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Episode 24 – One Step Closer

Scene: The Lost Ruins
Music: Chris Rea – “Tell Me There’s A Heaven” (Instrumental)

Crash laid Boron’s body down onto the floor. Then Polar and Pura came running in suspicion…

Polar: What’s been going on?
Crash: You are not going to believe this… he’s dead.
Pura: But… how?
Crash: It’s a bit of a long story.
Pura: Tell us about it.
Crash: Well, it all started when…
Ryane: (from a distance) WE’RE BACK!
Crash: Huh?

Ryane and the others came back, nearly empty-handed.

Crash: Where’s the Power?
Ryane: In my belly… (starts to feel sick)
Crash: What’s the matter?

Ryane rubbed her stomach in pain and puked up red dust, seeping into Boron’s body.

Crash: Ugh! How can you do that?
Ryane: The Power’s in my belly. Snappy said that it could be more powerful if you leave it in there…
Polar: HE’S RIGHT!
Ryane: Why?

[Music changes – Apollo 440 – “Charlie’s Angels 2000” (Intro)]

Polar: Because Boron is alive!
Cortex: WHAT? No… you’re joking.
Polar: I’m not! Take a look!

As our heroes stepped over Boron, he started breathing again. Then he managed to open both eyes slowly. Finally he sat up with a smile.

(Music stops)

Cortex: (gasps) How did that… happen?
Crash: Ask your biology teacher!
Cortex: (angrily) I’m a biologist myself, thank you!
Crash: Sorry…

[Music restarts – S Club 7 – “Never Had A Dream Come True” (Instrumental)]

Then in a split second, Boron leapt on top of Cortex and started licking his face.

Cortex: Oi… (laughs) Cut it out! CUT IT OUT!
Midget: Let me sort him out… (grabs Boron by the ear and drags him half a metre from Cortex) Control yourself… but elsewhere, we’re glad to have you back!

(Music changes – WWF – Christian’s theme)

Sooner enough, a green light was given off in a temple over at Glacier Park.

Ryane: (gasps) THE FINAL POWER!
Tiny: What final power?
Ryane: It’s the Power of Fall!
Midget: Excellent! Now I’m one step closer to my dad!
Monnika: Easy … it still might never happen…
Ryane: Of course it will! Er… unless Tiko gets it first…
Midget: I said this with Cortex and I’ll say it again – look positive and you’ll reach your goal. I know that those weren’t the exact words, but you get the idea.
Crash: Elsewhere, the final Power is ours for the taking! Come on!

Our fearless five dashed towards Glacier Park with high hopes and dignity… and Boron sneaking behind them…
Episode 25 – Wrath of the Girl Power

Scene: Tiko’s airship
Music: Toploader – “Achilles Heel” (Instrumental)

Tiko and Oxide were seen in here in a big confrontation…

Tiko: How did you let him go? (pauses) EXACTLY HOW DID YOU LET HIM GO?
Oxide: But Tiko… it was a slip of the underestimating side…
Tiko: (mimics) It was a slip of the underestimating side… (stops mimicking) GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER!!! (sighs) After a huge amount of experience on being a criminal I don’t understand how can you let one little pitfall happen like that!
Oxide: I’m sorry…
Tiko: Next time it’s going to be hard…

The door opened and Deksta came in.

Deksta: How was Operation Wolverine?
Tiko: A failure. A total failure, thanks to him! (points at Oxide)
Oxide: Surely it wasn’t MY fault…
Deksta: Any new plans?
Tiko: Well if you’re talking about new plans, then you’ve come at the right time!
Deksta: What is it this time?
Tiko: I know that I reach optimal power with the Powers of the Four Seasons, but with the strength of one Power I bet I can thrash them all and the world will be mine for the taking!
Deksta: Are you sure about this? I’m not…
Deksta: Yes sir! (salutes him)
Tiko: There is just one Power that they haven’t got yet, and that’s the Power of Fall. I want you to go into the Temple of Fall in Glacier Park and steal the Power, leaving their hopes down and my hopes up!
Deksta: More like we get a more even chance of keeping the world to…
Deksta: AYE AYE CAPTAIN! (jumps out of the window)
Oxide: I have a bad feeling about this…
Tiko: A bad feeling for the bandicoot and his chums more like! Let’s just hope that she gets it right!

