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Episode 1 – The Capture

Music: U2 – “Beautiful Day” (Intro instrumental)

(On the screen are 4 coloured and nature-shaped powers swirling around in a circle)

Voice: Feast your eyes on the Powers of the Four Seasons. Back in the days of the ancient Aztecs these powers were known to revive anyone from a fatal injury and bring people back from the dead. Towards the end of the era these powers started to wear out along with the Aztec population. Only a small amount of each of these powers remains in this world and who knows if they will survive with us.

(The head of the person with the voice came onto the screen next to the powers, revealing himself as Snappy Gator.)

Snappy: Listen carefully as the old Mr. Crocodile Shoes here tell the tale of 5 courageous warriors and the race to stop the evil Cerulean Wizard, with the aid of those sacred powers…

[The screen flashes white and soon enough the screen shows a tour of Crash’s archipelago, with the title and opening credits running alongside Bon Jovi – “It’s My Life”. When the song finishes, the scene quickly changes to an area deep in the Turtle Woods, pouring with rain. Music changes – Utah Saints – “Power To The Beats” (Instrumental)]

Snappy: Our story begins in the heart of Turtle Woods, where Dr. Neo Cortex was seen dashing through towards his destination…

(Sound effect – thunderclap)

As he headed through the area, with a laser in one hand and Moe’s stolen blade in the other, a deafening sound of a helicopter was heard from ahead. As soon as he got there he looked up at it and hid behind a palm tree as the machine came to land. When it did, some patrol droids jumped out from it and started looking around. Then Tiko jumped out and headed towards the droids…

(Music stops)

Tiko: Is everything ready for tonight?
Droid 1: Everything is running smoothly. So far all but 4 here have been captured and are ready to be killed.
Tiko: Perfect!
Cortex: (jumps out from behind the tree) FREEZE! (loads his gun)
Tiko: WHAT?!? HIM AGAIN? (turns to the droids) ATTACK!

(Music changes – Santos – “Camels”)

The droids charged towards their target with great speed and envy. As that happened the laser was set off, but it bounced off the armour! Then he came in with a counterattack with the blade, but it didn’t even cause a scratch! This caused the droids to have him cornered…

Droid 2: (laughs) Always look on the bright side of DEATH! (gets out a machine gun)

(Music stops)

Voice: And YOU should look on the bright side of this!

[Music restarts – SuReal – “You Take My Breath Away” (Intro)]

From behind the droids, Crash came in spinning one of them into space dust. Then just as when the other one was going to blast him with the machine gun he blasted it with his bazooka in a split second.

(Music stops)

Cortex: That was good timing. I really could appreciate that!
Crash: No sweat!

[Music changes – Samantha Mumba – “Body II Body” (Instrumental)]

Just then, Monnika and Midget came flying in from above…

Monnika: There’s been a bit of bad news back at base.
Crash: Now what?
Midget: You should know that Tiko has regained more strength since the last battle, so he…
Crash: More strength, eh? I very much doubt it!
Cortex: Like, in what way possible could he be stronger?
Monnika: Think about it. He upgraded his machines and his strength with more speed and defence over Christmas.
Crash and Cortex: Who would believe that?
Midget: You should do right about… NOW!

(Music stops)

As soon as the two turned around, Tiko shot them both with a machine gun from one of the droids, leaving them unconscious.

Midget: (gasps) GUYS!
Monnika: Wait there – we’re going to have to develop a strategy.
Midget: But… (cries out loud)

As Midget cries, both victims were taken into the copter and in no time at all went airborne again…
Episode 2 – Breakout!

Scene: Inside Tiko’s airship
Music: Garbage – “The World Is Not Enough” (Intro)

Tiko was seen dragging Crash on the neck through the end of the main hall. As soon as he reached the end, he threw him into a cell, where Coco was seen just sitting there. Then the door was slammed and she rushed to him…

(Music stops)

Coco: Crash… (nudges him madly) Please…

There was no response.

Coco: (sighs) OK, here we go with the next best thing…

She got on top of him and tried to put her mouth against his. Just as when she was going to touch down, Crash dashed over to the other side of the room within a split second.

