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Gamecube Vs. Xbox

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Are you still not sure if you want to get the Gamecube or XBox? Well here are some good reasons why the best system to get is the Gamecube. As said in "The Journal".

The Microsoft Xbox retails for #299.99, while the Nintendo Gamecube sells for #199.95. During these tough economic times, this $100 difference may give Nintendo an advantage with cost-conscious consumers. The price for game titles is roughly the same on both systems. Expect to pay betwn $30 and $50 for games.
Advantage: Gamecube

The Xbox with its 733-megahertz(MHz) Pentium III processor, 233 Megahertz graphics processor, 64 megabytes of memory and 256 audio channels boasts more power than the Gamecube, which uses a 485 Megahertz custom processor, 162 MHz custom graphics processor 40 MB of memory and 64 audio channels. Plus, the Xbox includes a hard drive. Buy don't get bogged down by the technical differences. In tests with about 10 games on each system, both consoles played and sounded remarkably similar.
Advantage: Gamecube

Game Controller
The controller, which is sort of like a joystick on steroids, is used to move about, fire weapons and controll other game actions. A good one is essential. Unfortunately, the Xbox's controller is an abomination, a view thats been expressed on gaming web sites by reviewers who had an opportunity to use Xbox at length, The Xbox controller is so big and cumbersome to hold that many gamers (especially kids with small hands) probably will opt to by a third-party gamepad instead. On the other hand, the Gamecube controller fits most hands comfortably and its controls are arranged so game operation is intuitive.
Advantage: Gamcube

As with PS2, Xbox will play DVD movies, but Xbox owners must purchase a $30 remote to "unlock" this capability. Xbox also includes a hard drive to store downloadable demos, game add-ons and custom audio tracks. Apparently, the hard drive also is used to speed up how quickly games load, but advance tests don't show much improvement over competing consoles. Gamecube, on the other hand, does not contain any "extras", probably to keep the price down. Gamers can, however, plug in their portable Game Boy Advance Units into Gamecube, where they can recieve bones content and be used as game controllers with some games. (NOTE: Panisonic will release a DVD Gamecube next year. It's exected price is $300.) Neither system will support connections to Internet game services to start up. Microsoft and Nitendo both say they'll announce their online strategies sometime next year.
Advantage: Xbox

Finally,it's time to take a look at the games that will be available for both consoles because without great titles, what fun would it be to invest in them? Despite a few exceptions, the Nintendo Gamecube is geared toward younger players, but 20-, 30- and 40- somethings undoubtedly will enjoy some of these games, too. Exclusive titles such as the action/adventure "Luigi's Mansion," the addictie puzzler "Pikmin" and the space shooter "Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader" prove Nintedo can deliver intriguing polished games at its introduction -- something Sony failed to do last year with its initial PS2 titles. Th Xbox also enjoys a couple of impressive, though mature, titles, including Tecmo's "Dead or Alive 3," a gorgeous and fun fighting game, and Microsoft's own "Halo," a sci-fi action game that drops the player in the middle of an epic battle between humans and aliens on a mysterious ring world. While the first batch of Xbox games seem merely average in game play, give Microsoft some time because it has the determination and the pocketbook to make Xbox a winner in the long run, Also keep in mind that many games will appear on both systems, such as Electronic Art's "Cell Damage" and EA Sports "SSX Tricky."
Advantage: Gamecube

There you have it Gamecube fans! Gamcube is indeed better than the Xbox. I got this article from a paper in New York called "The Joural".
