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Episode 25 – Pre-Corporal Punishment

Scene: Crash's home, notebook open
Music: Celine Dion - "It's All Coming Back To Me Now" (Instrumental)

25th Page -

"All the Crash Team members were eventually reunited at this stage.

"But the only bad thing was that Pinstripe couldn't fight for us, due to the severe burn from earlier.

"At least we were soon ready for Tiko, but little did we know that he was ready for us..."

[Scene changes to Tiko's airship and the Music changes to WWF – X-Pac’s Theme (Instrumental)]

The Cerulean Wizard has a visitor…

Deksta: (on the phone) Bro, we have a surprise guest here for business.
Tiko: A surprise guest, eh?
Deksta: (on the phone) Shall we have him sent to the torture chamber?
Tiko: No, I’ve been expecting him. Send him over here immediately. (puts the phone down)

Immediately, Deksta and the guest were teleported to the main cabin, where Tiko was waiting…

(The guest sounds like Groundkeeper Willie from “The Simpsons”)

Guest: Wow… that was fast!
Tiko: Let’s see… You must be the salesman I phoned earlier.
Salesman: Yep! And have I a deal for you!

(Music changes – The Can-Can)

Within seconds, the salesman put up a board with the files necessary.

[Music changes – WWF – X-Pac’s theme (Instrumental)]

Salesman: Are you comfy?

Tiko nodded.

Salesman: Then we’ll begin. Meet the Zewper Slayan 5000, the ultimate killing machine. This thing can squash, squish, slay, strike, KO, bash, exterminate and… need to go on?
Deksta: I dunno… I wasn’t paying enough attention.
Tiko: Shaddup you face, sis! (turns to the salesman) Sorry… It seems cool, but it wasn’t quite what I had in mind…
Salesman: To put it simple, this thing does everything! Er, except the windows…
Tiko: Hmmm… (thinks) With this thing I can eliminate Crash Bandicoot and his pathetic crew into orbit!
Salesman: Come on, come on, time’s a wastin’! I’ve got other clients to see!
Tiko: (quickly) I’ll take it!
Salesman: Okay, that would cost $750’000!
Tiko: Here’s the cash… (gives the cash in a briefcase to the salesman)
Salesman: (picking up the briefcase) Okay, the robot’s yours! Take it for a spin! (leaves the room back to the cockpit)
Tiko: (laughs) That rat doesn’t stand a chance!


[Music changes – Artful Dodger – “Movin’ Too Fast” (Instrumental)]

The gang were in the boat about 5 minutes from the shore…

Crash: Let’s go with Rilla’s plan – it’s miles better than mine!
Coco: No, Crash, we’re waiting for yours!
Crash: Fine. We know that Pinstripe’s hurt, so he will stay here, with Papu guarding him. Coco, Rilla, Polar and Pura will go on to kill off the troops in the Castle, Tiny, Dingo, Kong, Boron and Joe will attack from out back, N. Gin and Brio will tackle the airship and Cortex and I will go for Tiko.
N. Gin: In which, according to the scanner, will be landing here any minute.
Cortex: Believe it or not, that plan isn’t half bad!
Coco: Yeah, like Cortex will get revenge on his brother, Tiny will get something simple to do…
Dingodile: It IS rocky, you idiot!

The boat hits the shore.

Crash: Okay, let’s put this plan to practice!

The gang leave the boat for their duties…
Episode 26 – Heavy Machinery

Scene: Outside Cortex Castle
Music: Alison Limerick – “Where Love Lives” (Intro)

Crash, Cortex and Coco’s party were trying to find a way in…

Crash: This place is totally surrounded by robots!
Cortex: Too bad Tiny’s crew have an easy job – no one’s patrolling round the back at the moment.
Pura: Well, if that’s so, then how come we can’t get round there?
Polar: He didn’t say that robots are stupid – they could sense you from anywhere. Er, only for a few yards.
Coco: Hey, I don’t mean to interrupt this, but… HE’S HERE! The Cerulean Wizard at 1 o’ clock!