Crash: (panting) Don’t do that to me – you know that I only kiss…
Coco: I wasn’t kissing – I was doing compressed CPR.
Crash: There’s no need to now!
Coco: Well, now that that is sorted, I guess now’s a good time to break out. How did you do it last time?
Crash: That! (points up to an air vent)
Coco: Well, it was a stupid idea anyway. I was told from Cortex that an air vent is a good idea to get caught.
Crash: OK, so we won’t do that. Are there any other bright ideas?
Coco: I think I have one… (points to an old wooden stick)

[Music restarts – Sisqo – “Incomplete” (Intro)]

Crash: Oh, I see where we’re going with this one!

Coco grabbed the stick and stuck it through the handlebars of the cage, using it to hook a set of keys onto it. After reeling it back, she then successfully opened the door.

Crash: (looks out from the gate) It’s all clear from here… Let’s scram!

(Music stops)

But as they dashed out, some red lights started to blink and a siren was sounded.

Crash: (looks down at his feet and sees some small red buttons surrounding him) Uh-oh…
Coco: You twerp! Now we’re doomed for sure…

[Music restarts – Lit – “Over My Head” (Instrumental)]

Sooner enough, Tiko came out from the other end of the hall and started firing a laser at point blank range…

Crash: DUCK!

Both siblings dived under the shot, in which broke a nearby window.

Coco: OK, so if he can kill you off with an increase with power, how can we escape and build up our strength?
Crash: Er…
Coco: And make sure we don’t dive out of the window, like you did last time!
Crash: I think I’ve an idea in mind – DODGE!

Tiko continued firing his laser at the two, who were ducking and diving towards the end of the corridor. As they got closer, more shots were unleashed, until they were only a few metres from him –


The laser shot them out of a nearer window, sending them off do different areas.

Crash: I’LL BE THERE! Er… If I make it…

As both of them drifted further away from each other, they were both coming closer to the ground.

(The camera is focused on Crash)

The distance between him and the ground was decreasing – 1000m, 500, 250, 100, 50…
Episode 3 – Pride of the Platypus

Scene: The Lost Ruins, 50m into the air
Music: Savage Garden – “Affirmation” (Instrumental)

Crash was seen here coming closer to the ground and was about to suffer an injury. Faster and faster he collided, there was no hope surrounding him…


But sooner enough, a bright spark flew and started to carry him…

Crash: What in the name of Kylie Minogue… WOW!

Soon enough, the spark came towards the ground, dropping him off and causing a crater in the ground.

(Music stops)

Crash: Wow… thanks… whoever you are…

The flyer came out from the crater, revealing herself as a female platypus.

Crash: Woah… you were wicked for a girl!

(The platypus sounds like Christina Aguilera)

Platypus: I’ve been like that since I was born. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Crash…
Crash: Hi… what? How did you know my name?
Platypus: You were the main squadron commander for your army in which defended the island against the Cerulean Wizard…
Crash: Squadron commander? What’s one of those?
Platypus: I’m meaning like a leader.
Crash: Well, thanks for saving my life.
Platypus: Don’t mention it! The name’s Ryane Platypus – International freedom fighter of sector 6.
Crash: Wicked! But…
Ryane: Now what?
Crash: It’s like you… work for someone here…
Ryane: Not really, because of a big blitz in the IFF HQ. I was the only soldier to escape from the blast, and the organisation is no more.
Crash: I see you’ve had a troubled past…
Ryane: Right now I’m out of work and I’m hoping for the same type of living that I once had before…
Crash: Well, today’s your lucky day!
Ryane: How come?
Crash: How about you help me take on Tiko. He’s earned more power than before, that’s what I’ve been told…
Voice: That’s right! I told him that!
Ryane: What the…
Crash: There’s no need to panic – I can recognise that voice anywhere – it’s just my friend Monnika.
Ryane: Oh…

[Music restarts – Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg – “The Next Episode” (Instrumental)]

Both Monnika and Midget came dashing towards them, feeling warn out…

Monnika: Crash… (pants) Midget and I tried to rescue some hostages on the ship, but the power was too much… (puffs)
Ryane: Looks like your enemy’s a lot tougher than I thought…
Crash: Exactly. We could do with a bit of help…
Ryane: Exactly, which is why I’ll be a big help to you guys!
Crash: How can you?
Ryane: Get a load of this!

She fires a beam from her fists directly at a boulder and fries it into ash.

Crash: You’re perfect! You’re coming over!
Crash: Now we need a plan to take him down…
Midget: If only if Cortex was with us – he always comes up with a good idea…
Monnika: EUREKA!
Midget: What?
Monnika: I saw him being taken back to the castle and into the dungeons. If we rescue him, then he should come up with an idea to take out that blue bluff!
Crash: But we need a way there… any ideas?
Ryane: We could fly there…
Monnika: There are anti-flight probes scattered around the area, so that any bird or anything else that flies with or without an engine are thrashed.
Crash: Looks like we need help from other hostages.
Midget: You’re right! Let’s search!

