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September 15, 2002

1000 Years of Darkness Preview

Alderac Entertainment Group (AEG) has posted the preview of 1000 Years of Darkness on their
web site. There's also a small introductory story called "The Last Lesson".

September 14, 2002

Mirumoto Ukira Defeated in Duel Against Daidoji Enai

General and Topaz Champion Mirumoto Ukira lost his final duel defending the honor of our
clan to Daidoji Enai. Enai's younger brother Ekiken had openly questioned both Ukira's
personal honor and the Mirumoto family honor in front of multiple witnesses on the streets of
Otosan Uchi. Such an obvious insult could not be ovelooked because it was made in front of

Ukira challenged Ekiken to avenge the Mirumoto family honor and formally asked Enai for
permission to duel , which was reluctantly granted. However since Ekiken was Enai's last
surviving relative, Enai exercised his right as older brother to accept the duel in Ekiken's place.

The duel was fair and honorable for both of the combatants. Before he died, Ukira told Enai
that he was an honorable man and that his brother was a fool that would eventually get him
killed. Is that the real story on the Broken Blades card "Dirty Fighting"? Read the story
"Excellence" story by Shawn Carman to decide for yourself.

September 8, 2002

Shadowlands Win GenCon United Kingdom

Shadowlands won over the Crane in the Finals. Please see Otaku Rea's report on Deathseeker.

Background colors modified to mark our new alliance with the Dark Oracle of Fire. Where our
GenCon UK Warlord leads, we follow, though it is within our Dragon nature to wonder why.
But in Rokugan, it is traditional to follow those of higher rank even if their decisions appear
.... strange. Of course serious disagreement with your Lord may be expressed by seppuku but
at this time it would be an over reaction.

GenCon UK Dragon Top Finisher Choses to Side with Dark Oracle

The GenCon UK Dragon Warlord Jon Palmer chose to ally with the Dark Oracle of Fire
Agasha Tamori against the Phoenix instead of trying to drive him from Dragon lands. He
had consulted with the other top Dragon finishers and collectively they decided that it would
be the lesser of two evils. Sometimes in life you are forced to choose between bad choices.
Shinsei once said "Choosing between two evils is still choosing evil." Agreed.

Incidentally, Jon's choice started a mini-flame war on the Dragon Mailing list with tempers
rising and friendships being strained until people started to come to their senses. There were
even threats to use the Dragon Clan's most fearsome weapon as a response to this choice.

What is this über weapon of the Dragon? Tattoos? The 12 th Black Scroll? Don't be silly!
We're talking about the "Dragon Whine", the response most feared by the other clans.
The "Dragon Whine" has been known to move Heaven and Earth when properly directed.
Because of its potency, other clans have been known to attack any Dragon on sight if the
suspect that the Whine is about to be used.

The "Old Guard" of the Dragon has historically been Anti-Taint and Anti-Corruption.
Attempts to diverge from this path are generally been met with harsh criticism and boorish
behavior. The Path of the Dragon is one of individualistic enlightenment, a fact often
forgotten by the "Old Guard". In the current environment it is difficult for a Dragon to
obtain victory with dueling honour or with military prowess. Enlightenment is a tantalizing
prospect but it is achieved by only a select few.

The choice then becomes clearer: continue the old honourable ways and hope that there will
be a change in the Heavens or risk corruption and the Taint for greater short term power.

Conservatives will cling to honor because it is the traditional, safe path. Some of the younger
Dragons, being more progressive and more daring, are edging a bit closer to the Taint and
corruption in return for power. Among those in the vanguard of the this new philosophy is
Scott Hadsall. He is a skilled newcomer to the clan and he should at least be listened to if
not openly respected and admired for his attempts to lift our clan out of tournament mediocrity.

A current trend among the Dragon strategy web sites is to have standard or "stock" decks.
Perhaps we should view these as "test decks" such as in that Other game (M:tG) because
people from the other clans will be watching. Whatever your choices in deck construction,
please remember to at least attempt civility with each other. Yes, Dragon and Flames often
go together but you knew that when you joined, n'est pas?


Dragon Clan News Archives

2002 4th Quarter - October to November

2002 3th Quarter - September

2002 3rd Quarter - August

2002 3rd Quarter - July

2002 January to June

2001 News

2000 Third & Fourth Quarter

2000 Second Quarter

2000 First Quarter

1999 News


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Legends of the Five Rings CCG is copyright of the Five Rings Publishing Group and Wizards of the Coast.
Artwork is copyright by various artists who illustrated for Alderac Entertainment Group.

Other names, stories and ideas are copyright MountainView. Dragon logo by R. Stier.



 revised December 1, 2002