[Scene changes to the Temple of Fall. Music changes – Usher – “Pop Ya Collar” (Instrumental)]

Our heroes were seen heading through the icy temple with great care. Well, all except Boron who was having trouble keeping himself on the ice and sneaking behind them at the same time.

Crash: Do you guys hear any squeaks or something?

Immediately Boron grabbed onto a wooden pole against a wall and hid behind it. Then the gang looked back.

Ryane: I can’t see anything…
Monnika: Neither can I. Now let’s dash before someone else takes the final Power first.

Boron gave a sigh of relief and as the others started running and looking forwards he started skating as fast as he could towards them.

(Music stops)

But then he accidentally slipped on the ice and started sliding towards the gang, knocking them all down like bowling pins.

Midget: Ah…
Crash: What on Earth… (gasps) Boron?
Boron: Uh-oh…
Cortex: We’re not angry at you – why didn’t you tell us that you want to come with us?

Boron cuddles Cortex with despair.

Cortex: It’s all right. We’ll believe you.

[Music restarts – Survivor – “Eye of the Tiger” (Instrumental)]

Ryane: I don’t mean to interrupt, but I can sense something bad coming this way.
Monnika: Not again…

The gang started dashing towards the end of the corridor as fast as they could. That was where they saw no sight of the Power of Fall.

Ryane: (gasps) Someone’s taken it!
Crash: And I’ve found out whom…

Deksta was seen at a window and jumped out of it.

Crash: Come back here…

Then they headed for the window, but as soon as they got there, Deksta was high and dry in a blimp, that was slightly smaller than Tiko’s airship. Finally they jumped through an open door in the blimp and headed inside…
Episode 26 – Inverted Strike

Scene: Inside Deksta’s blimp
Music: Ed Case – “Something In Your Eyes” (Instrumental)

Our crew were seen inside the blimp trying to track Deksta down…

Crash: I think this should be easy, as long as we know the way to the cockpit. Anyone had any experience in blimps before?
Cortex: I have, and you should too!
Crash: Why?
Cortex: Because you and Brio destroyed MY blimp as a team!
Crash: I should have known… Don’t tell Coco that I’m so forgetful – she’ll go ballistic.
Ryane: We won’t! (giggles)
Crash: And don’t even think about telling anyone else – they’ll go ballistic.
Monnika: Right. (leers at Ryane)
Ryane: What are YOU looking at?
Monnika: (looks away) Nothin’.
Crash: OK, so getting to the cockpit won’t be a problem…
Cortex: But finding her would be a big problem however…
Crash: How come?
Cortex: She doesn’t have good experience in flying, so she would be in hiding elsewhere.
Crash: (giggles) Remind me not to tell her that she’s a weak pilot – she’d…
Cortex: …go ballistic, I know.
Crash: Can you sense her on the ship at all?
Ryane: I think I could… she’s in the South Wing.
Crash: Let’s see if WE can make the steal off her…

Our heroes dash off towards the back of the ship…


[Music changes – Doves – “The Man Who Told Everything” (Instrumental)]

Through one of the windows, we can see Deksta dancing around like a drunk on the blimp’s runway. As we zoom out, we see the gang looking through it…

Crash: She’s got good grip there. I mean, how can we possibly sort her out when we could fall 10,000 metres down to the ground?
Midget: Send either me, Ryane or Monnika to do it! Easy as that!
Ryane: Yeah, but not very easy if we got flight-protection orbs everywhere!
Midget: We can destroy them…
Monnika: No we can’t.
Midget: Why not?
Monnika: Because this type has got titanium armour. We can’t beat that!

Boron tried to charge towards the window in order to break it, but he ended up running onto the wall, across the ceiling and back down.

Crash: He’s got good grip there…

(Music stops)

Cortex: EUREKA!
Crash: What?
Cortex: How about we send Boron in to fight Deksta, ever since he’s got the paws for the job!
Crash: But he needs to use them to stay upright. Looks like we need a jockey for him…
Cortex: A jockey? But I don’t think…

Boron sneaked up to him from behind and nudged him onto his back.

Cortex: D’OH! (looks at Boron from his new position) Well, I guess he has a point, but… why me?
Midget: Think about when you thrashed her in LA just before my dad died…
Cortex: How do you know all this when you weren’t there?
Midget: My mama told me about it. Now listen – At that time Boron knocked her off a multi-storey tower causing her to gore herself when she landed on the tarmac. I’ve a good feeling that he can do it again, only this time you roll with the attacks!
Cortex: I guess… seems fair for once.
Crash: Go for it!