The gang scattered around the area for more hostages…
Episode 4 – Useful For Once

Scene: The Lost Ruins
Music: Sonique – “Sky” (Instrumental)

The gang were seen dashing around these ruins looking for any hostages, but sooner enough…


Crash: OW!
Monnika: What did you do now?
Crash: I think I tripped over something…
Midget: Let me see…

(Music stops)

Ryane: Looks like a handlebar or something.
Crash: Strange… and I thought the Lost Ruins had old treasures, not new ones!
Midget: This ain’t no treasure… (tries to pull it out) You can’t even pull it out of the ground!
Ryane: I bet I can!

With all her strength, she pulled the “handlebar” out of the ground…

Crash: (gasps) That’s no handlebar… it’s a cage!
Midget: Let me free the hostages!

With his bare hands he destroyed the bars of the cage and rescued Polar, Pura, Private Boron and Tiny Tiger.

Polar: (pants) Thank goodness… it was so packed in there!
Pura: Yeah, like so packed with a steroid tiger here…
Tiny: It no Tiny fault – Tiko pack Tiny and cubs in cage. Tiko be one to pay!
Crash: Take it easy… And besides, do you guys have any idea on how to approach the castle dungeon?
Tiny: Tiny do! Tiny do!
Midget: Let’s hear it!
Polar: But Tiny nearly got us into trouble last time he helped us out!
Monnika: How? He’s just right for a bit of help…
Pura: Look – when he was getting revenge on Lio for keeping him locked up in an underwater dungeon, he flooded the place and Crash and the others nearly got drowned!
Polar: Also, he nearly killed Crash and Dingodile when he was fighting against Oxide on the top of a waterfall in Africa!
Tiny: But Tiny know a way there! Believe Tiny, please!
Crash: I don’t know…
Tiny: BELIEVE TINY!!!!!!!!!!!
Crash: OK, let’s see your…

Before Crash can say anything else, Tiny pulled a pillar out and revealed a trap door.

Monnika: Oh I see… (smiles) Don’t go over it – go under it!
Crash: But what if it doesn’t lead to the dungeon?
Ryane: Let me see…

She climbed down and dashed through the tunnel. A few seconds later, she came out.

Ryane: It IS the way to the dungeon! Tiny did a good thing there!
Crash: Heh… looks like Tiny proved useful for once! And besides, how did you get there so fast?
Ryane: Being on the force since childhood gave me the speed for it!
Crash: Yeah, but when we come with you, don’t go too fast, or else we’ll get lost.
Midget: I can tell how you feel about that!
Tiny: Quick guys! No time to lose!
Polar: Good luck!

Our group of 4 climbed down the steps and headed straight for the castle…
Episode 5 – Dark Matters

Scene: The dungeon inside Cortex Castle
Music: Eminem – “The Real Slim Shady” (Instrumental)

A trapdoor in the floor opened, and we see Crash poking his head out…

Crash: All clear!
Midget: (whispers) Yeah, but be careful – who knows what dangerous traps are here…
Ryane: (whispers) He should know – he’s been in fighting experience for 4 years now…
Monnika: (whispers) Good point.

But sooner enough, a glowing light ahead blinded the gang.

Crash: It’s too strong…
Ryane: Let me try and find the power source…
Monnika: What’s wrong with the light? It’s…
Ryane: Destructible. It can melt your eyes out if the rays are powerful enough. Luckily, I can take care of it…

She puts on a pair of shades and gasped at the chance.

Midget: What do you see?
Ryane: The rays form the handlebars of a cage and inside is a dude with an N on his head, looking unconscious.
Midget: (gasps) That’s Cortex! We’re nearly there!
Crash: Yeah, but breaking into it will be a big problem…
Ryane: I can also see a wire leading from there to…
Crash: Where?
Ryane: The power pack behind us.

As they all turned to face it, it looked more or less like one of N. Gin’s most powerful machinery… but only stronger.

Crash: How the heck can we stop that?
Monnika: Squish the wires!

Crash tried, but his foot bounced into his face and slammed him onto the floor.
Midget: (looks at Monnika angrily) Well?
Monnika: I tried.
Ryane: I think I’ve a further idea…

(Music stops)

She fired a fireball at the machine, melting it down and stopping the rays from working.

