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Wolverine - The Life and Times of a Runty Canuck

Authorized Marvel Fan Site
Since 30 Jul 01

Fact Files

Animal Kingdom (01/21/03)

Appearances (08/20/02)

Biography/History (07/08/02)

Canuck Quick Reference (05/04/07)

Languages - 16 Featured (01/19/03)

Places - 6 Featured (07/14/02)

Recreations - 8 Featured (06/30/02)


Story Arcs (10/29/01)

Timeline - Movie-verse (06/15/09)

Timeline - Official Mainstream (05/27/09)

Timeline - Unoffical (09/08/01)

Uniforms (05/18/04)

Voices - 7 Featured (05/10/09)

Writers - 53 Featured (06/24/09)

Your Questions (05/01/09)

Non-Comic Book Media

Cinema - 4 Featured (05/06/09)

DVD/VHS - 13 Featured (06/05/03)

Games - 32 Featured (11/16/04)

Graphic Novels - 20 Featured (06/05/02)

Novels - 5 Featured (11/21/04)


Artists - Total of 449 Featured (06/19/09)

Artist Spotlight - Total of 9 Featured (09/19/02)

Covers of Issues Featuring Wolverine (05/18/03)

Merchandise - 12 Featured (09/02/04)

Posters/Pinups - 142 Featured (09/02/04)

Trading Cards (02/02/03)

Wearable Runt - 6 Featured (11/14/04)

Wolverine in 3-D (06/14/03)


Sabretooth's Den (07/19/11)

The Ladies in a Runt's Life - 45 Featured (01/23/06)

The Pun'kins in a Runt's Life - 8 Featured (09/17/03)

Friends, Allies and Associates - 19 Featured (07/14/03)

Enemies, Antagonists and Nuisances - 13 Featured (05/04/09)

The Teams - 28 featured (04/29/05)

In Memoriam

Rest In Peace - 15 Featured (07/19/02)

Rest In Pieces - 5 Featured (05/02/04)


Blurbs About The Canucklehead (04/30/09)

Quotes From The Canucklehead (06/05/09)

Dialogues With The Canucklehead (06/05/09)

Others Talk To And About the Runt (06/05/09)

Lighter Side

Parodies - 5 Featured (01/02/06)

Fake Ads - 2 Featured (11/02/03)


Former Landmark Images

Site Award (08/18/02)

Unusual Goodies (09/20/01)

Need Comics? (04/30/05)

Need Marvel Hero Clix? (09/01/04)


The Marvel site has a Marvel Hotline with Hugh Jackman that talks about getting into the mind of our favorite Canuck - Hugh Jackman on Wolverine - check it out while it's still up.

Other Sites of Interest (07/01/03)


The site won the award from X-Men Prime for the Summer 2002 Best Wolverine Site. My thanks to all who voted.

As of 20 Jul 2003 - the 50,000 visitor mark! Past landmark pics.

This is an unabashedly pro-Wolverine site. You have been warned.

My first encounter with the enigma called Wolverine began when Professor X treked up to Canada's Department H to lure away the current Weapon X - namely Wolverine himself.

I might have missed that encounter altogether had it not been for my local comic provider who knew my taste in comics. That issue came along at a time when I was, quite frankly, avoiding most super-hero type comics -- including the original X-Men team, who had zip appeal to me.

My comic dealer was a pro-Fantastic Four buff - the two of us had had past discussions on the topic of super-hero ruts. At that time, most of the current crop seemed to fall into one of basically three types:

(1) Too good to be true (Or the "I could give Mother Teresa lessons" type) - Not only did this kind catch the bad guy, they made him fold his prison napkin after dinner.
(2) Indecisive (Or the "But what if" type) - They agonized over every decision for so long, it got to be like watching a toddler trying to decide on one out of thirty-one flavors of ice cream.
(3) Victim (Or the "I can't help myself" type) - Through circumstances beyond their control, they end up thrust into the role of hero and for some reason, stick with it despite their own preference.

Then came Wolverine - when the comic guy called me over, he had an issue open and was pointing to one panel in particular. The one where Wolverine was punctuating his resignation as Weapon X by slicing through the tie of the man (Major Chasen) giving him lip. I was hooked.

On the side of the angels, but known to toe the line awfully close and occasionally slide over an inch or two. A guy that seemed to take more than a little pleasure at harassing and tweaking the noses of higher authority, but a guy that wouldn't give a meter maid a hassle over a parking ticket. Someone who could make a grown man afraid of the dark and still be viewed as a young girl's best friend. All that and more.

He intrigued me enough that I became a regular reader both of X-Men and, when it came along, his own comic series - a habit lasting from then until now.

1974 - 2004

Yes, it's now been over 35 years since Wolverine made his first comic appearance in November 1974 (well, if you count a shadowy cameo, October). And May 2011 marked his 37th year as an X-Man as well as the second anniversary of the opening of his 4th movie with Hugh Jackman filling his shoes.

What's New?

