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Some of these wonderful old photos were saved by Marty's mom and dad, others were made available by some of our Dressler cousins.

A young Dressler family in Frenstat, Moravia, Czechoslovakia. Standing, on the left, is Jan, then his sister, Marie, Frantisek (the oldest), Leopold (twin to Marie) and the little boy on the right is Marty's dad, Louis. Seated in front of Louis is his younger sister, Anna. Next to her, seated, is Grandfather Leopold and his wife, Marie. We don't know who the lady seated on the left is.

In search of the Dressler History, I visited Czechoslovakia in 1978. This cab driver spent the day driving me from Ostrava to Frenstat and back to Ostrava - the birthplace of Marty's dad - and acting as tour guide as well, even though neither of us knew any of the other's language!

And, in 1995, we were joined by Marty's cousins, J. C. Dressler and his wife, Vicki, and Edmund Kana and his wife, Lorraine (Dressler). Here are having a meeting at the Vlcina Hotel in Frenstat with the Mayor of Trojanovice (the birthplace of Marty's paternal grandmother), Drahomir Strnadel, and the local dentist, Doctor Dresler and his wife and son. He is not related to our Dresslers.

From the left, clockwise, are Dr. Dresler's son, Dr. Dresler, his wife, Jerry (partially hidden by Mrs. Dresler), Marty, Vicki and J. C. Dressler (Jake is partially hidden by Mr. Strnadel), then Edmund Kana and Lorraine.

And, still later, we visited Sadek #9, the home where Marty's great grandfather, Johann, was born.
The home is now owned by Antonin and Vera Pavelka and we were made to feel perfectly at home on three visits to this homeplace!

The Patriarch of the Dresslers in America was Leopold Dressler who was born in Holesov, Moravia, but came to America with Marty's dad and Aunt Anna in 1912 to join three older sons who had come to Texas a few years earlier.

It was on the SS Hanover, a German ship, that Leopold and Louis and Anna crossed the Atlantic from Hamburg, Germany to Galveston, Texas.

The eldest of the Leopold Dressler children was Frantisek.
He Married Cecilia Orsak 23 November 1909 in El Campo, Texas.
They had four sons and seven daughters.

The second son, Leo, had come to America before his father. He enlisted in the U. S. Army on 15 January 1904 and was assigned to the Regimental Band in the 13th Infantry at Fort McDowell, California on 4 March 1904, where he continued his love for the trumpet.

In this photo of Uncle Leo's Band, he is second in from the right in the third row up.

Uncle Leo made his home in Crescent City in Northern California after his army tour. He and his first wife, Marjorie, had two sons and two daughters.
After the death of Marjorie, he remarried to Marian Cutler. Here they are shown with his son, Bernie, and an unknown bridesmaid.

Leo's twin sister was named after her mother, Marie
She died in Moravia in 1905.

The third son, Jan, appears to have been the first to arrive in America.
His two brothers, Frank and Leo, indicated on the ship's manifest that they were coming to Texas to join their brother.
He married Albina Bliznak.
Sadly, Jan died in 1911 - apparently of a ruptured appendix - just before the birth of his only child.

The youngest son was Louis - Marty's father - we don't know the occasion but believe this photo was taken in Moravia.

Like his older brother, Leo,
Marty's dad also joined the army during World War I.
He enlisted proudly and asked to be assigned to combat duty but the Army had a policy of not assigning foreign-born soldiers to combat.

The two brothers, Leo and Louis enjoy a reunion at Uncle Leo's home in Crescent City.

Aunt Anna was married soon after her arrival in America to Jan Bliznak who died in 1926.

She then remarried twice, the last time to Kaietan Truszynski, with whom she is shown here.

Aunt Anna's third husband grew flowers near Crescent City for the commercial trade. Aunt Anna is at the left.

Louis and his sister, Anna, on one of her visits to San Antonio.

Alzbeta was the last born child. She was born and christened on 4 November 1895 and died a few days later, 17 November.

Uncle Leo came to Texas for a reunion with his brothers and his sister in about 1952. Uncle Frank is at left, then Uncle Leo, Louis and Anna.

Louis married Agnes Valicek on 18 March 1922, in San Antonio, Texas.

Marty's dad was active in the SOKOL, a Czech function dedicated to gymnastics. Here, Marty and Georgie are in SOKOL uniforms.

Marty's dad excelled in "the rings" so he had a lot of strength. Here he holds Georgie and Marty - one on each hand.

They had two daughters, Georgie and Martha, and one son, A. L.


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