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The smoke coming into the elevator, starts to get deathly thicker and thicker.

Danni: NOOOO! [she begins nearly clawing on the door, she is also choking on the fumes]

Crash's heart is pounding....

Crash: [choking on the fumes] *cough* SOMEBODY HELP!! *gasp* GET US OUT!!

The smoke starts to get incredibly thick. So thick that Crash and Danni can't see each other...

Crash: DANNI!! *cough* Where ARE YOU!! [panics]

Danni starts to choke badly on the smoke. She cries...

Danni: *gasp* I CAN'T BREATHE!! *cough* CRASH! HELP!
Crash: *cough* I can't see you!!

Crash looks around. His eyes are stinging from the fumes. He is panicking. His heart was pounding. He can't see her... Danni starts to feel queasy. She is losing oxygen. They BOTH are. She slumps to the ground. her eyes beginning to close.

Danni: [tiredly] I... *gasp* can't... b... breathe...

She passes out. The smoke is too intense...

Crash: [still panicking] DANNI? *cough* WHERE ARE YOU GIRL?? [his eyes widen with worry] DANNI I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!

Suddenly, the watch round his wrist starts to bleep. He jumps, and is still gasping for air. He manages to see the button through the thick smoke. And turns it on... He manages to see Coco's worried face on the watches screen.

Crash: [still choking] COCO! *gasp* Is that you??

Coco looks back at Crash. She gasps...


Coco is panicking herself, as she sees that Crash is struggling to breathe. She is terrified. She turns to the others...

Jacko: Huh?

They run over to Coco's laptop and look through.

Coco: [whimpering] Oh my goodness! They're gonna die! They're gonna die!!

The minions don't know whether to be happy or sad. Neither does Cortex. They continue looking at the screen. Coco starts to sob. There’s nothing she can do for her brother. Or Danni. Jacko looks at the screen in shock. He thinks of something. Then shouts at the screen.

Crash: [shouting back] YES! *gasp* I CAN! *cough* BUT I CAN'T LAST *gasp* MUCH LONGER!!
Crash: [trembling with fear] I C-C-CAN'T!!

Crash is choking on the smoke. He is starting to get queasy himself. He has to at least try to pry the door open... He takes as much air in as he can and puts his fingers in between the spaces of the door. An adrenaline rush is running through him, thanks to fear and panic... He cries out giving in all his strength...


Suddenly, there is a clicking noise. The doors are slowly opening... He's done it. More smoke meets Crash in the face. Making him gasp even more. He then gasps...

Crash: Danni!

He turns around and fumbles in the thick smoke. He can now feel the heat, which is climbing through the building. His heart is pounding fiercely... He has to find her... His hand touches something silky... A dress.

Crash: [his voice wavering in fear] D-DANNI? DANNI CAN YOU HEAR ME?

There is no response from her.

Crash: No...

He picks her up and holds her in his arms. He looks out of the door. How will they get out? Jacko shouts to Crash through the watch.

Jacko: CRASH! YOU OK!!?
Crash: [in dismay] HOW *cough* DO I GET OUT?
Jacko: [a sudden Idea pops in his head] TRY SLIDING DOWN THE LIFT’S CABLES!!
Coco: [turns to Jacko still worried] Will it work??
Jacko: [sadly] I hope so! It's their only chance!!

Coco's laptop suddenly shorts out. It goes black. She and Jacko gasp...

Coco: CRASH!

Crash, looking through the hot thick smoke. Looks down through the gap between the lift and the rest of the building... Escaping down there is his and Danni's only chance of survival....

Crash: [cradling Danni in his arms] Danni! *Cough* I'll GET US OUTTA HERE! *Gasp*

He holds her over his shoulder. And slides his slim body through the gap. He meets a cable that goes all the way to the ground. He grabs hold of it, trembling....

Crash: [his eyes closed, as if praying] I hope this works.

He then loosens his grip, making him and Danni slide down the cable... And just in time too. As the flames have now engulfed the lift. Suddenly the cables that Crash is holding starts to get hotter... Crash yelps.

Crash: GAAH!

He grits his teeth, trying to bear the pain... He is nearing the bottom... All of a sudden, the cables at the top of the lift snap. The lift starts to crumble and fall. Hurtling towards them both... Crash, reaches the bottom, STILL holding Danni. He looks up and panics... Meanwhile outside the burning building, Coco is trembling with fear. Her eyes fill with tears...

Coco: [sobbing] Please Crash...You two have just gotta make it!!

Jacko puts his hand on her shoulder, sadly.

Jacko: [whispering to himself] C'mon Crash!

Cortex, however, is secretly smiling to himself... The other minions are standing around, Moe is laughing, still drunk. Joe shuts him up.

Joe: SSHUT UP YOU IDIOT! Even if he isss our enemy you've ssstill got to ssshow a bit of resspect!

Apex, is starting to come round. He groans slightly and looks up to see Dingodile's scaly face. Staring back at him. He screams.

Dingodile: [to the others] 'ERE! Looks like he's FINALLY woken up! [Apex goes to sit up, but Dingodile pushes him down] AY! Yer not goin' anywhere!!

Apex looks around to see the burning hotel. He gasps in shock at the other minions staring at him. Tiny's ears prick up...

Tiny: Hey! What that sound??

Tiny runs up to the side of the burning building. Everyone looks at him. He puts his ear to the warm metal door. And hears a banging sound.

Tiny: I hear banging!!
Coco: [stands up suddenly] IT COULD BE CRASH AND DANNI!
Tiny: [smiling] Right! Tiny want action!

He roars and sticks his fingers between the gap of the metal door. And with all his might... rips it open like it was just a piece of cardboard. In an instant, Crash rushes out... Carrying an unconscious Danni in his arms... While the lift falls to the ground behind him, with an almighty smash and misses him and Tiny by an inch...

Meanwhile, back at the hideout... Terry and Cassie are still playing with Rex, although getting tired.

Cassie: Doesn't he ever get tired of playing?
Terry: Let's just keep on--I don't think we'd wanna get on this thing's bad side...

They had the radio on, like Coco said for them to. Suddenly, the music is interrupted by a news flash.

Reporter on radio: This just in: It appears that the Waldorf Historia has caught fire!

Cassie, Terry, and Rex stop playing and go up closer to the radio.

Cassie: Hey, that's where Crash and the others are supposed to be at! What's happened?
Reporter: Rumour has it that freak animals were the cause. More as it breaks...

Terry turns off the radio. He has a worried look on his face.

Terry: Cassie, we hafta go down there and see if they're OK! C'mon!

The two hop on Rex, and they ride of towards the Waldorf Historia...


Some of Cortex's minions (Not Tiny, because the fallen lift had scared him so much he became petrified) and Crash, Coco, and Jacko gathered around Danni. Cortex stood away from the gathering, snickering to himself.

Cortex: (Whispering to himself) Oh, I knew this day would come to you, Danni... hehehe! The day where you go down... and I didn't even hafta get my hands dirty! *Snicker*

Crash nudges Danni, trying to wake her up...

Crash: Danni! Danni, please wake up! C'mon! (He starts to cry lightly. Some of the minions actually feel sorry for him)
Joe: (Thinking) Gee, how sssad... poor guy... I sssure wouldn't want thisss to happen to me... WAIT, WHAT AM I THINKING?
Apex: Excuse me, but... What is going on?
Dingodile: Listen you - hush up fer now.

Apex, although confused and full of questions, shuts up. Crash continues nudging Danni... Jacko joins in, too...

[Tabitha and her minions emerge from a dark ally a few blocks from the burning hotel.]

Tommy-boy: Gee, boss whatta we gonna do now?
Tabitha: We have to go back to Dr. Ranged lab and tell him of this unfortunate news.
Bruno: Miss Katz, I am sorry I let the prisoners escape. I will not fail you next time.
Tabitha: No time for grovelling now Bruno. We must get to the lab. I have a new plan. That Crash and his helpers may have turned some of our plans against us. But that won't stop the world from buying the mutagen perfume.

(Rudy and Cooper come up to Tabitha.)

Rudy: Miss Katz, we hot-wired a car for you so you don't need ta be seen on the street.
Tabitha: Thank you Rudy. (They enter a black car and start driving off. As they go down the road Tommy-boy notices something coming towards them.)
Tommy-boy: Hey, boss, what's that?

(Tabitha looks ahead - slowly she sees what it is. Cassie and Terry perched on Rex were coming down the road.)