[Music restarts – Dreem Teem vs. Neneh Cherry – “Buddy X ‘99” (Instrumental)]

The rest of the gang started cheering him on.

Monnika: Remember – Snappy’s fate depends on what you do!

Both wonderers jumped through an air vent and started heading towards the runway…
Episode 27 – Another Thief?

Scene: The runway on Deksta’s blimp
Music: Spooks – “Things I’ve Seen” (Instrumental)

Deksta was seen looking down from the edge of the runway, looking out for…

Deksta: (thinks) Remember the rules – no intruders allowed, except those who want something off me for useful purposes.

Then from out of an air vent, Cortex and Boron came out.

Deksta: (gasps) INTRUDERS!
Cortex: We’re not intruders, Dek – Listen, if you can just give me the power I’ll return it to Tiko.
Deksta: Fine…

(Music stops)

Deksta: Wait a minute… why should I trust you? Er, unless when you stole the gun off Oxide, someone shot it at you accidentally…

Boron nodded madly.

Deksta: OK…

She gets the power out of her pocket and heads towards him. But as soon as they were just a couple of inches apart…

Cortex: GO!

(Music restarts – Rank 1 – “Airwave”)

Boron slashed Deksta across the chest, causing a rip in her shirt, but she still managed to keep hold of the Power.

Boron: Uh-oh…

From underneath the runway came a destroyer robot that was as tall as 2 houses stacked on top of another…

Deksta: (laughs) You can never beat that!
Cortex: Wait a minute – that looks like one of N. Gin’s machines…
Deksta: (blushes anime-style) Obviously I can’t construct my own…
Cortex: And this was also one of the poorest creations!
Deksta: You think that? Well think again!

The robot shot a laser right at the two of them, sending them flying onto the wall.

Crash: (from the window) Don’t give up!
Monnika: (from the window) We are counting on you to get the Power!
Midget: (from the window) If you don’t get the Power, then we can’t beat Tiko…

Then they reformed themselves into a horse-and-jockey position.

Deksta: Ooh, that was quick revival, wasn’t it? (laughs)

Both of them leered right at her.

Deksta: What are YOU lookin’ at?
Cortex: Go show your stuff, Boron!

Boron gave off a roar and then charged towards Deksta at an incredible speed, but he missed and ended up knocking the robot off.

Deksta: (gasps) MY DROID!!!!
Cortex: Told you that was the weakest link!
Deksta: Grrrr… YOU – SHALL – PAY!!!!!

Deksta charged towards the two, but the laser’s trigger was set off and it struck her off.

(Music stops)


[Music restarts – Lonestar – “Amazed” (Intro)]

Then the Power rushed right into Cortex’s hands and Crash and the others were teleported outside.

Crash: What’s going on?
Ryane: Is this a trip to the abyss?

Then the ghost of Snappy came out of nowhere.

Snappy: Congratulations! You have a copy of each of the Powers of the Four Seasons!
Crash: So we have now brought you back to life, right?
Snappy: You still have to do that. Come with me and I’ll take you to your moment of truth…

Immediately, the whole gang were teleported to another destination. Sooner enough, Snappy disappeared into thin air and followed them…
Episode 28 – The Resurrection!

Scene: The graveyard in Citadel City
Music: Roni Size/Reprazent – “Who Told You” (Instrumental)

The graveyard was empty at first, but sooner enough, our six heroes were transported back here.

Crash: What the…
Midget: (starts shaking) NOT HERE AGAIN!!!!! (hides behind Ryane and screams)

Boron starts laughing.

Ryane: (sighs) How many times do I have to tell you this – there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of!
Midget: (still scared) Yeah, but you know me… a scaredy-cat!
Ryane: I don’t think you are – you were very brave against Moe and Lio…
Midget: You didn’t even see me against Lio, and before I battered Moe right bad you were unconscious. Who told you about it?
Crash: I told her about the battle against Lio.
Cortex: And Monnika told me to tell her how you thought Moe. Speaking of which… (turns to Monnika) Why didn’t you tell her yourself?
Monnika: It’s a secret.
Midget: Oh…

Sooner enough, the ghost of Snappy came out of nowhere.

