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Episode 9 – The Road to Hallie

Scene: Crash’s home, notebook still open
Music: Celine Dion – “It’s All Coming Back To Me Now” (Intro)

9th page –

“I never realised how rocky my opponents will get, and how risky it was to work with people that I hated… The rescue process was running like clockwork, and with 4 hostages to go, I had concerns that this isn’t going to be easy…”

[Scene changes to the laboratory inside Cortex Castle. Music changes - Moby – “Porcelain” (Instrumental)]

The gang are seen trying to trace down the other hostages…

Polar: I sure hope my idea would work…
Crash: Of course it will – It’s great – tracking down the others via satellite… what can possibly go wrong?
N. Gin: I’ll tell you what CAN go wrong – the satellite is in state of repair, and it may be tricky to spot the signal.
Crash: I wonder HOW tricky…

(The computer’s voice sounds like Zelda from “Sabrina the Teenage Witch”)

Computer: (repeatedly) Hostage found! Press space for further info.
N. Gin: Okay, I heard you the first time! (presses the space button)
Crash: (sighs) Who knows what this mission would be like…
Computer: Another hostage has been found deep in the Yellowstone Park nature reserve in Wyoming U.S.A. Rilla Roo has been located here, paralysed by the whip power of Haliana Cortex, the eldest girl in the group, and also the most neglected gang member. (fizzes and breaks down)
Crash: What does it mean by “most neglected”?
N. Brio: Well I heard that she celebrated her b-b-b-birthday a few months ago, but she didn’t gain that m-much support.
Crash: Ha-ha! She’ll be a right pip-squeak! Let’s head for her! (leaves the room)


(Music changes – Radiohead – “Talk Show Host”)

Polar: (rushes out with the others) Careful, Crash – Never underestimate your enemies. Remember Sabrina out of the “Pokemon” TV show?
Crash: Oh yeah… good point.
Dingodile: Yeah, we need a new line-up. We’ll take the bad stuff out and any good stuff in!
N. Brio: Oh, I see, like d-d-dental surgery!
Dingodile nods and looks at Crash.
Crash: What? The choice is MINE?!? Oh… then I immediately take out… Tiny Tiger!
Tiny: But what Tiny do wrong?
Crash: You put our lives in danger – You made Tiko’s hideout flood, and we were struggling to get out! And also you tried to fight Oxide and his crane – when you tossed it over the rapids Dingo went in there and I had to retrieve him!
Tiny: Tiny sorry… Can Tiny get third chance?
Papu: No – You failed twice, and I’m sure you’ll do it again!
Tiny: But Tiny try to help…
Joe: The only thing you WILL be doing will be cleaning your dirty laundry from the night before!
Tiny: But…
Joe: (points at Tiny) MARCCCCCCH NOW!!!!!!
Tiny: JOE NO BOSS OF ME… (knocks him out)
Crash: I guess Joe’s also gone… I may need a bit of extra help on this journey…
N. Brio attempted to heal up Joe…
Crash: You! Brio! You’ll do!
Brio: What?!? But I can’t help out… I’m not powerful enough…
Polar: Look – Power isn’t the main strength – It’s health! And you have potions to heal up anyone! I’m certain you’ll have a paralyse heal somewhere…
Brio: Hey… (smiles) Yes!
Dingodile: Er… Polar… Health isn’t the main strength either…
Polar: (whispers in Dingo’s ear) I’m trying to make him feel more confident…
Dingodile: Oh, right.
Crash: I guess we’re set. Let’s go! (Jumps in the aeroplane)

The “squad” jump in too, and soon enough the plane headed off towards America…
Episode 10 – Devil and the ‘Dile

Scene: An unknown forest area, deep in Yellowstone Park in Wyoming USA
Music: Theme from “Shaft” (Instrumental)

The gang were seen as follows – Dr. Brio was observing the situation for Rilla from a high point on a bushy tree, Crash and Dingo were preparing their weapons for battle and Papu and Polar didn’t seem very well confident at all…

Polar: I don’t seem very well confident at all.
Papu: Ditto.
Crash: There’s no need to cower, guys – Hallie may look tough with those whips, but with everything else in the world there HAS to be a way to evade it and kill it off.

