..ally mcbeal..

..there's something about alcohol that is able to make a person a little more bolder, outgoing, frank, and spontaneous. there is something about alcohol that makes females forget the definition of ..class.. and makes them feel flattered at the most degrading comments, made by men that they would only scoff at while sober.
..i can recall a time when a ..good friend.. of mine and i decided we would go out as usual on a friday night. on this friday night, we started off at one club, but no one was there and they were steady turning people away at the door due to minor dress code conflicts. we met up with some other friends at the club. we sat at the bar for a minute, drank a little, and walked the place. ..dead.. we all agreed. we left and went across town to a club that we knew would be much more exciting and would be more heavily populated. at this club, we also began to drink once we had done our walk through, said hello to everyone and gossiped about the cheating mens at the club, including the one who's girl was in the hospital that same night with contractions. ..what a mess.. i chose to take another shot of tequila, as i had at the 1st club we went to. i was not thinking straight and forgot to make sure the tequila was 1800. i just knew i wanted a buzz, and quick. by my 3rd shot of tequila, the club was at occupancy limit and it was around 1:10am.
..i was definitely feeling it..
seeing as though i only wear high heel platforms or sandals, depending upon the weather, because they emphasize my perfectly shaped and toned calfs and caramel colored long legs..i had to maintain my buzz enough to walk through the ..hot as hell.. ..crowded as hell.. club. i found an old friend ..who was obviously just as drunk as me.. except she wasn't dressed as delicately as i, so she had no worries. i sat with her and we giggled, snickered, and described just how drunk we both were. she said she would be right back. while she was gone, i ignored all the men that saw an easy hit within me, as my eyes were beginning to close and my head was tilted. when she came back, she had nothing other than 2 shots of tequila, 2 limes, and a salt shaker. ..alright girl! are you ready?..
..me being at the point that i was, chose to take that last shot. ..that shot that knocked me out. ..it was the equivalent of that last blow jones jr sends before his opponent hits the mat for the count. ..the next thing i knew, i was unable to open my eyes for longer than a second. bia bia in the background, which usually makes me go to the dancefloor and break a brotha' down, was now just a loud barage of noise, contributing to the spinning of the room, and my head feeling like it weighed more than my entire body. ..it was at this point that i decided to get the keys from my homegirl and go sit in the car. ..as soon as i attempted to stand up, my mouth began watering as i was a starved lion, observing a trapped prey. thank goodness i was in a somewhat secluded area of the club, so that only 3-4 people saw my revergitation. once i finally got the keys to the car, i laid the seat back on the passenger's side, i locked all the doors, and decided to take a little nap. ..before i could even drift off, i heard a tap on the window. as i sat up, i saw a man. i talked to him thru the window and asked him what he wanted. in a jamaican accent,he asked was i okay. i said yes, i am just tired... he continued to talk, and ask for my number, and if i needed help home. i ignored him long enough, and i thought he would give up and walk away, but instead, he began banging incessantly on my friends new car windows. this shook the hell out of me...i immediately sat up, startled, scared as hell, but also mad as hell at this nigga for being so bold and aggressive...i began going off, screaming at him through the glass to go the fuck away...he stopped his screaming, smiled like a plotting demon...and pulled out a medium sized gun from his backpocket...i was lost in thoughts of what the fuck is wrong with this cat...as i reached for my cellphone to call my friend in the club, i realized it was of no use, because we can never hear it ring over the loud music...i looked around and saw only about 3 people standing by the door of the club...and they were paying no attention...as i thought to honk my friends horn until someone came over...ol boy took the gun, turned it to the handle and began banging the window again...hard...i just knew the glass would break and she would have a fit...so i asked him what he wanted... he angrily said bitch you know what the fuck i want...i tried to rationalize with him...i told him i would give him my number if he would put the fucking gun away and go into the club...that i would follow him in...he looked at me like... do u think im stupid. i promised him and shockingly, he began to walk back into the club...as soon as he was in the club, but watching me from the door, i jumped out the car and into the drivers seat and started the engine...i drove around until i knew the club would be kicking everyone out. i called my friend, who was having the time of her life, and told her to get her ass out the club and to meet me next door at the laundrymat parking lot...she must have heard the urgency in my voice because she didnt make me justify my demand...
that night, i was so sick, and had vomited so many times, that i began to vomit up my bile from my gallbladder. i could not keep down 7-up, sierra mist or water. ..i ended up at the immediate care..where the weekend doctor had to give me a shot in my bottom in order to stop me from vomiting up the bile. the dr. asked me if i had any one to come pick me up because within minutes, i would be exhausted. the shot kicked in within 10 minutes -just enough time for me to drive myself home and i slept for 5 hours. when i woke up, i craved ice chips.
..oh and by the way, somehow mr. shaba got my number and called me the next day to make sure i was 'okay'...& told me to be careful of drinking different types of and too much tequila in the future...wtf...
..what u drinkin on..
..what u drinkin on..