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Egyptian Gods and GoddessesAb: Egyptian grain god.Amenti: Egyptian goddess of the underworld and fertility. Amon: Egyptian god of fertility, wind, and secrets. He had thousands of children, and he is often shown with the horns of a ram. Amun A very spiritual Egyptian god, he symbolizes the element of air. Anhur: Egyptian god of the power of the sun. He symbolizes the elements or Air and Fire. Atchet: Egyptian goddess who nurses children. Athor: Egyptian goddess of light. Atum: Egyptian sun god. Bes: Egyptian dwarf god. He was a popular household deity in Egypt. He was believed to guard against evil spirit, protect children, ward off misfortune, and kill snakes. Buto: Egyptian delta goddess. She is associated with serpents and considered the Queen of the goddesses. Duamutef: Egyptian god who protected the stomach of the deceased. Emutet: Egyptian cobra-headed goddess or agriculture. Geb: Egyptian god of the earth. Symbolizes the element of Fire. Gengenver: Egyptian fowl god in the form of a goose. Hapi: Egyptian deification of the Nile River. Eventually was thought of as the creator of all. Hathor: Egyptian goddess of joy and love. Symbolizes love, beauty, happiness, joy, the element of Air, and the moon. Horus: Egyptian god, god of the all-seeing eye. Imhotep: Egyptian god of healing who was raised from mortal to god. Imseti: Egyptian god who protected the liver of the dead. Isis: Egyptian mother goddess of day. She is goddess of the dead and of funeral rites. Khepera: Egyptian god of the sun. His symbol is the scarab beetle. He symbolizes the element of Air. Khnum: Egyptian god of childbirth. Ma'at: Egyptian Goddess of truth, justice and the order of the universe. She judges the souls that pass to the underworld and her symbol is the feather. Mertseger: Egyptian goddess of flowers and death. Meshkent: Egyptian goddess of birth. Min: Egyptian god of fertility, rain, and agriculture, also protector of roads and travellers. He symbolizes sexual prowess and fertility. Montu: Egyptian god of war. Mut: Egyptian mother goddess who had thousands of children. She symbolizes the element air. Neith: Egyptian goddess of war and weaving. She symbolizes strength, love, courage, and the moon. Nepthys: Egyptian goddess of death and mystery. Nut: Egyptian goddess of the sky. She symbolizes the element of Air Osiris" Egyptian god of life and death. Ptah: Egyptian creator god of Memphis, created the cosmos and the bodies in which man's souls dwelt. Qebehsenuf: Egyptian god who protected the intestines of the deceased. Ra: Egyptian sun god, can be likened unto the Christian God, as a supreme deity and creator. He created the 8 great gods and the human race came from his tears. Renenutet: Egyptian goddess who took care of children. Renpet: Egyptian goddess of the year, youth, and spring. Sati: Egyptian goddess of the elephantine. Symbolizes the element fire. Sebek: Egyptian crocodile god. Seker: Egyptian god of light and protector of souls passing to the underworld. Sekhmet: Egyptian goddess of sunset, destruction, death, and wisdom. She symbolizes health, rebirth, fire, and wisdom. Selket: Egyptian scorpion-goddess and helper of women in labor. Set: Egyptian god of darkness and evil. He is symbolized by barren wastelands and deserts. Shai: Egyptian god of destiny and fate. Also known as Shait. Shu: Egyptian god of the air represented in human form. Symbolizes the element Air, and possibly Fire. Tefnut: Egyptian goddess of precipitation and clouds. Tauret: Egyptian goddess of childbirth. Pregnant women in Egypt used to wear amulets bearing the goddess' head. Thoueris: Egyptian hippopotamus goddess of fertility, women and childbirth. Thoth: Egyptian god of wisdom, considered to be a messenger between the gods and the god of the underworld. He is associated with the moon, magic, communicatioin. math, music, medicine, drawing and writing, time, and astronomy. Upuat: Egyptian god of the dead who had a jackal or wolf head.