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Episode 11 – Kitty Kaos

Scene: The Lost Ruins
Music: Warp Brothers – “Phat Bass”

Here we see Cortex and Boron sorting out Ryane’s wound and Polar and Pura in a right argument…

Pura: Dead meat? Look – do you expect an innocent tiger cub to leave a grown cat to a blue-haired punk?
Polar: Yeah! I told YOU to take guard of him while the rest of us sort out Ryane’s injury, so what did you do? You let him go!
Pura: But it’s not MY fault! He should look after himself!
Cortex: Calm down you two – I don’t think Pura would let Tiny get away like that, and also there’s no need to get mad over it.
Polar and Pura: Sorry!
Ryane: That’s better… Keep it like that.

Boron sighed.

(Music stops)

Then Crash and the others came over.

Crash: Good news! We got the Power of Winter!
Cortex: Excellent work! I hope you can keep it safe…
Midget: I think I know a good place! (sticks it under his hat)
Ryane: You want to put it under your hat? But it would give you a brain freeze or something.
Monnika: That gator can stand anything, girl! (turns to Cortex) And on our way here, we overheard an argument.

(Music restarts – Storm – “Time To Burn”)

Polar: Pura lost Tiny to Tiko when he came to search us for the powers.
Pura: I DID NOT!
Polar: DID TOO!
Pura: DID NOT!
Polar: DID TOO!
Monnika: QUIET!!!! (sighs) Look…
Ryane: Hang on – I think I can see…

A blue flash came from Citadel City.

Crash: Let me guess – another power…

[Music changes – Madonna – “Music” (Instrumental)]

Ryane: Yep! This time it’s the Power of Spring, and it’s over at what I call the “Lost City”.
Cortex: That’s because no one has been there since the medieval era.
Crash: Or the natives wanted Old England to come to the island.
Polar: Or anything else you can think of. No one knows. No one cares… (turns to Pura) Like some certain tiger cub I know…
Monnika: Well, do you know where he is, anyway?
Pura: He was taken to Citadel City…
Crash: Citadel City? Hmmm…
Ryane: What’s your thought?
Crash: I’m thinking that Tiko could be tricking us – I mean, like we might want to hand in the Power of Winter for Tiny or something…
Cortex: We’ll see what tricks he has up his sleeve. Looks like we’re on another mission to undergo!
Pura: Let me go…
Polar: (holds Pura back) Look – no tigers-who-let-evil-steal-crew-members allowed!
Pura: Oh yeah? (starts a scrap with Polar)
Boron: (enters the scrap) ROAAAAAAAAAR! (STOP!)
Crash: Looks like we’ll leave them to it… and us to that power and the tiger!

Our five-some leave the Lost Ruins towards Citadel City…
Episode 12 – An Anonymous Surprise

Scene: South Citadel City
Music: Lene Marlin – “Unforgivable Sinner” (Instrumental)

Our crew were seen walking through the creepy streets of the old town…

Midget: (shaking) I’m s-s-s-scared! HELP!!!!

Ryane: (strokes Midget) Keep calm – everything will be all right…
Monnika: (quietly) Show off…
Ryane: (turns to Monnika) You what?
Monnika: Er… I said that you showed off your care ness, girl!
Ryane: I hope it wasn’t what I thought I heard…
Crash: Pipe down – I think I can hear something.

(Music stops)

The crew went silent. The only sounds that can be heard are the ghostly winds and the roars of a wild animal.

Midget: (screams) WEREWOLF!!! (hides behind Ryane)
Cortex: I don’t think it’s a werewolf, because the roars came from that tower over there… (points to the door-less tower next to him)

[Music restarts – Wyclef Jean and Mary J. Blige – “911” (Instrumental)]

Midget: (shaking) Well no matter what, I still feel scared…
Ryane: Relax Midget – Once we get in that tower there will be nothing to be afraid of.
Midget: Are you sure?
Monnika: I think she is, and I hope there’s something good in here…

She flies up, but as soon as she reaches the window, she is struck by a thunderbolt and comes back down.

Cortex: Did you see anything?
Monnika: Orange… steroids… big teeth… (collapses)
Crash: It could be me!

