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[ information ]

Here's information on anything and everything having to do with me, my gerbils, and tons of information for gerbils owners everywhere. I'd love to hear from you if you have any suggestions on what else I can put here. Just mail me at

Information on the Mongolian Gerbil -- Basic information on how to care for the pet Mongolian Gerbil in an easy-to-read format.

About Desert Winds Gerbiltry (Incomplete) -- This link contains information on why I decided to become a breeder, and how my facination with gerbils began.

My Reccomendations (Incomplete) -- Housing, products, breeders, and ideas that I reccommend to anyone that owns (or wants to own) a gerbil.

About My Gerbils (Incomplete) -- A basic run-down on where my gerbils came from, the colors I currently have, genetics, and lineage.

Breeding Plans (Incomplete) -- This is where you'll find what I'm wishing to obtain breeding gerbils.

Wish List -- Here's some items I'm looking for that can be offered at discount price, offered as a trade, or given as a donation.

Wanted Gerbils -- These are the colors and types of gerbils I'm currently looking for.

Wanted Pets -- These are the specifics on what type of pets I'm looking for that don't fall under the category of Mongolian Gerbils.