yourself to half human and half animal...
Cassie: It doesn't have to be halfway silly, if you wanted you could just get a tail or something. Stop, we’re there.

Terry looked up at the rusted sign that spelt Apex. Just then something felt really wrong.


Cortex: If we can convince that bandicoot and his friends to join us, we can use him to rid us of these mutants so then I may take over the world.
Pinstripe: You mean we're going to have to SAVE him?
Cortex: An unsettling notion indeed but he may be the help we're looking for. Go help them.
Minions: Do we have to?
Cortex: GO! (The minions grumble and complain as they go to help Crash.)

[Meanwhile back at Apex tech Cassie walks into a waiting room, there is no one there]

Cassie: Hello? Is anyone here?

(A tall woman wearing a tight red dress and a large hat blocking her face enters the room)

Woman: Can I help you miss?
Cassie: Uh yea, I got this letter in the mail from your company. It says that you need people to model your new cosmetics line?
Woman: Oh, so you're the one who received the invitation. Let me introduce myself, I am Tabitha Katz, head of the cosmetics subsidiary of Apex Technology.
Cassie: Oh, well I was looking over this invitation and some of the stuff you offer here sounds pretty radical. I mean how can you say that you can put animal parts on humans? It sounds unbelievable.
Tabitha: Oh, but it's quite true. Let me take you into our show room and let you look at some of our options.
Cassie: Okay.

(She takes Cassie into a small room and gives her a book of animal pictures)

Tabitha: Pick one that you like dear. I'll be right back. (She goes into another room, and is greeted by a large dog man. He is a very robust bulldog, he kind of looks like a bouncer at a nightclub.)
Bulldog: This is the one you wanted?
Tabitha: Yes, finding her was easy. Get the doctor. (He growls angrily) Now, now, Bruno, Dr. Ranged is on our side. You know that.
Bruno: I just don't like that he's bringing those filthy humans into our order.
Tabitha: Bruno, if we want the uprising to be effectual, we must be able to convert the humans as well as the animals. That is the only way we can achieve balance.

(A man enters the room; he is wearing a lab coat and thick glasses)

Man: Are you talking about me Tabby?
Tabitha: Oh, yes we were, Dr. Ranged. We have another test subject for you.
Ranged: Oh, good. I will use the usual treatment then?
Tabitha: Yes, but be gentle with this one. She's here for a special purpose. (Tabitha takes off her hat; we now see that she is a cat woman.)

[Dr. Ranged goes into the waiting room and approaches Cassie]

Ranged: Hello there, young lady. I am Dr. Darren Ranged, Have you made a decision about our process?

Cassie: Well as good as this all sounds, I just don't believe it's possible. I guess my boyfriend was right. (Cassie gets up to leave)
Ranged: Well, hold on a second. (He takes her hand. Secretly he pricks her with a needle.) Take this phone number just in case you change your mind. (He hands her a card)
Cassie: Uh, thank you. (She walks out the door. Ranged waits a few seconds then comes after her.)
Ranged: Miss! I believe you left your purse in the clinic.
Cassie: I did? (She walks back into the clinic and looks around. Ranged takes out a small light fixture from under a table and turns it on.)
Ranged: Did you find it?
Cassie: You know what, I didn't even bring a purse here. (Cassie turns to leave again but then stops, she suddenly feels weak and dizzy. The light fixture on the table flashes upon her. She suddenly feels intense pain overcoming her body, she screams. Tabitha walks in.)
Tabitha: (laughs) We got her.
Ranged: Yes, I'm very proud of my transmutagenic serum. The subject doesn't even know they have it in them until they come into the light of the stobe, that's when the transformation is activated. (They look over Cassie who is still writhing in agony; her body is changing into something, something not human.)
Tabitha: Ah, Cassie. This will teach you for abandoning me when I was a kitten. You will learn.

Cassie feels a terrible rush of pain fill her body... Her arms were aching and her head was spinning. She screams and falls to the floor… Suddenly... Through her pain... Her skin, begins to change… The small hairs on her arms start to change... It changes into light grey fur... Tabitha and Ranged look on with triumphant smiles... Cassie feels her nose, growing and changing... Her ears grew bigger and bigger. She then felt sharp stabbing pains go down her spine... Right to the bottom of her back... Her high pierced screams are heard all the way through the building... Tabitha, looked sadly to the floor. And shook her head in anger.