Tabitha: So, it's her. Bruno, stop the car and grab them. (She laughs wickedly.)

[Crash worringly taps Danni gently on the face. She coughs quietly, then gasps.]

Crash: I think she's ok!
Danni: Wha... Crash, Jacko?
Jacko: Danni, you ok there mate?
Danni: I *cough* I think so.
Crash: Thank heaven.
Moe: (drunkily) Oh happy day.
Joe: Oh, sssober up.
Apex: I don't know what's going on, but it would help if somebody explained. (Pushes Dingodile aside) And you get out of my face you, what ever you are.
Dingodile: Hey, watch it who ya pushin' ya ruddy twit.
Cortex: That Tabitha Katz wants to mutate all the humans in the world into animals. (whines) Look what she did to me.

[Apex looks at Cortex, then at Crash and Danni, then at the burning hotel across the street.]

Apex: Tabitha... did this?
Coco: You better believe it.
Apex: But I trusted her. She was helping my company.
Crash: She was using you and your company to get the resources she needed to fulfil her plans.
Apex: (Getting angry) That cat, she betrayed me. She even tried to kill me back at the hotel. I can't believe I trusted her for so long.
Crash: Now do you believe us?
Apex: I guess so. Oh, my company can't be linked to this disaster. I'll be ruined.
Cortex: Stop being so selfish, what about me?

[There is a scream coming from a distance.]

Coco: Was that Cassie?
Crash: It was! It came from down there. Come on! (He runs to where the scream came from.)
Coco: Crash! Wait up! You're still too weak to do any fighting! (She runs after him.)

[They run down the street and see Bruno attacking Cassie and Terry. Rex is trying to bite Bruno's behind.]

Bruno: Go away you little lizard! (He kicks Rex away)
Terry: Let go of us!
Cassie: (Screaming) Help!
Crash: Hold it right there, dog face! Mess with my friends and you have to mess with me!

Crash goes to leap towards Bruno. Rudy suddenly jumps him from behind... Crash whirls round, only to be punched by Rudy. He falls to the ground.

Rudy: Not so fast there smoothskin! I've got a bone to pick with you!!

Dingodile comes up from behind him and taps him on the shoulders. Rudy turns around to come face to face with him. He gulps...

Dingodile: [smiling wickedly] You forgot me!! [he then punches Rudy, square on the nose]
Tiny: YES! Tiny get more action!!

He goes to grab Tommy-boy.

Tommy-boy: [to Rudy] BOSS! HAAYYELLPP!!
Rudy: [rubbing his nose] I got my hands full here!

Coco helps Crash up. They both look towards Bruno and Tabitha, who are still holding Terry and Cassie captive...

Crash: C'MON! [he goes to run, but he instantly gets dizzy and falls to the floor]
Coco: Crash!
Crash: [shaking his head] Uhhgg! I feel so dizzy!
Coco: [helping him up] Crash! You're still ill from the fumes! You stay back! Me, Jacko and Cortex's minions will sort this out!!
Crash: No. I can't stand about! [shakes his head again] I HAVE to do something!

He stands up, and shouts to Bruno...


Bruno growls. He turns to Tabitha.

Bruno: Let me at him Tabitha! I'll rip him ta shreds!!
Tabitha: NO! Not yet! First get the girl and her boyfriend into the car... [to Cooper] COOPER! You drive!!
Cooper: Right mam!

He goes to get into the car, when suddenly Jacko comes bounding up and slams him with his tail.

Cooper: YOOWWCHH!!
Jacko: [growls] Not so fast there mate!

He turns to Cortex, who is hiding behind a sniggering Ripper Roo.

Jacko: Cortex! Help us! You wanna get rid a these creeps as well as us don't ya?
Cortex: [panicking] I'm NOT hurting myself!! [he cowers behind Ripper]
Jacko: [angrily to himself] Maybe Crash WAS right about that Cortex fella afta all!

Danni groans, and tries to stand up. Rex comes limping up to her. (after he got kicked by Bruno) He nudges her...

Danni: [still groggy from the fire] R… Rex?

Rex: Arf? (You OK? Danni?)

Danni looks up to see Bruno is still attacking Crash and Coco... She turns to Rex....

Danni: Wait there Rex! I gotta help Crash and Coco!

She stands up, and suddenly groans. She is just as bad from the smoke that engulfed her lungs. She feels giddy. Rex nudges her concerned...

Rex: Grrr… Arf! (Danni! You're not well! Sit this one out!!)

Danni ignores Rex's plea to rest, and stands up. She reaches from under her dress sleeve and pulls out... Her boomerang! She smiles...

Danni: Am I glad I brought you along!

She then runs towards the fight.

Danni: Hang on guys!

Cooper meanwhile, coming round, sees that Crash is about to fight Bruno. He goes to reach his gun. He is about to shoot at Crash, when Jacko clunks him on the head hard...

Jacko: [to an unconscious Cooper] I thought I told you... NOT SO FAST!

Crash walks up to Bruno, who is STILL holding Terry and Cassie in his brutal arms.

Crash: [angrily, gritting his teeth] Let... them... go!

Bruno snarls.

Bruno: NEVER!

Terry growls and clamps his teeth onto Bruno's thick arms. Bruno yelps and lets go of both him and Cassie.

Crash: [to Terry and Cassie] Run! Both of you!!

Terry could see, however that Crash didn't look so good. He didn't look well...

Terry: You OK? Crash? [concerned]
Crash: I'm fine! Now run for it!

Terry grabs hold of Cassie's hand and they go to run for safety. Crash watches them... He goes to turn around, when... Bruno knocks Crash flying, by his fist. Crash falls to the floor, winded.

Bruno: [laughing] HA! You're no match for me!!
Crash: [growling] Is that so?? [feels dizzy again] Ohh! My head!
Bruno: Heheh! INDEED!

Bruno then grabs Crash in a choking headlock. Crash struggles. Coco looks on in horror...

Coco: CRASH! [she turns to the minions] C'MON! GUYS! HELP HIM!!
Tiny: Uhhh Coco?
Coco: [worried] W-what?

She turns around, to see Tabitha's minions surrounding her, Apex, Cortex and his minions... brandishing knives and weapons.

Tiny: Tiny no think we can help you!

Coco gulps... Terry and Cassie are hiding behind Rex. Terry turns to Cassie...

Terry: I HAVE to do something! Those are our friends out there!
Cassie: [trembling] I’M SCARED!!

They both turn around, to see Tabitha. Staring at them icily. She is with two other members of her gang. She looks at them and points to Terry...

Tabitha: Sic' him BOYS!
Cassie: NOOO!!

The two larger Dogs go to close in on Terry. He growls and leaps at them. They start fighting. He shouts to Cassie…


Cassie stands back in shock, but is grabbed from behind by Tabitha. She screams...

Cassie: NO! Let go of me!!
Tabitha: [grinning evily] Oh but I NEED you my dear! You're coming... With ME!

Suddenly something strikes her at the back of the head. She falls to the floor, Cassie turns around to see Danni looking at her, still shaking with queasiness but smiling...

Danni: Run Cassie!
Cassie: B-B-But??
Danni: You have to hide! RUN!
Cassie immediately runs and hides behind Rex who is hiding behind a broken up wall, trembling. Danni sees Tabitha is trying to get up. She smirks. But she is still feeling groggy and shaky from the fire. She turns around to see Crash, in trouble. Bruno is still choking him.

Danni: NO! [gasps] HANG ON CRASH! I'M COMING!!

She immediately goes to run, but is punched suddenly in the back. She groans and flops to the floor, dropping her boomerang, which falls a few metres in front of her. She looks up wearily... Suddenly the feel of cold, shiny metal is being pressed to the back of her head... She takes a glimpse upwards to see Rudy is standing behind her, holding a gun against her head. Tabitha behind him, rubbing her head angrily... Rudy laughs....

Rudy: Well hi there, sweet cheeks... We meet again!!...

[Rudy presses the cold gun barrel close to the back of Danni's head. She shivers with fear but grits her teeth.]

Danni: You would really shoot me in the back `a the head?
Rudy: Nah, I'm not the kinda creep that would shoot a defenceless broad. I'll let you go... if you give me a kiss. (He puckers up. She kicks him in the face.)
Danni: Ya may've been born a rat, but yer definitely a pig!
Tommy-boy: You're just not getting any luck with the ladies, huh Rudy.
Rudy: Shuddap! (he turns to Danni ) You got some nerve kicking me like that sweet- cheeks.
Danni: Stop callin' me sweet-cheeks.
Rudy: I can use whatever name I want, `cause I got the gun.