Everyone stares at Crash.

Crash: Er… apart from the steroid part.
Midget: That’s nothing to be afraid of! I’m going in…
Cortex: Wait!
Midget: What?
Cortex: Just look up and you’ll see Monnika’s problem…
Midget: Eh? (looks up) Oh… Just an anti-flight orb… (tries to fire an energy beam, but he fails) I still don’t have the strength for it…
Ryane: Let me help… (fires a fireball at the orb)

The orb dissolved into thin air in a matter of seconds.

Midget: OK, so it’s me to see the problem… (thinks over and over again) Nothing to be afraid of…

He flies up, but when he reaches the window, he screams and come back down.

Ryane: Was I wrong about nothing to be afraid of?
Midget: (shaking) Half yes, half no.
Crash: Huh?
Midget: It’s crucial, and Tiny is up there.
Monnika: (gets up, still feeling paralysed) Say what?
Midget: I said that I found Tiny…
Monnika: I’m going in! (tries to fly, but after moving an inch off the ground she comes back down) I can’t do it…
Crash: Look Monique – Maybe the shock disabled one of your abilities for a while, but be careful next time, OK?
Monnika: I will.

(Music stops)

Ryane: And I’ve the strength to carry a steroid tiger down with ease, so this should be no problem!

She flies through the window and comes back out with Tiny in an injured state.

Ryane: Tell ya wot – he’s a bit heavier than I thought he is… (drops Tiny and rubs her back) Ah, my backside…

[Music restarts – Madonna – “The Power Of Goodbye” (Instrumental)]

Tiny recovered himself very quickly, but he failed to get up.

Cortex: Are you all right?
Tiny: (faintly) Tiny very much doubt it…
Crash: Like, what happened to you?
Tiny: Tiny got put in torture chamber. Tiny got hurt bad style. (sadly) Tiny no fit enough for anything…
Crash: I don’t get ya.
Tiny: Tiny wanna help gang, but… (looks down and sighs) Tiny want recovery…
Ryane: You want recovery in what way?
Cortex: I think I can work it out… (looks at Tiny) He’s a lot more hurt than my eldest sister after a grudge match about a decade ago…
Monnika: What happened?
Cortex: She was gored from head to toe.
Crash: Ouch…
Ryane: Looks like only one elixir in the archipelago can heal Tiny’s state. I know about the Spirit of Life, hidden in a cave in the Citadel Graveyard.

Midget screamed and hid behind Ryane, shaking from head to toe.

Ryane: Remember my advice – there’s absolutely nothing to be afraid of.
Crash: So if we get the elixir and use it on Tiny, then he can be able to kick some power guardian butt…
Ryane: In a way yes, but I really don’t know if Tiny has the guts to take on the guardian, whoever it would be.
Monnika: But let’s go for first things first – the elixir.
Crash: But why are we not getting the Power of Spring yet?
Midget: Duh! (takes off his hat, showing the power)
Monnika: And he STILL hasn’t got a brain freeze…

(Music stops)

Crash: Oh well, let’s head… for the graveyard!

(Sound effect – thunderbolt. Some creepy music plays.)

Our crew of six are seen heading towards the north of the city, where the graveyard awaits…
Episode 13 – Night of the Lizard Dead

Scene: A graveyard in the northern area of Citadel City
Music: Zombie Nation – “KernKraft 400”

Our gang were seen heading through the graveyard for the elixir…

Monnika: Now are you sure the elixir is here?
Tiny: (weakly) Tiny guarantee it! Tiny know about potion since… er… since Tiny cub.
Cortex: He has a good point there, and if you still think it’s not true read this… (passes a pocket-sized book about legends and myths down under to Monnika)
Monnika: Let me see… (turns to the page about the Spirit of Life) I’m still unsure about this… (turns to Tiny) I bet you’re still a child at heart…
Tiny: Tiny child? Tiny no think so! (tries to show his muscles, but collapses on the floor)
Monnika: Oh great… (turns to Crash) I’ll be sorting Tiny out. He’s not up to getting the potion with us.
Crash: OK. Make sure nothing wrong happens.

(Music stops)

Monnika: I won’t! (brings Tiny into the bushes)
Crash: OK, so before we continue I think we should check if everyone else is here… (looks around) Where’s Midget?