Tabitha: (In mixed sadness and anger) Now you know the pain I felt... As a kitten. I'm sorry... But this is the only way I'll ever get you to learn... All I had to do, was put you... A level further from what I am in the animal chain.

Ranged looks on proudly. Then turns to Tabitha....

Ranged: (beaming with pride) This experiment has been a success!!
Tabitha: Yes... (looking at the suffering girl) In more ways than one!
Ranged: Now all we need now... Is the boy!! Fetch… er...What's his name? Oh yes... BRUNO! Get him to fetch that lad standing outside.
Tabitha: (calling off-screen) BRUNO!!

Bruno comes in. He sees Dr. Ranged, and growls low, so as not to be heard. But he throws Ranged a cold stare. Ranged bellows to him.

Ranged: Bruno! Fetch that lad!! ...TERRY! We'll need him for the other plan.
Bruno: (whispering to himself) I suppose you want me to fetch the newspaper or the slippers?

He walks out the door... While Cassie, who is laying on the floor... NOT moving. Has finished her transformation... Meanwhile, Terry is standing outside. He looks at his watch impatiently.

Terry: (to himself) C'mon Carrie!! Hurry up! It's getting really cold out here! (looks around) I don't really fancy hanging around here either... (shudders) Uggh! It feels really creepy around here!!

Suddenly the door he is standing by, swings open. And he jumps back. He sees Bruno. And yelps...

Terry: AH! W-W-Who are y-y-you??
Bruno: (giving Terry a mean snare) Well I certainly ain’t here ta be your best friend!! You’re wanted inside....
Terry: Wha? (confused) Why?

Bruno thinks of an excuse...

Bruno: Your girlfriend wants to show you her new look! (he smiles evily)
Terry: (worried) Uh... 'Kay! Um... What new look?
Bruno: (snarls) If ya come inside...You'll find out!

He leads a nervous Terry inside. They go down a long corridor, before they reach a door... It says on it...

"APEX TECH: 2103"

They go through the door. All around Terry, are tables full of Bunsen burners, liquid containers and needles. A huge glass cage stands before him. There is an Eerie smell. Tabitha greets him. Smiling a false smile. Her hat is over her head again. To hide her cat like features...

Tabitha: HI There! You’re Terry? Aren't you?
Terry: Er… Yes! Where's my Carrie?
Tabitha: (grinning slyly) Well I'll show you!

She then leads him over to the glass cage. Terry looks inside... And sees something... Something... Not human... Tabitha smiles at Terry again.

Tabitha: Here she is.(points to the creature)
Terry: CASSIE?

Cassie, inside the cage, hears Terry's voice. Tears are rolling down her cheeks...

Cassie: T-T-Terry?

She stands up and looks at him through the glass cage... Terry gasps... In shock...

Terry: (horrified) Sh-She... SHE'S A... MOUSE!!
Tabitha: Yes! (smiling) A WHITE mouse! And now… (she waves to Bruno, who comes up behind Terry) …it's YOUR TURN!

Terry turns around, only to be grabbed by Bruno. Dr. Ranged comes in. He is holding another needle.

Ranged: So! This is the BOY? Eh?
Tabitha: Yes sir...
Ranged: (smiling) Then lets get to business!

He injects the needle deeply into a struggling boy... Terry screams. And the screaming goes trailing through the corridors and out the building...

Terry: NOOOOO!!!

[Meanwhile, the foreboding gang of mutants close in on Crash and Co.]

Rudy: Just what we need, more weirdoes. But we can take care of em right boys?

(His gang laughs maliciously)

Coco: They look ready for a fight.
Crash: Well, so am I! (He lunges at one of attackers)
Jacko: Looks like we got ourselves a tussle.
Tommy-boy: Oh boy, Rudy! We gonna kick some butt!

(Rudy approaches Danni )

Rudy: Well hello there beautiful. What's a pretty little dog like you doing in the city?
Danni: Get away from me you ruddy rat!
Rudy: Hey, nobody talks like that to me.
Tommy- boy: Yeah, yeah! Nobody calls Rudy ruddy. Hey, Rudy, what's ruddy mean?
Rudy: Shut up!
Tommy- boy: Yes sir Rudy I'll shut up. I can shut up. You tell me when to shut up and I'll shut up.
Rudy: (Slaps him) Shut up now!