Brio climbs down and joins the rest of the group.

Dingodile: Speaking of which, what is your plan, doc?
Brio: It’s just a case of t-t-trying to weak her down with a taste of her own m-m-m-medicine!
Papu: Yeah, but how are we going to do that? I doubt that anyone could stand up to the challenge…
Dingodile: Eh? You guys are brave enough for anything! I certainly am – you must be too!
Crash: Well, if THAT is your case…
Dingodile: Yeah… er… uh-oh…


(Music changes to the theme from “The Pink Panther”)

Dingodile: Why do I always get roped into these things? I should have kept closed my big mouth…

Dingo was then seen sneaking towards Rilla, armed with his usual flamethrower as a weapon. It was all going to plan, until…

Dingodile: (thinks) It’s all going to plan so far! (steps on a Venus fly trap) OUCH! HEY – GERROFF ME FOOT!!!!!!!!

(Music changes – Fragma – “Toca Me”)

A girlish laugh was heard. Dingodile: (removing the plant from his foot) You must be that chick who got my buddy, right Haliana?

(Haliana sounds like Chun-Li from “Street Fighter”)

Haliana: Uh-huh, and I’ve been expecting you here too!
Dingodile: You mean for a meal?
Haliana: (laughs) No, silly! I’ve been expecting you… (brings her head up to the camera) to die!
Dingodile: (gulps) To die? More like vice-verca if you ask me! (arms his flamethrower)
Haliana: Oh, look… (giggles) Hey – check out the hybrid with a cigarette lighter as a weapon! (laughs loudly)
Dingodile: Look, never underestimate your enemies!
Haliana: I don’t mean to treat you like a lady, but you’re a pathetic opponent! (breaks his flamethrower with her whips)
Dingodile: Hoi, you plonker – That flamethrower was priceless!
Haliana: Yeah, but I bet it’s hopeless now! (giggles)
Dingodile: (thinks) This is gonna be tougher than I thought…
Haliana: So Dingo? Are you jealous? Are you scared of my power? Well, eat this!

Hallie starts whipping Dingo severely, several times, hoping to paralyse him…

Haliana: So what about it now, huh? I’m powerful, ain’t I?
Dingodile: (struggles and shouts) POWER IS NOT THE MAIN STRENGTH!!!!! (grabs her whips and pulls them, causing them to snap)
Haliana: (stunned) Huh?
Dingodile: (faintly and panting) Well, that’s what Polar said… (collapses)
Haliana: Grrr… You pinhead! You’re gonna pay for this… (rushes up towards Dingo with the People’s Elbow)
Dingodile: (thinks) This is gonna be rocky… I don’t know how I’ll get out of this one…
Episode 11 – Tales of the Ptero-spected

Scene: An unknown forest deep in Yellowstone Park in Wyoming USA
Music: Prodigy – “Breathe” (Instrumental)

The situation looked mad for Dingo – Haliana had him surrounded, rushing towards him to attack with the People’s Elbow…

Dingodile: (thinks) I can barely move – her whip power was too strong… There has to be a way to break free from this chaos…

Hallie was about to strike… the move was blocked by a furry figure – It was Crash!

Crash: You ain’t gonna take us on THAT easily, aren’t you?
Haliana: Oh yeah – well, you’ve been asking this for a long time, fur-ball! (launches the spear on her hat straight at Crash)
Crash dodged the attack and fired his bazooka at her… she was hit and fired into the sky!
Haliana: Grrr… I’m angry with you… just wait ‘til my siblings and mates hear about this… (screams until she was out of sight)

[Music changes – Westlife – “Flying Without Wings” (Instrumental)]

Polar and the others arrived on the scene.

Polar: Okay, let’s free Rilla and get outta here! Doc Brio – Do you have the potion on you?
Brio: Yeah, it’s h-h-here!
Polar: Good! (cuts Rilla’s cage open with his claws) Okay, on with the fluid!

Brio ejected the antidote into Rilla’s body.

