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[The group quakes with fear. What were they to do? Bruno turns to Tabitha.]

Bruno: Shall I dispose of this freak, Miss Katz? (He looks down at Teri still struggling in his arms)
Tabitha: Ah my sister - such a diluted fool. You really thought I could be stopped, when you know I am so close to victory.
Teri: (enraged) You'll never win you deranged varlet.

(Tabitha smacks Teri across the face.)

Tabitha: Silence. You can't stop me! Once the shipment is sent, nothing can! (She looks over to Apex, still on the ground.) As for you John, Thank you for giving me this chance. (She pats his head, he mutters angrily.)
Apex: You MONSTER! And to think I trusted you.
Tabitha: (to her minions) Keep an eye on them. I'm going to see how our little test subjects are doing. (She and Dr. Ranged go to the next room. Bruno follows towing Teri.)
Cooper: (waving his gun around) You heard the boss. Stay put or we'll fill you all full of holes.
Cassie: Oh this is all my fault. It's because of me that Tabitha is doing this.
Apex: No, It's my fault, My greed turned me to meddle with nature and now the city that I love will pay the price.
Coco: We can't just sit around here like chickens! We have to do something.
Jacko: I'm with you on that mate. (Looks at the mutants) But how do we get past these guys?
Coco: We need some kind of distraction. (She looks around and notices Rex snapping at the unstably tail of one of the mutants. She slowly nudges over to him and gently gives him a boost, allowing him to chomp the guarding mutant's tail.)
Guard: Yeow!

(All the other guards whip around to see what happened diverting their attention away from the minions. With the guards distracted, Tiny leaps into action.)

Tiny: Tiny smash bad guards good.

(The rest of the minions join in the melee, Cassie runs over to Apex and helps him up.)

Cassie: Are you ok?
Apex: I'm not as bad as I look. I'll be ok.
Coco: Cassie, you get Apex out of here. Jacko and me will see if we can save the Stanwicks.

(Cassie nods and helps Apex out of the factory. Coco and Jacko rush to the next room. Cortex waits a second then follows them. Fumbling in his pocket he retrieves his metal device and glares at it with a grin of pure malice. He had already signed the death warrants of Crash and Danni, now he would be able to get rid of Coco and her kangaroo friend too. Coco and Jacko run into a large room in the background huge vats of perfume stood bubbling silently. Bruno is tying Teri up, Tabitha and Ranged stand before Buffy and Bruce who are tied up.]

Bruce: Now see here woman, or, whatever you are, you let us go right now!
Tabitha: I'm afraid I can't do that. Dr. Ranged, get the vial.
Ranged: Of course Miss Katz. (He reaches into an open crate and takes out a bottle of perfume. He hands it to Tabitha who eyes it sinisterly.)
Tabitha: Just one little splash, and you two will be a couple of lovebirds. Literally.
Ranged: I got the DNA sample from the pet store.
Buffy: You're not serious are you?
Tabitha: Quite serious. Doctor, is the strobe ready?
Ranged: All ready Tabitha.
Tabitha: (purrs) Good. (She uncorks the bottle and gets ready to spray her helpless victims.)
Coco: Leave them alone Katz!
Tabitha: How did you get away from my guards?
Coco: It doesn't matter. We're going to stop you from hurting these people.
Tabitha: Bruno, stop them!

(Bruno charges at Coco and Jacko with fierceness. Coco slides under his legs and Jacko jumps over his head.)

Bruno: Come back here!

(Coco slams into Tabitha causing her to drop the bottle, it smashes on the ground.)

Tabitha: You are becoming quite the NUISANCE!

(Bruno comes up behind her; she does not see him.)

Coco: Just make it easy for yourself and give up.

(Jacko sees Bruno is about to grab Coco)

Jacko: Coco! Look out!

(Coco turns around in time to see Bruno behind her. She flees from his grasp. He chases after her raging rapidly. As she runs by a stack of boxes a leg comes out from behind it tripping Bruno. Coco turns to see Cortex hiding behind the crates.)

Coco: Cortex what are you… never mind, as long as you're here you can help us. (She and Cortex run over to the Stanwicks. Ranged is trying to catch Jacko, but Jacko is jumping around.)
Jacko: What's `a matta Doc? Can't catch a little ol` kangaroo?
Ranged: (Panting) Hold… still … you… creature.

(Coco and Cortex untie Buffy and Bruce.)

Buffy: Oh, look Bruce - little orange people are saving us.
Cortex: We're bandicoots, Australian marsupials of the family, Peramelilidae…
Coco: They don't need an encyclopaedia definition Cortex.
Cortex: Oh. (He grumbles under his breath.)
Tabitha: Bruno! Get up and stop them from getting away!!!!

(Bruno growls and starts chasing them. The foursome ran up a set of stairs leading to a walkway above the vats of perfume. Meanwhile, Dr. Ranged is still pursuing Jacko.)

Ranged: Don't you ever slow down?
Jacko: Gotta keep flying. (He jumps onto a stack of crates and pushes one over. In lands on top of Ranged with a thud.)
Tabitha: (sighs to herself) This is embarrassing.

(Jacko goes over to Teri and unties her.)

Jacko: You all right there?
Teri: Yes, thank you.

(Up on the suspended walkway Coco, Cortex, and the Stanwicks run from Bruno. Buffy abruptly stops, turns around and smacks Bruno with her purse.)

Buffy: Go away you brute. (The blow causes Bruno to lose his balance and fall from the walkway, the pile of crates brake his fall.)
Bruce: Good shot darling, you really showed him 1-4.
Coco: Whew that was close. That guy's like a fret train. Oh yeah, Cortex, I forgot to thank you for getting him off my tail earlier.
Cortex: Don't mention it. I couldn't let him kill you, that was a pleasure… I was saving for myself. (He takes out his device and grabs her by the shirt. He turns the devise on, it clicks are whirrs softly.)
Coco: Cortex, what are you doing!?? Let go off me!

(Cortex laughs wickedly and attempts to attach the devise to Coco's clothing. A fist comes speeding at his head, knocking him senseless for a second. He drops his device; it lands into one of the vats of perfume below. He gets up and looks around to see who hit him, he sees Jacko and Teri standing above him.)

Jacko: Don't ya DARE do that again!
Coco: Thanks Jacko. (To Cortex) You are an insult to bandicoots everywhere.
Cortex: Drat. I thought that with you out of the way we could get this nonsense over with quicker.
Coco: Why would it go any faster with me?
Cortex: Because… You're SO BOSSY! (To Jacko) And you made me drop my device.
Jacko: What was that thing anyway?
Cortex: For you're information it was a specially made incendiary devise.
Jacko: (shrinking back with an unsettling fear) Incendiary? You mean with FIRE?
Cortex: Yes, in 90 seconds it will ignite, why?
Jacko: Do you guys rememba' what happened when Dingodile shot that display in the hotel last night?
Coco: (Realizing what Jacko is getting at.) Uh-oh.

(Meanwhile the minions in the other room are winning their fight with the mutants.)

Pinstripe: (Shooting wildly) Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Tiny: (Pummelling a mutant) Smashy, smashy.

(Coco and the others come rushing in.)


(The minions stop immediately and bolt out of the factory. Outside there is an eerie morning silence. Suddenly the factory explodes in a fiery blaze and earth shaking KABOOM!]

[The factory glows now as a flaming ball amid the industrial area. Thick smoke billows from the blaze. There is no sign of life anywhere. Then Coco comes into view from behind the smoke.]

Coco: Man! We just made it.

(Jacko and the others emerge behind her.)

Jacko: That was cutting it close. Eh mate?
Coco: We wouldn't have needed to run for our lives like that if SOMEBODY hadn't tried to kill me with an incendiary devise so close to the perfume vats.
Cortex: Hey, it was fly-boy who made me drop it.