[Music restarts – Jessica Simpson – “I Want To Love You Forever” (Chorus)]

Midget was seen near the gates of the graveyard bending down and starring at a gravestone. As we get closer it gets revealed as the grave of his father. He sighed and looked down for quite a while…

(Music turns instrumental)

Midget: (sighs and thinks) You’ll be back Dad… We will guarantee it…
Crash: (shouts from another area of the graveyard) MIDGET!
Midget: (turns to Crash) Sorry… (rushes to the crew)

Midget rushed as fast as he could towards the crew and when he did reach them he hid and starts shaking behind Ryane.

Ryane: Hey, what did I tell you earlier – There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of!

[Music changes – Mauro Picotto – “Komodo” (Instrumental)]

Just then what looked like a zombie raised its hand out of the ground.

Midget: (screams) THE LIVING DEAD!!!!!!!

This caused the gang to hide behind a nearby bush. As the “zombie” came out, he revealed himself as Komodo Moe. He looked around and then spotted Tiny’s legs sticking out.

Moe: Hmmm… Do bushhhhhesssssss wear shhhhhhhoessssss?

He approaches the bush and pulled Tiny out.

Tiny: (roars) Back off, or face Tiny wrath!
Moe: Huh?

Tiny tried to punch him, but it was nothing but a little tap.

Moe: (laughs) You weak jerk!
Crash: (jumps out of the bush) Who are you calling a jerk, dragon?
Moe: Oh no… NOT THAT RAT!
Crash: Look – does it look like I can send a virus to you?
Moe: Er… nope.
Crash: Well, I can send this! (punches him) And what do you want anyway?
Moe: An alternative to the Powerssssss of the Four Sssssseassssssonsssssss…

He roots into his pockets and pulls out the elixir!

Tiny: Grrr… Tiny real mad… (collapses)
Crash: TINY!
Monnika: (rushes to Tiny) Stay down, skipper… you’ve seen enough. (drags him into the bushes)
Crash: (turns to the others) OK, looks like it’s us three and the scaled prodigy over there.

The gang starred with fury at Moe, ready to earn their prize…
Episode 14 – Re-N-Ter The Dragon

Scene: The graveyard of Citadel City
Music: Darude – “Feel The Beat” (Intro)

Our pack of four were seen face to face with Komodo Moe, who has possession of the most powerful elixir in the archipelago…

Ryane: (angrily) Drop it.
Moe: (laughs) Ooh look, it’ssssss the crew that destroyed all of Tiko’ssssss plansssss so far. I’m shhhhhhaking in my sssssscalessssss! (laughs out loud)
Midget: What do you think is so funny, Komodo?
Moe: Are ya talkin’ to me?
Midget: (quietly and quickly) Face my wrath.
Moe: (slightly louder) Are ya talkin’ to me?

Crash acts like a chicken.

Midget: Now we’re in for it…
Moe: THEY CALL ME KOMODO MOE!!!!! (screams and charges towards the gang)
Ryane: Split!

(Music changes – David Morales presents The Face – “Needin’ U”)

The gang split out in all directions in just seconds, but Komodo Moe came back with a fury attack on Crash and Ryane, sending them over the bushes…

Tiny: OOF!
Monnika: Next time you should be more careful.
Crash: Sorry… (faints)
Ryane: Could you help us out… (faints)
Monnika: (thinks) Strange… It’s not like them to pass out on the first attack…

Back with Cortex and Midget, both were suffering problems from the blade. Swipe after sharp swipe it stopped them from sending in any attack…

Midget: Do you have any ideas on this one?
Cortex: If you’re up for it we could try a double team attack…
Midget: But what if I still can’t fire my beam?
Cortex: (stunned) Your beam… has gone…?
Midget: I don’t know… maybe we should try a tag team strategy…
Cortex: (smiles) Not bad! I’ll tell you when I need help…
Midget: OK! (thinks) This is going to be too easy!

(Music stops)

Moe: Well then, we meet again doc! Thissssss time it’sssssssss gonna hurt!
Cortex: Let me rephrase that – It’s going to hurt on YOU!
Moe: We’ll ssssssee about that. Show me your bessssssst!