Snappy: The resurrection is upon us. Are you ready with the Powers?
Crash: I think so!
Snappy: Good. Now bring them out…

Each of the crewmembers got out the Powers one by one. Midget took the Power of Winter from under his hat…

Snappy: And you haven’t even got a brain-freeze!

As Midget started giggling, Monnika took out the Power of Spring from inside her hair…

Snappy: (looks deep into Monnika’s hair) And not a head-lice in sight!

Monnika started blushing as Ryane coughed up the Power of Summer…

Snappy: Hey – no enzymes!

Ryane smiled. Then Snappy came towards Cortex with the Power of Fall being tossed into the air repeatedly.

Snappy: Careful! Mind you don’t break it!
Cortex: But it won’t break because it’s just a swirling ball of magic.
Snappy: Oh yeah… well LET’S MOVE OOOOOOON TO THE RESURRECTION!!!!!! (vanishes into thin air)
Crash: OK, do any of you guys know where the gravestone is?
Midget: I do, and it’s near the entrance!
Crash: Right, let’s go!

Our six start dashing towards the gravestone…


[Music changes – Madonna – “Music” (Intro)]

They were all seen standing over the gravestone with confusion…

Crash: So how does the process work?

Ryane: The Aztecs put the Powers onto the body and voila – your man – or woman – is back from the dead! Let’s see if I can break through…
Cortex: Ryane, be careful…
Ryane: Course I will!

Ryane sent in a fireball, sending a hole through the grass towards the coffin. Then she took it out and punched through the door.

Ryane: The Powers, if you please.

The rest of the gang passed the Powers to her, who slipped them into the coffin.

Ryane: Stand back!

They stood back and a beam shone from it, giving off all the colours of the spectrum.

(Music stops)

Then there was a blast, and when it faded out, there was no change. Midget looked down with disappointment and nearly cried.

Monnika: What’s up?
Midget: Nothing. Just waiting for my dad to come back from the dead, and I’ve a bad feeling that it would never happen.
Voice: True.
Midget: True… eh?
Cortex: What the… (gasps)
Crash: (smiles) HE’S ALIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!!

[Music restarts – Spice Girls – “Viva Forever” (Intro)]

The figure in front of them turned out to be none other than Snappy Gator, who is now alive and well.

Snappy: Come here, you little rascal!
Midget: DADDY!!!!! (rushes up to Snappy)

They ended up hugging each other with joy for about 15 seconds.

Midget: I missed you…
Snappy: And I missed you, like I always miss a girl back in the days!

Midget started laughing out loud.

Cortex: (rushes up to the Gators) Can I cut in for a quick second?
Snappy: Where’s yer knife?
Cortex: (slaps Snappy across the face and then turns to Midget) He’s insane, he’s insane, and more importantly, he’s insane.
Midget: What are you talking about? All that matters is that Snappy will be a big help when taking Tiko out of this place.
Crash: Good point.
Cortex: OK, so I’ll leave that aside for a while.

[Music changes – Dario G – “Dream To Me” (Instrumental)]

Crash: This is it Snappy – your big chance!
Midget: Yeah – Tiko will be dead meat after what he did with you!
Snappy: You bet! Where’s his camp?
Crash: It’s actually an airship, and it’s coming above us now!
Snappy: Oh… you don’t mind if I borrow a jetpack?
Cortex: You can borrow mine. (gives his jetpack to Snappy)
Snappy: But what are you gonna do, Neo dude?
Cortex: Don’t worry about me… (gets out a jet board) Boron, come on board!

Boron jumped onto the board and hung onto Cortex.
Snappy: (puts on the jetpack) Let’s get ready to rrrrrrumble!!!!!!

Our heroes start flying towards the airship with high hopes…
Episode 29 – A Zewper-b Comeback

Scene: The main room in Tiko’s airship
Music: Toploader – “Achilles’ Heel” (Instrumental)

Tiko and Deksta were seen in a big confrontation…

Deksta: But I didn’t know they were there…
Tiko: Like, what if they were right behind you and they leapt into the blimp at the last minute?
Deksta: Darn… how come I didn’t think of that?
Deksta: I AM NOT!
Tiko: ARE TOO!
Deksta: AM NOT!
Tiko: ARE TOO!
Deksta: AM NOT…

Oxide came running in.