(Music changes – WWF – Faarooq and Bradshaw’s theme)

Everyone looked up, and saw a small glider coming for landing from the airship. Out came what looked like Tiko with a new found friend…

Rilla: Wow! Check out that… that… thing!
Crash: Yeah yeah, sure sure… you what?
Polar: Tiko has a good sense of defence here!
Coco: No kidding – it’s a powerful destruction machine!
Cortex: And if I’m not mistaken, it’s the Zewper Slayian 5000!
Coco: Unless you’re psychic, how can you tell?
Cortex: Someone tried to sell it to me as a child.
Pura: Eh? The thing’s THAT ancient?!?
Polar: Age doesn’t matter.
Crash: Oh well… now let’s get back to the matter at hand. How can we get in?
Cortex: Hang in there – I’ve got an idea!


[Music changes – Eminem – “My Name Is” (Instrumental)]

Coco: I know you’re known for your ideas, doc, but this is getting way out of hand…
Cortex: Trust me. This may be the only thing that works, if nothing else.

The Crash Team were all tied up with chains loosely round their necks, heading towards the main gate…

Cortex: Okay, have you got phase 2 ready?
Crash: Aye aye! (pushes the doorbell)

A robot comes out and saw the gang looking unconscious…

Robot: I guess this lot has been beaten by our security force. This will be easy to sort out. (drags them inside)

(Music stops)


Tiko and Deksta were discussing vital business…

Tiko: With the new robot, the rat will be a gonner…

The robot came into the room with the gang.

Robot: More like he IS a gonner now!
Deksta: Huh?
Robot: I found this lot bruised outside. Whoever sorted this out, I would like to thank him. Or her…

[Music restarts – Prodigy – Out Of Space (Instrumental)]

Crash: Then thank you might! (punches him in the nuts)
Robot: (suffering pain) Oi! You miserable termite!

The gang break out.

Crash: Okay, now that you guys are inside, you know what to do…
Coco: Yes, sir! (salutes him)
Episode 27 – Even Heavier Machinery

Scene: The conference room inside Cortex Castle
Music: Delirium – “Silence” (DJ Tiesto In Search Of Sunrise remix, instrumental)

All the crew members freed themselves after a dastardly attempt to break in, and they immediately have chaos…

Coco: Crash, why did you punch the robot in the…
Crash: …floppy thing? Sorry, I had no choice.
Cortex: You MUST be, because we’re in more trouble than you thought here!
Crash: How come?
Cortex: For start droids from all areas have cornered us, and Tiko has a dastardly machine…
Polar: That’s pre-school stuff! Lemme at ‘em! (rushes to fight the robots)
Rilla: Careful, kid…

But before he could continue, Polar was struck down…

Rilla: …never underestimate your enemies.
Coco: This leaves no alternative…

She fired the ice gun at the robots… and froze them solid!

(Music stops)

Tiko: My creations! (growls angrily) You’re soon gonna pay for this…

[Music changes – Kid Rock – “American Bad Ass” (Chorus)]

He taps a button on a remote, and in seconds a robotic figure came, in which looked like Sir Killalot from “Robot Wars” (UK Version), but with 2 legs…

(Music turns instrumental)

Tiko: Meet the Zewper Slayian 5000! (laughs)
Crash: This is chaos!
Cortex: This has power!
Coco: This looks horrid!
Polar: (faintly) This’ll get rocky!
Pura: This might kill me!
Rilla: This lacks colour.

The rest of the gang look back at Rilla.

Rilla: (laughs) Sorry!

Tiko jumped into the machine and booted it up.

Tiko: Identify target.

The targeting system locked on the squad, fired a missile and struck the team down…

(Music stops)

Tiko: (laughs) I’ve got ya now!

But out of the smoke, Crash and Cortex were still standing…

Tiko: Huh?!?

[Music changes – Matt Darey – “Beautiful” (Outro)]

The two looked back, seeing the others at the other side of the room too scared to move.

Crash: Are you guys OK?
Coco: We’ll be fine! We’ll take on Deksta! You go for the big boss machine.
The two turned back to Tiko with anger…

Crash and Cortex: You’re going to ask for this!

Crash drew out his bazooka and Cortex took out Komodo Moe’s stolen blade in one hand and a laser in the other.