Cortex drew out the stolen blade from a recent battle. This caused Moe to act stunned…
Moe: You think you’re so fast, but I’ve got skill! (chucks a sword at Cortex)

Once again Cortex evaded the attack and this time around stole the sword from Moe…

Moe: Hey – You can’t do that! Come here…
Cortex: Catch me if you can!
(Music restarts – Safri Duo – “Played A-Live”)

Moe got his hands together in rage and charged towards his target, but Cortex performed a sword swipe and cut a scar across one side of his face. This lead the two to a sword fight. Meanwhile, Midget was starting to glow a bright yellow colour and was in a feel-sick position sitting down and leaning on a gravestone.

Monnika: (comes up to him) Are you all right?
Midget: I don’t know… (rubs his stomach in pain)
Monnika: What’s that glow for?
Midget: It usually happens to me a few times every year, but after it you feel more… (faints)
Monnika: Feel more what?

There was silence between the two.

Monnika: (panics) Looks like I have too much on my hands… but I must. (takes Midget into the bushes)

This leaves only Cortex to try and retrieve that elixir. So far nothing stands between him and Moe, but who will survive – and how?
Episode 15 – An Increase In Strength

Scene: The graveyard in Citadel City
Music: Intro music for “Final Fantasy VIII” (Instrumental)

Cortex and Moe were seen in the sword-fighting duel we left them at, while Monnika was trying to heal the other members of the gang…

Monnika: (thinks) This is so impossible… how can a komodo dragon knock out most of the gang?

As she tried to patch up Midget, he started to stir a bit.

Monnika: (gasps) What the…

His eyes went open and he sat up in pain.
Monnika: Are you all right?
Midget: (painfully) I think so…
Monnika: You don’t look OK…
Midget: Maybe that’s because of this…

He jumps up into the air giving a beam out as he took for the sky…

Monnika: (gasps) You’ve… evolved!
Midget: It’s not evolution – I get a bit more strength every now and again.

(Music fades)

Monnika: (smiles) I think you should go for it!

[Music restarts – Anjelic – “Can't Keep It Silent” (Instrumental)]

Midget: You really think so?
Monnika: Sure! Go out there and save us all!!!!
Midget: But I thought we promised…

Back in the sword battle, Moe struck Cortex onto a nearby wall and had him cornered and weakened down.

Moe: You’re mine, ssssssssucker! (draws out his sword)
Midget: (gasps) CORTIE!
Monnika: I think now’s a good time to put you into good use.
Midget: I’m going in! (heads out of the bushes)

He starts rushing towards Moe and when he reached him he jumped on his back and performed a submission, taking him away from his target.

Midget: Whoa… down boy… down…

Eventually, he slung Moe onto the floor and leapt into the air. Then, by some surprise, he managed to shoot a tow beam right at his target…

Monnika: WOW!!!!! IT’S WORKING!!!!

After landing on his feet he used the tow beam to throw Moe back and forth and eventually throwing him into the air.

(Music stops)

Moe: Lookssssssssss like another return to the drawing board… (fades)

As he went over the horizon, the Spirit of Life dropped from the sky and landed on the concrete path without breaking.

[Music restarts – Backstreet Boys – “Shape Of My Heart” (Instrumental)]

Monnika: Hey – the elixir! (picks it up and examines it) And look – it’s got power to return 4 to their original selves!
Midget: Wicked! Er… where’s a jug when you need one… (trips up) Ow…
Monnika: You said… (points to a jug)
Midget: Man… Thank litterbugs for that! (picks it up)

He started to revive the weakened targets one by one, and they eventually sprung back to life…

Cortex: Ow… (rubs his forehead) my head…
Crash: Wha… what happened?
Ryane: My… where’s the komodo?
Midget: He’s gone that’s for sure…
Tiny: YEEEEEEEEEAH! (jumps up onto his feet) Super Schwartzneger – TINY BACK!!!!!!!!!
Monnika: Easy…

Tiny screamed with happiness and dashed out of the gates of the graveyard. Then a few seconds later, he came back.

Tiny: Well come on then – Tiny know where Power of Spring is!