(Crash and Coco fight off most of the mutants but are not winning)

Coco: There's too many of them! We're out numbered!

(A mutant jumps at them, Jacko head-butts him)

Jacko: Don't count me out mates. (A dog-man hits him with a club ) Ow!
Danni: Jacko! Crash! Coco! I'm comin'! (She runs toward them, but the pain in her leg comes back) Oh!
Rudy: (Grabs her) What do ya say sweet cheeks, you wanna dump these lame'os and hang with a real mutant.
Danni: Let go `a me!
Rudy: Hey, I won't hurt you. Just give us a kiss babe. (he leans to kiss her)
Danni: You pig! (Slaps him in the face)
Tommy-boy: (laughs) Heh, she slapped you good Rudy, heh heh.
Rudy: (angry) Nobody says "no" to me!
Danni: I just did.
Rudy: Why I ought to smack you.
Danni: (growls) You'd betta not!
Rudy: And who's going to stop me? (Something strikes Rudy in the head knocking him away from Danni, she looks up to see Dingodile. She gasps, he goes over to Rudy)
Dingodile: Rememba' me?
Tommy- boy: Oh no, the freak show's back!

(Crash is about to be chain whipped by one of the mutants; Koala Kong jumps from behind the mutant. Crash looks confused)

Crash: Coco what's going on?

(He and Coco look around the mutants are all in battle with Cortex's minions)

Coco: Cortex and his cronies are… Helping us.

(The mutants and minions battle furiously. A rat tries to club Joe but Joe slices the club in half with his sword. A dog thrashes at Koala Kong with a chain; Kong grabs the chain and pulls it apart.)

Pinstripe: One of you gang bangers is gonna have to pay for this suit! (He takes out his Tommy-gun and shoots at the mutants)
Crash: Why are they helping us?
Coco: Who cares? Better them than us.

(Danni Watches as Dingodile threatens Rudy. She is slightly confused but hopeful)

Dingodile: You got some nerve usin' yer gang ta beat up people. Why don't ya fight alone like a man?
Rudy: Don't hurt me! (To his gang) Retreat! (The gang stops their attack and runs away, Rudy and Tommy- boy follow.)
Tommy- Boy: Gee Rudy, that was a cowardly thing to do, running away like that.
Rudy: Better to be a live coward then lunchmeat. (He turns to the group while running and shouts) You may have stopped us now, but you'll never stop the uprising!
Danni: (To Dingodile) Th… thanks.
Dingodile: Don't get all mushy, I had a bone ta pick with that guy. You were just in the way.
Cortex: Bravo. You showed those ruffians who's boss.
Crash: What are you up to Cortex? Why'd you come to New York? Why'd you help us just now?
Cortex: Crash, I am not here for anything revolving around global domination. This is a mission of dignity.
Crash: When did you ever use dignity?
Cortex: Those mutants you just saw were the product of a business known as Apex Tech. They're stealing my idea to mutate animals and I want retribution.
Crash: I see, you got rid of those guys so we could help you right? Well find yourself another patsy - I've fallen for your tricks before.
Jacko: I think we should give the bloke a hand. Those mutants we're pretty tough, an' if they're in the city, then city folk could get hurt.
Crash: Sure, that's what he want's you to think. Cortex always has a plan "b" up his sleeve.
Coco: (looks at her computer) Maybe we should help them Crash.
Crash: Wha..?
Coco: According to this news report, people are getting kidnapped and attacked by these mutants. And this "uprising" that rat mentioned doesn't sound good. This could mean real trouble.
Crash: So why does that mean we have to work with Dr. big head?
Cortex: Because with your talents and my genius we could stop this uprising, you can save the city, and I can have the world at a later date when I finally find a plan to get rid of you for good. And don't call me Dr. Big head!
Crash: Oh, fine we'll have a truce, but no double crosses, and keep your goons where I can see them.
Cortex: Alright. (Cortex and Crash reluctantly shake hands.)