Crash: (gets up) Great job, but I don’t know if fire can last in everything…

As he spoke, the rest of the gang grabbed Cortex and headed back for the trap door.

Crash: OI! WAIT THERE! (catches up) I don’t understand…
Monnika: Neither do I – there wasn’t an enemy in sight!
Ryane: This is easier that I thought it was!
Midget: (giggles) I wonder where the siblings are…


[Music restarts – S Club 7 – “Natural” (Instrumental)]

Tiny was doing weight lifting with the pillars, Boron was napping and Polar and Pura were playing chess again…

Pura: I’ll move here… (moves a pawn to square C2)
Polar: (eliminates Polar’s king) Checkmate!
Pura: Man… after all them victories… my first loss…
Polar: Now you know how I felt!
Pura: Who cares? (attempts to tackle Pura)

(Music stops)

But before the hit was made, Crash and the others came back with Cortex…

Tiny: (gasps) BOSS!
Boron: (wakes up and yawns) Huh?
Pura: Hang on – he’s been in that state since that attack… oh I forgot! (pins Pura down to the floor)
Crash: (lays Cortex onto the floor) Any ideas on this one? Ryane?
Ryane: I just want to save my strength for the tasks ahead.
Monnika: OK, looks like I’ve got a blizzard up my sleeve…

She pressed her hand on the chest, causing a shiver, a sneeze and lots of pain…

Cortex: (pants) Stop… (puffs) It’s too c-c-cold!
Monnika: OK, OK… (puts her hand off his chest) Just don’t get yer underpants in a twist, OK?

Boron came running down and wrapped him up with an electric blanket.

Cortex: Thanks! (turns it on) So, what was the rush?

[Music restarts – Celine Dion – “Falling Into You” (Instrumental)]

Midget: We needed a way to stop your brother from taking over the archipelago, and we’re a little low on ideas. The reason why we can’t thrash him one like last time is because of his increase in strength.
Cortex: I should have kept that in mind… although I think there’s another solution on the road…
Crash: What’s that?
Cortex: Just before Christmas you met up with the ghost of Snappy Gator…
Midget: DADDY!
Monnika: Chill, Midget – you don’t know what’s coming.
Crash: Will you both calm down? Oh… Let me guess – you want us to find the ghost…
Cortex: Actually, I’m considering bringing him back from the dead.
Midget: (gasps) Oh my god… HE’S COMING BACK!!!!
Crash: Maybe, but we need a way…
Ryane: How about we try the Powers of the Four Seasons?
Crash: The what?
Ryane: The Powers of the Four Seasons. These were used back in the Aztec era and rumours were said that they were last used over here. They can be used to recover anyone to full health, dead or alive.
Cortex: That’s a good idea, er… what’s your name?
Ryane: I’m Ryane.
Cortex: You have good brain and brawn experience for a girl! Now we need to figure out where they are…
Monnika: Hang on – did I say that Tiko has had an increase in power?
Midget: I know that, but I don’t know how…
Monnika: I think I do. Upon looking down into his copter he had four glowing powers…
Ryane: That could be them! We HAVE to get them back before he causes any more damage! But I wonder how… and where Tiko is…
**************************** Episode 6 – True Hopes

Scene: The Lost Ruins, in the middle of the night
Music: Fatboy Slim feat. Macy Gray – “Demons” (Instrumental)

Most of the crewmembers were sleeping in tents, but only Ryane was seen out here sitting on a rock and looking out towards the stars…

Ryane: (sketching on her notebook) That’s Canis Major and Minor found… I can also see Pegasus… There’s Cancer in the west…

Sooner enough, four different coloured glows were seen spreading across the sky…
Ryane: Hmmm… Is it me or do those comets look familiar?

She gets out a pair of binoculars and looks at the “comets”…

Ryane: (gasps) This isn’t too good… (rushes over to Crash’s tent) Hey Crash! (slams on top of the tent) We’ve got a catastrophe on our hands here!
Crash: (comes out of the tent) Yeah, but next time, don’t squish me, OK?
Ryane: Sorry, but this is urgent… send out the others!


[Music changes – LeAnn Rimes – “Can’t Fight The Moonlight” (Instrumental)]

The gang were seen around the campfire, waiting for Ryane to speak.