Dingodile: (panics) I hope this works…

A few seconds later, Rilla sprung back to life.

Rilla: (faintly) Thanks, guys, I feel supercharged!
Papu: Don’t mention it!
Rilla: Too late – I already did! (laughs)

(Music changes – Theme from “Mission: Impossible”)

Crash: Okay, enough with the comedy, now let’s get back to the plane. Er… speaking of which… where IS the plane?
Brio: Hmmm… If the s-sun’s up there at 1pm, then this means…
Polar: Yeah?
Brio: We’re l-l-l-lost.
Dingodile: Oh, great! We’re in the same situation as those kids out of the movie, “The Blair Witch Project”!
Rilla: Yeah, but it’s not night time yet… (whacks Dingo on the shoulder) …idiot!
Crash: (sighs) Goodness knows how we’ll get out of this one…

(Music changes again – Hi-Gate – “Caned and Unable”)

A shadow soon overlooked the gang and got darker as it came down…

Crash: Is it me or is it getting dark already?
Dingodile: I doubt it mate – look up!

The gang looked up and saw the problem – a pterodactyl!

Rilla: A dinosaur?!?
Polar: No time to explain – it’s gaining on us! Arm yourselves – pronto!

Crash brought out his bazooka, Dingo got out a replacement Flamethrower from his backpack, Papu was armed with a peashooter, Polar tossed rocks and Brio was equipped with poison in his beakers! Each launched their attack until they were out of ammo… the going was good until…

Crash: Yeah – I think he’s weakened down!
Brio: I don’t think so – c-check this out!

The pterodactyl was building itself into a rage… it swooped down and grabbed all the gang but one…

Crash: Rilla – help us out!

Polar squealed like mad.

Rilla: (unconfidently) I’ll try… (ran towards the dinosaur)
Episode 12 – Primate vs Predator

Scene: An unknown forest, deep in Yellowstone Park, Wyoming USA
Music: Robbie Rivera – “Bang” (Instrumental)

Rilla was rushing towards his captured companions with all of his might towards the Pterodactyl – he swung from tree to tree and crossed river after endless river to try and catch up to them…

Crash: Heeeeeelp!

Polar squeals madly.

Rilla: I’m trying…

(Music changes – WWF – “Kane’s Theme”)

After a while, the dinosaur stopped at a nearby lake. On the other side of it was a red figure – the aeroplane!

Rilla: (thinks) This figure WAS useful to me – I gotta thank it!

The dinosaur opened its claws and was ready to feed on them one by one. He started with Crash…

Crash: Look, if you want a good meal, don’t take me – I’m just skin and bones! Take anything else – how about that bear over there?

The pterodactyl took no notice, and Crash went through its mouth… But Rilla came for a handshake…

(Music stops)

Rilla: Hey – you led me to the plane – Now I can get home! I oughta thank you for it!

The dinosaur looked puzzled, but it drew out a claw for a handshake. Rilla grabbed it… but he did a Seismic Toss on him. It cried with agony and immediately ate him up…


It recovered slowly, and was ready to feed on the others… but suddenly…

[Music changes – Papa Rouch – “Last Resort” (Instrumental)]


The dinosaur’s rear end had a hole cut through it… That’s where Rilla came out!

Polar: Hey Rilla – you’re back!
Rilla: Yeah – and I’m, here with good news – this thing led us to the plane!
Dingodile: Where is the plane? Where is Crash? (sniffs) Where’s your deodorant?

Crash came out from the same end…

Crash: Hey!
Papu: Nice one – like, how did you blow a hole through the dinosaur’s butt?
Rilla: (laughs) Any future boxing star can do that!

But the dinosaur got back in the rage… it flew away for somewhere else!

Brio: Hey – we r-r-really underestimated you! And you know what?
Rilla: Yeah?
Polar, Brio, Papu and Dingodile: YOU’RE HARDCORE!
Crash: Yeah – you deserve to help us out in the future!