Oxide: Hey, cut it out you two!
Tiko and Deksta: Sorry!
Oxide: That’s better. Now we need a plan to steal back the Powers and eliminate all those brats!
Tiko: I thought YOU were thinking about it.
Oxide: (pauses) Hang on… (dashes out of the room)
Tiko: Hmmm… Dek, do you have any ideas?
Deksta: My mind’s blank.
Tiko: I’ll send in an idea! (punches her)
Deksta: (dizzily) Not too hard… (collapses)
Tiko: Deksta… (shakes her) Dekky, are you all right?

There was no response. There were some light, slow breaths from her.

Tiko: Oops…
Oxide: (re-enters the room) I GOT IT! I GOT IT!
Tiko: Got what?
Oxide: An idea! How about we send in that Zewper Slayian robot from last time?
Tiko: No way! It was a total batch of worthless junk, so I’m not using that again!
Oxide: But there’s been an upgrade!
Tiko: Is it any good at all?
Oxide: Very – it’s been fixed, but in the process it’s been given an extra outburst of speed and power, and there’s a new secret weapon!
Tiko: Tell me about it!

Oxide whispers in Tiko’s ear about his weapon.

Tiko: That is perfect! I’ll be sending it in! Get it ready, and send Coco with you!
Oxide: Aye aye skipper! (dashes out of the room)
Tiko: (puts Deksta on a nearby couch) That blasted bandicoot is dead for sure! (smiles) Now I’ve a good feeling I’ll rest easy!

Tiko headed into a teleport and got transported elsewhere on the airship…
Episode 30 – The Showdown Begins

Scene: About 300 metres from Tiko’s airship
Music: Sonique – “Sky” (Instrumental)

Our super seven were seen heading high towards the airship…

Snappy: That screwy moron will be dead after what he did to me!
Midget: You said that on the ground, dad.
Snappy: Oh yeah… (slaps himself on the face)
Crash: Anyway, can you sense anything?
Ryane: I think I can!
Crash: I know you can!
Ryane: If I’m not mistaken, I can sense a big destroyer droid and two patrol robots at the crow’s nest.
Crash: Let’s see about that!

They started flying higher up towards the top of the ship…

[Scene changes to the crow’s nest. Music changes – Toploader – “Achilles Heel” (Instrumental)]

Coco was seen hung by a rope and the Zewper Slayian 5000 was seen standing there. Then Tiko came through the teleport with a remote control in his hand.

Tiko: Identify target.

The robot then locked its gun arm onto Coco, who started screaming with pain. Then the heroes came over…

Snappy: You are very much mistaken – it’s a destroyer droid, Neo dude’s evil bro and Coco Bandicoot.
Crash: (gasps) COCO?!?
Snappy: Yep – Coco!
Crash: I’m going in! (heads towards Coco)
Snappy: But…

Crash then flew towards Coco with his arms spread out. Then the destroyer droid shot a laser beam from its arm straight towards her.

(Music stops)

Just as when Crash was going to retrieve her, he got caught in the blast, and there was nothing left after the beam died out.

Tiko: What a surprise! An instant kill! (laughs)
Monnika: Crash… (looks down in disappointment)
Midget: Cheer up Monique – we’ll resurrect them after the battle.
Midget: Eh?

[Music restarts – Airheadz – “Stanley” (Instrumental)]

Crash was seen flying in the air with Coco in his arms, still tied up.

Ryane: But… how did you survive?
Crash: That water punk was waaaaaay too slow for me!
Tiko: HOW DARE YOU!!!!
Coco: Serves you right for being off-target!

The rest of the crew laughed.

Snappy: I advise you to put Coco down somewhere and find another jet pack for…

Boron started shaking his head.

Snappy: Why not?

Boron then turned to Coco.

Coco: Oh… (gets a jetpack out of her backpack) Take it!

Boron put on the jetpack and started hovering in the air.

Crash: I’ll put her down and you guys try and take down the target.
Monnika: We got it!

As Crash took Coco down onto the ground, the rest of the crew headed towards Tiko and his destroyer droid…
Episode 31 – Collide-O-Scope

Scene: The crow’s nest of Tiko’s airship
Music: WWF – Kane’s theme

Our tribe of six headed towards Tiko and his robotic creation…

Tiko: You guys were lucky that time, but you won’t escape me now, not even the strongest!
Ryane: Oh yeah? Well I very much doubt it!
Monnika: (faintly) Show off.
Monnika: Nothin’!
Ryane: Good.
Cortex: We need to be extra careful – who knows what he has up his sleeve…
Tiko: I do, so face my fists, or should I say, trap!
Midget: Trap?
Tiko: You got it!