(Dingodile sneaks up behind Rudy and smacks him in the back of the head with his flamethrower. Rudy drops his gun and falls over.)

Dingodile: Not any more ya don't.

(Meanwhile, Bruno's hold on Crash is getting tighter. Crash can feel the very air being crushed from his body; he starts blacking out.)

Bruno: Farewell, human.
Crash: (Weakly) I am... a bandicoot!!!

(Crash kicks Bruno in the groin. Bruno coughs and drops Crash to the ground. Crash gasps for air and crawls away. Bruno falls to the ground barley missing Crash.)

Coco: (kicking away a mutant) Crash, get Cassie and Terry out of here!
Crash: Right away. (He runs over to Cassie and Terry who are cowering in the shadow of the on coming mutants and Tabitha. Rex growls at them.)
Terry: Leave us alone!
Tabitha: I'm afraid I cannot. You two are too important to my plans.
Cassie: (close to tears) What do you want with us? What did we ever do to you?
Tabitha: You want to know what you did to me?!? Insolent fool. Just like a human not to notice their misdeeds. Don't you remember me Cassie? I was your pet kitten.
Cassie: (eyes widening) Tabby? But that was years ago.
Tabitha: Yes years, you left me on the street. You abandoned me, a helpless kitten, against the cold cruel world.
Cassie: But I was a little kid. I didn't mean to leave you alone. I tried to find you a good home, but nobody wanted a kitten.
Tabitha: Liar! You didn't try hard enough. Didn't you love me Cassie? Or was I just a disposable toy for you?
Cassie: Tabitha, I DID try, really I did.
Tabitha: It's too late, you can't take back the pain you've given me. It's time to pay for it. (She bares her claws.) Time to pay dearly.

(Cassie whimpers, Terry growls.)

Crash: Leave them alone Tabitha!
Tabitha: (turning around) Crash, You just won't give up will you. I guess I'll just have to kill you.
Cortex: (From the sidewalk) Hah! Good luck!
Crash: Stay out of this Cortex.
Tabitha: You really wish to fight me?
Crash: If you're concerned about me being un-gentleman like, you're not much of a lady if you attack innocent people.
Tabitha: You're the one who should be concerned, you are defenceless, and I have these. (She exposes her claws and fangs, leaping at him.)

[At the same time, The Komodo Bros., Tiny, Ripper, Jacko and Koala Kong battle the other mutants.]

Tiny: (throwing a mutant over his head) Tiny having fun!
Jacko: Speak fer yerself mate, there's too many of em fer me ta handle.
Moe: Lemme fight Joe, I can take um all on.
Joe: I thought I told you to sssit down.
Moe: But I wanna fight. I can sssick um. (He spins around drunkenly) Ooh, look at all the colorssss.
Joe: Ssssit down.
Moe: Oh, all right. (He turns around, only to slam face first into a lamppost.) Exxxcuse me ma'am.

[At the time, Dingodile and Rudy are wrestling each other. Tommy-boy watches in excitement, Danni tries to get up without the rats noticing her.]

Rudy: I've had it up to HERE with you freak-show!
Dingodile: An` you've got me angry with yer attitude eva' since I got `ere.
Tommy-boy: Punch him Rudy! Punch him!

(Rudy winds up and attempts to punch Dingodile. Dingodile grabs Rudy by the nose and throws him over his shoulder. )

Rudy: Think you're so tough huh? (He reaches into his shoe) I still have THIS! (He reveals he has a small handgun.)

Dingodile: Haw! Ya think that puny thing can beat this? (Proudly shows off his flame-thrower.)
Tommy-boy: I can help you Rudy! (He lunges at Dingodile, pulling out the tube connecting his Flame-thrower to its pack, spilling its fuel to the street.)
Dingodile: (Smacking Tommy-boy) Daft bugga`, ya broke it. (He grabs Tommy-boy by the shirt.)
Tommy-boy: (Laughs nervously) Would it help if I said I was sorry?

(Rudy, seeing Dingodile distracted, takes this opportunity to aim at him with his gun. Danni sees that Dingodile's in danger and gasps. She suddenly notices something under her hand. Her boomerang.)

Rudy: (Ready to shoot.) Say goodnight freak-show.

(Danni throws her boomerang at Rudy hitting him in the head. He misfires. Dingodile yelps out and falls to the ground, letting go of Tommy-boy.)

Danni: Oh no. (She runs over to Dingodile kneeling on the floor in pain.)
Dingodile: (Holding his leg) Ah! Ruddy ‘eck!
Danni: Are you all right?
Dingodile: Leave me alone. It only nicked my leg. Now SHOVE OFF! I CAN TAKE CARE OFF MESELF! (He curses under his breath.)
Rudy: Hey, I was aiming for his head! You made me miss.
Danni: You better watch it or I'll hit you again.
Rudy: What's your problem sweet-cheeks, you like this freak-show?
Tommy-boy: Heh, heh! (singy-songy) Sweet-cheeks likes the freak-show, Sweet-cheeks likes the freak-show. (Danni and Dingodile jump on him and start beating him up.) Ahhh! Rudy help me!

[Meanwhile, Tabitha and Crash are still fighting.]

Tabitha: Do you truly believe you can beat me with all your animal powers stripped from you?
Crash: I may be a human on the outside, but I'll always be a bandicoot at heart!

(He charges at her knocking her onto the sidewalk. Tommy-boy, battered and beaten, meanders over to her and pulls on her pant leg.)

Tabitha: What do you want!?
Tommy-boy: Miss Katz, I found out something really important.
Tabitha: What?
Tommy-boy: Don't tease the dingoes. (He passes out.)

[Meanwhile, Pinstripe and Coco are busy fighting Cooper.]

Pinstripe: Come back here you feathered folly! (He shoots at him. Cooper dive-bombs at Coco.)
Coco: Eek! Watch it!
Pinstripe: (Still firing) Time for me to ruffle some feathers!

(Cooper flies overhead to escape the bullets, and spies a news van heading towards them.)

Cooper: (Shouting) Cheese it! It's the press!
Tabitha: Drat! We can't have the media finding out about us so soon to victory. Let's get out of here.

(She and the mutants pile into the car and speed away.)
Moe: (teetering about) And don't come back, or you're ssshishcabob.
Coco: There's a news truck coming!
Apex: We can't let the news see me associated with mutants. I'm already in hot water as it is!
Dingodile: Hey, we can get out through here! (He pops open a manhole lid and urges everyone to jump in.)
Cassie: Ewww! I'm not going in the sewer.
Terry: It's better than getting caught. (He takes her hand and they jump into the hole.)
Crash: Everybody in!

(He climbs in followed by the rest of the gang. Moe clumsily lands on top of Joe.)

Moe: Oopsss.
Joe: (Struggling) That'sss it Moe, you're going on a diet.

(Rex and Jacko jump down.)

Jacko: (Holding his nose) Oy, this place smells like a sewage dump.

(Cortex and Apex stand over the open manhole.)

Cortex: You first.
Apex: I can't go down there. It's disgusting.
Pinstripe: Get in there! (He pushes them in. Tiny then jumps but gets stuck.)
Tiny: Ugh, Tiny stuck in hole.
Pinstripe: Oh for cryin' out loud. (He steps on Tiny's head pushing him in.)
Tiny: Ow!

(As the news truck approaches the last of the group jump down the manhole and re-cover it.)

Coco: Do you think they saw us?
Danni: Can't tell. Let's hope not.
Jacko: Now what are we gonna do?
Terry: Well we can't let Katz ship that perfume. This city's crazy enough without everyone being turned into animals.
Apex: It's too late - the shipment goes out tomorrow.
Crash: Then you're going to have to stop it. Where's it being shipped from?
Apex: There's a factory in the Bronx. It's being made there.
Crash: Then that's where we need to be. You call that factory and tell whoever's there to stop the shipment. And if they can't, we're going to have to stop it ourselves.
Everyone: RIGHT!
Moe: Ssstop yelling. I have a headache.
Joe: Maybe now you'll think twiccce before you go on a drinking binge.
Dingodile: If he's gonna chunder, it'd betta' not be on me.

(Crash smiles then grabs his head, he is still dizzy.)

Crash: I think we all could use a rest.