(Music changes – Destiny’s Child – “Jumpin’ Jumpin” (Instrumental)

Crash and Polar were seen fishing, Brio was on the phone, Papu tried to start a camp fire and Kanga and Dingo were talking to each other about the encounter…

Rilla: You know, I really should let you know about how the dinosaur got there, eh?
Dingodile: Yeah, mate?
Rilla: Well, you know that Crash has a baby T-Rex back home, right?
Dingodile: (nods) Uh-huh.
Rilla: I think not all of them were eliminated, or maybe scientists resurrected a chosen few…
Dingodile: (sighs) Who knows?

Brio came for an interruption.

Brio: Hey – I just heard on the phone that they f-f-found another hostage!
Dingodile: Who?
Brio: I dunno… as they found out the c-computer broke down again. They’re trying to fix it, so as soon as that happens we can go for ‘im!
Dingodile: What if it’s Coco?
Kangarilla: Good point.
Brio: The only information we have is that something p-p-p-purple has someone inside a strange crystal in a cave somewhere.
Rilla: We’d best figure that over the barbecue!
Crash: (shouts from the fishing area) Speaking of which, I think we’re ready to eat!
Rilla: Alright! Let’s go!

Dingo remained where he was.

Rilla: Dingo? Are you OK?
Dingodile: Yeah. It’s just that I have concerns about who could be in that crystal.
Rilla: Forget about it for now – let’s chow down!

Rilla rushed towards the campfire, whilst Dingo just walked to it depressingly…
Episode 13 – Sunday Pre-chill

Scene – The laboratory inside Cortex Castle
Music – Pink – “There You Go” (Instrumental)

Doctors Brio and N. Gin are trying to fix the radar in order to advance to the next culprit…

Crash: (sighs) I hope the computer saved the one that you heard over the phone, Brio.
Brio: You ain’t the only one. The rest of the gang are.
Crash: Yeah… all except Polar. All HE ever cares about is…
Polar: (from the TV room) Rock must win! Rock must win!
Crash: …who’s gonna win the WWF championship at Unforgiven.
N. Gin: (gasps) Good news! The radar’s back up and running!
Crash: Great – let’s hope we can still find the same data as the stuff you found while we were out…
N. Gin: I’ll try… (types furiously on the keyboard looking for the data) Even better news! The data’s still here!
Crash: Great – let’s see it!

N. Gin types on the keyboard and opened the data.

Computer: Another hostage has been located in Mt. Erebus, a mountain on the Pacific coast of Antarctica. As most of you should know by now, Dr. Neo Cortex was transformed into an ice statue by your new nemesis, Tiko. But afterwards he was deposited here. Guarding the hostage is a wolverine called Private Boron. He may look like the cutest creature in the world, but he is actually one heck of a monster… (fizzes and breaks down)

The gang start screaming and panicking.

Dingodile: (sickly) No way – I’m not going!
Papu: (sickly) Papu too!
Crash: I know it’s scary, but we have to.
Dingodile: (sickly) Well, either way mate, the grub at the campfire last night made me and Papu fall ill. I’m worried about giving the bug to any other creature…
Crash: I see that because of the sick voices. I need a replacement…
N. Gin: What about me?
Crash: Well, do you have what it takes?
N. Gin: Of course I have what it takes! I have robots! I have gadgets! I have… er… Need to go on?
Crash: No, we get the picture.
N. Gin: And I was so good, I improved your plane.
Crash: Tell me something I don’t know… (giggles)
N. Gin: It’s true – It’s been modified again!
Crash: Eh? Lemme see… (rushes outside)


(Music changes – Radiohead – “Talk Show Host”)

N. Gin: As you can see, some extra turbines have been added to tackle tough weather conditions.
Crash: Hmmm… Not bad!

Polar and the others come out shaking.