(Cortex's minions stare at the inferno)

Pinstripe: Whoa, good thing we got out of that.
Tiny: Fire big!
Moe: Too bad we don't have any marshhhhhhmallowsssss.
Rex: Rah. (Snorts happily)

(Cassie and Apex come running towards them)

Apex: My factory!
Cassie: Guys what happened!???
Jacko: There was a little mess up involvin' combustible cosmetics. But look on th` bright side, we destroyed the mutagen perfume didn't we.
Bruce: Buffy dear, I believe we should put our stocks in a more sound investment, say Disney movies. At least they don't explode or mutate people.
Coco: Hey, what do you think happened to Tabitha and her goons?
Teri: It is hard to say. I do not feel that they are gone yet. Knowing my sister she has only used up one of her nine lives.

(On the other side of the burning factory Tabitha, Ranged, Bruno, and a few surviving mutants stumble away from the blaze.)

Tabitha: This outcome displeases me.
Ranged: (Trying to appease his boss) Tabitha, all is not lost yet. I still have some of my formula left at the lab. The uprising can still prevail.
Tabitha: (growls) This will be the last day the humans of this city will be blind to the suffering of animals. I swear it, they will rue the day they put me on the streets. Come on, we're going back to the lab. I have a plan. And this time no one will stop us.

[Meanwhile, Rudy and his gang prowl the sewers.]

Rudy: I hate having to be ordered around like that. Miss Katz sure has gotten stressed since these troublemakers showed up.
Tommy-boy: Maybe we should buy her some catnip ta cheer her up huh Rudy?
Rudy: Stop being such a brownnoser Tommy-boy. If anything is going to cheer up the boss, it'll be getting rid of that bandicoot/human and his friends. Plus, getting freak-show out of the way will make me happy too. (He chuckles to himself) Maybe if I'm good the boss'll let me keep sweet-cheeks alive for myself.

(Tommy-boy tugs at Rudy's pants)

Tommy-boy: Hey Rudy, I think I hear something.
Rudy: Don't bug me now Tommy-boy, Can't you see I'm trying to think. Now where would they be hiding?

(Tommy-boy continues pestering Rudy.)

Tommy-boy: But Rudy, I hear something and I think it's heading this way.
Rudy: Well if it's the freak-show, He'll be in for one big surprise. (He cocks his gun and stands ready to fire. The gang looks down the tunnel and sees a large wave of sewage coming towards them.)
Tommy-boy: I don't think that's the freak-show Rudy.
Rudy: No kidding. (The group is overcome and whisked away by the wave.)

[Meanwhile on the side street, Crash, Danni, Dingodile, and Terry are waiting around, sitting on the curb eating pizza.]
Crash: (stuffing his face) Mmm, good pizza.
Danni: Too much cheese for my tastes.
Terry: Good thing I had some money on me. Never thought I'd be having pizza for breakfast. But I guess that's the least weird thing to happen to me lately.

(Dingodile sits on the opposite curb, scornfully looking at the others.)

Dingodile: Stop starin' at me. It's makin' me downright pernickety.
Terry: Oh just stop it with the attitude already. I'm getting sick of it.
Danni: Fellas we should be trying to get along seeing that we're stuck tagetha.
Crash: (Mouth full of pizza) Ma, istem m manny.
Dingodile: I don't need ta listen ta her. I can make my own rules.
Terry: Ok then hot shot, what do we do now?
Dingodile: What do I look like, a strategy book?

(There is a series of yells coming from the sewer as the sewage wave carries them through the pipes.)

Terry: Did you hear something?
Dingodile: Naw.

(Crash's watch starts beeping.)

Crash: What's that?
Danni: It's yer watch Crash. Coco must be tryin' ta call ya.
Crash: Oh. (He pushes the button on his watch, Coco's face appears.)
Coco: Crash, are you there?
Crash: Yeah sis, we're on a side street somewhere in midtown. We needed to get out of that sewer after we had to take an unwanted swim.
Danni: Did you stop the shipment?
Coco: Yeah, although Cortex needlessly blew up the factory.
Cortex: That wasn't my fault!
Coco: Oh yeah, then who dropped that device in the vat of perfume?
Cortex: But Jacko hit me.
Terry: Is Cassie ok?
Cassie: I'm fine Terry.
Apex: My insurance agent's gonna kill me.
Coco: Crash, we may have stopped the shipment, but we think Katz got away.
Crash: Which means she's probably got a back up plan.
Coco: Just what we were thinking.

(Buffy peeks over Coco's shoulder.)

Buffy: Oh, Mr. Brandy, Hello!
Crash: Coco, what are the Stanwicks doing with you?
Coco: Long story. We should re-group and come up with a plan to make sure Katz is thwarted for good.
Crash: Good idea, but with Katz still out there, where would we be safe?
Bruce: Buffy and I have our mansion on the East Side.
Coco: Is the security good?
Bruce: Best money can buy.
Coco: Sounds good! (to Crash) We'll get a cab and pick you guys up.
Crash: All right. Sounds great.
Dingodile: What's so great about havin' ta be stuck ina car with you?
Crash: Can we stuff Dingodile in the trunk?

[At Dr. Ranged's lab Tabitha is pacing back and forth impatiently as Ranged rolls a large barrel out of a room.]

Tabitha: This is all that's left?
Ranged: Unfortunately yes. But it should be enough for the city.
Tabitha: It had better be.

(Rudy and his gang enter the lab. They are soaking wet.)

Rudy: What didn't anyone tell us it was high tide?
Tabitha: Did you find Crash and his friends?
Rudy: We couldn't find anything after that wave got us lost.
Tommy-boy: I told ya to ask for directions Rudy.
Rudy: Shuddap.
Tabitha: (roaring) I have had ENOUGH with failure!!! If I want something done right, I'll have to do it MYSELF!

[Later at the Stanwick's mansion…]

Crash: Wow. When you said mansion you weren't kidding. Even the bathroom is huge.
Bruce: All comes from good investing.
Crash: Hey Coco, we gotta get into this investment stuff.
Coco: We can live without a Jacuzzi, Crash. First we need to shut down the uprising.
Jacko: Teri, you knew Tabitha, what do you think she'll do?
Teri: I do not know, but whatever she has planned it will mean the doom of the human race.
Crash: What's her beef with humans anyway?
Cassie: (Starts crying) It's because of me. She wants to get rid of humans because I abandoned her.
Teri: You had nothing to do with Tabitha's scorn Cassie. I know what really happened. Your family owed our mother as a pet. When she had us in her litter your family could not afford to keep us.
Cassie: I remember that. We put the kittens in a box and tried to give them away. We found homes for all of them… [pause] …except one.
Teri: Tabitha.
Cassie: We had to give her to the animal shelter. We had no other choice.
Teri: Yes. But unfortunately she was mistreated and eventually left on the streets. She was hardened by her experiences and vowed revenge on the humans that hurt her. It was a tragic twist of fate that she was chosen for Dr. Ranged's experiments at Apex's company. After she became humanoid she took over and started her plans for the uprising.
Coco: How do you know so much about this?
Teri: Another tragic twist of fate. I was also chosen for the experiments. When Tabitha recognized me as her sister she decided to punish me for having a better life by turning me into this twisted form you see before you. (She sighs with sadness) I've wanted to get back at her ever since. When I heard about the kidnappings I had a feeling she was behind it, your arrival here confirmed my fears. The uprising is at hand.
Crash: Don't worry Teri; we're going to make sure she doesn't succeed.
Danni: You got a plan Crash?
Crash: We're going back to that lab. We have to shut them down at the source and make sure they're stopped for good.
Pinstripe: I'm up for that. (cocks gun)
Cortex: Then what are we waiting around here for? The sooner we stop this, the sooner we can find a way to turn ourselves back to normal. I'M SICK OF BEING FUZZY!
Danni: Well there are some of us here you miss being fuzzy.
Cassie: I want to go too.
Terry: Cassie, are you sure? You could get hurt.
Cassie: I'm sure. I need to face Tabitha myself.
Crash: Then let's get a move on! We got a city to save.