Everyone rests. They are all exhausted. Especially Crash and Danni, who are still weak from the fumes. The smell, in the sewers though, is quite unpleasant...

Jacko: [holding his nose] Phew! How much longa do we 'afta stay 'ere?

Coco looks around. She turns to the others...

Coco: Listen. We STILL have to stop that shipment going through!!
Cortex: [sighing] So what do we do now? Brainiac??
Coco: [ignores Cortex's remark] Well... looks like we're going to have to split up again, and head for the Bronx!
Crash: Heheh! [smiling] That's my lil' sis! The brains of the bunch! ...OW!! [holds his head again]
Danni: Crash! You OK? [she puts her hand on his forehead]
Crash: I'm OK kid! [he smiles at her warmly]

Coco walks up to Crash and Danni.

Coco: [worried] You two are still weak from the fire. But.. [looks down the sewer] We HAVE to go and stop that shipment now!!
Crash: No! [gets up] Don't worry about me! I'll be fine!

He groans again. And cradles his head. Coco looks at him worried.

Coco: Please Crash! You and Danni have to rest! You'll get hurt!
Crash: [getting angry] Look! I'm FINE!
Danni: [sadly] No, Crash... She’s right! As much as I hate to admit it! We're still ill from those fumes.
Coco: [agreeing] Yes, you are! Look! You stay here. [looks at Dingodile] Dingodile can look after you!!
Dingodile: [shocked] Wha!? Me? No way am I gonna look after these chunda' heads!
Jacko: [angry] Chunda' head! Is that your word of tha month?

Cortex looks down the sewer and walks down it quickly. He turns to the others.

Cortex: Well? What are we waiting for? Come on! Lets get to Bronx! [sadly] I WANT MY HANDSOME BODY BACK!!
Crash: [angrily] Can't you stop thinking about yourself!?
Cortex: RIGHT THATS IT!! [fuming] LISTEN!! I'm not going to take any more orders from you! [pointing to Coco] Or your sister!!
Coco: [trying to reason, with Cortex] No... Please Cortex! We have to...
Cortex: [fuming and growling] SILENCE!! I'VE had enough! I'm going on my own!!! I can do this by myself!!!
Tiny: Can Tiny come boss??
Cortex: SHUT UP!!

Cortex heads off by himself down the sewers. Fuming to himself...

Tiny: OH! OH! Wait Boss!! Tiny want to come!! [he bounds off after Cortex]
Crash: Fine!! Cortex! GO AHEAD!!! [angrily] We can do this one without you!!
Coco: [to Crash] Crash! We need to keep this together!
Crash: Not with him! We don't!!
Danni: [cradling her head] Oh... I don't feel so good!
Crash: Danni?
Coco: No… [put her hand on Danni's forehead] You don't look too good. You'll both have to stay here!
Terry: Look! I'll stay too!!
Cassie: Terry! I don't want us to split up!
Terry: [puts his hand on Cassie’s cheek] I know Cassie! But someone has to look after Crash and Danni.

Coco turns around and sees the other minions heading down the sewers following Cortex.

Coco: HEY! WAIT! We have to stay together!! [turns to Crash, and hugs him] Don't worry big brother! I'll be fine!

Apex is looking around, still worried.

Apex: [to Coco] What do I do??
Coco: COME ON! Apex! We'll need your help!!

Terry is still hugging a tearful Cassie. Danni looks at them both, and sighs. She remembers the elevator moment with her and Crash... Maybe something could be special about them? …But now, she and Crash must rest. Coco turns to Crash with a reassuring smile...

Coco: [to Crash and Danni] I'll be alright!
Jacko: [smiling] Yep! We'll be back before you can say FLYING KANGAROO!!
Dingodile: [angrily] Yeah? Well I won't miss ya!

Coco, Cassie, Jacko and Apex go to walk down the sewers... After Cortex... Terry, Crash, Danni and Dingodile are then left, in the dark sewers... Crash shakes his head.

Terry: I hope they'll be OK!
Crash: I don't like any of this!
Danni: [holding herself uncomfortably] Neither do I!!
Crash: [looking at Danni] Why? What’s wrong?

Dingodile winces in pain. He looks down at his leg.

Dingodile: Gahhh! Looks like me legs playin' up again!! [looks at Danni] Because a YOU!

Danni looks to the floor sadly, then looks up at Crash, whispering... He can see the pain in her eyes...

Danni: [whispering] That’s why Crash... That’s why...

[Cortex and Tiny wander through the dark, damp sewer pipes.]

Tiny: Tiny scared.
Cortex: Stop being such a coward. We have to find that factory and stop this whole perfume business. Then we can find a way to change me back to my old handsome, human self and leave this wretched city. (He chuckles evilly) Ah, yes, and with my personage restored, and that bandicoot stuck as a pitiful Homo Sapiens, there will be nothing to stop me from taking over the world.
Tiny: (Guffaws happily) Cortex say happy things. (There is a loud thud from somewhere within the cavernous sewer. It echoes off the walls frightening Tiny.) TINY HEAR NOISE!!!!!!!!

(He attempts to leap into Cortex's arms but ends up squashing his master.)

Cortex: Get off of me you IDIOT!!!
Joe: (Coming into view) Sssettle down Tiny, it'sss just ussss.
Cortex: Next time you decide to follow someone, try not to sneak up like that.
Coco: We wouldn't have to if you had stayed with us in the first place.
Jacko: The kipper's right, them mutants are afta' all of us, is best we stick tagetha`.
Cortex: I wouldn't have to go on my own, if SHE wasn't so bossy.
Coco: Me bossy? Like you're any better.
Cassie: Come on you guys, stop fighting, we have a shipment to stop.
Apex: And I for one would like to get out of this sewer.
Cortex: Oh, all right. But this time I get to lead.
Coco: (Fed up) FINE!!

[Meanwhile, Crash, Danni, Terry, and Dingodile are in another part of the sewer. Danni is asleep; her head nestled on Crash's chest. Crash too is asleep, snoring loudly as usual, the snoring echoes off the hollow sewer walls. Terry sits closely by them, quietly in thought. Dingodile tries fixing his broken flamethrower to no avail, he cusses loudly.]

Terry: (to himself) Boy, this was not how I wanted to spend my weekend. (He notices Dingodile.)
Dingodile: (Punching the wall in anger) Ruddy piece `a junk!
Terry: What's your problem?
Dingodile: What da you care?
Terry: Nothing, just trying to make conversation.
Dingodile: Well I ain't in th` mood fer talkin'.
Terry: Aren't we anti-social?
Dingodile: (growls) What's that supposed ta mean?
Terry: You know you've been acting like a big grouch ever since we got down here.
Dingodile: Well I'm none too happy `bout bein' left outta the action and stuck with you dolts. (Looks at Danni ) `specially her.

(Danni stirs a bit and opens her eyes. She is about to go back to sleep when she overhears Terry and Dingodile talking about her.)

Terry: Why don't you like her?
Dingodile: I just don't. She makes me a creepy kinda uncomfortable, gives me th` willies.
Terry: What do you mean?
Dingodile: Aw, she's got some daft fancy that we used ta be mates. Always buggin' me `bout it. She's probably bonkers. [Pauses] Although sometimes… I just feel somethin', can't explain it. Just a weird feelin' scares me sometimes. And is only comes when SHE'S around. (He realizes he's said too much about his personal life.) WHO ASKED YOU ANYWAY?! Yer not my therapist.
Terry: Whoa! Sorry, I didn't mean to pry.
Dingodile: Well ya shouldn't.

[Danni sits up slightly to hear them better. Many thoughts are running through her mind. Is this how Dingodile really felt about her? Did she really instil those feelings in him? Where her efforts to bring out the good in him only driving him further away? She moves over to see them better, but without letting them see that she is awake. Crash mumbles dreamily, half-asleep he lays his head on Danni's lap.]

Crash: (Murmuring in his sleep.) I wanna wumpa fruit omelette for breakfast mommy.

(Danni smiles looking down at him, then turns her attention back to the others.)

Terry: So you never get personal with anyone, not even those guys you hang out with?
Dingodile: What did I just say about you keepin' yer yapper shut? (He suddenly winces and grasps his leg.) Gah! Darn this ruddy…
Terry: You should somebody to look at that leg.
Dingodile: What? You think yer a docta' now? It's justa flesh wound, I don't need no sympathy from you.
Terry: Humph, I was only trying to help.
Dingodile: You wanna help me? You can help me fix this. (He hands Terry the busted flamethrower.)