Rilla: Are you sure about this?
Brio: Yeah, it could get c-c-c-cold out there!
Polar: And all I wanna do is watch The Rock defend the WWF title!
N. Gin: Calm down – it isn’t on until next week!
Crash: Okay, now that we got the team together, it’s time we tackled the cold Southern winds for Cortex!
Polar: Yeah, let’s ride!
The gang leave the island for Antarctica, to rescue another hostage…
Episode 14 – The Beast of Hell

Scene: About half a mile from Mt. Erebus, Antarctica
Music: WWF – Vince and Shane McMahon’s theme (Instrumental)

The gang were tackling the hard weather conditions of the Antarctic Circle… by foot, and immediately they have trouble…

Polar: (pants) This is getting rocky… (collapses)
Crash: Polar! (rushes to him) I don’t understand this… I thought polar bears like the cold…
Rilla: Maybe it’s because he’s too adapted to the hot climates back down under.
Crash: I suppose you’re right.
N. Gin: Here – this may help… (wraps an electric blanket round Polar) Do you feel any better?
Polar: Yeah, thanks… but what about you and the others?
N. Gin: Don’t worry – everything is going to be fine.
Polar: I hope so…


(Music changes – Theme from “The Pink Panther”)

The gang finally arrive at Mt. Erebus, and entered a cave.

Crash: Creepy…
Polar: Yeah, it’s too dark!
N. Gin: I wish I had a flashlight…

Suddenly, a light shone into the cave.

(Music changes – WWF – Mankind’s theme)

Rilla: Ssssh, doc – your shout scared the pants off me!

(The camera zooms out, showing Rilla with his pants down, covering his underpants, and pulling his shorts up)

Crash: Still, at least we got something to help us get around…

[Music changes – Kylie Minogue – “On A Night Like This” (Intro)]

Crash: Wait - is that… what I think it is?
Polar: What?
Crash: A sapphire blue statue, up ahead… Could that be Cortex?

Crash rushed towards the statue as fast as he could, but was stopped by a black figure…

[Music changes – Kid Rock – “American Bad Ass” (Instrumental)]

Crash: Hey, what do you think you’re doing?

The figure stepped out of the darkness, and unveiled its identity. It was a beast in pauper’s clothing…

Crash: (starts shaking) I don’t think he looks very friendly…
N. Gin: Wait a minute, I can recognise that beast anywhere… He was on my laptop screen… Private Boron!
Rilla: So THAT is the guy, huh? Lemme at him!
N. Gin: Stand back – this is Crash’s fight, not yours!
Rilla: Awww… No fair!
Crash: You can help me out when I’m stuck, OK?
Rilla: (angrily) I don’t know…

Boron pounded at Crash several times… and missed his target! Crash ran and ran as fast as he could, firing out of his bazooka several times, but the bullets were invulnerable to him! Boron came in with a Body slam and pinned Crash to the floor!

Crash: Help!
Rilla: (gasps) This looks rocky – I’m not going in there!
N. Gin: Don’t be a scaredy-cat! We’re in peril here!
Episode 15 – Boron’s Demise

Scene: A cave inside Mt. Erebus, near the Pacific coast of Antarctica
Music: Southside Spinners – “Luvstruck” (Instrumental)

Crash was quaking with mercy in front of Private Boron, now seeking for help…

N. Gin: Please?
Rilla: No, I can’t… I know how rocky he is now… Comparing him with me he’s bad to the bone! I’m nothing but a wimp…
Brio: No you’re n-n-not! You have to show your face and what you’re made of!
Rilla: I can’t. I’m gonna be a big fat failure…
N. Gin: No you won’t! Just look at Crash. He put in all of his hard effort to bring Boron down to size. If you want to help people in danger, you have to at least try.
Rilla: I suppose you’re right… (turns to Boron) Okay… Bring it on, shorty!
Boron: Huh?
Rilla: You’ve been asking for this for a long time…

Rilla dodged the attacks with all of his might and eventually, Boron was weakened down. With his last aim, the wolverine was sent to the floor unconscious…

(Music stops)

Crash: All right! You did it! (got up and thanked him with a handshake) I’m so glad for you!
Rilla: Yeah, but the only problem we have now is freeing Cortex… (leans against the statue) Any ideas, anyone…

Believe it or not, the sweat from Rilla started to melt the ice…
Rilla: Hey – He can be thawed outta here! Polar – the blanket!
Polar: Right! (took off the electric blanket and gave it to Rilla)
Rilla: Right… (turned the power to maximum) He should be thawed out in no time…

Soon enough, the statue was melted… Cortex was free!