Tiko: Okay, prepare to fight to the death!
Episode 28 – Trouble Out Back

Scene: Round the back of Cortex Castle
Music: Aaliyah – “Try Again” (Instrumental)

Tiny Tiger, Dingodile, Komodo Joe, Koala Kong and Private Boron were hoping to attack from the back…

Tiny: Tiny think this mission be pipsqueak.
Kong: Uh-huh. I can handle those robots anytime!
Boron: (excitedly) WHOO!
Dingodile: Now the plan is this – we sneak inside and kill off every robot in the area.
Joe: But what if Coco and her crew did it before usssss?
Dingodile: Who cares? This could help them out a bit!
Tiny: Good thinking!

[Music changes – Limp Biskit – “Take A Look Around” (Instrumental)]

The robots are seen guarding the back door.

Dingodile: Okay, this is it! Have you got the plan?
Tiny: Yeah!
Kong: Uh-huh!
Joe: Yessssss!
Dingodile: I’m glad about that! Let’s go!

The gang sneak behind a bush and prepare their weapons. Tiny locks in a cannon on his back, Dingodile gets out his flamethrower, Kong prepares Pinstripe’s tommy gun, Joe gets equipped with his blade and Boron draws out a crossbow with poisoned arrows. This caused a rustling in there and soon enough, light shone down on them…

(Music stops)

Dingodile: Looks like we’ve got company!

A robot was looking at them straight on.

Robot: Come out with your hands up.
Tiny: (came out and raises his hands in the air) Tiny hands up!

(Music restarts – Darude – “Feel The Beat”)

Boron: (sighs, then turns to the robot with fury) Grrrrr…

Boron fired his crossbow straight at the robot and was struck dead.

(Music pauses)

Dingodile: Nice shootin’!
Boron: Ha-ha! (raises his crossbow in the air)
Kong: Yeah, but the only problem we have now is the others…

(Music resumes)

The other robots surrounded them…

Joe: Thissssss issss gonna get rocky…
Tiny: You said it! (fires a cannonball)

20 odd robots were destroyed, but little did they know that that wasn’t enough…

Dingodile: Nice shot, but we’re STILL outnumbered.
Kong: Okay, let’s all shoot!

And so they did. Nearly a minute later, they were out of ammunition.
Kong: You’re right. We’re VERY outnumbered!

Dingodile: Yeah… (sighs) Who knows how we can get past ‘em all…
Episode 29 – Sibling Strife

Scene: The corridors of Cortex Castle
Music: Theme from “Mission: Impossible”

Coco and her crew went through the corridor’s entrance and started looking for Deksta.

Coco: Okay, make sure you check everywhere.
Polar: We can handle that!

They spread out in different areas. Polar looked in the trapdoors under the rugs, Pura checked the doors to the right, Coco looked up at the ceiling for anything suspicious and Rilla checked the doors to the left…

Rilla: (opens door #1) Oops – closet. (opens door #2) Oops – bathroom. (opens door #3) Oops – robots. (stops) Robots?!?

(Music stops)

Pura: You must be joking! Lemme see. (opens the door and screams)
Coco: What now?
Pura: (panics) Robots!
Coco: Alright, that’s it! (fires the ice gun at them)

The androids froze solid.

Polar: Whew. Thanks!
Pura: Yeah, but I think that’s not the only one on the hunt for us.
Rilla: What do you mean?

[Music changes – Anjelic – “It’s My Turn” (Instrumental)]

Pura points to the far end of the corridor, where more robots came for attack.

Pura: It looks a bit too much…

Deksta came from behind them and loaded her laser.

Deksta: Give up?
Pura: Grrrrr…
Coco: Put your weapons down, they’ve won this round.


(Music changes – 666 – “The Devil”)

Crash and Cortex were on a rocky deal with Tiko…

Tiko: Identify target.

The machine shot a missile from its arm and headed straight for Crash…


Cortex: CRASH! Hang on!

The smoke cleared, and Crash was seen looking injured and weak…

Cortex: Are you alright?
Crash: (faintly) Just go… I’ll catch up.

The robot fired another missile straight for Cortex…

Tiko: I bet I’ll have YOU weakened out too!