[Time passes and our heroes (and foes) stand outside the large steel door leading into the underground mutant lab. Cassie holds on to Terry as Coco hacks her way in.]

Coco: There we go. After you guys.

(They enter and look around. There is no sign of anyone)

Terry: You would think this place would be crawling with mutants.
Danni: Where do you think they all are?
Teri: They are here. And it won't be long before they find out that we're here too.
Crash: Then we have to move fast. Where's the lab?
Coco: I think it's this way.

(They head to the lab. In the large laboratory Ranged is mixing chemicals, he does not see the group outside the door behind them.)

Crash: (whispers) Stay here, I've got an idea.

(he sneaks quietly into the lab and takes a few syringes of mutagen off of a table.)

Coco: Crash what are you doing?
Crash: Shh. I know what I'm doing. (He gets behind Ranged and grabs him holding the syringes close to his neck.)
Ranged: Who's there? Let go of me!
Crash: Where's Katz?
Ranged: I, I don't know.
Crash: You're lying. Now tell me where she is or I'll fill you with so much of your mutagen your body won't know your head from your ass.
Ranged: All right, She's at the Empire State Building! She took a barrel of mutagen and a bomb.
Crash: Why?
Ranged: She's going to attach the bomb to the barrel and throw it off the roof. When it explodes it'll scatter the mutagen all over the city.
Coco: And Rush Hour’s in a few minutes. Everyone in the city will be outside.
Teri: Is she alone?
Ranged: Yes.
Teri: Then I will go. This is my fight.
Crash: You can't go alone. Koala Kong and Ripper, go with her.
Cortex: Hey you can't order my minions around. (To Kong and Ripper) You two! Go with her.
Coco: Oh, that's taking charge.
Cassie: I have to go too. I need to.
Terry: Cassie, you can't, she'll try to hurt you.
Cassie: But it's the only way I can forgive myself. Please Terry, let me go.
Terry: (sighs) all right but only if I go with you.

(Terry, Cassie, Koala Kong, Ripper, and Teri leave.)

Coco: (Calling to them) Good luck!
Crash: (to Ranged) Now, give me one good reason I shouldn't do to you what you did to us.
Ranged: What if I said I could change you back.
Crash: You can?
Ranged: Yes, there is a way to reverse the transformation, it's the truth.
Crash: (letting go of Ranged) So there is an antidote?
Ranged: It's an anti-mutigen. It can counteract the transmutigenic serum and change you back to your original form. (He goes over to his work desk and fumbles through the drawers until he finds a box. Opening it he shows Crash that it is full of syringes each filled with a pink liquid.)
Danni: This is it?
Ranged: When I first made the transmutigen, I also made a way to reverse its effects, just in case there were any accidents. (He reaches into the box, takes out a syringe and hands it to Crash.)
Crash: And it works?
Ranged: Yes, yes. It works, and you don't even need the strobe.
Danni: How can we be sure he's telling the truth?
Crash: There's only one way. I'll be the first to try it.
Coco: But what if it's poison? Or what if it turns you into a puddle of goop?
Crash: Then it'll be better it just happens to me rather than all of us.
Danni: Crash, these last couple `a days, I learned something from being human. It doesn't matter what species we are, we still have the same mind, the same feelings. And I felt something special when we were stuck in that lift togethea'. I don't know how to explain it.
Crash: We can talk about it when this is over, Danni, although I did have those same feelings. (He leans over and kisses her gently. Then his injects the pink serum into his shoulder.)
Coco: So? Anything?
Crash: Nothing yet. Give it some time.
Voice: Time is something you fellows don't have.

(Everyone looks up. Rudy is standing in the door way with his gang, pointing their guns at the group.)

Danni: You again?
Rudy: It seems we just can stay apart huh, sweet-cheeks?
Dingodile: Ya got some nerve comin' back ta fight. I'm gonna rip you apart.
Rudy: That's ok, `cuz my boys and I were looking for a fight. Right boys?

(The mutants growl and grunt in agreement.)

Tommy-boy: Yeah, yeah!

(Ranged, seeing that the group is distracted bolts out of the room.)

Jacko: Oy! Where do ya think yer goin'? (He follows. Ranged runs down a flight of stairs into a large room and pulls out a cell phone)
Ranged: Miss Katz, are you there?
Tabitha: (on the other end) What is it Ranged? I'm busy.
Ranged: Miss Katz, they're here.
Tabitha: They are? Get rid of them!
Ranged: Rudy's already taking care of it. What should I do?
Tabitha: Get the plane ready. The city will be contaminated within the hour.
Ranged: Yes Tabitha. (he hangs up and goes into another room. Jacko comes in just missing him.)
Jacko: Now where is he? (Jacko sees something out the corner of his eye. He turns around and sees Ranged's plane with the strobe attached to it.) Motha' `a pearl! What a beaut'. (He goes into the plane.) What's a pretty girl like you doin' in a ruddy place like this? (The door of the plane suddenly slams shut behind him. Ranged is outside the plane working at a console. He does not see that Jacko is in the plane.)
Ranged: Let's get this over with. (He pushes a button, and the plane starts.)
Jacko: Uh, oh. This ain't good. (The plane starts moving down a runway and takes off out an opening in the ceiling. Jacko tries to take the controls but they are being controlled by the autopilot.) Oh struth! Now whattami gonna do?

[Back at the lab the mutants and the minions size each other up. Rudy comes over to Crash, Danni, and Coco.]

Rudy: Now which one of you should I take on first?
Danni: You go away you rotten scallywag.
Rudy: Is that any way for a lady to talk? Maybe I'll save you for later.
Crash: Leave her alone you … Ahhh! (He clutches his stomach in pain.)
Coco: Crash! What's wrong?
Crash: It's the serum, (groans) something's happening. (He keels over in great pain. He feels like his entire body is on fire as he falls to the ground moaning.)
Rudy: Well, If you're going to make it easy for me.

(He lifts his gun to crash and Coco and is ready to fire.)

Coco: NO!

Coco goes to run and defend her brother. Crash isn't looking too good... He is lying on the floor. He blacks out...

Crash: Uggh…
Coco: CRASH!

Rudy laughs and aims the gun at them both...

Rudy: Time to say goodbye!

Suddenly he feels a sharp smack in the back of his head. He yowls and turns around, to see Danni staring at him angrily. She has her boomerang in her hand...

Rudy: [Rubbing his head, laughing] Well there sweet cheeks! Heheh! That was quite a punch you threw at me there. [he growls] Care to take that back?
Danni: [angrily] Take THIS back!

She punches him hard on the face. He yowls and falls backwards. Only to be grabbed by Dingodile.
Dingodile: [Smiling slyly] Hah! Now it’s MY TURN!

He knees Rudy in the groin. Rudy wheezes uncontrollably and falls to the floor. Tommy-boy came bounding up beside him...
Rudy: [grabbing Tommy-boy by the collar] Darn it! These Dingoes are fierce!
Tommy-boy: Uh huh! Uh huh! [agreeing] Like I said before... Don't tease the Dingoes!!

Danni suddenly grabbed Tommy-boy by the scruff of the neck.

Danni: Hey there! [growling] Where do you think YOU'RE going?
Tommy-boy: Uh... [whimpering] P… Please don't hurt me missy... I… Uh…

Danni growls and punches him hard. He goes flying across the room, and out the window.


Danni smirks, and turns around, to see Dingodile is amidst a fight of his own... The other mutant rats and dogs have surrounded him... Dingodile growls angrily, and points his flamethrower at them.

Dingodile: Have ya forgotten mates? [pats his flamethrower] I've got... THIS!

He goes to pull the trigger... But more sewage water spills out of it... as it makes a *Phut* sound.

Dingodile: [cursing] Ruddy 'eck! I forgot what happened to this thing!

The mutants laugh and close in. Danni frowns, and raises her boomerang. She readies it, trying to see if she can get the whole row of mutants that are closing in on Dingodile... Out. Coco is still watching, worried, and still guarding Crash. She sees Rudy, get up slowly... Rudy groans, and sees he is right behind Danni... He grins...