Polar: Well?
Ryane: I think I just saw the Powers of the Four Seasons fly through the sky…
Cortex: How can they escape from the wrong hands when Tiko is far from being moody?

A male scream was heard in the distance.

Monnika: Does THAT explain it all?
Midget: It seems like they escaped from him. We can be able to take him on easily!
Ryane: I don’t think so. Even when the power is gone, it still takes a while for that person to return to normal health, but I don’t know how long for, so we have to revive Snappy – and fast!
Cortex: I know, but we need to know where the powers will land…
Ryane: Here… (gets out 8 more sets of binoculars) Take one and pass them on!

Each of the crewmembers grabbed a set of binoculars and looked in the sky.

Pura: I can see that 3 of the powers are over the horizon… I don’t know where they will land…
Ryane: I heard that they would go to their place of origin, and the place of origin for all of the powers are co-ordinates in this archipelago…
Tiny: Hang on – Tiny see white power touching down on marshy place!
Polar: Marshy place?


The power landed and gave off a white light.

Ryane: That’s the Power of Winter, and it’s over at the swamp.
Tiny: (screams) TINY NO GO IN THERE!
Crash: (thinks) Thank goodness!
Cortex: Look – you don’t have to go with us – you can just provide help, and that’s your strong point.
Tiny: Tiny do anything for anyone…
Polar: Be careful when you guys go in there – there are all sorts of nasty creatures in there!
Midget: I can handle that! I’ve been in good shape for nearly 3 years now!
Crash: OK, so who’s coming over?
Cortex: (steps forward) This is for the fate of Snappy…
Midget: (steps forward) DADDY!
Ryane: (steps forward) I’ll be a big help at all times, I guarantee it!
Monnika: (steps forward) Ditto. The more girl power, the better!
Crash: What about the rest of you? Well, except for Tiny – we know about him.
Pura: I’m in the middle of a grudge match against Polar…
Polar: Well, it shouldn’t have happened if you beat me at chess for the first time…
Pura: Look – we need a good balance here…
Crash: Cut it out! Cut – it – out!
Polar and Pura: Sorry!
Cortex: I’m also a bit concerned about Boron – I don’t understand why he doesn’t want to come over…

Boron was seen hiding behind a pillar.

Crash: Maybe because of Tiko’s strength, he’s probably a bit scared stiff.
Polar: I’ll sort him out… you guys just go!
Crash: Er… shall we?
Ryane: Let’s go for it!

The gang left the Lost Ruins for the swamp…
Episode 7 – A Close Counter

Scene: Tiko’s airship
Music: Toploader – “Achilles Heel” (Instrumental)

Tiko was seen here jotting something down on paper, until a robot threw Deksta into the room…

Robot: Let’s hope you’ll be a big help for the master! (leaves the room)

Deksta got up on her feet and looked directly at Tiko…

Tiko: Well? Where are the powers?
Deksta: Er… Three of them are gone over the horizon…
Tiko: WHAT?!?
Deksta: And they will be back here soon.
Tiko: What about the other one?
Deksta: The Power of Winter has touched down in the swamp and an army lead by Crash is going over to get it…
Tiko: WHAT?!? You little…
Deksta: Don’t kill me – surely it isn’t MY fault…
Tiko: I know it isn’t… IT’S THEM BLASTED AZTECS!
Deksta: I don’t know why the crew want the power, but I don’t think it’s for anything important at all… or is it?
Tiko: Well, no matter what, they are going down! Send in the Star Jets and make sure they destroy them! They mustn’t get their hands on the Powers of the Four Seasons…
Deksta: (salutes) Right away, sir! (leaves the room)
Tiko: Wait…
Deksta: (comes back) What?
Tiko: I want you to send in someone to patrol that power. Who do you think is best for keeping out the cold?
Deksta: Well, the only person I know who likes the cold is Lio, because he spent time on a past mission in an underwater base.
Tiko: Send him over there!
Deksta: Aye aye skipper! (leaves the room)
Tiko: (thinks) That crew are sure to be suckers now… (laughs)


[Music changes – Jenifer Lopez – “Love Don’t Cost A Thing” (Instrumental)]

Our heroes were seen swimming across the waters of the swamp…

Monnika: I wish those stupid anti-flight machines were down… then I don’t have to swim in this yucky slime…
Midget: I know that water isn’t your strong point, but we have to progress.
Crash: Exactly! Just stick with the rest of us and we’ll be fine.
Cortex: Speaking of which, Ryane’s gone missing…
Ryane: (from a distance) OVER HERE!
Crash: Huh?