19 Jul 11--New quote added to Sabretooth's Den.

07 Jul 10--New quotes added to Sabretooth's Den.

11 Feb 10--Doing some behind-the-scenes updates.

06 Sep 09--Just a note for those awaiting it. The X-Men Origins: Wolverine movie will be out on DVD on 15 September.

26 Jun 09--New quote added to Sabretooth's Den.

25 Jun 09--New quote added to Sabretooth's Den.

24 Jun 09--James Felder added to the Writers section.

23 Jun 09--Brett Matthews added to the Writers section.

22 Jun 09--X-Men Origins: Wolverine is still at #14 in daily box office totals. Foreign ticket sales have now gone past domestic - $183M foreign & $177M domestic for a world-wide total of $360M.

20 Jun 09--Greg Rucka added to the Writers section.

19 Jun 09--Das Pastoras added to the Artists section.

18 Jun 09--Mark Robinson added to the Artists section.

17 Jun 09--Victor Gischler and Marc Sumerak added to the Writers section.

15 Jun 09--Added to the Movie-verse timeline.

14 Jun 09--Newest numbers on X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Foreign ticket sales matched domestic as of 7 Jun and the numbers are now $176M domestic and $176M foreign adding up to the world-wide total of over $352M.

13 Jun 09--Added to Blink in Sabretooth's Den.

12 Jun 09--Added to the Movie-verse timeline.

11 Jun 09--Added to the Movie-verse timeline.

10 Jun 09--Quotes added to Sabretooth's Den.

9 Jun 09--Movie-verse timeline complete through X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Started adding X-Men.

8 Jun 09--Added to the Movie-verse timeline.

7 Jun 09--Added to the Movie-verse timeline.

6 Jun 09--Added 3 new writers to the Writers pages.

5 Jun 09--Added new quotes for Wolverine.

4 Jun 09--The foreign ticket sales for X-Men Origins: Wolverine were updated at the end of May. Current totals - over $172M domestic and over $170M foreign for a total of $342M world-wide in 34 days of release.

3 Jun 09--Added new quotes for Wolverine.

1 Jun 09--Added new quotes for both Wolverine and Sabretooth.

31 May 09--End of month totals on the X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Over $170M domestic. The foreign sales still haven't been updated since the 17th, but that still makes the world-wide total over $315M.

30 May 09--Added to the timeline based on the X-men movies.

29 May 09--Added to the timeline based on the X-men movies.

28 May 09--Have begun to add a timeline based on the X-men movies. Spoiler alert: timeline does give away movie plot points so do not go to before seeing the movies (or if you do, don't blame me)

27 May 09--Did some additional work on the timeline.

26 May 09--Out now for 25 days, the current box office totals on X-Men Origins: Wolverine - over $165M domestic and just under $145M foreign (last update on foreign is from 17 May) for a total of over $310M.

25 May 09--Timeline now includes the initial bonding of adamantium to Logan.

24 May 09--Timeline now includes the WWII timeframe.

23 May 09--Marvel has released a timeline of Logan's life (mainstream), so have begun to add that to this site. Not even up to World War II, but there's a lot to this. Will post progress on this project as it occurs.

21 May 09--At the three week mark, current box office totals on X-Men Origins: Wolverine - over $154M domestic and just under $145M foreign for a total of over $299M.

20 May 09--New quote added from Astonishing X-Men 21 to conversations area.

18 May 09--New quote added to Sabretooth's Den.

17 May 09--Current box office totals on X-Men Origins: Wolverine - over $151M domestic and over $123M foreign for a total of $274M.

16 May 09--Worked on Mystique's pages in the Vic's Women section of Sabretooth's Den.

15 May 09--Added Betsy Braddock to the Vic's Women section of Sabretooth's Den.

14 May 09--Added Amichai Benvenisti and Leni Zauber to Mystique's section of Sabretooth's Den.

13 May 09--Just some miscellaneous site fixes (found a couple of bad links). Dead scanner has now been replaced, so will be adding new images soon.

12 May 09--Added a bit more to Sabretooth's Den. And as of yesterday's box office report, X-Men Origins: Wolverine was over $129M domestic and over $79M foreign for a whopping $208M in 10 days release.

11 May 09--Starting a new expanded section on Sabretooth - I'm calling it Sabretooth's Den. Any Creed aspect you'd care to see covered? Shoot me an email. Also, had complaints about the background being too distracting so - a new background as well. Hope it's easier on the eyes.

Site Infomation

This page is very much a work in progress. Any comments or things you'd care to see featured? Contact me here.
This site was last updated 19 Jul 2011.

My previous Visitor Counter (started Dec 27, 2000) froze at the 95,438 visitor mark. So at least that many visitors before I started up the new counter below.

Visitors since April 29, 2009
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Image(s) featured on this page were scanned specifically for use on this site using Marvel materials.
Wolverine©, Logan©, The X-Men©, related character(s) and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. and are used with permission.
Copyright © 1974-2012 Marvel Characters Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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