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Episode 18 – The Mysterious X

Scene: The Lost Ruins

Boron was seen patrolling Polar and Pura, both knocked out. As he guarded them, a dark shadow was seen from behind one of the temples.

[Music starts – Ogre (Tekken 3)]

Immediately, he turned towards the shadow, in which was approaching slowly. A strong leer was given out between the two, and then Boron gave out a slight growl. Sooner or later, the shadow approached a bit faster, then a lot faster. In no time at all the shadow was right up to him, and then there was a scream.

[(Music fades black and reforms to the same location. Music changes – William Orbit – Barber’s Adagio for Strings” (Intro)]

Our heroes were seen approaching the main site…

Cortex: Boron, I heard you scream… hang on… (looks around) This isn’t good…
Monnika: What the (BLEEP) had been going on here?

There was a howl in the distance.

Crash: Let me guess – He’s at it again, digging for bones.
Midget: I very much doubt it.
Ryane: If my calculations are correct, he’s over at the Tiger Temple.
Crash: That’s just a 5-minute walk away, so we’ll get him back in no time, doc…
Cortex: I know that, but what about the guardians of the temple?
Crash: You what?
Tiny: Crash been there before – remember – Survival of the Fastest?
Crash: Oh yeah… (smacks himself on the forehead, then turns back to Cortex) So, are you meaning them flamethrowers that tried to scorch us?
Cortex: Partly yes, but legend says that ancient spirits control them…
Ryane: Ah, this should be fascinating!
Monnika: Look, missy – what’s so good about a batch of flamethrowers patrolling the temple?
Crash: It’s a legend Monique – These are just rumours.
Monnika: I know, and who wants to listen to rumours if they’re all lies?
Midget: Like, once there was a rumour that my dad was a drunk…
Cortex: And after spending over a decade of my life with him, he IS a…

Midget punches Cortex right in the forehead.

Cortex: (faintly) My head… (rubs it)
Midget: Like Monnika said, DON’T – believe the rumours.
Ryane: But what if the rumours of the spirits are true?
Monnika: I doubt…
Ryane: Maybe they think that Private Boron is a god…
Crash: Too unlikely! (giggles)
Ryane: Like, we have to set out for him…

[Music changes – Limp Biskit – “My Generation” (Intro instrumental)]

But after she spoke, a red flash was given off in the temple.

Ryane: (gasps) It can’t be…
Crash: What?
Ryane: I’m thinking this… that flash from the temple…

Crash nodded.

Ryane: I think it’s also the Temple… of Summer!
Midget: (gasps) Another power!
Ryane: Yep – The Power of Summer.
Monnika: Looks like we’ll be in a hot situation…
Crash: Buy 1 mission and get another free! Let’s dash!
Tiny: (excitedly) Oh boy!
Cortex: Tiny, you stay and look after Polar and Pura.
Tiny: But Tiny try to help…
Cortex: I know, but if you come with us, chances are that Tiko will come along and steal them.
Tiny: Oh… Tiny on job! (salutes)
Crash: That’s good.
Ryane: Look out, spirits – here I come!

Our fearsome five dashed towards the temple for twice the difficulty…
Episode 19 – Tie-ger Feet

Scene: The main room in Tiko’s airship
Music: Toploader – “Achilles’ Heel” (Instrumental)

Tiko was seen here in a rage, sending papers flying and kicking stools all over the place.

Tiko: I’m sick and tired of that blasted bandicoot… (kicks another stool, destroying it) THAT RAT MUST GO!!!!!!! (echoes)

Sooner enough, the main door opened.

Tiko: WHAT?

Nitrous Oxide came through the door with an evil smile.