Ryane was seen at the other side of the lake, waving her hands at them.

Crash: Next time, wait for us, all right?
Ryane: (from a distance) SORRY!
Midget: (sighs) Looks like we’re gonna have to move – and fast!

[Music changes – Limp Biskit – “Rollin’” (Instrumental)]

But just before they moved an inch, a blast struck the waters.

Monnika: Wow… what in the name of Skippy was that?
Cortex: I’m thinking it could be him again… (looks up)

Several fighter planes were seen buzzing through the sky dropping bombs and missiles at our heroes…

Crash: DUCK!

Our heroes dived underwater immediately, evading attacks from other bombs and diving deeper into a safe place. Once down there, they huddled into a circle. Then Midget stuck 3 fingers up and used his index finger like a gun. Next he pointed at himself and swiped his claws from side to side. The others nodded and then spread out in different co-ordinates…
Episode 8 – At The Height Of Power

Scene: Inside the main fighter plane

Two robots were seen operating the plane…

Robot 1: We have the rat and his friends on the run. There’s no stopping us!
Robot 2: Excellent! The master’s gonna like this!

Then at the surface of the water, Midget popped his head up.

Robot 1: Huh?
Midget: Come on – catch me if you can!

[Music changes – Hatiras – “Spaced Invader”]

Robot 2: WHAT?!? How did he escape? Attack!

The first robot hit a series of keys on the control panel, causing the plane to shoot out more bombs and missiles at Midget, having him on the run. Meanwhile, the other three came out from different locations – Crash at one side, Cortex at another and Monnika near a temple. Loading up their weapons, they took sharp aim at the planes. Meanwhile, Ryane jumped back into the water and headed towards them…

Ryane: Try destroying those orbs up there! They should do the trick!
Crash: I don’t get it…
Ryane: After destroying those orbs, you can go for the weak point…
Monnika: I think I understand!

The trio then aimed at the orbs in the sky and attempted to destroy them one by one, while Midget was on a big chase…

Midget: (swimming as fast as he could) I SAID SCRAM OR ELSE…

(Music stops)

But suddenly, a bomb struck him, sending him underwater. Then one of the planes came above the spot and opened a torpedo hatch…

Robot 1: This gator is going down!
Robot 2: Good work! Finish him!


Robot 1: What the…
Robot 2: The torpedoes have malfunctioned!
Robot 1: It can’t be – we only just updated this plane this morning!
Robot 2: Hang on – I think I found the problem…

[Music restarts – Dario G – “Dream To Me” (Instrumental)]

There was a cloud of smoke surrounding the torpedo hatch. Then as we follow the smoke trail, we see Ryane flying through the air.

Ryane: Come on guys – It’s safe!
Crash: I hope you’re right this time…
Cortex: Just don’t go too far ahead with yourself, right?
Ryane: I’m not going too far – I’ve handled tougher situations than THIS!
Monnika: Show off! I can do better than her! (flies up into the air)
Crash: Hang on Monique… (puts on a jet pack and flies up)
Cortex: (looks around) Wait for me!!!! (puts on a jetpack and flies up)

But just before he caught up, Monnika shot an ice beam right at her targets, freezing them solid and then landing in the water.

(Music stops)

Ryane: Let’s just hope Midget is OK – He got blasted under the lake…

The gang turned to the surface to the lake, where they saw a batch of bubbles coming. Then they saw Midget’s hat prop up to the surface.
Monnika: (faintly) No… It can’t be… (sniffs and buries her face into Crash’s arms)
Ryane: (sighs) There goes one brave soldier… Unless we survive, the Gator generation has gone forever…
Cortex: And we were so close to reuniting him with his father… (flies down to the surface and picks up the hat)

(Music restarts – Theme from “Jaws”)

What looked like a blue shark was approaching Cortex with great stealth. Within 5 seconds he appeared right in front of him…

Cortex: What the… (gasps)

Then the “shark” raised its head above the water, revealing itself as someone familiar.

Monnika: (gasps) HE’S ALIVE!!!!