[Music changes – Theme from “Big Brother” (UK version)]

Some flight protection orbs paralysed all of them, but they missed Monnika.

Monnika: SUCKER! Oh…

A door opened in the crow’s nest, showing a hole going vertically with neon lights and red dots.

Tiko: That is what I call the pit of oblivion! (laughs)

The rest of the gang were seen heading down towards the pit. Then Monnika destroyed the orbs quickly.

Monnika: QUICK! FLY!

Each of them flew out of the pit quickly and landed, looking exhausted. That is, all except Ryane.

Snappy: Please, Monique – we need you to save Raz!
Monnika: Raz schmaz – she’s a right show off…
Midget: WHAT?!?
Cortex: But you’re the only member of the crew on normal health!
Monnika: I know, but you don’t understand my secret…
Midget: What secret?
Snappy: Tell us…
Monnika: The truth… (pauses) The truth… (pauses for even longer)

(Music stops)

Monnika: The truth is that I hated her since the start.
Midget: But… how come?
Monnika: Look – she’s been showing off her strongest moves to us since she helped save Crash back at the Lost Ruins.
Cortex: So? What’s your point?
Monnika: I hate show offs. She thinks that I’ve got more girl power than I have!
Snappy: Don’t get jealous…
Monnika: This archipelago isn’t big enough for two female animal flying freedom fighters! We have one already, thank you! (points at herself)
Snappy: Look – without her Crash would be dead and you and Midget won’t stand a chance against him, due to his increase in power. Now are you going to save her or not?

There was a silence in them.

Monnika: Only under one condition – she must stop showing off.
Snappy: It’s a deal!

[Music restarts – a1 – “Take On Me” (Instrumental)]

Monnika: I’m going in!

Monnika flew back down the pit of oblivion and sooner enough brought Ryane out.

Ryane: Thanks! I don’t understand… why I can’t fly anymore…
Monnika: It’s being sorted, comrade!
Ryane: Comrade? Wow! (smiles)

Then Crash came back on jetpack.

Crash: Let me guess – we’re in big trouble…
Ryane: Not quite – I bet we can scorch that robot easy… but I doubt it.
Crash: Why not?
Midget: Most of us are feeling exhausted from the powers of the pit of oblivion. Whatever you do, don’t step in!
Crash: I’ve an idea in mind… TIKO!
Tiko: What?
Crash: Give me your best shot!
Tiko: It would be my pleasure…

Crash started walking up to Tiko with clinched fists and fire-eyed fury…
Episode 32 – Unleash of the Secret Weapon

Scene: The top of Tiko’s airship
Music: N-Sync – “It’s Gonna Be Me” (Intro instrumental)

Crash and Tiko were seen face to face with each other…

Crash: (turns back) Do you guys have any plans?
Midget: Not yet, and Dad – can you stop sticking your head into the pit of oblivion?
Snappy: But it’s too pretty! Er, pretty harmful.
Midget: Exactly, so get out before you get a headache…
Snappy: (sticks his head out) Too late… (rubs his head and moans in pain)
Crash: Ah, I see what I have to do!
Tiko: Well? What’s it gonna be – death or the Powers?
Crash: (pauses) We didn’t negotiate anything!
Tiko: Who cares? You’re going down… (speaks deeper, fainter and slower) With my secret weapon!

[Music changes – Prodigy – “Out Of Space” (Instrumental)]

Upon a press of a few buttons on the remote and after climbing on top of the robot, it sent an electric spark right at Crash… and it hit him, sending him flying onto the edge of the pit of oblivion! Then Boron rushed up to him…

Cortex: Be careful Boron – you never know what to expect…

Boron shook him madly, but he didn’t respond.

Monnika: Don’t tell me – he’s paralysed…
Tiko: (laughs vilely) Now I have you in my sight! GO!

The robot then charged straight towards the two with a greater speed than all the gang combined.

Boron: (faintly and slowly) Uh-oh… (grabs Crash and makes a run for it)

As Boron dashed away from the pit, the robot then headed into the pit of oblivion, sending him and Tiko down.

