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Requirements for my awards are as follow:

1. No site that contains adult
related picture's and language can
win. In other words your site has
to be able to seen by minors.

2. No underconstrution signs.

3. Your site cannot just be a site
of all links.

4. No broken links

To apply to win my Awesome Site Award
simply e-mail me the following
information to

1. Your name

2. Your site's URL

3. Your site's Name

4. Tell me what # award you want

5. Your e-mail address

Oh by the way signing my guestbook couldn't hurt.

****I receive between 20 to 50 applications a day for my awards so it takes a while to review all the sites. If you are not notified it could just be i haven't gotten to your site yet. Plus i only select one business site a week, due to the many applications i receive.*******

***I'd like to thank Alissa for without her help i wouldn't have been able to create these awards***

(Designed by Mic Miller & Soulmate)

Award #3

Award #4

Award #5(Poetry)

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This Award Ring Site is owned by Patrick Richardson.

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