[Music changes – Bon Jovi – “Thank You For Loving Me” (Instrumental)]

Crash: Hey – Midget’s back!
Ryane: Welcome back, kid!
Midget: (flies out of the water and joins the others) Like, I wasn’t gone forever, was I? (takes his hat off Cortex) Thanks! (puts his hat back on)
Cortex: It nearly seemed like it, but at least we’re ready to take on the next nemesis!
Ryane: But there’s a bit of bad news…
Crash: What?
Ryane: I think I’m hurt… (shows a fresh bruise on her arm) And I don’t think I can cope with it…
Crash: But you can take care of anything!
Monnika: Yeah, like England needs more rain…
Ryane: What did you say?
Monnika: (looks innocent) Nothing much.
Cortex: Well, let’s see what happens when we approach the Temple of Winter…
Crash: You mean the place where Monnika was standing?
Ryane: Correct!
Crash: OK, let’s roll!

The gang flew ahead of Ryane for once, leaving her and her bruise struggling behind…
*************************************** Episode 9 – Unknown Tendencies

Scene: Inside the Temple of Winter
Music: Neneh Cherry – “Buddy X” (Instrumental)

Our crew were seen roaming into the main room of the temple…

Midget: Do you think that finding the powers is an easy task? Monnika: Is that all you guys ever talk about?
Cortex: And do you do anything else other than getting cheesed off?
Monnika: NO! (pauses) Well, yes actually.
Crash: Speaking of which, she’s gone missing again…
Ryane: (from a distance) WAIT FOR ME!!!!!
Crash: (turns back) Eh?

Ryane was seen struggling behind with the crucial injury…

Ryane: Take it easy, guys… (struggling to stay up) Wait… (collapses)

(Music stops)

Crash: Ah… (rushes to Ryane) Man… (turns to the others) I don’t think she’s fit enough to get the power back…
Cortex: I’ll sort her out… (roots up his pockets) Oh shoot…
Monnika: Now what?
Cortex: I think… I think… I’ve left my elixirs back at camp!
Crash: (sighs) Look – you take her back to camp and the rest of us will recover the Power of Winter.
Cortex: Roger! (picks up Ryane and heads back)
Crash: (sighs deeper) Looks like we need a new strategy…
Midget: Hey – there’s still Monnika and…

A trap door opened, sending him falling down and screaming. Crash: What was… (turns around and gasps) Where is he?
Monnika: (sarcastically) He fell down a trap door.



Sooner enough, he landed in an empty room with flames rising from everywhere. Then a glow was seen from the far side of the room.

Midget: Hmmm… (rushes towards the glow)

As soon as he approached the glow, he gasped with shock…

Midget: The Power of Winter!!! (looks around) The gang will be happy to see this!!!!!

Then he ran towards it and tried to pick it up, but a dark thing landed on top of him.

Midget: OOF! (looks at the dark thing) Oh no… (pushes it off him) Not you again!

The dark thing came out of the darkness revealing himself as Lio!

Lio: Who dares disturb the wrath of the Pinkeye Fiend?
Midget: It is I, Rolf Harris!
Lio: A likely story… the name never surprises me. What do you want?
Midget: I have come for the Power of Winter…
Lio: THE POWER OF WINTER? You are not taking that from me!
Midget: Why not?
Lio: That power belongs to the master!
Midget: The master? I very much doubt it! Let’s see about that!
Episode 10 – Hard Knocks

Scene: Deep inside the Temple of Winter
Music: WWF – Hardy Boyz’ Theme

Midget was seen here face to face with Lio…

Lio: You think you’re gonna get the power?
Midget: I need it for something personal!
Lio: Well I need it for something personal too you know!
Midget: Yeah, like give your brother optimal power to rule the world…

(Music stops)

Lio: I HEARD THAT! (angrily throws some ooze at Midget)

[Music restarts – York – “Farewell To The Moon” (Instrumental)]

Midget dodged the attack and tried to fire an energy beam, but nothing came.

Lio: Ha! I bet the battle drained you through!
Midget: Oh yeah?
Lio: Yeah! (sends in another piece of ooze)

Midget dodged it again, and then Lio sent in more ooze balls, cornering him near a big spider’s web.

Lio: (rushes up to him) You’re history, baby!
Midget: Baby? Who are you calling baby?
Lio: YOU! (chucks another piece of ooze)

Just before the ooze struck him, he flew up, leaving the slime to bounce into the spider’s web and straight at Lio, striking him down.

Midget: Before you ask… YOU’RE STAYING DOWN!

Then he kicked at a crack in the wall, revealing another part of the swamp and sent Lio in there.

(Music stops)

Lio: HEEEEEELP… (touches down into the water) Man overboard… (goes underwater)

(Music stops)

As soon as he went out of sight, he went to the Power of Winter and picked it up. Then a spirit came into the room unexpectedly.