Tiko: Ah, so how was the capture?
Oxide: It was a pure success. Now we’re certain to take care of that pip-squeak plunder!
Tiko: Excellent!
Oxide: But there is one problem, however…
Tiko: What?
Oxide: Upon heading back I saw your enemy head towards the Tiger Temple.
Tiko: Well they have come to the right place! Oxide, you go down there and wait for them to come. After that then is a good time to attack.
Oxide: I have a few sneak attacks in mind! Also, have you fixed your gun yet?
Tiko: It may not be strong enough to take control of the mind of my most hated brother, but you can use it if you want. (gives it to Oxide)
Oxide: Thanks…
Tiko: One final thing – you need a second instrument for this… (gives Oxide what looks like a power pack)
Oxide: What is this?
Tiko: You’ll understand when you test it.
Oxide: Looks like I’m going off to exterminate those brats!
Tiko: Go ahead and make me proud!
Oxide: It would be my pleasure! (laughs and heads back out through the door)
Tiko: (laughs) Soon, Crash Bandicoot won’t be lasting long in this world! I can see it now – after his downfall the world will be mine to conquer! (laughs out loud)

[Scene changes to the Tiger Temple/Temple of Summer. Music changes – Shaggy – “It Wasn’t Me” (Instrumental)]

Our heroes were seen walking through the temple, searching for both the Power of Summer and Private Boron, while being careful at the same time. All except for Monnika, who’s a distance ahead…

Crash: Monnika – wait up!
Monnika: Why should I? The rumours about spirits are NOT true!
Crash: Are you sure?
Monnika: Uh-huh! Read your history books!
Midget: Oh brother…

Just then, there was a halt.

Monnika: OK, so what’s the hold-up?
Midget: My coat… (tries to budge) It’s stuck!
Mbr< Midget was seen getting the end of his coat tied up with a nearby ancient torch.

Cortex: Let me help you out…
Midget: No thanks – I can do it myself! (tries to remove the coat from the torch)
Cortex: You need help there…
Midget: I DO NOT!

He tries another tug, but not only did he separate his coat from the torch, but it caused the torch to open a secret door in the wall.

Midget: See? I can handle it all by myself!
Voice: Let’s see if you can handle this!
Midget: What was that?
Ryane: It came from the hidden room! This is best checking out!

Our heroes headed into the room, where they await an unexpected surprise…
Episode 20 – The Purple Twister

Scene: Deep in the Tiger Temple/Temple of Summer
Music: Linkin Park – “One Step Closer” (Instrumental)

Our gang stepped into the mysterious room, where a surprise awaits…

Crash: Hello? Anyone home?
Voice: Heheheehehehe!!!!!
Cortex: Listen, if you’re the one who took Boron, show me where he is.
Voice: As you wish!!!

[Music changes – Offspring – “Pretty Fly For A White Guy” (Intro)]

A trapdoor opened up and a platform rose out of it with Boron on it.

(Music turns instrumental)

Midget: (gasps) THERE HE IS! (runs up to him) Hey welcome back, buddy!

Boron remained standing there.

Midget: Cooee! (waves his hand in front of his eyes) Wakey-wakey!

There was still no response.

(Music stops)
Voice: (laughs) You’ll never see your friend again – as a friend!
Monnika: What the…
Voice: ATTACK!!!!!!!!

(Music restarts – Southside Spinners – “Luvstruck”)

Boron sprung onto his feet and rammed Midget onto the floor.

Midget: Look – before you even think about it, don’t…

Boron scratched Midget’s chest, causing a clothing rip and a scar underneath.

Midget: …lick me?
Ryane: I can sense that something’s wrong…
Voice: Wrong-diddly-wrong-wrong it is!
Crash: And that voice sounds familiar…
Cortex: I think I know! You’re… OXIDE!

Sooner enough, Oxide jumped out of the shadows with Tiko’s gun.

Crash: And what the heck do you think you’re doing? You’ve stolen private property…
Oxide: Respect the Gazmoxians – OR ELSE!!!!! (points the gun at Crash)
Crash: Oh no – you ain’t takin’ me aboard…

But it was too late. Oxide fired the gun right at Crash’s forehead. Now he’s struggling with all of his might to not fall under the spell…

Crash: (struggling) I… said…

Oxide laughed vilely.


He fires the beam back at Oxide, taking him down.

Crash: I wonder how come Boron didn’t do the same thing…
Oxide: He’ll never be yours, even with the gun destroyed!
Ryane: Prove it!
Oxide: All right, then I will. Go, my pet!

Boron jumped off Midget and charged at the others.

Crash: Look out!!!!!