[Danni sighs softly and gently rubs her own leg. Although the pain had faded over two days ago, the memory of her scolding Crash and the others about it was still fresh in her mind. Many changes had happened to Danni and Dingodile since the time of Cortex, but there were always the unmistakable similarities between them. They were no longer the friends that she wished they still were, but even now he was still like her in so many ways, stubborn and angry due to a past that was not entirely remembered. And even if the reunion of their friendship was perpetually out of reach, there would always be the tie that binds, and that would always keep the small spark of hope in her heart.]

[Meanwhile, Tabitha and her lackeys arrive in Dr. Ranged's lab.]

Ranged: Tabitha, you're back from the fundraiser already?
Tabitha: Unfortunately the party was cut short due to the unforeseen interference of Crash and his motley crew.
Ranged: Perhaps it will cheer you up to hear that the factory called, the perfume is ready to be shipped out first thing in the morning.
Tabitha: (purring with joy) Perfect, and how long after will it take for our plan to reach fruition?
Ranged: According to my calculations the entire city will have bought and used the perfume within a week.
Tabitha: Oh good, and with the city saturated in our mutagen all we will need is a strobe large enough to activate the transformation in everyone contaminated.
Ranged: I've already given that thought ma'am, and I believe I've come to a conclusion to our query.
Tabitha: Kudos to you Dr. Ranged. (She turns to her minions.) You may all leave.
Cooper: Good, I need to preen. (He leaves)
Rudy: I'm gonna go soak my head. (He too leaves)
Tommy-boy: Wait for me Rudy. (He runs after Rudy)
Bruno: I'll stay here with you Miss Katz, if you don't mind. (He gives a cold stare to Dr. Ranged)
Tabitha: That's all right Bruno. I could use your company. (She turns to the doctor.) So where's this solution, Dr. Ranged?
Ranged: Right this way Miss Katz. (He escorts Tabitha and Bruno into a large room. In the center of the room is a small plane; attached to its front is a large light bulb.)
Bruno: And what is this plane supposed to do?
Ranged: As you can see, I've fastened a large strobe to its nose. This mega-strobe has a sweep of 50 miles from ten thousand feet in the air. It is programmed with an automatic computer pilot and a flight path straight over Manhattan.
Tabitha: (beaming) Wonderful! (laughs wickedly.) Absolutely wonderful!

Meanwhile, at that moment, Cortex, Coco, and the others are still walking down the sewers. Of course… The smell of the sewers is still lingering.

Tiny: Poo! [holds his nose] Tiny want out of stinky sewer!
Cortex: Oh shut up you stupid feline! [looks at Tiny angrily] We're almost there!
Coco: LOOK!

Everyone looks in Coco's direction, to see her pointing upwards to the opening of a manhole.

Coco: I think we are here Cortex! C'MON! Lets go!

Komodoe Moe cradles his head. He is now suffering from a hangover.

Moe: Ohhh… [still groggy] My head hurtsss.
Joe: SSServesss you right you ssstupid fool!
Moe: Are we there yet?
Joe: Yesss! We've made it to the Bronxxxxx!

Coco turns to everyone.

Coco: Right! We're here! EVERYONE. When we get to the top. We'll all SPLIT up like we did before!
Jacko: [looks up at the manhole] Right! Cassie, you come with me!
Cassie: [nervously] Oh...Okay!

Cortex looks on as his minions huddle up with Coco, Jacko and Cassie. Devising a plan. He growls under his breath and turns away from them. Things aren’t going the way he had planned. He wanted Crash and Danni to die in that fire too! And the final humiliation... He's a bandicoot himself now! He scrunches his eyes in anger. And thinks to himself...

Cortex: [to himself, fuming] Ohh! I'll have things my way very soon! [chuckles evily to himself] Which is a good thing they didn't know I was carrying this!

He looks down and pulls something, secretly out of his black trousers. A small metal device, glistening away, even in the dark sewers. It makes a light clicking and whirring sound. And a small LED light is bleeping on it. He grins to himself...

Cortex: Oh yes... [he chuckles] I'll get what I want... [his eyes widen with hate and anger] VERY soon!


Terry: I FIXED IT!

Terry, although it took him ages. Puts back in the final piece of Dingodile's broken flamethrower. Dingodile is sitting on the floor. Staring up at the mouldy ceiling of the sewer. He then looks at Terry.

Dingodile: Wha? Ya done yet?
Terry: Yep!

Danni, is half asleep, yet very tired. Lying herself against the wall of the sewers. Crash is still snoring away, snuggling himself up beside her. Danni's ears prick up, when she hears Terry's voice. She opens her eyes again. And overhears Dingodile's and Terry's conversation again... She looks over at them, making sure she is not seen. Terry goes over to Dingodile, and hands him the flamethrower. Dingodile, angrily snatches it from him. Terry frowns at him crossly…

Terry: What about a thank you?
Dingodile: [cradles his flamethrower] Whaddaya mean... THANKYOU??
Terry: [sighs angrily] Y'know. You really have to be more considerate to others. Especially when they help you out!
Dingodile: [to Terry, growling] And why should I help a bunch a good guys? Eh?
Terry: [sarcastically] Well... Lets see... Um…
Dingodile: [interrupting] Because nice guys finish LAST! That’s why! ...PLUS there are many more reasons!!

Danni, gently stands up. She holds Crash, making sure he dosen't fall to the ground and wake up. She gently lays him on the floor, while he is snoring away. Dreaming of Wumpa fruit pie. She smiles at him warmly, then looks over to where Dingodile and Terry are. A frown on her face... Terry looks at Dingodile.

Terry: Really Dingodile? Such as....
Dingodile: [snapping] HEY! Why should I 'afta tell you anyways? Eh? Stop askin' me questions!
Terry: [His voice in a serious tone] You know Dingodile, you should REALLY stop and think about the others. Especially that girl... Danni! You know she remembers you. You remember her. I think you should talk to…

Dingodile's eyes glow with anger. Forgetting the pain in his leg. He grabs Terry by the scruff of the neck.

Dingodile: [growls at Terry viciously] LISTEN! PUP! I don't wanna hear that Dingo's name ever again, in my presence!! Is that understood myte??

Terry growls himself. He is human. And not some pup. It seems this Dingodile will never see the good side of anyone.

Voice: I may not remember this... But it's certain you were a cub yourself once!

Dingodile, stops and turns around to see Danni. Looking at him square in the face. He drops Terry, who backs away in anger. Dingodile and Danni look at each other, for a moment.

Danni: [to Dingodile] You will remember me. Cody! And I know you don't know about it NOW! [looks to the floor] But... We'll just have to put up with each other’s company for a while.
Dingodile: [growling] Why do I always get an eerie feeling when I'm around you DANNI! And why the hell do you keep havin' ta call me CODY??
Danni: [rolls her eyes back, angrily] UUUGGH!!

She then turns away, putting her back towards Dingodile.

Dingodile: [to Danni] Look 'ere DANNI! I don't want nothing ta do with ya! Why don't ya just stay outta my way!
Danni: [whispering to herself, ignoring Dingodile's spitefulness] Please remember me Cody!
Dingodile: AY! Why aren't ya listening ta me eh? [he walks up to her] Go on! SHOVE OFF! I'm fed up of ya constantly hangin' around!!

Tears roll down Danni's cheeks. As she tries to ignores her forgotten friend’s cruelty. Dingodile roughly pushes her away from him.

Dingodile: Listen 'ere mate! I told you! We DON'T need your help! I CAN'T stand hanging around with you!! Now leave us ALONE!

Terry walks up to Dingodile angrily.
Terry: HEY! That’s enough! Leave her alone okay! Just because your knees hurting, doesn't mean you have to make her suffer!
Dingodile: AH! Shaddap! [to Danni] WELL? Aren't ya gonna leave them eh? And stop stalking me with this old friendship thing then ay?

Danni looks up at the ceiling. Her back turned away from Dingodile. Tears roll down her face. This was how she felt. It seemed that through her life, people just wouldn’t accept her. She was always alone. She felt the pain of loneliness, and rejection again. Angriness and sorrow is welling up inside her. She wants to hit something. But instead, turns around to Dingodile. Terry looks at her with concern...

Terry: Danni? You ok?
Danni: [to Dingodile] You'd never remember me Dingodile! [depressed] You never even wanted to TRY! [her voice wavers] Sometimes I even wonder if you DO remember me, but just want to hide the truth... [growling. More tears roll down her face] And work for that… that… Cortex!! But… [she looks to the floor sadly] I... I just GIVE up! I don't think you'll ever remember...