Midget: (gasps and shakes) What did I do wrong?

[Music restarts – Lonestar – “Amazed” (Instrumental)]

Spirit: You didn’t do anything wrong – Thank you for rescuing the power. The reason why I’m here is because I saw Tiko’s next attempt to take over the world and there must be a stop to it. I also listened into your conversation and I heard that you want to resurrect me…
Midget: Resurrect you? You’re… DADDY!
Snappy: Excellent work there, Midget. You did great work on reclaiming the power and now after getting the remaining powers, I will be happy to sort him out.
Midget: (smiles) Anything for you!
Snappy: Please run – the fate of the world is in your hands! (vanishes into thin air)
Midget: I will!

Sooner enough, Crash and Monnika came into the room through the trap door.

Crash: Midget… what happened… woah!
Monnika: You got one of the powers!
Midget: I know that… Now it’s a case of searching for the other powers.
Crash: Do you know where to keep them?
Midget: I think the crew back at camp will do a good job… as long as they don’t escape…
Monnika: They won’t escape with us - I guarantee it!
Midget: I hope so…
Crash: Oh well, best be heading back to camp!
Midget: Let’s rock!

The gang fly back to the Lost Ruins, where the next mission awaits…


Tiko: Is everything ready for tonight?
Droid 1: Everything is running smoothly. So far all but 4 here have been…


The small explosion destroyed that droid.

Cortex: (comes out from behind the tree) Let me guess – this is just a short circuit…
Tiko: Like, where’s an electrician when you need one?
Crash: (panting) Don’t do that to me – you know that I only kiss…
Coco: I wasn’t kissing – I was doing…
Monnika: Who DO you kiss anyway?
Crash: What? Oh… (goes offstage and rushes towards Monnika) What do you think I look like – your husband?
Monnika: Not really…
Crash: I don’t mean to burst your bubble, but I never unleash saucy secrets here! Now beat it! (pushes Monnika into the camera)
Ryane: You were the main squadron commander for your army in which defended the island against the Cerulean Wizard…
Crash: Squadron comma… (splutters stupidly) Sorry… I can’t say it!
Ryane: Then maybe this will! (fires a fireball at him)
Crash: (screams) TOO HOT!!!!!
Tiny: BELIEVE TINY!!!!!!!!!!!
Crash: OK, let’s see your…

Tiny tried to lift the pillar up, but as he tried it fell back into his face, pinning him to the floor.

Tiny: (faintly) Tiny not enough steroids…
Midget: Well, why didn’t you say so before the take?
Cortex: Just before Christmas you met up with the ghost of Snappy Gator…
Midget: DADDY!
Monnika: Chill, Midget…

Upon saying that, Midget became an ice sculpture.

Monnika: Was it something I said?
Ryane: Hmmm… Is it me or do those comets look familiar?

She gets out a pair of binoculars and looks at the “comets”…

Ryane: (gasps) This isn’t too… (falls off the rock and screams) That thing’s been unsteady for a while now… GET IT FIXED!
Ryane was seen at the other side of the lake, waving her hands at them.

Crash: Next time, wait for us, all right?
Ryane: (with a sore throat) Sorry… (coughs) Sorry guys – I don’t feel up for it.
Director: Maybe you should relax and return to this scene as soon as you’re better…
Cortex: What the… (gasps)

Then the “shark” raised its head above the water, revealing itself as a real shark!

Monnika: RUN!!!!!!!!!
Snappy: (from his deckchair) How can he run when he’s in the air?
Director: QUIET ON THE SET!!!!!!
Snappy: But the shark’s not in the script, sir…
Midget: Do you think that finding the powers is an easy task?
Crash: According to Ryane’s knowledge, I don’t really think so…
Monnika: Is that all you guys ever talk about?
Cortex: And do you do anything else other than getting cheesed off?
Monnika: (laughs) Sorry…
Director: CUT!
Monnika: I’m so sorry – when he says that I get the thought of cheddar in my head…
Snappy: Excellent work there, Midget. You did great work on reclaiming the power and now after getting the remaining powers, I will be happy to sort him out.
Midget: (smiles) Anything for you!
Snappy: Please run…
The spirit starts to fizz a bit…
Snappy: What’s going on?
Director: Sorry – we’re having a technical problem with the effect.
Snappy: Tell me when you’re gonna solve it… ************************

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