The girls scream and all four dodged the attack. Meanwhile, back at Midget…

Midget: (sits up, rubbing his belly in pain) Ouch… (turns to Boron) What the?

He saw what looked like a big battery pack at the back.

Midget: Hmmm… No wonder… (stands up and rushes towards the gang) Hey Crash!
Crash: What?
Midget: I’ve found the weak spot! (whispers in his ear something secret)
Crash: (smiles) Ah!

Crash passed the same whisper to Cortex, who passed it onto Ryane, who passed it onto Monnika.

Monnika: Thanks. (thinks) That you-know-what-girl-dog…
Midget: OK, so let’s go for it!

They started starring at Boron, waiting for the next strike…
Episode 21 – The End Of The Road?

Scene: Deep in the Tiger Temple/Temple of Summer
Music: Bomfunk MCs – “Uprocking Beats” (Intro instrumental)

Our crew were seen face to face with Oxide and Boron…

Midget: Remember – Chances are that Oxide would come back with a surprise attack, so I think we should split into 2 teams.
Crash: You bet!
Midget: Great! Now we need at least 2 people to destroy that big battery pack thing…
Ryane: Remember my fireballs, mate – they can melt anything!
Monnika: (faintly) Like your brain…
Ryane: What did you say?
Monnika: Er… I said that I like how your brain works, Raz.
Midget: OK, there’s 1 dude…
Ryane: Like, I could do with some help…

Crash kicks Cortex from behind, making him step forward.

Cortex: Oi! What was that for?
Midget: I’ll show you what it’s for – I bet you want to help Ryane, don’t you?
Cortex: I’m not so…
Midget: I think you ARE sure, doc! Your laser can stand anything!
Cortex: Anything but a dashing rat…

(Music changes – Theme from the “Indiana Jones” movies)

Midget: This isn’t a dashing rat – this is Boron’s future we’re talking about. If you don’t help Ryane, then chances are that he’ll never be the same again!
Cortex: (sighs) I guess you’re right… Stand back, because we’re going in!
Midget: That’s the spirit! Let’s go for battle stations NOW!

[Music changes – Boom! – “Falling” (Instrumental)]

Each of them gave each other five and headed towards their opponents. First came Crash, Monnika and Midget rushing towards Oxide…

Crash: Hey you - put that gun down!
Midget: Or else face our fists! (rolls up his coat sleeve)
Oxide: Ha-ha! I bet you can’t kill it off…
Crash: I can… if only if I can borrow Cortex’s laser…
Cortex: NOT YET!
Crash: Fine.
Monnika: Looks like we’re on our own…
Midget: With great strength!
Crash: Eh?
Midget: Get a load of this!

He fires an energy beam at Oxide, paralysing him…

Crash: Now show your stuff!
Midget: YES SIR!

With the beam he slung Oxide back and forth and as he did so, he busted open a crack in the ground and sent him in there, with the gun flying away from him and near Midget’s feet.

(Music stops)

Crash: This is certain to stop now!

Midget stomped onto the gun, causing Boron to collapse in the middle of the room.

Monnika: Now’s your chance!

Ryane took off the battery pack object, but Boron didn’t move at all.

Ryane: Did we… do something wrong?

There was silence for a few seconds.

Midget: I think we killed him…
Cortex: That is not true! (dashes towards Boron’s body) Speak to me… please…

Another silence was afoot. Boron still didn’t recover… but will he?
Episode 22 – Race To The Sun

Scene: Deep in the Tiger Temple/Temple of Summer

Our heroes were seen over the body of Private Boron, waiting for him to revive…

Crash: It’s official. He’s dead.
Cortex: It’s not true!
Ryane: (sighs) That’s what you’ve been saying every 5 minutes for the past hour, and he still isn’t back.
Cortex: I know, but…

Some small tears start to drift down his cheeks.