She turns away from Dingodile, and walks down the sewer on her own.

Dingodile: [under his breath] Humph! Good riddance!

Terry calls after her.


But Danni ignores his call. And continues walking. She scrunches her eyes up from the pain... The pain of her heart being ripped apart... She then thinks of Crash... Would he ever do the same?? She sobs, to herself, quietly. She keeps walking... until she is out of sight of the others. Crash stirs a little, in his sleep. He wakes up and looks over to Terry and Dingodile.

Crash: [half sleepily] Huh? What’s going on? [looks around him] Hey! ...Where’s Danni?
Terry: [looks at Crash, sighing] She's gone Crash... She left.
Dingodile: [turns away from the group] HUH! And about time too!!
Crash: [his eyes widen] HUH??

He gets up and looks down the sewers, and around him... He begins calling, worried and panicking...


[Crash meanders down the sewer pipe searching for Danni.]

Crash: Danni! Where are you? Danni!!!

(He sees a figure down the way. The early morning light entering the sewer by way of the overhead manholes lightly outlined Danni’s thin frame.)

Danni: Is that you Crash?
Crash: Yeah, it's me. Why'd you run off like that? You know we have to stay together.
Danni: I'm sorry Crash, I just couldn't stand being near that, that… (struggles with the word) …that HEARTLESS MONSTER!
Crash: Dingodile was being mean to you?
Danni: (Hugs him) How could he be so horrible? How could somebody who was once my friend become so terrible?
Crash: (Holds her closely patting her on the back.) I don't know Danni. Sometimes I wish I did.
Danni: I get so scared some times… that you would leave.
Crash: Don't ever say that Danni! I would NEVER leave you alone like that. I care about you so much. I'll never leave you. We'll always be friends… together forever.
Danni: (Starts crying) That's what Cody said… right before Cortex took him from me.

(Terry approaches them)

Terry: Crash, you found her. (He sees she is crying) Is she ok?
Crash: (quietly) We could use a little time to be alone right now.
Terry: Oh, ok.
Dingodile: (Yelling from down the pipe.) Did ya find `em ya blinkin' whelp?!?
Terry: (Irritated he yells back) Yes!!! Now shut up!!! (To Crash) How can you stand that guy?

(Danni cried even harder, she knew why.)

Crash: Danni?

Crash puts his hand on Danni's cheek. Brushing away her tears. He whispers to her softly.

Crash: [whispering] It's ok Danni. I'm here.

Danni smiled to herself. She knew that there was something between them both that was very special. She looks up at him...

Danni: [whispering back] I know...

They look deeply into each other’s eyes. And feel the same feeling that grew inside them when they were in the elevator...

Terry: HEY!! GUYS!! [interrupting the moment] I THINK I HEAR SOMETHING!!
Dingodile: [walking towards him] Yeah! That’s me ya DONUT!

Terry cups his hands to his ear and listens...

Terry: No... I think it might be something else!

Dingodile growls and points his flamethrower at Terry.

Dingodile: This is RIDICULOUS!! I'm not standin' around with you lot!! ESPECIALLY YOU! [points at Danni]

Crash angrily looks at Dingodile...

Crash: I think Danni's had enough from you for one day eh Dingodile?
Danni: [trying to calm things down] No! It's ok Crash! Don't get him annoyed!

Dingodile walks up to Crash, and leers at him...

Dingodile: Don't get COCKY smoothskin! I'm still peeved off with ya's when you defeated me several times before... REMEMBER!!???
Crash: Yes! I remember… And you…
Terry: GUYS!!! [cupping his ears] I can definitely HEAR it now!!
Dingodile: YEAH! [getting very annoyed] It's US arguing!!!
Terry: NO! LISTEN!

Crash and Danni look at each other, and then walk over to Terry. They stand by the side of him. Dingodile look at all three of them and growls evilly to himself…

Dingodile: GGGRR! They can do what they ruddy well like! [winces, his leg starts to hurt again] Oof! Stupid leg! I'll teach that Rudy, something he'll NEVER forget! [has an idea] Hey. I don't have to wait 'round here! I'm goin' after that RAT!

Danni, Crash and Terry listen to the noise...

Danni: I can't really hear anything!
Terry: I CAN! It sounds like a kind of clinking noise...
Danni: Well... Thats because you're a DOG! I would have heard the sound too! If I was my old Dingo self! [looks down at her body]
Crash: What do you suppose it is?
Terry: I don’t know! But I don't want to stay here and find out!
Crash: Too right! [turns around] Dingodile? Hey! Wher'd he go?

Danni looks around. Herself... There is no sign of Dingodile.

Terry: He's gone? Hah! [laughs] Good RIDDANCE!
Danni [to Terry, sharply] Don't say that! He could get hurt!
Terry: [confused] Huh? I don't understand! I thought you two weren't getting on with each other!
Danni: [sadly] It's a LONG story Terry! Something you'll never understand!
Crash: [scratches his head] Yeah... But where the heck did he go??


Coco, Cortex, Apex and the minions walk up through the manhole. Coco peeps her head out.

Coco: GOOD! No one's here! Lets go!

Cortex mumbles to himself. He wants to take orders. Jacko notices his angry look.

Jacko: You ok there, mate?

Cortex ignores Jacko's question and continues to climb up the manhole. Tiny was the last one behind him. Everyone climbs out of the hole. Coco looks around. She turns to Apex.

Coco: Is this the place?
Apex: Yes! This is the Bronx warehouse. But we'll have to be careful! I don't know if any of Tabitha's minions will be there!
Coco: Right! Which is why we should all split up!

Cortex comes storming up to Coco. A scowl on his furry face...

Cocrtex: NOW LISTEN HERE! BANDICOOT!! I've had enough of the orders!! We'll do things my WAY!!
Coco: [sighing] Cortex! We need to put our heads together!
Cortex: [angrily] If you DON'T put me in charge! I'll defenitly CLUNK you and that flying Kangaroo's head together!!
Jacko: [offended] HEY! Watch it mate!

Cortex is about to reach into something in his pocket... His new device... Suddenly there is a noise...

Cassie: [nervously] Wh... What’s t… that???
Coco: [listening, hard] I hear it too! [listens again] Hey! It's coming this way!!

The minions scatter and hide behind barrels and trash cans. Coco looks at Rex. He has dived behind a wall. She joins him. Apex hides in a nearby alley way. And Cassie joins him... The noise gets louder, and clearer. Like... footsteps... We hear the sounds of laughter and conversation... To see Tabitha, wearing her hat again… and Dr. Ranged with Bruno.

Tabitha: [to Ranged] And to think! All over the world! Those foolish humans will be putting my mutagen all over themselves! HAH! The fools! (pauses for a few seconds) But what if the mutagen's chemicals are affected and changed by the perfume and cologne? Would it still work?
Ranged: [with a twisted smile] I thought you'd ask something like that Tabitha! So that’s why I've invited a few guests around! [smiles, evily] A couple, who said they'd be willing to put their investment in this! BRUNO!

Bruno growls slightly. He is still angry that he must take orders from a human. However he nods his head... And walks over to Tabitha's limousine. He peers into it and speaks to these new guests...

Bruno: [with a fake smile] If you would kindly follow me sir and madam, Mr Ranged and Mrs Katz would like to invite you into being the first, to test our perfume...
Voice: Splendid!!

Tabitha turns around to see the two guests, walking out of the limo... She smiles to herself...

Tabitha: [purring, wickedly] Perfect.

The two guests who have been invited are none other than... the Stanwicks...

[Dingodile trudged alone through the sewer, grumbling softly to himself.]

Dingodile: Those chunda-heads think they can boss me around. I'll show them, why if my flamethrowa’ wasn't empty I'd... (There is a low rumbling in the distance) What the?

[He looks down the pipe. A sudden rush of water flows past his legs at ankle height. The level quickly rises to his knees.]

Dingodile: What's all this then? [He tries walking through the water, it's now up to his waist. He looks ahead, as far as his eyes will see, and gasps with fear. Coming right at him was a tidal wave of water! He turns to run but is quickly overcome by the tsunami.]

[Meanwhile Crash and Terry have gotten Danni to calm down.]

Crash: You feel better now?
Danni: (sniffles) I think so.
Terry: I hate to interrupt but I'm hearing that noise again.
Crash: Now that you mention it I DO hear something.

