..i am still not sure why it happened....
or if i really wanted it to.
..i just know that i really loved
my husband in the beginning....
well i take that back...
i honestly didn't even know him when i married him.
.i know good and well that i was just trying to get out of the house.
she wouldn't allow me to practice my religion as i wished and i felt so oppressed.
*if only i had known*


i married him, nonetheless, and began the gradual process of becoming a wife.
he provided nicely for me, but as time wore on, i realized that i loved him as
a friend, a confidant, as someone i was there to protect from the cold world.
he was so naive and innocent. although older, and book wise smarter, and hell,
had lived in ny for years, he still had a lot to learn


i was online one night, just checking out webpages, checking email,
the usual thing to do when youre not tired enough to go to bed,
but too tired to do anything constructive. she was in a common black chatroom.
the room was live.. everyone chatting..
about nothing. she .whispered. me


and we just began to talk. we talked about her state,
her weather, why she was up so late, and just her altogether.
i answered all her questions, with the assumption that
i would make use of this conversation to wear me out
enough to get to bed. but as the conversation went on. and on. and on,
i started enjoying it. she was witty, intelligent, had a .real life. and kept me interested.

before long we were on the phone, talking about everything
under the sun moon and stars. i liked her. but not like i liked my other friends.
the issue of sexuality had not been brought up as of yet, but something told
me she was feelin' me on some otha' level also. finally, by 3 am,
and 2 hours of nonstop convo, she got quiet, as did
i, and she asked me, if i had ever been with a woman before.

i hesitated, and decided to be honest with her., i dont think so, but i think i experimented as a very young child.
she giggled and eased my nerves by saying ..girl, who didnt, right?
before i could recipricate the question to her, she progressed and asked
..have you ever thought about it,
now that you are older?.. wow, another decision of rather to be honest or not.
why the hell not i thought

yes on occasion, but only because i am not totally
fufilled with my sex life with my husband.. she reassured me that this was normal
..for the majority of the women she knew.. and as we spoke, and as i lay on my bed,
in the dark, subconsciously fearing that my husband may come home
early from his 3rd shift job, i felt myself perspirating.

i felt a wetness under my arms, on my forehead,
and between my breasts..i assumed it was just because i anticipated
what was to come of this conversation. but i then felt a wetness
between my legs that only a man could have once brought about. it was a wetness
that my husband of 7 months had only brought forth about
maybe 2-3 times prior to sex..

i was scared. why am i feeling like this?
i must be doing something wrong. i told myself that although
i was relishing this dialouge, and the words and syllables flowing
from her mouth, into my phone and dancing on
my ears was a sweet, perfected recipe of
east coast flavor, cuban spice and a steady secure vernacular,
i would have to hang this phone up at once and try to go back
to living life as usual

almost as if she could sense me about to bring
an abrupt end to our confabulation, she asked in a the most delectable
overall manner, ..what do you have on..
confused, yet a bit aroused by the query, i quickly answered.
..a tommy hilfiger shirt that i spilled some bleach on a couple months ago...
why, what do you have on?..

she didn't miss a beat. ..i have on a pink satin nightshirt..
..oh..i said. silence tormented the phone as
i wondered if she were asking out of pure innocent curiousity,
or if she were going somewhere with this.
she took a short breath in and asked me
..what about under your tommy shirt..

..the phone call got much more interesting at that point,
and i allowed myself to open up and enjoy what
fate had presented to me.. ..the opportunity to explore
my sensuality..the opportunity to make clear .why.
i had this growing wetness between my legs,
as if someone were playing between them.
..besides me..

i fell in love with this woman, as she fell in love with me.
no day was quite right unless i had spoken with this woman.
her voice could fix any wrong in my day.
her laugh could bring the sun on a dreary day.
she became my true to life
. girlfriend .
my true to life .
best friend

may god forgive me...

..alcohol.. mcbeal..

..not believing..
..his fingers find the wet..
..seam of her strangeness..
..and not believing, she opens..

..outside her windowpane..
..the autumn explodes in lit clusters..
..across the lake.. comes the long season..
..they may as well be branded..
..or yoked in a frozen pit like blind oxen..
..his heart is like a chipped..
..rock in lava..
..the lake is a solid white nothing..

..she sees her face in the clock..
..before her husband comes home..
..every night she dances.. a witch in an empty house..
..mitchell lescarbeau..