[Later inside Cortex's warehouse hideout, Coco is typing at her computer, Cortex is looking over her shoulder, Crash and Danni sit on a couch eyeing the minions who look back at them with quiet hatred. Ripper Roo is still bouncing around on a caffeine rush; Jacko is playing with Rex]

Coco: (To Cortex) I did some research on this Apex Tech, turns out it's a highly successful business set up in midtown Manhattan, with countless subsidiaries the most successful of which is their cosmetics production line.
Cortex: Why would a business make mutant animals?
Coco: Your guess is as good as mine.
Crash: (to Tiny) Are you guys really on the level this time?
Tiny: Crash no worry, Tiny be good boy.
Danni: I hope so, the last thing we need are two groups a mutants after us.
Jacko: If we're gonna be yer guests you could at least show some hospitality - instead of starin' at us angrily you could put out some snacks.
Crash: I could go for some nachos.
Pinstripe: We said we'd work with you, but we didn't say we were going to feed you.

(Ripper zips overhead laughing)

Crash: Hey, check it out Jacko, another flying kangaroo.
Coco: Okay Guys, we've come up with a plan. Some of us will go to the head quarters of Apex tech and look for clues about those mutants.
Cortex: I'll go. I'd like to talk to whoever’s in charge personally.
Crash: And I'll go too, so Cortex doesn't cause any trouble.
Tiny: Tiny go too.
Danni: Me too.
Coco: Hold on, we all can't go. If they're too many of us it'll arouse suspicion. Crash and Cortex will go.
Dingodile: And what ar' we supposed to do? Sit on our kissers?
Coco: Right.

(The minions groan.)

Crash: Come on Doc - let's get going.
Cortex: All right - hold your horses.

(Tiny grabs onto Cortex's leg)

Tiny: Don't leave Tiny!
Cortex: Tiny, get off my leg!
Tiny: Tiny want to go with Cortex!
Cortex: If I let you come will you let me go?
Tiny: Tiny get to come?
Cortex: (irritated) Yes.
Tiny: (hugs Cortex) Thank you!
Cortex: Let go you fat headed feline!

(Coco goes over to Crash)

Coco: Be careful Crash. Things could get risky.
Crash: You mean with Cortex?
Coco: Not only him. I have a feeling that something bad's going to happen.
Crash: Don't worry Coco - I can handle anything that happens.
Coco: I hope you're right big brother.

[Time passes, Crash, Cortex and Tiny approach a large office building. The sign on the building says "Apex Industries"]

Crash: We're here!
Cortex: It's about time. That taxi driver took five hours.
Tiny: Taxi man talk funny.
Cortex: That's because he was speaking Hindi.
Crash: Are we going in or not?
Cortex: Yes. (he turns to Tiny) Tiny, why don't you go find another ride for us seeing how you frightened off the last taxi.
Tiny: Okay, Tiny go find car.

(Cortex and Crash enter the building and start looking around for clues. Little do they know that a security camera is watching them. A man watching them on a screen picks up his phone.)

Man: Jannette, two men have just entered the building, are they registered with us?
Jannette: No sir, they aren't any of ours.
Man: Invite them up. This may prove interesting.
Jannette: Yes, Mr. Apex.

(Cortex sneaks into a room and probes a file cabinet. Crash opens a broom closet and a clutter of mops and brooms falls on him)

Cortex: You're not going to find anything in a broom closet.
Crash: Yeah I did. I found a broom.
Cortex: At this rate we'll get nowhere.
Crash: Well what do you expect, it's not like whoever’s in charge here is going to just ask us to meet with him.

(The door of the room opens, a large squirrel man enters)

Squirrel: Excuse me, Mr. Apex has requested to see you.
Crash: Or maybe I could be wrong.

(The squirrel escorts them to the top floor of the building)

Crash: Do you think we should be going with this guy?
Cortex: Of course he's taking us straight to where we need to go. I'd like to speak to this Apex, and yell at him for stealing my idea.

(The squirrel takes them to a room)

Squirrel: Here they are Mr. Apex.
Apex: Good. (To Cortex and Crash) I was watching my security cameras and I happened to notice you two going through restricted areas. Now normally I'd have you both arrested by the police, but after seeing YOU (he points to Crash) I was intrigued. Who are you and what are you doing here?
Cortex: Mr. Apex, I am Dr. Neo Cortex, (angry) and you sir are stealing my idea for using mutant animals to take over the world!
Crash: (under his breath, sarcastically) Smooth Cortex, real smooth.
Apex: Well, Mr. Cortex…
Cortex: That's DR. Cortex!
Apex: Well, Doctor, I can safely deny these allegations. Yes I have been using mutant animals, but I already rule the world.
Crash: Come again?
Apex: Apex Tech is one of the richest businesses in the world, and we have subsidiaries all over the globe.
Crash: But… Why the mutants?
Apex: Once you're on the top many try to knock you down. When my business passed the multi-million mark other businesses tried to keep up. I had my best scientists come up with a way to "scare" away the competition. And he produced these animals.