[They all look ahead to where the sound is coming from. There is an audible rumbling getting louder and louder. The crushing wave of sewage is now visible.]

Terry: Oh no…
Danni: Run! (They try to out run the oncoming wave but are consumed by it.)
Crash: (floundering) Help!
Danni: (Swimming to him) Hang on Crash! I'm coming. (She swims with all her strength against the rushing current. She puts her arm around Crash kicks hard to keep him afloat.)
Terry: Guys! Over here! (He waves them over to a small pipe hanging from the ceiling of the sewer he is clinging to. They swim over and hang on until to the flow of water dies down. Something large floats by. It's Dingodile. He is unconscious.)
Danni: Oh no! (She grabs him by the tail and drags him out of the water onto some high ground.)
Crash: Not a very good swimmer for somebody who's part Crocodile.
Danni: Crash, I don't think he's breathing.
Crash: What?
Danni: I'm gonna try something. (She lays Dingodile on his back and administers CPR. Terry and Crash look on with mixed feelings.)
Crash: I bet you that's like kissing a fuzzy hand bag.

(Dingodile coughs and opens his eyes. He looks up at Danni who smiles at him. He bolts up and yells.)

Dingodile: Aw, of all the ruddy things ta happen! Blah! (He gags and spits wiping his mouth) Patooie!

Danni frowns.

Danni: Dingodile... I just saved your life!!

Dingodile wipes his mouth, hard. He growls.

Dingodile: GAHH! You just keep way from me you FREAK!

Danni looks to the floor sadly. Terry walks up to Dingodile.

Terry: Hey buddy! If it weren’t for Danni, here... You'd be half way into the ocean by now! I think you should at least thank her!
Dingodile: GRRR! I've had enough of you Terry!

He stands up and goes to turn on his flamethrower. It starts to click, and water pours out of it.
Dingodile: [fuming] DARN IT!!

Crash looks around. He is soaking wet.

Crash: We have definitely gotta get outta here! Before another one of those tidal waves come along!!

He turns around to see, Danni looking to the floor... She is looking very pale, and tired...

Crash: Hey... Danni? You don't look too good kid.
Danni: [looking up] Huh? Yeah! Sure... I'm fine!! The tidal wave must have just knocked me back there! [feeling queasy] Ohh... I don't feel so good! [feels something trickle down the back of her head] Hey? What’s that?
Crash: What’s what?

Danni puts her hand to her head and touches something moist. She looks at her hand again, to see red on it. Crash sees it too...

Crash: [shocked] You're bleeding!
Danni: [looking at her hand] So THAT would explain why I'm feeling ill....
Crash: [runs up to her] I hope it's not too bad! Here... [he sits her down gently] You gotta rest....
Dingodile: [angrily] HAH! Why the hell are you carin' for that girl anyways? She's nothin' but trouble!!

Crash growls in a human voice and walks up to Dingodile....

Crash: Do you HAVE to be SOOO HARD to get along with??
Dingodile: 'ERE! Watch it Smoothskin! Don't forget! If I wasn't taken orders I'd roast ya's right now!! [he smiles slyly] Hey! Why don't I do it now! And claim you had a nasty accident!?
Crash: [growling] You TRY it!

The shouting from Dingodile, and Crash are getting louder, Danni covers her ears... It is all getting very loud... She snaps at them both.

Danni: GGAAHH! SHUT UP!! BOTH OF YOU!! Why do we have to keep arguing eh? I'M SICK OF IT!!

She goes to get up. She wants to clout both of them. But she feels giddy again and sits back on the floor. Crash frowns sadly...

Crash: Look... I'm sorry Danni... I didn't mean... to.
Dingodile: Ahh FORGET about her! She's nothing!!
Crash: [to Dingodile] HEY! Watch it pal!
Danni: [cradling her head] Please stop this!

Terry's ears perk up.

Terry: [his voice wavering] Uh... GUYS! I hear it again!!

There is another WHOOSH noise. Crash, Dingodile, and Danni look at the direction of the noise...

Crash: [quietly] Uh... No...

Another tsunami is coming towards them... It is even bigger... Dingodile gasps...


He pushes past Crash and runs away...Crash turns to grab Danni. They all run, Terry alongside Crash and Danni… They are running and running... When suddenly... the tidal wave hits them. They are all taken by the tide. Danni is struggling, she sees Crash struggling in the current.

Danni: CRASH!! HANG ON!!
Crash: [sputtering] HELP!

Danni goes to swim over to Crash... Suddenly, a powerful wave comes hurtling towards her, and crashes straight on top of her. She yelps and blacks out. She goes under. Terry sees it.


He dives down to get her. Crash is panicking.

Crash: DANNI? DANNI! Whare are you!??

He sees something long and green and scaly. He grabs hold of it and climbs on it... He looks up to see Dingodile holding onto a ladder, which leads up to a man hole.

Dingodile: HEY! [annoyed] Get off my ruddy tail!

Crash looks around. And panics, while the strong river of water is spraying wildly around them... He looks around calling anxiously...


He looks into the rapid fierce river...

Crash: [horrified] I... I… can't see them...

[Crash clings to Dingodile's tail for dear life. Dingodile is not happy about this.]

Dingodile: Oy! Leggo!

(Crash pulls himself to the ladder and grabs it tightly. He then looks over the water for Terry and Danni.)

Crash: Danni! Terry! I can't see them!
Dingodile: Who cares?
Crash: I care! You should too. Even if you don't remember Danni, you should at least be concerned about her. She saved your life.
Dingodile: Her mistake. She puts her faith in th` wrong people she gets herself hurt.
Crash: She cares about others. I don't think I'll ever be able to say the same for you.
Dingodile: You care about that witch so much! Why don't go in afta' her?
Crash: I can't, I don't know how to swim.
Dingodile: Well, it's never too late to learn. (He steps hard on Crash's hand, Crash yelps letting go of the ladder. He quickly grabs a rung with his other hand and hangs on.)
Crash: (angry) I don't think I'll ever know why Danni thinks there could still be any good in you. The things I've seen you do. The pain you've given her. And you don't feel any guilt, any remorse, any pity for what you've done. Heh, I'll have to congratulate Cortex, he sure did a good job on you.

(Terry pops his head out of the water. He takes a deep breath and pulls Danni out of the water. She coughs and opens her eyes.)

Danni: What happened?
Terry: It's ok I got you. (to Crash) Crash! I found her!
Crash: Terry, over here! (He stretches out his hand to Terry who grabs it as he and Danni float by.)

[Seconds later the quartet emerge from the manhole, on to an empty side street. They are all wet and cold.)

Dingodile: I'm glad ta get outta there.
Crash: (Wringing out his sewer saturated clothes.) So much for that shower I took.
Terry: Be glad it was just water.
Danni: Can we find a place ta sit down, I'm still feelin' groggy.

(Crash helps Danni to the sidewalk and seats her. She hangs her head and rubs it. She sees she's stopped bleeding but she still feels awful. Not only from the fatigue of the swim but from another cause that pressed her even more. She look up into the street and frowned, not even two minutes out of the sewer and already Dingodile had started fighting with Terry.)

Dingodile: Why don't ya buzz off?!
Terry: Maybe I will - you are such a jerk!
Dingodile: Takes one ta know one!

(They growl at each other meanly)

Crash: Come one you guys enough is enough! We didn't come all this way to fight. There are more important things to think about right now.
Dingodile: The only thing I can think about is how much I wanna roast this whelp. (He points his Flamethrower in Terry's face. Terry pushes it aside.)
Terry: It has no fuel in it remember. What are you, dependent on this thing?
Dingodile: Grrr... Ya just lucky it is empty.
Terry: Hey, I don't want to be around you either. The only reason I am still here is because my girlfriend is with your friends.
Crash: Coco! I almost forgot about her. I hope she's all right.

[Meanwhile at the factory, Coco watches as the Stanwicks exit the car.]

Coco: Aren't they that couple that was with Crash and Danni last night?

(Dr. Ranged addresses Tabitha)

Ranged: Miss Katz, these are the Stanwicks, Buffy and Bruce.
Buffy: Delighted to be here. I mean after that charming display in the Waldorf, we had to agree to come here with your friend here.
Bruce: Yes, too bad about that little mishap with that fire and all. Besides that it was a jolly good show.
Tabitha: Well then you'll be delighted to know that you two are going to get a free sample of "Urban Wilderness" before anyone else.
Buffy: Oh, for us? Oh, we are so honoured.
Tabitha: Yes, why don't you come with us and we’ll let you try some on right now.
Coco: Oh no! She's going to mutate them.
Tiny: What we to do?
Apex: That's it! I started this whole mess, and it's up to me to stop it!