(A fanfare was played)

Cortex: (pants) Holy carbon on a stick… Thank you so much guys! (Turns to Rilla) Especially you, Rilla!
Rilla: Hey – no sweat, although there was! Don’t mention it!
Cortex: There is still one small catch, however…
Crash: Eh?
Cortex: What you don’t understand is… (a tear ran down his cheek)

(Music restarts – WWF – The Undertaker’s old theme)

Cortex: What you don’t understand, is that he was the closest person I’ve ever known…
Rilla: I’m phased and confused…
Cortex: Oh, Boron… (ran to Boron)

Cortex ran with all his might to get to Boron. As he came closer, the wolverine started to regain consciousness. He stopped at his feet.

Cortex: (stunned) Boron… (kneels down) Say it isn’t so… (starts speaking mournfully) But please… (sniffs) Don’t say goodbye…
Polar: I’ll handle this one…
Crash: Polar, wait…

Polar ran up towards Boron, who was giving a message to Cortex by howls. Only Polar caught the message…

Polar: What? Oh, my goodness… (turns to Cortex) I’m afraid I have bad news… I’m afraid Boron’s life is up here…
Cortex: WHAT?!? Is this true?

Boron howled faintly.

Polar: Uh-huh. (starts interpreting) Boron here has achieved a helpful effort over the past years together. Now during a time of a world domination crisis, he has now an unhealthy soul, so… (starts speaking mournfully) I guess now’s the time to say goodbye…
Cortex: (stunned) But… It can’t be…
Polar: (still interpreting) He will be with you always…

Boron leant his head back and died.

Cortex: (stunned) Boron… Please… (speaks mournfully) Not now…
Polar: (runs back to the others) I think you now understand about his feelings…
Crash: Yeah… I feel the sorrow too…

Everyone looked in sorrow and saw the crisis that took place.

(The camera zooms in front of Cortex slowly)

Cortex: (thinks) Boron was my best friend as a child…

(The screen changes to the highlights of Boron’s life. Phil Collins – “Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)” ran through it. When the music stopped, the screen returned to its original position.)

Cortex: (stunned and disappointed) I’ll… miss you… (tears roll from his tears onto the floor)
Polar: I bet you see how close he was to him…
Crash: Yeah… I wish we didn’t kill him…
Cortex: I know… I didn’t want it to end like this…

Suddenly, the corpse started to glow…

Polar: Huh?
Crash: Aye caramba!
N. Gin: Wow – Boron’s body’s glowing!

[Music changes – Duran Duran – “Ordinary World” (Chorus)]

The body took shape into a different shape within a space of 30 seconds. The gang were stunned into what it changed to…

Brio: T-t-t-this is unbelievable!
Rilla: Yeah… It’s turned into an egg!
Polar: And it’s about a few times taller than ME!
Cortex: I can’t believe this… (laughs with happiness and rushes to the egg) Someday, I bet this will re-hatch and he’ll be back… (excitedly) I’ll be so happy!

(Music stops)

Suddenly, a voice was heard near the entrance of the cave…

Voice: Well WE would be happy too if it weren’t for you pesky intruders!
Polar: Huh?
Crash: What’s that?
Cortex: I knew that voice…
Episode 16 – Raiders of the Lost Egg

Scene: A cave inside Mt. Erebus, near the Pacific coast of Antarctica
Music: Limp Biskit – “Take A Look Around” (Instrumental)

Crash: I can tell that ugly look anywhere… It’s Tiko!

The gang were looking forward at the entrance of the cave, where they saw him and 2 others…
Komodo Moe: Well, well, Deksta, what do we have here?

(Deksta sounds like Toni Braxton)

Deksta: I dunno, Moe. Er, what do you think, Tiko?
Tiko: Are you dumb or what? These are a sextuple of trespassers! And they’re raiding on OUR white prize shell…
Cortex: (looks at the egg) YOUR EGG? I doubt it – WE found it first!
Deksta: So? Boron’s one of US, ain’t he guys?
Moe: Yeah!
Tiko: Let us capture it!