But it wasn’t to be – Cortex grabbed Crash and carried him to safety with all of his skill…

Cortex: (puts Crash down) You wait here until you feel like you want to fight again. In the meantime I’ll take care of unfinished business. Capiche?
Crash: (faintly) Capiche!
Cortex: Great! (turns to Tiko) You and your “friend” are not going to let you go as far as you want!
Tiko: Yeah yeah, sure sure…
Cortex: The only place you are going is down to hell.
Tiko: Oh yeah? We’ll see about that.
Episode 30 – Sky High

Scene: In the sky, 200 metres from Tiko’s airship
Music: Sonique – “Sky” (Chorus)

A couple of fighter planes were heading up towards the airship, contacting each other on their transceivers…

N. Gin: Okay, have you got the plan?
Brio: Yes, b-b-but I’m confused…
N. Gin: Okay, I’ll say it one more time and one more time only. We go in the airship, destroy the terminal core and escape.
Brio: D-doesn’t that seem r-r-r-rocky?
N. Gin: Stop being a baby and start flying!
Brio: Yes sir! (puts the transceiver down)

(Music stops)

As the planes head towards the ship, they have trouble…

N. Gin: What on earth… (looks through the binoculars, then gasps) Talk of the Devil! (picks up the transceiver) Get your weapons ready, because we’ve got company.
Brio: Whatever… (crashes into an enemy plane) Hey, watch where you’re going you… plonker… uh-oh… ENEMY SHIP!

(Music changes – York – “Farewell To The Moon”)

Brio turns his plane around and starts firing at the target, but the plane reflected the attack…

Brio: (gasps and picks up the receiver) N. Gin – We need help – PRONTO! (puts it down)
There was no immediate response. The fighter plane was charging towards Brio with no hard feelings…

Brio: There I go… My life is down.

But just then…


The ship blew up, and from behind came N. Gin!
N. Gin: (picks up the transceiver) Are you alright?
Brio: (picks up the transceiver) Never felt better!

But suddenly, from behind them, came a stronger fighter plane. It immediately shot missiles at both of them…

N. Gin: Hang on – we’ve got more trouble he…

(Music stops)

But it was too late – Both fighter planes were destroyed.

Pilot: There go those two weaklings…

(Music changes – Bob Sinclar – “Gym And Tonic”)

But suddenly, there was an attack from behind…

Pilot: OW! Who did that?

From behind was another fighter plane, the pilot being… Pinstripe! And Brio and N. Gin were safe inside!

N. Gin: Nice shooting!
Brio: Yes, but I’m still c-confused. You had a burn to fuss about, right?
Pinstripe: Yeah.
Brio: So how come you’re fit enough to f-f-f-fight?
Pinstripe: Look, mate – what’s more important – a burn or the planet?
N. Gin and Brio: The planet.
Pinstripe: And that was exactly what I was thinking. Now let’s go inside and destroy that core.
Episode 31 – Low On Power

Scene: 50 metres from Tiko’s airship
Music: Lit – “Over My Head” (Instrumental)

Pinstripe, N. Gin and Dr. Brio were about to take action…

Pinstripe: Remember what I said – we go in, destroy the core and come out.
Brio: Who knows where the c-c-core would be…
N. Gin: I do – It’s in the South Wing.
Pinstripe: The south wing, eh? Oh damn… wrong turn!

The plane diverted back and headed for the south wing of the plane.

Pinstripe: Thar blows our target! (turns to Brio and N. Gin) Get ready to take action, guys!
Brio: (getting out a laser) Okay!
N. Gin: (getting out a zapper) Yes, sir!

The plane got inside the craft and headed towards the core…

Pinstripe: Okay, we’re almost there…

But little did they know that they had trouble…

Brio: (starts opening a window) Uh-oh – Something’s wrong in the fuel department. We aren’t going to make it!
Pinstripe: Yes we will! Look… er… You’re right – we only have under a galleon of fuel left. Can this be enough?
N. Gin: (starts opening another window) I don’t know… I don’t have that much experience with planes…
Pinstripe: Well, we’ll have to try!

The gang fired right at the core and was smashed to smithereens…

Pinstripe: We did it! Now’s the case of getting outta here!
N. Gin: Why?
Pinstripe: Because of the blast the whole airship is coming apart!

The gang start panicking.

Brio: And we only have a q-q-q-quarter of a galleon left!
Pinstripe: (whines) Oh, it’s not enough!