Danni: Huh?

Danni turns around, ready to attack. However, Rudy has already jumped up and grabbed Danni, very tight round the back of the throat... She gasps as he locks his fat fingers around her neck. He laughs.

Rudy: Heheh! Do you find me BREATH taking? Eh sweet cheeks?

Danni is gasping and trying to pry Rudy's fingers off her... She feels herself weakening...

Coco: Danni!

Coco looks to her unconscious brother. She is reluctant to leave him... But her friend is in deep trouble. And Dingodile is really occupied with his own troubles... She shouts.


She takes a running jump and leaps on to Rudy. Smacking him on the head. He goes to shake her off. But is still tightening his grip 'round Danni's throat... Rudy growls and with one hand round Danni's throat, and with the other one free, uses it to knock Coco to the ground. She looks up to see Rudy has resumed squeezing the life out of Danni....

Rudy: Sorry our relationship didn't go anywhere sweetie! But orders is orders...

Danni can feel herself blackening out... She slowly looks towards Dingodile... who is now WINNING against the mutants... Dingodile swings with his weapon, at one of the dogs. As it falls back on two other mutant rats... He cocks his flamethrower in the air triumphantly, and then kisses it.

Dingodile: You beaut' You're always handy in more ways than one!

He looks over his shoulder to see Danni being strangled by Rudy... His eyes widen… Coco is trying her very best to kick and swipe at Rudy, but he keeps knocking her away... And continues to strangle Danni... Coco has fallen to the floor again, to see Danni has nearly closed her eyes... She is losing her fight.

Coco: No!

Danni looks over to Dingodile... Maybe... Theres a chance... That he might be able to save her... Danni gasps out... quietly...

Danni: Help... me... *gasp*...Dingo… Dile.

Dingodile is looking at her, with a sudden feeling... A different feeling... He has a worried look on his face. He is almost in a daydream... There’s something happening, in his mind again... A sudden change of conscience... Coco sees Dingodile and shouts.


Something inside Dingodile snaps. He roars and charges towards Rudy, and punches him, sky-high. Danni falls to the floor motionless. Rudy goes straight through the wall.

Rudy: [screaming] YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF MEEEE!! [a distant sound of a crash is heard]

Dingodile brushes his hands off.

Dingodile: There! That’s that! [he looks over to Danni]
Coco: Danni! [runs over to her] Danni wake up!

Dingodile, looks at Danni with an eerie feeling again. But walks up to her.

Dingodile: [to Coco] Ahhh She'll be all right!

He then, picks her up and starts tapping her on the back... She coughs… and gasps...

Coco: Danni! Are you alright? [she goes up to her and rubs her back]
Danni: Its ok! [she smiles, still coughing] I just need to get my breath back...

She then looks up to Dingodile. However, Dingodile is lost in thought...

Danni: Dingodile? [astounded] Wh... Why did you?

Dingodile growls. He looks at both her and Coco. The angriness filled his heart again. Just like it always has.

Dingodile: Did what? I was only payin' that Rudy back for what he did to me earlia'!

Even Coco looked at him confused... Danni shook her head. She was starting to get a headache... She then gasps...

Danni: Crash!
Coco: [realising] Crash! I FORGOT!

All three of them look towards Crash...

Coco: Crash! Crash! Wake up, please!

[Crash wearily opens his eyes as the sound of his sister's voice. He groans softly, his head is spinning with dizziness. As he sits up and cradles his head, he notices his hands are now covered with light orange fur. He feels his face, fur there too, and his nose was back to its normal length. The serum had worked! He was now restored to his own old bandicoot form.]

Crash: Coco, It worked! I'm normal again! (He stands up, but reels from dizziness)
Coco: Stay down for now Crash, you're still too weak.

(Crash looks around him at the ensuing chaos of the fight between the mutants and the minions.)

Crash: But I can help. (Groans) Ugh…
Coco: Stay. Please.

(Crash nods and sits to regain his equilibrium. Coco joins the others in the fight, which has now escalated to a free for all battle. Joe and Moe are cornered back to back by a hoard of mutants]

Joe: Who wantssss ssome? (They slash at the attacking gang.)
Moe: Let'sss slice and dice-sss them.

(A group of smaller mutants jump and grab onto Tiny.)

Tiny: Get off Tiny! (He roars and starts flinging them off in different directions. The mutants continue to be matched with the minions as the fight carries on. Some large dogs corner Cortex by a wall. He cowers in their shadows.)
Cortex: (to himself) Oh, dear. I'm doomed! I'm doomed! Oh, what would that bandicoot do at a time like this? (He thinks) Of course, he would spin! I think I could manage doing that.

(He winds up and attempts spinning the dogs. Twirling wildly he slams into a few of them but ultimately ends up careening into a broom closet.)

Cortex: Oh, drat! (A bucket lands on his head.) Oof!

(Danni and Dingodile are surrounded by mutants and are very outnumbered.)

Dingodile: We could use some backup here!

(Pinstripe is behind an over turned table shooting at mutants while dodging gun fire himself.)

Pinstripe: Kinda busy ova' here!
Dingodile: Grrr… gotta do everythin' meself.

(He punches his way through the mob. Danni kicks at her assailants furiously.)

Danni: This is fer tryin' ta hurt innocent people!

(A shot rings out whizzing past Danni's head. She whips around to see Rudy and Tommy-boy behind her both pointing guns)

Rudy: I don't like needing to shoot a pretty thing like you, but nobody pushes me around and gets away with it.
Tommy-boy: You're gonna get it now!
Danni: Not if I have a say in it.

(She kicks Rudy's gun from his hands. He shouts angrily and pushes her into a desk. The impact knocks the box of syringes to the floor. The syringes roll from the box onto the floor.)

Rudy: (picking up his gun) That was a gutsy move, but it won't help you.

(He is about to shoot when Dingodile grabs him)

Dingodile: Ya neva learn do ya?
Rudy: Guess not. (He lifts his gun to Dingodile's head.)
Tommy-boy: Yeah Rudy, shoot him dead!

(Danni gasps; she needs to help Dingodile but how? She then sees the syringes lying on the floor, grabbing two of them she charges at the rats.)

Danni: Leave him ALONE! (She jams the syringes into them.)
Rudy: Ow! Hey, she pricked us.
Tommy-boy: Hey I, I don't feel so good Rudy.

(The two rats suddenly begin shrinking, smaller and smaller until they cannot be seen. Under the pile of clothes they leave behind a pair of normal sewer rats pop up into view.)

Dingodile: (leaning in close to them.) Now what do we have `ere? SUPPA'! (He snaps at them, they squeak and run away.)

Meanwhile... Jacko, who is still stuck on the plane... is busy tugging away at the joystick at the controls.

Jacko: [Panicking] I CAN'T let this plane reach the city! I can't let the others down!!

He looks up to see all the buttons are flashing. He scratches his head....

Jacko: [Smiles slightly] Heh! Funny....I've never worked with THIS kind of model plane before! Just me luck!

He stares at the controls, then looks out of the window. The sun is now starting to come into view... Jacko panicks. Sweat pours down his face...

Jacko: GEEZ! I gotta stop this thing NOW! Before the light hits the strobe. That will only set it off, and cover the whole city!!

Jacko looks up at the controls again. He shrugs...

Jacko: [sighs] Well. I hope this works. It’s me only choice!

He then pushes all of the buttons. And flicks all of the levers... Hoping that it will all make a difference... Suddenly, as he pushes a red flashing button, a siren is sounded...

Jacko: [quietly] Whoops... my bad?

Beneath the plane the rods attaching themselves to the strobe detach, causing the strobe to plummet 1000ft to the earth... Jacko looks out of the plane. To see it fall into the sea. Right by the side of The Statue of Liberty... He cheers...

Jacko: YES!!