[Music changes – Zombie Nation – “Kernkraft 400” (Instrumental)]

Cortex: (gasps) Rilla – catch! (tosses the egg to Rilla)

Rilla caught the egg and ran as fast as he could away from Tiko and his crew, but he wasn’t fast enough, and Deksta stole it from behind…

Deksta: Thank you sucker… huh?

Polar jumped on top of her, scratched her and tried to take the egg… but Moe got it before him…

Polar: Why, you cotton-picking little…

Moe laughed with greed, but was blocked by N. Gin firing a laser gun, who zapped him down with all of his power…

N. Gin: I’ll take the prize, thanks…

But Tiko came in with excellent speed and grabbed the egg before him…

Tiko: Never underestimate the power of the Cerulean Wizard! (laughs)
Crash: All right, mate – that’s it… (fires his bazooka)
Tiko tried to escape from the cave… but was shot, and left the egg flying in the air, through a hatch in the roof of the cave…
Deksta: (from the roof) I’ll take that… (grabs the egg) Hey, Moe! Reel in Tiko!

Moe jumped down, picked up Tiko and went back to the hatch.

Deksta: Hard luck, suckers!

(Music stops)

Crash: (angrily) You little… (sighs) That’s…
Cortex: (depressed) …my fault… It’s all my fault…

(The screen fades and changes to back at the plane.)

The gang were seen getting warmed up in front of a campfire…

Crash: (sighs) Well, there has to be a first for everything.
Polar: Yeah - we’ve been defeated by the Cerulean Wizard.
Rilla: And we let someone trustworthy down. (looks up) Boron, wherever you are, we’re sorry… we should have tried harder…
Cortex: (depressed) No, I’m sorry… I should have been there… I could have helped him…
N. Gin: Calm down, we know it wasn’t your fault. Someday, he’ll come running to you…
Cortex: (depressed) I don’t think so… Tiko and the others will re-raise him to the beast he was when he joined the gang years ago…
Brio: Oh, well… at least we know what to do next time – don’t kill him, but make him follow us.
Crash: That’s a stupid idea… (puts out the campfire) I can imagine the state you’ll be in if you did that.
Brio: Oh yeah… I’m not doing that. Are there any more ideas?
Crash: How about we do that back at Oz, ok?
Polar: Yeah. Come on - let’s go home.

[Music restarts – Frankie Goes To Hollywood – “Two Tribes” (Intro)]

The gang hop in the plane and leave the Antarctic Circle stunned and depressed…


Joe: MARCH NOW!!!!! (points at Tiny, but presses it hard among his chest) OUCH!!!!! My finger… (kisses it and cries)
Crash: Who would have imagined it… Komodo Joe… A softy?!?
Polar: Don’t even think about it… (laughs)
Haliana: I’ve been expecting you here too!
Dingodile: You mean for a meal?
Haliana: (laughs) No, silly! I’ve been expecting you… (knocks her head on the camera by mistake) Ow – my aching head!
Brio: Hmmm… If the s-sun’s up there at 1pm… hold it…
Crash: You do not wanna see this… (sticks a card notice in front of the camera saying “Safety Curtain” while Brio throws up)
Brio: Hey – I just heard on the phone that they f-f-found another hostage!
Dingodile: Who… (laughs) You’ve got something down your jacket!
Brio: What?
Rilla: Make-up! (laughs loudly)
Brio: (sighs) Make-up lady – You’re f-f-fired!
Rilla: Are you sure about this… (coughs) Please cut – I think I swallowed a bug… (chokes) Please help me out!
Polar: (pants) This is getting rocky… (collapses)
Crash: Polar! (rushes to him, but falls down a trapdoor) Aaaargh! (pauses) Man, it’s dark in here… (echoes)
Polar: I’m afraid I have bad news… I’m afraid I have bad news… can we cut?
Cortex: Why?
Polar: Because I’ve got my lines crossed! (blushes) Sorry!
Cortex: (sighs) Please get it right in the next take!
Polar jumped on top of Deksta and when he tried to scratched her she cut her shirt and bra off…
Polar: (screams) JIGGLY BITS – I CAN’T WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!! (covers them)

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