The plane tries to fly out, but the plane ran out of steam…

N. Gin: Hold on, we’re gonna crash!

The plane touched the floor and skidded towards the exit at 30mph… then at 20… then at 10…

Pinstripe: We’re not gonna make it!
N. Gin: Oh yes we are!

(Music stops)

And N. Gin was right – The plane left the ship just in time, and right behind them came the blast. The airship was destroyed.


The robots were losing power…

Coco: What’s going on?
Polar: Looks like they’re dying out!
Deksta: Oh no…
Pura: Well, prepare to be blasted into next week! Take it away, Rilla!

Rilla punched Deksta right out of the building.

Deksta: I hope my brother does better than this… (fades)


Tiny: What happening to robots?
Dingodile: They’re… malfunctioning!
Boron: (checks for life by kicking one of the droids, but the robot didn’t move) YEAH!
Kong: That WAS a close call!
Joe: Let’sssssss hear it! Hip hip…
Rest of the gang: HOORAY!


(Music restarts – Hi-Gate – “Pitchin”)

Work wasn’t through with Tiko – the Zewper Slayian 5000 remained as it was. Cortex dodged the missiles with all his might, as Crash nearly finished recovery…

Tiko: Identify target!

The robot took sharp aim and shot at Cortex…

Crash: (gasps) HANG ON, DOC!

(Music stops)

But it was too late – He was struck down by the missile, looking unconscious. Crash rushed towards him…

Crash: (shakes him) Please… speak to me!

No response. Crash placed his ear to his heart…

Crash: (gasps) No pulse! (buries his head deep into his arms disappointingly)
Tiko: Identify second target!

Another missile was shot straight towards Crash, but it missed.

Crash: (breathing rapidly) You ain’t going to get away with this!
Episode 32 – Tiko’s last laugh

Scene: The conference room inside Cortex Castle
Music: WWF – The Hardy Boyz’ theme
Nerves were at the peak for Crash and for Tiko. Crash was breathing rapidly and staring angrily at Tiko, who was looking confidant and proud…

Tiko: (thinks) One down and one to go.
Crash: What do you think you’re smiling about? You killed one of my companions!
Tiko: Exactly. Which is why the same will happen to you. Identify new target.

The robot took sharp aim at Crash and pulled the trigger… but it missed again!

Crash: Is THAT the best you’ve got? Bring it on!

[Music changes – Prodigy – “Out Of Space” (Instrumental)]

The robot fired all of its missiles quickly, one by one, and Crash dodged them all. Now with panic, he took out his bazooka and fired his ammunition…

Tiko: Hang in there…

But the robot was struck down, and exploded Tiko out of the building…

(Music stops)

Tiko: There goes my pride… you haven’t seen the last of me… (fades)

As Tiko disappeared from sight, Crash was still breathing rapidly, with his eyes focused on the corpse…


[The scene changes to an out-door burial ground. Music restarts – William Orbit – “Barber’s Adagio For Strings” (Intro)]

The gang were in a circle, looking very depressed. With Boron there was no exception – he buried his face extremely deep in his arms. For this showed one of the more depressing events in the battle – the death of Cortex.

[Music changes – Ralph Fridge – “Angel” (Intro]

But flying high came a mystical, beautiful creature with powers – an angel…

(The angel sounds like a normal girl)

Angel: (sighs) This just didn’t seem to be… (looks at the corpse) He deserved a longer life than I did.

[Music changes – Coldplay – “Trouble” (Intro)]

The angel hovered its wings very fast, giving off a ray of light down at what looks like a tub of bleach. It glowed a beautiful blue colour.

Angel: (still looking at the corpse) Good luck… (flies off)

(Music stops)


Crash grabbed the bleach and walked slowly towards the corpse.

Crash: Take this for your journey to heaven. You gave us confidence in everything… (some tears rolled down onto the floor)

The bleach was poured into the mouth, and a few seconds later Crash turned away.

[Music restarts – Orbital – “Funny Brake” (Chorus)]

But it all changed – something started to move – his hand! A few seconds later he opened one eye, and then another, and then turned to Crash.

(Music stops)

Cortex: (extremely faintly) If… you’re… happy… for… my… resurrection…

Crash turned around and saw him back to life.