The rest of the gang gasped and followed Tiny out of the graveyard to another area of the city…
Episode 16 – Underestimated Grrrrrl Power

Scene: West Citadel City
Music: Alice Deejay – “Celebrate Our Love” (Intro)

Our gang were seen following Tiny to the next power, until…

Tiny: STOP!

The gang halted immediately.

Tiny: Tiny saw power go in there… (points to a temple)
Ryane: Hey – that must be the Temple of Spring…
Crash: Excellent! Now we can collect the power like we did last time…

(Music stops)

Then a trap door opened on all the gang, sending them screaming for help until…


They finally landed.

[Music restarts – a1 – “No More” (Instrumental)]

Monnika: Ouch… where are we?
Ryane: Looks like an underground sector…
Midget: And it looks too familiar to the underground place in the Temple of Winter… Oh wait…
Crash: Now what?
Midget: I’m thinking that getting the power will be just as easy… (pauses) …now that there’s only the six of us around.
Cortex: You have a good point there, and with the power right ahead of us…
Crash: Ah…
Rest of the gang: This is another pip-squeak job come true!
Cortex: Right! Let’s just get the power and get out of here…
Crash: OK! (dashes towards the power)
Ryane: Crash, wait…

[Music restarts – Fragma – “Every Time You Needed Me” (Instrumental)]

But as soon as he reaches the power, an explosion sent him flying across the room and back with the gang.
Cortex: Are you all right?
Crash: I think so… (rubs his arm)

The explosion faded and we see Hallie grabbing the power…

Hallie: Oh yeah?
Midget: (rushes up to her) YEAH!
Hallie: Well, what are you gonna do about it, baby?
Midget: Look – never underestimate the power of an alligator with attitude!
Hallie: Ooh, I’m scared stiff in my skin! (laughs)
Midget: (sighs) You’re gonna pay for this… (shoots out a tow beam)

Hallie evaded the attack and the beam bounced onto an old stain-glass window, sending it into Midget.

Crash: (gasps) MIDGET! (rushes up to him) Are you OK?
Midget: Ah…
Crash: Relax… (stops the beam by sticking a thin rock over it) Come on – we’ll sort you out… (takes Midget back to the others) Do any of you guys have any more ideas?
Monnika: Lemme at her!
Cortex: But… why?
Monnika: You could never be too careful… (walks slowly up to her)
Crash: Hang in there…

As Monnika walked up to Hallie she clinched her fists in a rage…
Episode 17 – Survival of the Girlish

Scene: Underneath the Temple of Winter
Music: Sonique – “I Put A Spell On You” (Intro)

Monnika was walking up towards Hallie with an eager strength roaming inside her…

Crash: Careful girl – she’s been as rocky as she always has been…
Monnika: I very much doubt it. Like, what can this pip-squeak pull out of the bag?
Hallie: Good question. I can take out a dingo/crocodile hybrid, and I bet I can do the same with you…

She pulls her whips out from behind her.

Monnika: (gulps) This is going to look sharp…

[Music changes – Offspring – “The Kids Ain’t Right” (Instrumental)]

There was an attack with the rip, causing a scar on Monnika’s right arm. Then she tried to freeze her with an ice beam, but she leapt away from it.

Ryane: Don’t mind if I help?
Monnika: NO!
Cortex: Why not? You’re struggling…
Monnika: I know, but I need to prove my…

Before she can say anything else, she was tied up by the whip and choked on it until she was unconscious.

Hallie: (laughs) You’re mine, brat!

She then sends in another attempt at The People’s Elbow. This became more closer than ever before and as she was going to drop the elbow hard onto her chest…


(Music finishes)

Crash: AH! (covers his eyes with his arm)
Cortex: (faintly) Can’t… see…
Midget: (faintly) Burning… burning…
Tiny: (faintly) Tiny sockets…

Ryane stood there normally trying to view the action through the light. Then it soon faded, and we saw…

Midget: (gasps) IMPOSSIBLE!
Crash: (smiles) Amazing!
Cortex: How… did it happen?

[Music restarts – Korgis – “Everybody’s Gotta Learn Sometime” (Instrumental)]

Monnika was seen all in one piece and Hallie was seen frozen solid!