(There is a knock on the door. Tabitha enters)

Tabitha: John, I'm sorry I'm late. I was held up at a meeting. (she sees Crash and Cortex) John, who are these people?
Apex: Ah, Tabitha. So glad you came. Gentlemen this is Tabitha Katz, the head of my cosmetics subsidiary, and one of my more impressive creations. Tabitha, you couldn't have come at a better moment. It seems that Dr. Cortex here thinks that I have stolen his idea for global domination after seeing your co-workers. (To Cortex) But I can assure you sir, that I have only been using these mutants for ridding my company of its competition.
Cortex: Do you expect us to buy that?
Tabitha: Well, I'm not surprised you don't believe us. Our mutants are formidable. Its only natural mad scientist would feel threatened.
Crash: What about the kidnappings?
Apex: What kidnappings? My personnel were never told to kidnap anyone. Tabitha, do you know anything about this?

(Tabitha looks fearful.)

Tabitha: John, I do not. They're obviously making it up.
Cortex: Are you calling us liars?
Crash: Well you do tend to fib a lot.
Cortex: (annoyed) Quiet down Crash. (To Apex) Kidnappings or not, you're still stealing my idea - I can sue you.
Apex: Even if you could pull off charges, my legal resources are probably far superior than any lawyer you could dig up.
Cortex: Oh, yeah… (He and Apex argue back and forth, Tabitha approaches Crash)
Tabitha: Why don't you and I go somewhere quieter.
Crash: (Nervously) Well I, I, should stay here just in case… (She pulls him out into the hallway)
Tabitha: Crash is it? While those two are at each other's throats, do you have any questions for me?
Crash: I'd just like to know why he's denying he knows about the kidnappings.
Tabitha: Oh, he's not lying. John really doesn't know about the mutants kidnapping humans.
Crash: But if he's not telling them to do it, who is?
Tabitha: Why, me of course. Poor John, he has no idea I've been commanding his mutants behind his back.
Crash: You're doing this!?! Why?
Tabitha: It's all for the uprising. We animals know that the human shouldn't be running the world - soon only we will prevail.
Crash: Why are you telling me all this?
Tabitha: I thought you would be interested in joining us. Seeing how you work for Cortex…
Crash: (Repulsed) Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold it. I do NOT work for Cortex, and we don't even like each other. We're only working together now to stop you.
Tabitha: I'm sorry I thought you had the sense to see things our way, I guess I miss judged you.
Crash: You got that right. (He goes back into the office. Bruno comes up behind Tabitha.)
Bruno: Who was that?
Tabitha: I thought he could be useful to us. But he apparently will oppose us. (With false concern) Oh, dear and I do believe I told him too much about us. But that can be remedied, right Bruno. (She laughs wickedly)

[In the office, Crash tries to talk to Cortex, who is busy arguing with Apex.]

Crash: Pssst. Cortex. We need to talk.
Cortex: Not now, Crash, I'm fighting. (To Apex) What do you mean I have no case!?
Apex: There isn't a court in the world that would condemn me.
Cortex: Well, what about Animal court?
Crash: But this is important…
Cortex: Go away! (To Apex) You sir should be aware of copyright laws.
Apex: You can't copyright an idea.
Cortex: Well see about that. (He starts to storm out of the office) You will hear from my lawyer about his!

(He stomps out of the office, into the hallway and gets into the elevator. Crash follows.)

Crash: Now will you listen?
Cortex: What was so important that you had to interrupt me while I was yelling?
Crash: Apex isn't the one trying to take over the world. The cat lady is.
Cortex: What, her? She's their boss?
Crash: Yeah, she told me everything in the hall.
Cortex: Why didn't you tell me that before I made myself look like a fool in there?
Crash: Well, I tried to tell you. (The elevator stops) We should go back up there and tell Apex she's using him.

