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On this page i have put some stories and poems that have touched me and is an inspiration to me.

When I was seventeen
i was young and so naive
he told me he loved me
and oh how I believed.

I wanted to have friends
he thought that a crime
he said i'd be his one and only
i'd be his love for a lifetime.

He'd shower me with gifts
and come across so sincere
but without my knowledge
all he did was instill fear.

Oh how I tried to be perfect
and how I wanted us to last
but all things just changed
just so extremely fast.

First the raising of his voice
and then finally his hand
why he decided to do this
i still don't understand.

Nothing i had ever done
just never seemed to be right
An end to all this abuse
was nowhere in sight.

Finally drawing on all my courage
i knew i had to get away
but it was a steep price
that i did have to pay.

Its taken me a few years
to totally clear my mind
for me to finally realize
it was his fault all this time.

I have learned my lesson
and learned it very well
i'm just so glad to be free,
safe from my personal hell.

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