Monnika: (rushes up to Cortex) I know you seem upset, but not everything lasts forever. I mean, you should leave that memory behind and move on.
Crash: But think about what about last time. His body morphed into an egg and he continued his life after hatching.
Midget: But you only live twice.
Crash: Oh… (sounds depressed) I see how you feel… (looks down and sighs) I’ll take him back and set up a memorial service for you guys when you retrieve the Power of Summer…
Ryane: WAIT!
Crash: What?
Ryane: I think I’ve got an idea! How about we use the Powers of the Four Seasons to revive Snappy AND Boron!
Monnika: But there’s only one power of each at the moment, you plonker!
Ryane: I know, but before most copies of the Powers worn out, the remaining few were spread among many people. Think of it like rationing in the Second World War…
Monnika: Ah, I see! Thanks! (thinks) If only if I came up with that…
Crash: I’ll take him back and I’ll leave you guys to the Power of Summer.
Midget: OK!

[Music changes – Coldplay – “Trouble” (Silent Witness remix, intro instrumental)]

Crash lifts up Boron’s body and leaves the temple.

Midget: All right! Let’s go guys!

The gang left the room in the temple, but Cortex didn’t budge. Sooner enough, Midget came back.

Midget: What’s the matter? Please… share it with me.
Cortex: It’s just… It’s Boron… I’m feeling a bit worried…
Midget: Calm down, doc – he’ll be all right in the end, I guarantee it. As will my dad and your other childhood companion.
Cortex: But I don’t think that Ryane’s hypothesis would work…
Midget: It will! Just look on the bright side! Once we get all the Powers, you’ll be back with your friend in no time! Now come on, let’s go for the next Power.

Cortex gave in a slight smile and both of them headed towards the girls for the next power…

[Music changes – Craig David – “Walking Away” (Ignorants remix, instrumental)]

Our group of four were seen walking up through the corridors of the temple…

Ryane: If I’m not mistaken, the Power of Summer should be up ahead.
Monnika: How can you tell?
Ryane: I can sense the heat from here.
Midget: Like how come when I was on the search for the Power of Winter I didn’t feel the cold?
Monnika: Maybe it’s because the temple was already cold, like the swamp, in which was hardly used for ages.
Midget: Good point.
Ryane: LOOK! There it is!

They are now at the end of the corridor, where another room was, and a red glow was shining from the other end of it.

Cortex: Ryane, be careful. You never know what could be guarding it…
Ryane: I can’t sense any bad guys! This should be easy!

(Music stops)

Ryane dashed towards the Power with great velocity, but as soon as she was going to pick up the power, a black smoke cloud shone from behind her.

Ryane: (growls) Show me your face, thief!

A green figure came out from the cloud. Immediately, Ryane gasped and trembled…
Episode 23 – Hot Scales

Scene: Deeper in the Tiger Temple/Temple of Summer
Music: Eminem and Dr. Dre – “Guilty Conscience” (Instrumental)

The green figure stepped closer and closer towards Ryane, revealing himself as Oxide. As soon as he came towards her, she tried to look brave, but she was shaking like mad.

Monnika: Oh no… not again!
Cortex: Watch out Ryane – If he can kill Boron, then he can kill you too!
Ryane: I know… I need to overcome this power…
Oxide: (laughs) So… if you’re the new girl on the block…
Ryane: You are so correct.
Oxide: Then I bet you can never beat me to the Power!

Ryane growled.

Oxide: What’s the matter? I’m not afraid of getting beaten by a girl!
Ryane: What’s your purpose for the Powers? I need a good excuse…
Oxide: Those Powers belong to Tiko, and he wants them back!
Ryane: You are so wrong, more wrong-diddly-wrong-wrong than the wrongest man in Wrongton…
Oxide: OH YEAH?
Ryane: Yeah! Those Powers need to be used for sparing, not for plans for world domination!
Oxide: Who cares? You can never steal the Power off me!

Ryane leered at Oxide.

Midget: HEY RYANE!
Ryane: (turns to Midget) What?
Midget: Remember his major weakness…
Ryane: What major weakness?
Cortex: He may be fast, but he isn’t cunning…
Ryane: (giggles) I see…
Midget: Tackle him where it hurts!
Ryane nodded and turned back to Oxide.
Oxide: So, what’s your plan? Give up the Powers… (gets out a laser) Or give up your life?

They remained silent for a few seconds.