(The elevator doors open. There are mutant dog men standing there pointing guns into the open elevator.)

Dog: We don't think you'll be doing that. Miss Katz gave us orders to stop you two.
Cortex: (cowers behind Crash) Take him! He's the one you want!
Dog: Miss Katz said to get the both of you.
Crash: (thinks a moment) Hey look, free Kibbles and Bits! (The dogs turn around; Crash grabs Cortex and runs away)
Dog: (seeing them get away) Hey! After them!

(The dogs follow in pursuit, Tabitha who is watching calls after them)

Tabitha: Don't go too hard on them - I want them alive.

(The dogs corner Crash and Cortex)

Cortex: (To Crash) Don't just stand there, do something! You're the hero.
Crash: (Fearful) But they have guns, big guns.
Tabitha: Don't worry boys - I have other plans for you. (She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a little grey ball and throws it to the ground. The ball emits a think smoke)
Crash: (coughing) What the… [cough, cough] what is this?
Cortex: Its, [cough] it's gas.
Crash: Oh, (He loses conciseness, falling on Cortex.)
Cortex: Get off of me you bumbling bandicoot. (Crash snores loudly, Cortex loses conciseness and falls to the ground.)
Tabitha: (to the dogs) Take them to the lab and tell Dr. Ranged I have plans for them.

[Back at the hideout, Coco is at her laptop, Danni is playing with Rex, Jacko is playing charades with Koala Kong, Moe, and Ripper. Pinstripe, Dingodile, and Joe are sitting on the couch watching the idiocy board out of their minds.]

Jacko: I got it, it's a movie.

(Moe is acting out a word)

Koala Kong: Terms of endearment?

(Moe motions with his sword)

Jacko: Scream? I know what you did last summer?
Koala Kong: Titanic?

(Moe points to Ripper)

Jacko: Oh, Psycho!
Moe: You got it.

(Danni giggles a bit at the group, but she then looks at Coco. Coco is staring at her computer screen but she seems preoccupied with worry)

Danni: What's the matter mate?
Coco: I'm worried. They've been gone way too long.
Danni: I've been worried too. Maybe we should go lookin' for um?
Coco: That's a great idea Danni. (She turns to Jacko.) Rex, Danni and me are going to look for Crash. Can you keep an eye on these guys?
Jacko: Don' worry `bout a thing. I think I can keep these rabble rousers unda` control.
Danni: Thanks Jacko. (She and Coco leave, Rex follows)

[Jacko turns to the minions]

Jacko: Aright then, who's up fer anotha' round `a charades?
Moe, Koala Kong and Ripper: Yeah!
Pinstripe, Dingodile and Joe: No!

[Crash opens his eyes. He tries to move but his arms and legs are tied down. He looks around, he is in lab strapped to a table. A dark figure approaches him. It's Tabitha.]

Tabitha: Oh good, you're awake. We were waiting for you.
Crash: We?
Ranged: (Stepping into view) She means me.
Crash: And you are?
Ranged: Dr. Darrin Ranged. I developed the mutants you've been seeing around the city.

(Cortex is strapped to another table across the room)

Cortex: So you're the one. That was my idea! I came up with it first!
Crash: What are you going to do with us?
Tabitha: I thought you had the potential to join the uprising. But you're too soft to ever work for me.
Cortex: (laughs loudly) I realized that years ago! He's too soft to work for anyone.
Crash: Hey, do I go dissing you in front of people?
Cortex: Yes you do.
Crash: Oh yeah.
Tabitha: Any way, instead of just killing you I've decided to let you both witness the uprising first hand. Dr. Ranged, do your stuff.
Ranged: With pleasure Miss Katz. (Ranged goes over to Crash with a syringe of yellow liquid.)
Crash: What's that?
Ranged: The key element to the uprising. The transmutagenic serum, the very substance used to turn animals into mutants and humans into animals. (He injects Crash with the liquid.)
Crash: Why are you doing this?
Ranged: I've always thought my talents were being wasted working as a tech boy in Apex's research subsidiary. But when I developed the transmutagenic serum, I got noticed and promoted to making mutants to threaten rival companies. But that still wasn't enough, until I found Tabitha. She was just an ally cat of the streets, and I made her into the beautiful creature you see before you. She had ideas about using my serum to change all animals into humanoids and getting rid of all humans who refuse to join us.
Cortex: Did your colleagues in college make fun of you too?