Meanwhile... Ranged, who was busy monitoring the plane’s progress to the city, via a small computer navigational system, frowns as the small dot, representing the strobe... disappears...

Ranged: WHA? NO! Tabitha will NOT be pleased!! How could this have happened??

He jumps from his chair. Putting the controls on his control box, into autopilot... and runs out of the room... Meanwhile, Jacko is busy congratulating himself...

Jacko: HAH! Yes! Fear not Crash... For I have saved all of Manha...

His cheering stops... as he sees a tall skyscraper... Heading straight towards him... He yipes and dashes straight back to the joystick... He tugs away at the Joystick. Trying to pull it back, hoping it will at least move a few inches...

Jacko: Awww PLEASE baby! Work!! C'MON!!

He roars and tugs with all his might...He whimpers as the skyscraper comes up real close...

Jacko: No! I'll never be a great pilot!

Suddenly... The joystick snaps causing Jacko to fall backwards with shock. A spark, jumps out of the control box, back in Dr Ranged's room. There is now obviously... a mechanism failure... Jacko shakes his head. His eyes widen as he realises he is holding half the joystick in his paws...He looks at the control area. To see there are sparks flying from it....

Jacko: Whoops...

The plane carries on out of control, and turns slightly on its right side... However. It misses the tall skyscraper.

Jacko: Yes! I'm out of the clear now!

Jacko looks at the altimeter, to see that the plane is dangerously descending towards the ground. He can feel it too.

Jacko: [sighs] Great! Out of one trouble. And into anotha'!

He looks out of the window... To see that he is heading towards the sea...

Jacko: Hello! This peril looks familia'! [He looks around] Where are tha parachutes? [sees one] Yes!

He grabs it, and puts it on.

Jacko: Right! Now to get out of this death trap!

He takes a deep breath, ready to take on the full force of the wind when he jumps out of the plane... He CHARGES towards the door, ready to kick it with his feet. He kicked it, but he falls backwards. The door was rock solid.

Jacko: Wha? [he gets up and tries to open the door] The... The door won’t open!!

He then panics... Another dilemma has now hit him...

Jacko: [His eyes widen] I... I'm TRAPPED!!

[Jacko franticly grabs the controls of the plane. The broken joystick in hand he pulls it with all his strength in hopes that the plane will rise away from the incoming ocean.]

Jacko: Come on, work fer poppa. (The joystick starts to move) That's a good girl. Now fly fer Jacko. (The plane moves upward slowly at first, then it zooms over the surface of the water narrowly missing a watery grave.) All right! Atta girl! Now let's see if we can help the otha`s. (He pilots the plane over the city. As he flies past the empire state building he spies something white climbing the side of the structure.) What is that? Yeah, it is! Koala Kong?

(Koala Kong scales the Empire State building with glee.)

Koala Kong: I've always wanted to do this!
Terry: (Sticking his head out a window.) Get back in here Kong! We're supposed to be looking for Tabitha.
Koala Kong: Oh ok. (He climbs back inside the window.)
Teri: Come on, the roof is only a few more floors up. Let's just hope we aren't too late.
Koala Kong: YEAH! All right, all right!! I'm cummin!!

Teri, Koala Kong, Ripper Roo, Cassie and Terry carefully make there way up to the top of the Empire State building... Luckily... Nobody else was there to spot them... Tabitha is on the very top, looking over the city... To the side of her... An enormous barrel... filled with the mutagen. Ready to be blown apart by the ticking time bomb, placed onto it. So the formula would cover the entire city... Tabitha looks down from the building. Everyone down... people... humans... She growls to herself...

Tabitha: All those filthy HUMANS down there! [smiling twistedly] They all look like Ants... [smacks her hands together] And they deserve to be SQUISHED!!

A tear rolls down her cheek. As she remembers one painful moment, as a kitten... Left out on the streets... to fend for herself… running away from snarling angry street dogs. And fighting for food... And for her life... And nobody took her in... Or gave her a home... Nobody cared... She turns to the device... And smiles, slyly to herself...

Tabitha: But very soon... It will be ALL over, for the human race... And I will have what I want!!
Tabitha: Wha...

She whizzes around, to see Teri, Cassie, Terry, Koala Kong and Ripper. Behind her... She hisses.

Tabitha: BACK OFF!! [growls] Or I throw the barrel OFF the building!!

She goes to touch the bomb. However. Teri hisses, and jumps forward.... Grabbing hold of her sister. The two of them engage in a cat fight... hissing and clawing...

Teri: I will NOT let you HURT these people!
Tabitha: [Laughing angrily] You’re TOO late Teri!! TOO LATE!!

They continue in their scrap. The others look on. Cassie sobs gently to herself...

Cassie: This is all MY fault! I shouldn't have left Tabitha out like this! [looks at Terry, with tears in her eyes] But I so tried to give her a home... I tried!
Terry: [Puts his hand on Cassie's furry cheek] I know honey... I know...
Cassie: [To herself] I have to DO something!

Meanwhile... Tiny, Komodo Joe and Moe, Dingodile, Pinstripe, Cortex, Crash, Coco and Danni are still fighting with the rest of Tabitha's minions... And it looks like they're winning!

Tiny: Tiny like GOOD fight! [Clunks two mutants heads together]
Mutants: OWWW!!

Coco turns to Crash.

Coco: Looks like we're winning. Tiny, Pinstripe, Dingodile, The Komodo Brothers... and Cortex can stay here, and take care of the mutants. Danni, you and me must go to the empire state building, to help the others!
Crash: Right! [calling over to Danni] DANNI! C'mon! Lets go!!
Danni: Right! What about the others?
Crash: [Pointing to the minions] I think they got it covered!

Danni looks over her shoulder to see Dingodile, having the time of his life. Battling away with the mutants. He looks like he's enjoying it too! She smiles to herself secretly, then turns towards Crash and Coco, who are just about to run out the door...

Danni: Ok! I'm ready. Wait for me!

She runs out the door with them. Cortex meanwhile... who was hiding behind a chair… sees them run out.... He snorts angrily to himself...

Cortex: [Whispering] Oh no Crash... Don't think you'll be going anywhere without me!

He then quickly dodges the mutants, and his minions fighting away. And runs out the door... And after Crash, Coco and Danni...

Pinstripe: [Shooting away] Hey? Where’s Cortex?
Dingodile: [swipes at another mutant] Aw! I dunno! Look just protect that box a syringes will ya?

Pinstripe looks at the box...

Pinstripe: Ok.

Tabitha and Teri continue clawing away at each other... Tabitha suddenly kicks her sister in the groin. She groans, and keels over. Tabitha grins and stands up....

Tabitha: Pathetic! [Grinning] Truly pathetic! [To the rest of the gang] Do you really think you will save this PITIFUL city?
Koala Kong: [Cracks his knuckles] Well... Theres 5 of us... And only 1 of you...[Grins] Yeah... I'd call this a fair fight!

Tabitha hisses, and extends her claws... Suddenly, there is a noise... Ranged comes running in up the stairs...

Ranged: TABITHA! I've come to warn yo.. [Sees the others] Uh no...
Koala Kong: Well... What have we here? [Grabs hold of Ranged tightly] GOT YA!
Ranged: [Angrily] Get off me!!

Tabitha yowls angrily and hisses at them all...

Tabitha: You are ALL too late! Soon... [Looks at the bomb] It will be ALL OVER! [Grins twistedly] All over the CITY, I mean!

She laughs hysterically... Suddenly, Cassie walks forward with a solemn look on her face. Terry yelps...

Terry: CASSIE? What are you doing?
Cassie: [Whispering] I gotta try... I just have to...
Tabitha: [Growling at Cassie] STAND BACK CASSIE! Or the city will be in turmoil! Thanks to YOU!!
Cassie: [Sadly] Yes... I know... It IS all my fault. I didn't want it to turn out this way! [Sobs] I desperately wanted to find you a new home! [Breaking out more sobs] B... but I just... c-couldn't! I loved you to bits... I REALLY wanted you to have a good home... I'm so sorry it turned out this way! [She cries, uncontrollably, and kneels on the floor]
Terry: Cassie?