Ryane: Neither.
Oxide: You what?
Ryane: I – SAID – NEITHER!
Oxide: If that’s the case… (aims the laser at Ryane’s head)
Ryane: Did your mama told you to fight fire with fire?
Oxide: I don’t know…
Ryane: You should do now!

(Music stops)

She fires a fireball at Oxide, sending him through a brick wall.


[Music restarts – Madonna – “The Power Of Goodbye” (Instrumental)]

Then the Power of Summer rushed towards Ryane and into her hands.

Midget: Hey, way to go Ryane!
Monnika: But I can do better than that!
Midget: Well how come Hallie knocked you out with a crack of the whip?
Monnika: Oh…

Then, the ghost of Snappy came out from thin air.

Midget: DADDY!
Snappy: Excellent work Platypus. You have now sent your team way over the half way mark into resurrecting me…
Ryane: I know, but we had a bit of a problem. You see, we accidentally killed Private Boron, and we also need the Powers for him too. I’m not sure if my hypothesis in spreading the Powers between the two of you will work…
Snappy: It will, believe me. And if you don’t, store the Power in a place where enemies will never get it.
Ryane: I think I have something in mind… (puts it in her mouth and swallows it)
Midget and Monnika: EWWW!
Cortex: How could you - eat it?
Ryane: I’ve not eaten it – it’s the only safe place vital to Snappy’s clue. Speaking of which… (turns to Snappy) Why did I have to do that?
Snappy: You’ll find out when the time comes…
Ryane: The time comes for what?
Snappy: You’ll see… (vanishes into thin air)
Ryane: Wait… (sighs) I don’t understand…
Midget: Looks like we have to catch the fourth and final Power. Wherever that is.
Ryane: We’d best head back before anyone else gets captured!
Midget: I couldn’t agree more!

Our pack of four dashed out of the temple as fast as they could back to camp…


Cortex: What about the guardians of the temple?
Crash: You what?
Tiny: Crash been there before – remember – Survival of the Fastest?
Voice: Did someone say, “Survival of the Fastest”?
Tiny: Eh?

A cheetah comes on stage.

Crash: Hunter? But… this is a Crash story we’re filming, not Spyro!
Hunter: I know, but Tiny here wants a Survival of the Fastest contest with me, don’t you?

Tiny looked confused and Hunter dragged him off stage. Then the others looked confused too shortly after.
Tiko: One final thing – you need a second instrument for this… (gives Oxide what looks like a power pack)
Oxide: What is this… (drops it madly) Sorry – It’s too heavy!

The shout caused Oxide to dash off-stage.
Cortex: Listen, if you’re the one who took Boron, show me where he is.
Oxide: As you wish!!!

A trapdoor opened up and a platform rose out of it with… a chicken?

Crash: What the…
Director: Sorry – we’re doing a poultry showcase tonight right here, and I think someone mixed up Boron with the chicken…
Midget: OK, there’s 1 dude…
Ryane: Like, I could do with some help…
Crash kicks Cortex from behind, making him step forward, lose balance and trip up.
Midget: (growls) CRA-A-ASH!!!!
Crash: Er… was that a bit too hard?

Midget sighs angrily.
Midget: Calm down, doc – he’ll be all right in the end, I guarantee it. As will my dad and your other childhood companion.
Cortex: But I don’t think that Ryane’s hypothesis would work…
Midget: It will! Just look on the bright side…

Suddenly, a flashlight was shone directly into Midget’s eyes.
Midget: (screams) STOP!

Snappy was seen with the flashlight.
Snappy: You did say look on the bright side, right?
Cortex: (rushes up to him and does the Stunner) Look – what would you feel like if I interrupted one of YOUR scenes?
Snappy: Er… a bit (BLEEP) off…
Oxide: Those Powers belong to Tiko, and he wants them back!
Ryane: You are so wrong, more wrong-diddly-wrong-wrong than the wrongest man in Wrongton… (laughs)
Oxide: What?

Ryane continued laughing at Oxide as the camera views him with an armadillo on top of his head.
Oxide: What do you think you’re laughing at?

The cast and crew start laughing.

Oxide: WHAT?

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