Gundam Technical Files Online!


-- Quote of the month --

The truth is, you're the weak, and I am the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin, Ringo. I'm trying REAL HARD to be the shepherd.

- Jules Pitt


New and improved Newtype Alpha Productions!

We've been busy! Brushed up on a couple nifty HTML tricks, (and won a serious naval battle with Angelfire that left them limping away in pain) and now the website is better than ever! We've replaced all the old pages with the new format and I'm REASONABLY sure it'll display properly this time around. At NTA, we make sure never to do anything the easy or "smart" way, so there's no guarantee there won't be a glitch or two every once in a while, right?

The biggest update of the hour: Gundam technical files just went operational! How do ya like them apples? Just in time for the unveiling of the Project N revision (Not really JUST in time, but timely enough ^_^) First installment is pretty weak, but rest assured there's more where this came from.

Today's updates:

Sit tight, there's more where that came from!





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