Cortex: (extremely faintly) …give… me… a… hell… yeah.

Crash looked phased and confused, but soon enough he smiled slowly.

N. Gin: He’s alive?
Brio: I c-c-can’t believe it!
Boron: Huh? (looks at him) YEAH!
Dingodile: Let’s here it! Hip-hip…
Rest of the gang: HOORAY!

[Music changes – Phil Collins – “Against All Odds” (Instrumental)

The gang start cheering and shouting for an incredible length of time, whilst Crash was talking to Coco, who was up in a tree…

Coco: Congratulations, Crash. Tiko has finally been defeated!

Crash looked under the branch she was sitting on, and saw him and his gang hung and tied up.

(Music stops)


A police force came along to take them back…

Policeman: Looks like you’re going back where you belong. (chucks them in the truck and closes the door)
Tiko and gang: Looks like we’re back to the madhouse… (fades)

The police truck drove off into the horizon.

Coco: (waves happily) Hope we don’t see you again!
Cortex: But what if they break out and go déja vu?
Crash: Stop whining about that – the important thing is we’re back, the world’s safe and…
Polar: Oh no… Kane’s won the WWF title!
Cortex: (gasps) Has he?
Polar: (laughs) Not really… (the camera zooms out showing Polar on a hand-held computer games console) It’s just a game!

The gang start laughing.

(Scene changes back to Crash’s bedroom)

Final page –

“Since then Cortex and I split up again and now the fate of the world depends on us two.

But if Tiko and his minions ever come back, we’ll be ready for him…”

(The book closes back to the front cover and the final credits run, alongside Spice Girls – “Let Love Lead The Way”.)


Credits (in order of appearance) –

Jake Lloyd as Private Boron and the pterodactyl
Clancy Brown as Dr. Neo Cortex and Polar
David Spade as Crash Bandicoot and Nitros Oxide
Vicki Winters as Coco Bandicoot and the angel
Brendan O’ Brian as Tiny Tiger, Dr. Nitrus Brio, Pinstripe and Dr. N. Gin
William Hootkins as Dingodile and the policeman
Glen Jacobs as Koala Kong and Papu Papu
Brendan Fraser as Rilla Roo
Dana Gould as Tiko Cortex and the salesman
Scott Chisholm as Pura
Michael Connor as the Komodo Brothers
Neil Morrissey as Lio Cortex and the patrol droids
Toni Braxton as Deksta Cortex and the computer
Claire Danes as Haliana Cortex
John Ross as himself

Directed by: Bev Wooff (T-Rex)

Salesman: Meet the Zewper Slayan 5000, the ulti… ulti… I can’t say it!
Tiko: (growls angrily) One more time and you’re fired!
Crash: This place is totally surrounded by robots!
Cortex: Too bad Tiny’s crew have an easy job…
Director: Cut!
Cortex: Why? Did I do something wrong?
Director: No, the background’s gonna collapse. Look out!

The gang evaded it with panic.
Crash: This is chaos!
Cortex: This has power!
Coco: This looks h… Oh, I forgot!
Director: Forgot what?
Coco: I forgot my laptop for the other scene!
Director: Discuss that later, OK?
Boron: (turns to the robot with fury) Grrrrr…

Boron fired his crossbow, but missed the target and struck a bee-hive.

Boron: Uh-oh…

A swarm of bees came out and chased him all over the studio.
Rilla: (opens door #1) Oops – closet. (opens door #2, but the door fell down on him) This place can do with a bit of DIY, don’t you know?
Brio: You had a burn to fuss about, right?
Pinstripe: Y-y-yeah… Sorry about that – I’m afraid of heights!
Director: Okay, we’ll order a stunt double.
Pinstripe: We only have under a galleon of fuel left. Can this be enough?
N. Gin: (starts opening another window) I don’t know… hang on, can we cut? The window won’t budge!
Director: You can handle it – You’re a mechanic, right?
N. Gin: I’m not a mechanic – I’m a rocket scientist.
***************************** Angel: (sighs) This just didn’t seem to be… (a rope snaps) Uh-oh… (looks up) That’s my rope…

The rope breaks and as she fell to the ground, she called like Tarzan.

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