Tabitha's eyes widened... Did this girl really mean all this? Cassie broke down in tears. She looked up at Tabitha. Tears streaming down her face...

Cassie: If...*Sob* If only I knew that you were *sniff* being mistreated... I *Sob* would have took you back home myself! [More tears come streaming down] I would have took you in Tabby! I didn't mean for it to be this way... [Weeps] I'm so sorry...

Cassie continued to cry ever so strongly. She had never cried so much in her life. ALL the pain that was in Tabitha, she could now feel. Such dreadful sorrow... Tabitha's eyes filled with tears, when she heard the very word "Mistreated" Thinking back of how every one neglected her, hated her... Could this young girl really have cared for her if she took her in... Suddenly... the pain, sorrow and hate in Tabitha's heart grew too much. It started to build up in an enormous pent up rage. She howls angrily, and extends her claws to swipe. Tears rolling down her face...

Tabitha: LIAR!!! You NEVER would have cared for me!! You would have ended up just like all of them!!

She goes to swipe at Cassie... Cassie whimpers.

Terry: NOOOO!!
Voice: STOP!

Tabitha stops in her tracks, and looks up. Everyone turns around. To see Crash, Coco and Danni running up off the top of the steps towards them...The three of them reach up to Terry...

Crash: [To Tabitha] KATZ! It doesn't have to be this way!

Tabitha growls, and grabs Cassie from behind. She wields her sharp claws to Cassies throat. And drags the girl-mouse up and behind the barrel...

Tabitha: [Angrily] Oh... does it?
Terry: Cassie!

Danni looked on in anger... All her life, she’s never been used to humans. (Of course, she never even knew that poachers killed her parents, but that’s a different story!) This all felt weird to her... Humans corrupted her, just nearly the same as Tabitha. Corrupted by Cortex... She had hated humans... Now here she is... Trying to save a city full of them... Maybe... Maybe she has learned something from this... Tabitha continued to move back. Crash, Coco, Danni, Terry, Koala Kong, Ripper and Teri look on...

Crash: NO TABITHA! This has to STOP!!
Tabitha: [Screams] NEVER!!

She then looks at the clock in the time bomb, on the barrel... and grins. Even if the strobe is no use now the force of the explosion will do some mighty damage... and time... is slowly... ticking away. In only a few minutes the explosion would happen. Crash reeled with fear, how would they stop Tabitha with so little time left?

Crash: Tabitha, you have to stop this! You don't know what you're doing.
Tabitha: Yes I do. Once this barrel explodes this city will be doomed!

(She lifts the barrel to the edge of the building getting ready to throw it off.)

Coco: No! Don't!
Tabitha: Now nothing can stop me! Nothing!

(She picks up the barrel and tosses it over the side of the building)

Teri: No!

(Ripper leaps over the side of the building after the barrel.)

Crash: Ripper what are you doing? Come back!

(Crash dived after Ripper. Coco, Danni, Terry, and Koala Kong dived after him. They each grab each other by the ankles causing a long chain with Crash grabbing Ripper by the feet at the end. Ripper has caught the Barrel in his mouth.)

Terry: Hey, nice catch.
Ripper: (muffled by the barrel) HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!
Coco: Stop laughing or you'll drop it.
Crash: Somebody pull us up!

(Koala Kong lifts the chain of people back up to the roof. Tabitha growls at them with scorn.)

Tabitha: You all think that will make any difference. (She and Ranged take out guns and point them at the group) You are sadly mistaken.

Tabitha continues to growl at them all. Hatred filling her heart... She turns to Ranged...

Tabitha: What happened to the strobe??
Ranged: [Looks at her, looking sorry] I'm sorry, Tabitha. It had detached itself, from the plane during flight... it’s... destroyed...
Tabitha: [Looks at Crash, and the others. She screws her eyes up with hate] No matter... I still can get my revenge on THESE fools!!

She hisses at them. Crash shakes his head...

Crash: No Tabitha... What good do you think you will get out of this, if your heart is consumed with hate for the rest of your life? You will feel miserable and lonely. No wonder nobody would want to take you in!

Tabitha screams...

Tabitha: [Her eyes widen] Tha... That’s NOT true!! [To Crash] HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT I HAVE NO RIGHT FOR THIS! [Hisses] This is JUSTICE!!!

Danni shakes her head, disagreeing....

Danni: No Tabitha... This isn't justice. [Points to herself] I KNOW what it feels like to have been corrupted by humans! I've been there! [Looks at her sadly] But this won't help even out anything!! You can't take the law into your own hands!
Tabitha: [Nearly in tears] What makes you think... the LAW would even care about a small, abandoned kitten... [A tear rolls down her cheek] Nobody cared...

Teri looks at her sister with sorrow in her heart. Even after what her sister had done to her... She felt that this was probably, Tabitha's cry for help... She steps out...

Teri: Sister. Please... We can work this out!

Tabitha looks at the floor sadly. Ranged lowers his gun and looks at her, concerned...

Ranged: Tabitha?

Tabitha growls slightly, and looks up at Teri with anger in her eyes....

Tabitha: [hisses] Never... As long as I'm on this planet... No human, is safe!

Suddenly, there is a police siren. Her ears prick up, and she looks down, to see, a group of police officers in uniform, and guns... Surrounding the building. (Obviously citizens, who alerted the authorities, spotted them… Tabitha looks at Crash, angrily, and spits...

Tabitha: You... You called the police!! You DID THIS!!
Crash: [Angrily] No! I didn't!

Suddenly there is a noise... Everyone turns around, to see Cortex running up the steps...

Cortex: CRASH! COCO! DANNI!! You won't run off that easily… I...

He stops when he sees everyone...

Cortex: Oh...

Tabitha, seeing that Crash's back is turned towards her, screams and leaps towards him... Danni sees it...

Crash: [turning around] Huh?

Danni, in a spit second, runs and leaps in front of Crash, protecting him. But takes the full force of Tabitha... They both go tumbling off the side of the building... Screaming... Crash and the others look on in shock...

Coco: DANNI!!

Crash runs towards them…


Teri runs after Crash...


Crash, Coco and Teri look over the side of the building. To see Danni holding on to a ledge for dear life... Below her, Tabitha is holding on to a ledge... She looks up at Danni...

Danni: [Looking down to Tabitha] Tabitha!! [Reaches down to grab hold of her] HANG ON!!
Coco: [To Crash] Oh GOD!! What are we gonna do!!
Teri: We have to do something!!
Crash: [Panicking] I'm not just gonna stand around and think! I gotta do something NOW!!

Crash climbs down the side of the building. Coco panicks...

Coco: CRASH! What are you doing??

He lies down over a ledge, and sticks his hand out, trying to reach to Danni. But she is gradually slipping... He calls out to her....


[Tabitha and Danni both dangle from the roof. Crash panics. A fall from here would mean certain death.]

Crash: Danni! Grab my hand! (He leans over the ledge as far as he can; Danni reaches up to his hand and grasps it tightly.)
Danni: (Fearfully) Don't let go!
Crash: I never will! (He starts to pull her to up. She looks down at Tabitha who is still struggling to lift herself up.)
Danni: Tabitha, take my hand quickly.

(Tabitha looks down at the plummet below, then up at Danni and her outstretched hand.)

Crash: Don't be stupid Tabitha; let us help you.

(Tabitha reaches up to Danni's hand and smiling smacks it away.)

Tabitha: I need no help from the likes of you. (Looking down at the 1,250ft drop she lets go of the ledge and falls.) I'll see you humans in HELL!
Teri: Tabitha!
Cassie: Oh no!
Terry: She really was crazy.

(Crash pulls Danni to safety. She holds him tightly. Coco peers over the edge of the roof.)

