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My Friends

When i first got on the web a little over 10 months ago i never would have imagined the amount of wonderful people i would meet from all over the world. I feel very fortunate and honored to call alot of these people friend. To name everyone would just take up too much space but i feel i have to acknowledge some of them by name.

- Your one of my first friends on the net. I'm so glad we are still close friends. Thanks !!

- The joy of friendship is beautiful. It certainly shows with you :)

- The time we have gotten to know and grow as friends has been one of greatest times i've had. You've always been totally honest with me and i really want to thank you for your honesty and friendship.

- Your such a special girl. Always stay as sweet as you are.

- I have always enjoyed our talks with each other. You"re a very nice person. I'm thankful we"re friends.

- The measures of friendship knows no boundries. I hope ours continues to soar.

- I'm glad we became friends.We have known each other since we chatted in Mi World.Thanks!!

- Whatever guy ends up with you is gonna be so very lucky.

For any that weren't named personally i'm sorry. I'm sure in time i'll feel you need to be named personally as well so let's just give it time. OK:)

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