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New song available at and!!!

"Stephanie's Looking Forward," a preview "single" from the soon-to-be-released Yes, Mr. Smittercase can now be heard at and!

Keep tabs on what progress Crap-O-Phonic is making in the final stages of recording Yes, Mr. Smittercase!!!

Visit the Studio Log page to find out how sessions are going for the new Crap-O-Phonic CD, Yes, Mr. Smittercase. Chris Maruzzelli, Rick Kakareka, Bruce Barre and myself are bringing you a very un-Crap-O-Phonic sounding project. Everything is sounding too good to be, well, Crap-O-Phonic, but, nonetheless, it is. We're in the home stretch, anticipating a late November/early December release. By the way, the phrase Yes Mr. Smittercase is taken from Preston Sturges' classic comedy Sullivan's Travels, starring Joel McCrea and Veronica Lake. (You'll find Sullivan's Travels on the Influential Film page.) The phrase is heard every time I hit a "menu command" key on my computer, which happens a lot during recording.

Myron Polk's MILKBOX available NOW!

Yes, it is finally here, Myron Polk's Milkbox CD. Myron has laid down someone else's guitar for a short while, but while he's not playing, why not order a copy of his latest complete work. Check out the details at the Myron Polk page.

NEW!!! Glisten's Vault of Ardor CD Re-release!

Yes, the beginnings of Crap-O-Phonic (the band) can be heard ringing through the chords of Glisten's Vault of Ardor, the band's professionally recorded 1996 debut/swan song. There are selected tracks available for a listen or download at You can get all the lowdown on Glisten and Vault of Ardor at the Glisten page. Email me at to order your copy of Vault of Ardor, or follow the instructions on the Glisten page.

Scrawl is waiting for YOU!!!

To check out more details on Scrawl, click on the cover art. It's really sounding and looking great, if I must say so myself, so why not drop me a line and check it out for yourself. As the torment of mass production lessens, new tunes from the next cd will be added to the list, so keep your eyes and ears peeled. Once you have heard the tunes, you may want to find out what the lyrics are, since I didn't include them in the liner notes.

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