(Music stops)

Ryane: Way to go Private Boron! (smiles) THANKS!!! (pats him)

When Boron smiled, Crash managed to revive himself fairly quickly…

Crash: (rubs his forehead in pain) What happened?
Monnika: You helped us kill off the Cerulean Wizard for good… or IS he dead?


[Music restarts – Toploader – “Achilles’ Heel” (Instrumental)]

Tiko was seen hovering on a jetpack with a different remote. Below him was what was left of the Zewper Slaiyan 5000, but he was still smiling wickedly…

Tiko: I have one last surprise for you, bandicoot… (presses the big red button and heads through an escape hatch)

On the ruins of the robot, a bomb was seen counting down from 5 seconds.


Tiko was seen making his escape with Deksta, who’s still unconscious, and Oxide, and as they disappear off screen, the ship exploded.


[Music changes – William Orbit – “Barber’s Adagio For Strings” (Intro)]

The entire Crash Team were seen in a circle looking down at Cortex, Ryane, Monnika and Midget, who were killed in the blast. Boron was seen weeping with his face buried deep in Crash’s chest and Coco was seen sorting Snappy out, who had tears in his eyes…

Snappy: My boy…

Some tears come off his face and onto the floor.

(Music stops)

Coco: I can see how you feel, but not everything is to be, I’m afraid.
Snappy: I know… but if only if Tiko didn’t kill me about a decade ago…
Coco: I know… Those guys have been great sports. If it weren’t for them, then Tiko would have us on the run. They deserve something to take to heaven.
Snappy: (faintly and sadly) Good point…

Some more tears from his face reach the floor. Then he passed each of the Powers of the Four Seasons between him, Crash, Coco and Boron. Next they placed on the bodies the Power they retrieved.

Crash: Time can’t turn back now – this is the end of one chapter, and now I feel that we must move on a new one.

Boron was still crying.

Crash: Come on - let’s go home.

[Music changes – Coldplay – “Trouble” (Silent Witness mix, intro)]

As all the visitors vacated the graveyard, there was a slight spark in the Powers. Boron quickly turned back and a bright blast was given off…

Crash: What’s going on…

Boron howled madly. When the blast cleared up each of the victims was seen… alive and well!

(Music stops)

Crash: Impossible!
Coco: (turns back) How did it… AYE CARAMBA!!!! You’re alive!
Polar: (turns back) Did I… HEY HEY HEY!
Pura: (turns back) What the… (gasps)
Tiny: What going on? (turns back and gasps) TINY HAPPY!!!!!

[Music restarts – Phil Collins – “Against All Odds” (Instrumental)]

Crash and the others dashed towards the victims with happiness…

Coco: (runs towards Monnika) It’s good to see you back, pal!
Monnika: Heck, don’t mention it! (gives Coco 5)
Ryane: (gets in between the girls) Good work, comrades! You’ve made the Crash Team proud! (turns to Monnika) And I’m sorry for being too much of a show-off…
Monnika: That’s all right. I feel a lot better now.

With Snappy and Midget…

Snappy: Come to daddy, my boy!

Midget leapt onto Snappy, pushing him down onto the floor.

Midget: That’s what I call a close call, Dad!
Snappy: Thank god for that! (smiles)

And with the rest of the gang…

Cortex: I would like to congratulate you again for making this mission a pure success.
Crash: (giggles) Don’t mention it!
Polar: (jumps on Crash’s back) Like, where would we be without you?
Pura: Still in the freezing cold with no food and no home…

(Music stops)

Polar: (jumps off Crash’s back) I can handle it out there on my own! Come here you… (starts fighting Pura)

(Music restarts – The Can Can)

Tiny: (laughs) Tiny love battle!

Boron kicked Tiny in the chest. Tiny: OW!!! TINY WANT OUT!!!!!! (dashes out of the graveyard)

(Music stops)

Cortex: (laughs) That’s pretty good for a beginner! (pats Boron)
Crash: So… looks like this is the end for a while. Er, that is until Tiko comes back…
Cortex: I totally agree. You still need payback for what you did to me, and it’s also something to keep the henchmen occupied.
Crash: Good luck!

(Music restarts – WWF – Kane’s Theme)

They shake hands and walk off in different directions.

(Scene changes to outside Snappy’s home)

Snappy was seen lying about in a deck chair.