Coco: I can't see her! We're too high up!
Cortex: There's no way that she could survive a fall from this height.
Cassie: Why did she do that? Why?
Teri: She hated humans so much that she would rather give up her own life than be saved by one.
Danni: But I'm not human.
Teri: That did not matter to her, you looked like one. She had so much hatred for all humans that even by giving up to you would be a crushing defeat for her. If only she could learn to look beyond the surface and see that not all humans are the monsters that she thought them to be. (She comforts Danni with a warm smile) You are a good person, human or animal.
Ranged: It doesn't matter now. She's gone, and it's all YOUR fault!!! I for one am not going to let her die in vain. (He lifts the barrel over his head.) This city WILL see Tabitha's dream come true!
Crash: You don't have to do this Ranged, think about it; the people down there are the same as you.
Ranged: The same as me? Oh no they're not. For years I've stood idly by as other humans neglected their environment and the animals that lived there. I finally have a chance to show them what it's like at the bottom of the chain. (He goes to throw the barrel.)
Coco: Ranged stop!
Ranged: There is no stopping now! This barrel explodes in less than two minutes. I can always build a new strobe. Stop? Hah! This has only just begun.

[He gets ready to heave the barrel. Suddenly a low flying plane zooms overhead knocking the barrel and causing him to fall over backwards.]

Danni: Jacko?
Jacko: (Shouting out the planes window) G'day mates! Good thing I decided ta stick around. I was circling ova` head an` saw ya blokes needed some help.
Ranged: (very angry) You! You've ruined everything for the last time! (He grabs the barrel and leaps onto a wing of the plane.)
Crash: What does he think he's doing?! (Crash jumps onto the wing after him.)
Jacko: Oy! Watch it out there! Ya'll make me loose me balance.
Coco: Crash be careful!
Terry: They're both nuts.

[Meanwhile back at the lab the minions seem to have beaten of the mutants.]

Dingodile: Aright!
Moe: We bad!
Tiny: Tiny good fighter.
Dingodile: Well mates, looks like the competition's down fer th` count.
A bellowing voice: You forgot me!

(They turn around; Bruno is standing behind them hulking and ready to take them all on.)

Pinstripe: Aw… poop.

[Back at the Empire State building; Coco, Teri, Danni, Cassie, and Terry watch in fright as Ranged and Crash fight on the wing of the soaring plane.]

Crash: Have you flipped your lid Ranged?
Ranged: Oh, no I haven't. I'm going to contaminate this city even if it means blowing myself up in the process. (Crash tries to wrestle the barrel from Ranged's grasp. Ranged punches him in the face nearly knocking him off balance.)
Jacko: I'd like ta help ya Crash, but I'm kinda occupied as it is.

(Crash gazes down at the mile high gap between them and the pavement. He gets an idea.)

Crash: You can help. Take us higher!
Jacko: Higha`? Has the altitude gotten to ya noggin? Why'd ya want a daffy thing that that?
Crash: Trust me!
Jacko: All right, but hang on. (He pulls up on the controls causing the plane to take a vertical climb. Crash and Ranged grip the wing to keep from falling off. Ranged holds onto the barrel unrelentingly.)
Ranged: I don't know what you're planning, but nothing is going to stop me from dropping this on the city.
Crash: I know. (Steadying himself he stands up. Hoping that the plane was now high enough, he makes an attempt to knock the barrel away from Ranged. The plane shakes.)
Jacko: Careful out thar`! I can only keep her steady fer so long.
Crash: I won't need too long. (He dashes up to Ranged and spins him. Ranged loosens his hold on the barrel, it plummets towards the ground.)
Ranged: No! (He pushes Crash then dives after the barrel. Crash looses his poise and falls off the wing.)
Jacko: Crash!
Crash: I'm OK Jacko!

(Jacko peers out the window and under the plane. Crash is hanging on to the wheels underneath it.)

Jacko: You sure gave me a fright. What about Ranged?

(Ranged is falling though the sky faster and faster, he spies the barrel falling near him. He grabs it by the handle and pulls it close. He then sees the counter on it reads 3…2…1)

Ranged: Uh-oh. (There is a fantastic BOOM bringing fire to the sky. Jacko and Crash look down as they fly overhead. Coco and the others watch from the top of the Empire State Building.)
Terry: What happened?
Coco: The barrel exploded, but they were so high up that the mutagen dissolved in the atmosphere.
Danni: Crash saved the city!

(Back on the plane)

Jacko: Good show mate!
Crash: Wahoo! This is so JAMES BOND! (Begins singing the James Bond theme loudly)
Jacko: I guess the altitude DID get to ya.


Pinstripe: Look out! (Bruno is wrecking havoc in the lab smashing things and basically frightening the minions.)
Tiny: Big dog scare Tiny!
Joe: Don't be ssssuch a ssscaredy cat.

(Tiny turns around, shaking a bit with fear he gathers his courage.)

Tiny: Tiny good fighter, Tiny be brave!

(Bruno barks loudly at Tiny. Tiny screeches and hides under a table.)

Joe: There goesss our back up.
Moe: (flaunting his sword) We can ssstill take him. (Bruno smashes a filing cabinet with his fist) Or not.
Dingodile: This `ere's a sticky wicket.
Joe: What a time for the bosss to ditch usss.
Tiny: Tiny want mommy!
Bruno: I was ordered to stop any intruders. That includes YOU!

(He lunges at them. Out of nowhere Crash leaps onto his back.)

Crash: Bad dog!
Moe: You got back here fassssst.
Crash: When you're a mutant animal on the streets of New York, people clear the streets for you fast.
Bruno: Get off; you all completely ruined the uprising. If I exterminate you, it will make Miss Katz very happy.
Teri: I'm afraid we have bad news Bruno. Tabitha is dead.
Bruno: What? No!
Coco: She fell off the Empire State Building.

(Bruno's eyes widen with sadness, he look as forlorn as a little puppy.)

Cassie: It'll be all right.

(Bruno's eyes harden.)

Bruno: You're lying! (He lashes out at them violently.)
Cortex: (screams) Ahh! (to minions) Don't just stand there! Protect me!
Coco: Pathetic.
Koala Kong: At least we didn't miss all the fun.

(They try to stop Bruno's rampage, He lifts Ripper over his head and throws him at Koala Kong. Ripper laughs rabidly.)

Teri: Bruno! Please try to understand. We'll help you get through this.
Dingodile: Yeah, stop bein' such a blinkin' chunder-head.

(Bruno swipes angrily at Dingodile.)

Danni: Look out! (She pushes him out of the way of Bruno's attack. They both fall to the ground) Are you ok? (He looks up at her bewildered. He is overcome with that same eerie feeling that took him when they were fighting Rudy. What did it mean? Why did she trigger this unfamiliar emotion in him? He wanted to know, but was afraid to find out. He narrows his eyes and tries to focus his mind.)
Dingodile: (pushing her away) Ah, I woulda been able ta take him meself.
Bruno: Rahhhh!!!!!! (Smashes some beakers.)
Terry: Whoa, talk about moody.

(A group of police officers rush into the lab.)

Officer 1: Freeze!
Jacko: `Bout time you fellas got `ere.
Crash: Oh boy the cavalry!
Officer 2: Holy cow! Check these weirdoes out chief. Are we supposed to take them to jail or the pound?
Officer 1: I don't know, just book 'um.

(Apex and the Stanwicks come in.)

Apex: Remember, I've identified the real offenders for your men. If I find you arresting the wrong people, you'll be hearing from my lawyers.
Buffy: Isn't this zestful, a real police foray.
Bruce: This has certainly been an exciting day.
Coco: So you're the one who called the cops.
Apex: I felt it necessary to take matters into my own hands, my way.
Crash: Well, thanks that you did. We were getting pushed into a corner back there.
Apex: Anything to help. You guys saved my company.

(The police escort all the mutants away.)

[ When all the officers are gone Crash and co. gather outside the lab.]