(Ranged takes another syringe and injects a liquid into Cortex)

Cortex: Ouchie! That hurt!
Crash: (to himself) And Coco calls me a baby.
Ranged: (to Tabitha) All done Tabby.
Tabitha: Good. Ready the strobe.
Crash: You're going to mutate us?
Cortex: I don't want to be mutated! I like being human.
Ranged: Don't worry, you may feel some unpleasantness, but only for a few moments.

[Ranged turns on a large strobe light in the centre of the lab. Crash struggles but cannot escape his bonds. He suddenly feels dizzy; a burning sensation fills his body. The paralysing pain engulfs him, he screams out. The pain becomes too great, he blacks out. He awakes in a dark room. He feels weak and woozy. He looks around the poorly lit room, it is lavishly decorated with frilly pillows and matching curtains, it appears to be a hotel room. He is no longer tied down. He sits up, but is stopped by his dizziness. Groaning he lays his head in his hands. Something is wrong - his face feels his strange. His nose and ears are smaller than normal, and his fur is gone. He franticly feels his arms and body; there is no fur anywhere on him except the top of his head. Now completely hysterical, Crash gropes the walls of the room for a light switch. Finding one and flipping it on he looks for a mirror. There is one on the wall, he looks into it and reels back in shock, the face staring back at him is human. Dr. Ranged's serum had mutated him into a slim, youthful, human. Crash stares at his reflection breathing heavily.]

Crash: (In shock) What did they do to me? (He touches his face, gazing at his smooth, peachy skin in the mirror.) I've got to get out of here.

(He finds the door and opens it. Steel bars block the way out. He's trapped. Tabitha is waiting outside.)

Tabitha: Oh, Crash, I was waiting for you to show your new self.
Crash: What did you do to me? Why?
Tabitha: Don't you like it? You make a very handsome human. (She touches his face, he jerks away)
Crash: What's your scam Katz?
Tabitha: Always with the questions… You see the human race has out lived its role as the dominant species on this planet. It's time for animals to take their rightful place as the rulers of Earth.
Crash: What do you have against humans? Sure some of them aren't saints but not all of them are bad.
Tabitha: (lashing out with anger) How many humans have you actually known? You don't know what it's like in the city. They throw you out with the trash, leave you on the streets to rot! Humans don't care about animals. Of coarse I don't dispise all humans, Dr. Ranged for one understands what turmoil animals have been put through and soon all humans will when we turn them into animals.
Crash: That's why you've been kidnapping people - to test the mutigen on them.
Tabitha: Right. And any humans that may get in our way… will be exterminated.
Crash: That's why you made me a human - your minions wouldn't kill me if they knew I was an animal.
Tabitha: (Pats him on the head) Such a smart boy. Yes you are going to be terminated. You may as well enjoy your new form - you won't have it for long. (She brings over a squirrel guard.) Keep an eye on him - make sure he does not escape.

(She leaves. The guard sits across from the door and watches the cell. Crash nervously paces his cell talking to himself.)

Crash: There's got to be a way out of here. I have to warn Coco about Tabitha.

(He hears something outside his door. The Guard has fallen asleep. Crash sees the keys to the cell hanging on the guard's belt. He looks around the room for something to get them with. He spies a broom behind a curtain. Carefully, he sticks the broom through the bars and lifts the keys off of the guard's belt. He takes the keys, opens the barred door and quietly escapes.)

Crash: This is terrible, how am I going to get out of this mess.? (He passes by more barred doors, he hears a familiar voice moping in one of the rooms. He puts his ear to the door and listens) Cortex is that you?
Cortex: (from behind the door) Yes.
Crash: They locked you up too, huh? Listen, I found out what the uprising is. (He uses the keys and opens the door.) I know we haven't gotten along, but if we work together we can stop these guys. (He takes a step into the room; Cortex is hiding in the shadows.)
Cortex: Don't come in here.
Crash: Why not?
Cortex: I don't want you to look at me.
Crash: And why can't I look at you? (Crash turns on a light and gasps in horror. Like him, Cortex too had been changed, but into something neither of them had expected. Cortex had been turned into a bandicoot.)
Cortex: Oh, how I hate irony.

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