Apex immediately stands up… He is fuming. He walks straight towards Tabitha and her minions, who have their back towards him. Coco panics.

Coco: [to Jacko] AGGH! NO! What the heck is he doing???
Jacko: STRUTH! He'll give us all away!

Cortex, however, being stupid and foolish... calls after Apex...


The minions turn around suddenly and see Coco and the others....

Cortex: [whimpers] ...away!

Tabitha turns around and sees Apex walking towards her, angrily, and without hesitation... She snarls. The Stanwicks are shocked too.

Buffy: Apex?
Bruce: [surprised] So it IS! Nice to see you Mr Apex…
Tabitha: [interrupting] APEX!! [growls] I thought you were dead!
Apex: [face to face with her] You will be finished when I tell the authorities about this!

Coco bites her nails with fear. As the minions close in on her and the group... Tabitha snarls wickedly.

Tabitha: You IDIOT Apex! You think you can just come up here and THREATEN me!! Just when we're so CLOSE!!
Buffy: [confused] I don't understand!
Apex: [angrily] You WILL!
He hits Tabitha's hat off her head. It falls off, to reveal her cat like face. The Stanwicks jump with shock.
Buffy: Wha! You’re... You’re a…
Bruce: A CAT!

Tabitha hisses angrily, and goes to slash Apex. His coat gets ripped. And he falls to the floor in agony. As she has cut him across the stomach...

Coco: [frightened] Now what do we do??
Jacko: [stands up angrily] We have to help Apex... We…

He feels something touching his neck. And looks behind him to see Cooper, aiming his pistol at his head.

Cooper: [grinning] Remember me??

Coco and Rex look around to see that she, Cortex, the minions, Jacko and Cassie are completely surrounded by snarling mutant dogs and rats. Tiny growls.

Tiny: Time to FIGHT puny mutant animals! AGAIN!

Coco is petrified, wishing her brother were here... She gulps and looks over to where Apex is crouching in pain. Tabitha howls and goes to slash at Apex again…

Tabitha: This is for EVERY condemned animal! [growling visciously] EVERY human shall feel the wrath of Tabitha Katz!!
Voice: How UNTRUE!!
Tabitha: Huh??

She whizzes around. Everyone looks in the direction of the voice. Standing on top of a small warehouse... is a figure. Her face is blotted out by the shadow of night. And of the shadow of the warehouse... However... Her voice is very familiar to Tabitha.

Tabitha: [her eyes widen] That... voice! It’s...

The figure jumps down. Still her features are blotted out by the darkness. She growls at Tabitha.

Figure: You say that in the past... people forget their own animals! What about animals forgetting and punishing their own kin?
Tabitha: [recognising the voice] ...Wha? ...No! [hisses] It's YOU!
Figure: Yes! I think you'll find this cat has CLAWS!!

The dark figure steps out of the shadows... To reveal another cat person, her eyes glistening with anger. Everyone looks on... As she hisses at Tabitha.

Figure: Yes Tabitha! It's me... TERI... Your FORGOTTEN SISTER!!...

Tabitha stares long, and shocked at her sister. Apex lays on his knees, doubling over in pain. The minions and Coco are still surrounded by Tabitha's gang....

Tabitha: [shocked] No... Teri?? It CAN'T be you!!

Teri looks to the floor, tears swell up in her eyes. She growls.

Teri: Yes... It's me... [looks up at Tabitha] How COULD you Tabitha... We were sisters. [looking at herself] How could you do this to me!

Ranged comes running up beside Tabitha.

Ranged: Tabitha? Who is this Cat?
Tabitha: [growls low] Someone I should have gotten rid of years ago!!
Teri: [pointing at her] NO TABITHA! YOU should have been rid of years ago! It wasn't my fault that you were left out on the streets!!
Tabitha: [sadly, and angrily] You were ALWAYS better off then me... And you NEVER even cared about me!
Teri: But it wasn't MY fault, like I said!! And yet you go and PUNISH me!!
Tabitha: ENOUGH!!!! I wish I never saw you again!!

Teri extends her claws. She growls bitterly...

Teri: These people DON'T need to suffer like I have done, Tabitha. LET THEM GO!!!
Tabitha: NEVER!! You're a fool to have come here!!

Tabtiha grins, as she sees Bruno sneak up behind her. Bruno growls and grabs Teri from behind. Teri starts to struggle and screech angrily... Tabitha laughs.

Bruno: [growling in Teri's ear] Down kitty! Don't wanna make me mad do ya?
Tabitha: [to Teri] HAH! I told you, you were a fool to come here and challenge me!! I'll deal with you later!! [turns to Coco, Jacko and the others] But now...
Buffy: [interrupting] Er... What’s this all about??
Bruce: Yes... I'm afraid we're very confused!
Tabitha: [smiling] Don't worry... You'll understand soon enough!!

Two Mutant Rats surround the Stanwicks with guns. And lead them to the door of the warehouse... The Stanwicks, look over to Tabitha with shock and confusion.

Tabitha: [grinning to herself] Heh! You'll see...

She then turns to her mutants again. Who are surrounding Coco, Cortex and the others. She looks at them all...

Tabtiha: Hmmm... lets see here... [her eyes widen] WAIT! There are a few people missing!
Rudy: [walks up to her] Huh? Like who?
Tabitha: 3... No... 4 people aren't here!! [to Coco] Where is your brother and his friends!!???
Coco: [angrily] We'll NEVER tell!
Cooper: [jabbing the gun even closer to Jacko's neck] Tell her girl... Or the marsupial here GETS it!
Jacko: [angrily] You're the one who's gonna get it mate!

Tabitha looks around... She sees Cortex, who is shuddering with fright.

Tabitha: Hmmm… Cortex? Will you tell me?
Cortex: Huh?

Two mutant Dogs grab Cortex out of the middle and stick a gun to his head.

Cortex: [panicking] NO WAIT!! [to Tabitha] What are you doing!!??
Tiny: Master Cortex in trouble!! [goes to jump up, is pinned by two other mutants] HEY! Get slimy hands off Tiny!
Pinstripe: Uh oh...

Tabitha walks up to Cortex. She looks into his eyes angrily.

Tabitha: GRRR! [hisses] TELL me where the other 4 are!!
Coco: [shouting] DON'T TELL HER CORTEX!

The dogs growl and grip hold of Cortex tightly. They aim the gun at his head...Cortex is sweating and panicking.

Cortex: [to Coco] HOW CAN I!!??
Tabitha: TELL ME CORTEX!! [getting even angry] WHERE ARE THEY???

Cortex can hear the clicking of the gun... He panics, as he thinks he is about to be shot.

Cortex: [tearfully and shaking] ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT! [crying] I'LL TELL YOU! THEY'RE... UNDERNEATH US... IN THE SEWERS!!

Coco, Cassie and Jacko look to the floor, shaking their heads sadly... Tabitha purrs delightfully.

Tabitha: Excellent... Simple excellent! [to Rudy] RUDY!!!
Rudy: [surprised] Huh?? Er...Yes ma’am?
Tabitha: Round up your friends… And go find them, then... KILL them!!
Coco: NO!!
Tabitha: Yes... I'm sick of that Crash foiling my schemes... Get RID of him... It will be one less trouble to worry about!!
Rudy: You mean... I gotta even kill SWEET-CHEEKS?
Tabitha: [angrily] GRRR! YES! Even her! Now get to it!
Rudy: [shrugs his shoulders] Right! TOMMY-BOY!! Come with me!!
Tommy-boy: Heheh! Right boss!
Rudy: [to the other mutants] Right boys... LET'S GO!!

The most toughest fiercesome mutants break away from the group and go to join Rudy and Tommy-boy. The other mutants stay behind, surrounding Coco and the others. Cortex is thrown back into the middle of the group. Coco and Jacko look at him, shocked.

Coco: [nearly in tears] Cortex... How could you!??
Jacko: Yes!! [worried] Now Crash, Danni, Terry and Dingodile are in DEEP trouble!!
Cortex: [looking to the floor, upset] Sorry...

However... Cortex's frown... Soon turns into an evil grin... And he chuckles to himself, evilly...

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