Crash: …And then Jacko comes flying in, Zoom! You shoulda seen it.
Coco: I'm just glad it's over with.
Crash: Me too!
Cassie: (sighs) I just wish Tabitha didn't have to take her own life like that.
Terry: You know - that's weird.
Coco: What is?
Terry: I was just talking to one of those cops, and he said they never found Tabitha's body.
Jacko: That's impossible, she should be street pizza.
Crash: That is weird. (He looks over to Danni standing aloofly from the group.) Danni, What's wrong?
Danni: I'll be OK. At least you got to change back to normal. I guess I can get used to being human.
Crash: The antimutagen! I almost forgot! We've got to change you back to normal.
Danni: (sadly) That won't be easy. While we were in the lab, I saw that the antimutagen was gone.
Crash: Gone? How? Where?
Pinstripe: Youse guys talkin' about that box full a needles. Dingodile told me to keep an eye on dat.

(He reaches into his jacket and takes out the box.)

Cortex: I could kiss you!
Pinstripe: (Cocks gun) You'd better not!
Crash: (taking box) I'll take that. (to Cortex) I don't like the idea of you getting your grubby little paws on this. (he hands a syringe to Danni, Terry, and Cassie) Here you guys go.
Cortex: What about me?
Crash: You know I have half a mind to keep you this way. But then again, you'd just give a bad reputation to all bandicoots. (He tosses a syringe to Cortex who catches it in his hands.)
Coco: Hey, what happened to Teri?
Jacko: Hey, she is gone!
Coco: I would think she would want to be changed back.

(From across the street Teri watches the group unseen.)

Teri: (to herself) Oh I do wish I could be changed back. Unfortunately, I am still needed in this form. I feel that my sister is still around. And if she is, no good can come of it.

[In a lonely dark jail across town, Bruno sits in a cell guarded by two officers.]

Officer 1: So we're keeping him here?
Officer 2: Guess so. Some scientists wanted to look at him and his friends. We have to keep an eye on them until they come.
Officer 1: Looks like all those stories about mutant animals in the city were truer than we thought, huh.
Officer 2: At least we got them all off the streets. (The door to the cellblock opens, a woman enters. She is wearing a shawl over his face concealing it.)
Officer 1: Excuse me ma'am but you can't come in here. (She does not respond) Didn't you hear me? I said you're not allowed back here. (He walks up to her; she takes a small canister out of her pocket and sprays a thick mist at him. He coughs and passes out.)
Officer 2: Hey, what do you think you're doing?! (He tries to arrest her, but she sprays him as well with the same results. With both guards out cold she makes her way over to Bruno's cell and removes her shawl.)
Bruno: Tabitha! You're alive!!! But how?
Tabitha: You know that I always land on my feet. (He picks the lock open with her claws)
Bruno: But they told me you fell of the Empire State building…
Tabitha: I will explain later, first we must escape this place.
Bruno: Escape to where? The lab's been shut down. The uprising is over.
Tabitha: Yes, this one is, but there will be another some day. Those humans will learn that this cat always comes back.

[The sun is setting over Central Park. The light of dusk cascades through the trees illuminating the scenery. Danni dashes and dances through and around the foliage contently and as happily as a child trying to grasp the last few moments of the perfect summer's day. As the streetlights begin to glow, she finds herself on a small bridge over the duck pond. She looks at her reflection in the clear water and hugs herself joyfully; she has been restored to full dingo-hood. The remaining daylight glistened off the lake shining on her golden fur. Crash approaches her and softly places his arm around her.]

Crash: You better?
Danni: Very much so. I'm glad to be normal again. (She smiles; Crash takes his arm off her and reclines against a tree. He looks her over, the light shimmering off the lake onto her and the sparkly dress she was still wearing from the previous evening, because they hadn't had time to change back into their street clothes.)
Crash: You know, dingo or human, you look great in that dress.
Danni: (Laughs) I must admit Crash, you do look dashing in that tux.
Crash: Just as long as I never have to wear it again. (He brushes his fingers through his hair sheepishly. She looks at him standing there, undone bow tie hanging around his neck, Both his jacket and shirt unbuttoned exposing his bare orange chest, the cummerbund he had thrown out the window of the cab that brought them to the park because he had said it felt like a girdle. Rex came bounding over yipping joyfully; Coco and Jacko try to keep pace behind him.)
Coco: Rex, wait up!
Jacko: Feisty critter ain't he.

(Terry and Cassie follow them holding hands. They are both human again.)

Terry: Crash, we can't thank you enough for helping us.
Crash: No biggy, we were only doing our job.
Cassie: Well, I guess we should be leaving now. Our parents are probably freaking out wondering where we've been.
Coco: That's OK. Hey, if you're ever in Australia, look us up.
Terry: We will. (Shakes Crash's hand) Goodbye.

(They leave, waving to their new animal friends. They would never forget the events that had unfolded over the past three days, especially Cassie.)

Jacko: (Wiping a tear from his eye) I'm gonna miss them guys.
Coco: Yeah, me too.
Rex: Rah.

(Cortex prances about gaily, kissing and hugging himself with glee of being human again.)

Cortex: Oh, I love being me again. No more fur, no more pointy features, no more cravings for wumpa fruit.
Tiny: Tiny happy Cortex happy. Tiny want hug too. (He grabs his boss and squeezes him tightly.)
Cortex: Let go of me you imbecile! (The minions start laughing at him.) Stop laughing! Put me down Tiny! (Tiny complies, dropping Cortex with a thud.) Oof. (The minions are an the floor laughing.)
Tiny: Is Cortex OK? (laughter continues)
Cortex: Stop laughing this instant or I'll give you all a reason to stop! (They stop laughing but continue snickering, Cortex frowns at them loathingly.) I have a good mind to give you all to the Central Park zoo.

(Danni stares at her reflection contently and sighs.)

Dingodile: What are ya staring at it like that for? Think it's gonna wink at ya?
Danni: (turns her head quickly) Dingodile, what do you want?
Dingodile: I'm guessin' I ought ta thank you fer savin' my life back in th` sewa'.
Danni: Why are you thanking me now?
Dingodile: (irate) Do I gotta explain every thing I do? I shoulda just let that rat kill ya if I knew ya'd act like a ruddy investigata'.
Danni: (sighs) You're welcome.
Dingodile: (grunts) Yeah, don't be getting' all gushy `bout it, it's just a thank you, it's not like I'm askin' ya ta marry me or somthin'.

(He turns away from her. She could almost see him smile slightly, but it may as well been her imagination.)

Crash: (to Cortex) Well, doc looks like everything is back to normal.
Cortex: Yes, indeed. And seeing that things are now restored to order, I see no more need to be teamed up with you. As of now our alliance is over. But seeing as how you did assist me, I will postpone any animosity I may have now for some later date. And you can be sure there will be no pity for you then. (He walks off laughing maniacally.)
Coco: Yup; everything is back to normal.
Jacko: I think I see how you fellas don't like this bloke; he's a downright JERK.
Cortex: (To Minions) All right you half-witted simpletons we're going home.
Tiny: Yay! We go home now! Tiny like plane rides.
Cortex: And no more rounds of "99 bottles of beer".
Tiny, Moe and Koala Kong: (disappointed) Awwwwww.
Crash: Hey, that reminds me, how are WE getting home?
Jacko: Already solved that problem mates. That Apex guy was so happy that we saved his company he lent us one a his private jets.
Crash: And you're going to fly it?
Jacko: A course I am.
Crash: Do you know how to fly a jet?
Jacko: I'm used ta flyin' old-fashioned planes, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it. (Walks away whistling "Wild blue yonder")
Crash: (To Coco) Next time we go on a long trip, remind me to take the train.
Danni: Looks like we should be leavin' too.
Crash: Yeah, (He looks up and the starlit skyline of Manhattan. All the lights of the city are a glow.)
Danni: It's a beautiful city isn't it?
Crash: It was a nice place to visit, but I can't wait to get home.

(The four friends stand together staring at the sight, the big apple, New York.)


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