Rest of the Gang: (point at each other) Did you do that? (all look down and sigh)

Then the power floated high in the sky and rushed towards Monnika, where it swirled around her and revived her.

Monnika: Wha… what happened… (looks around and saw Hallie) Oh… (giggles)
Crash: What are you laughing at?
Monnika: Oh, just by the fact that I’ve done knockout defence again! (giggles)

Sooner enough, Snappy’s ghost came out of nowhere and approached Monnika.

Snappy: Congratulations on retrieving the Power of Spring.
Monnika: (blushes anime-style) Any time!
Snappy: Please don’t shy away – you’ve still got quite a way to go.
Monnika: How far?
Ryane: He could be right there – I can sense another power coming!
Monnika: Right. (thinks) Will she shut up for once?
Snappy: Go… go and retrieve the remaining two powers before it’s too late… (vanishes into thin air)
Crash: So… where are you gonna keep it?
Monnika: Somewhere safe that only bugs can reach but fail to carry… (sticks the power in her hair)

Crash smirks and Ryane starts giggling.

Cortex: OK… first Midget’s hat, then Monnika’s hair… whatever next?
Ryane: You aren’t the only one figuring that out… (thinks) I wonder where I can keep a power when I get one…
Tiny: (picks up Midget) Looks like gang be gone!
Ryane: You’re right! We need to track the next power!
Crash: Let’s go!

Tiny breaks open a wall and our heroes left the Temple of Spring via the crack…


Polar: Pura lost Tiny to Tiko when he came to search us for the powers.
Pura: I DID NOT!
Polar: DID TOO!
Pura: DID NOT!
Polar: DID TOO!
Monnika: QUIET!!!!
Pura: DID NOT!
Polar: DID TOO!
Monnika: (sighs) What’s happened to them?
Monnika: I hope there’s something good in here…

She flies up, but as soon as she reaches the window nothing happens.

Monnika: (waits patiently) Ho-hum…

Nothing still happens.

Monnika: (flies to the anti-flight orb) Come on, you lousy machine… (kicks it)

As her foot touches the orb she gets an electric shock and falls down to the ground.

Crash: I guess that thing needs a bit more oil…
Midget rushed as fast as he could towards the crew and when he did reach them he hid and starts shaking behind Ryane.

Ryane: Hey, what did I tell you earlier – There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of!

Just then what looked like a ghost jumped out of the bushes.

Midget: (screams) A G-G-G-GHOOOOOOOST! (jumps behind the bushes)

The “ghost” takes off the white blanket on him, revealing himself as Private Boron.

Boron: (laughs) ROAAAAR ROAAAR ROAAAAAAAAR! (April Fool!)
Cortex: Boron, it’s the wrong time of season for that.

Boron howled quietly with disappointment.
Moe: Are ya talkin’ to me?
Midget: (quietly and quickly) Face my wrath.
Moe: (slightly louder) Are ya talkin’ to me?

Crash acts like a chicken, but starts laughing.

Director: CUT!
Crash: Sorry… (giggles) It’s just that the action’s so funny… (laughs out loud)
As Moe went over the horizon, the elixir dropped from the sky and landed on the concrete path…


Midget: Uh-oh… well, it didn’t say that it was smash proof…
Director: Oh… we need to try another angle…
Cortex: You have a good point there, and with the power right ahead of us…
Crash: Ah… Rest of the gang: (slightly out of proportion) This is another pip-squeak job come true!
Director: CUT! Tiny…
Tiny: What Tiny do now?
Director: You need a bit of a smoother tone and you need to be more in time with the others…
Tiny: TINY NO NEED HELP!!! TINY PERFECT IN EVERY WAY!!!!! (destroys the camera)
Snappy: Congratulations on retrieving the Power of Spring.
Monnika: (blushes anime-style) Any time!
Snappy: Please don’t shy away… (pauses for a long time)
Monnika: What?
Snappy: There’s… blood…
Monnika: Where?
Snappy: From up your pants…
Monnika: (looks at the blood) Uh-oh… (dashes off-stage quickly)
Snappy: Hmmm… unless her stitches were cut open I have no idea…

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