Snappy: And that’s how the mission was. Who knows, if Tiko comes on a comeback the old Mr. Crocodile Shoes will be in a lot more action! I wonder what he’s been doing…
Midget: (from a nearby window) Hey Dad! Tiko’s taken over Mars!
Snappy: (laughs) That is so stupid…
Midget: It’s true! Come see! (gets Snappy and pulls him through the window)
Snappy: Careful – you’d break my arm!

(The camera zooms out into space and the end credits run alongside Dido – “Here With Me”. 10 seconds into the credits, the background fades out.)


Credits (in order of appearance) –

Steven Williams as Snappy Gator
Clancy Brown as Dr. Neo Cortex and Polar
Dana Gould as Tiko Cortex
Neil Morrissey as Lio Cortex and the patrol droids
David Spade as Crash Bandicoot and Nitros Oxide
Claire Danes as Monnika Muski and Hallie Cortex
Jake Lloyd as Midget Gator and Private Boron
Vicki Winters as Coco Bandicoot
Christina Aguilera as Ryane Platypus
Scott Chisholm as Pura
Brendan O’ Brian as Tiny Tiger
Toni Braxton as Deksta Cortex
Michael Connor as Komodo Moe

Directed by: Bev Wooff (T-Rex)

Monnika: Easy … it still might never happen…
Ryane: Of course it will! Er… unless Tiko gets it first…
Midget: I said this with Cortex and I’ll say it again… er… what were them words again?
Cortex: Look positive and you’ll reach your goal.
Midget: Oh yeah… (slaps himself on the face)
Crash: Do you guys hear any squeaks or something?

Immediately Boron grabbed onto a wooden pole against a wall and hid behind it. Then the gang looked back.

Ryane: I can’t see anything…

Then Boron uncontrollably stuck his leg out and squealed in pain.

Crash: That – was the sound – of a wolverine that has broken its leg. (pauses) CALL A DOCTOR! Oh… (looks at Cortex)
Cortex: I know I’m a doctor, but I don’t carry out medical science…
Crash: Oh… I forgot…
Midget: We can destroy them…
Monnika: No we can’t.
Midget: Why not?
Monnika: Because this type has got titanium armour. We can’t beat that!

Boron tried to charge towards the window in order to break it, but he ended up crashing into it, squashing his face against the frame.

Costume designer: Boron, you forgot your suction shoes!

Boron sighed angrily and started chasing her all around the studio.
Deksta: (laughs) You can never beat that!
Cortex: Wait a minute – that looks like one of N. Gin’s machines…
Deksta: (blushes anime-style) Obviously I can’t…
Cortex: Your blush is a bit too deep.
Deksta: What… (blushes even deeper and cracks up) Sorry… I need someplace to calm down…
Cortex: In the meantime, let’s see if we can film another scene...
Ryane: (sighs) How many times do I have to tell you this – there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of!

A grim reaper tapped her on the back.

Ryane: Who the heck are…
Grim reaper: BOO!
Ryane: Excuse me, but filming for Blair Witch is next door.
Grim reaper: Sorry…
Oxide: It’s been fixed, but in the process it’s been given an extra outburst of speed and power, and there’s a new secret weapon!
Tiko: Tell me about it!

Oxide whispers in Tiko’s ear about his weapon.

Tiko: (laughs) Stop hissing – it tickles!
Oxide: But I’m not a snake! I’ll show you what I am…

Both of them end up in a scrap.
Snappy: You are very much mistaken – it’s a destroyer droid, Neo dude’s evil brew…
Crash: "Brew"?
Snappy: (cracks up) Sorry – I couldn’t get any sleep last night, so I had to drink several litres of coffee to make myself just perfect for filming...
Crash: No wonder…
Some flight protection orbs paralysed all of them, but they missed Monnika.

Monnika: SUCKER! Oh…

A door opened in the crow’s nest, showing a hole going vertically with neon lights and red dots, but they were all turned off.
Monnika: OK, who messed with the circuits?
Cortex: I would like to congratulate you again for making this mission a pure success.
Crash: (giggles) Don’t mention it!
Polar: (jumps on Crash’s back, but ends up knocking him over into Boron’s foot) Sorry…

Boron screamed with pain and bit Crash’s hand, causing him to scream with pain…

Snappy: (rushes over) Remember the rule – Make hay not war…

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