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Greek Gods and GoddessesAchelous: Greek river god.Adonis: Greek vegetation god and consort of Aphrodite. He symbolizes element of Earth, love, fertility, health. Aeolos: Greek god of wind and air. Aether: Greek personification of air. Aethon: Greek personification of famine. Alcmene: Greek goddess of midwinter, the new year, stateliness, beauty and wisdom. Mother of Hercules. Alcyone: Greek goddess of the sea, the moon, calm, tranquility. Alpheios: Greek river god. Alphito: Greek goddess of barley flour, destiny, and the moon. Amphityonis: Greek goddess of wine, friendships and relationships. Amphitrite: Greek goddess of the sea. Apeliotes: Greek god of the south-eastern winds. Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of passion and sexual love, and womanly beauty. She symbolizes feminine prowess, sexuality, relationships, flower magic. Apollo: Greek god of the sun, light, music, song, medicine, and healing. Associated with black magic, creativity, blessing, divination, oracles, prophecy, fertility, productivity, justice, success. Arachne: Greek spider goddess, weaver of fate and destiny. Ares: Greek war god of storms and hurricanes, also considered a father of the gods. Artemis: Greek goddess of the moon and the hunt. She symbolizes health, love, shapeshifting, and charms. Animals sacred to her include deer, stages, goats, bears, wild dogs, geese, bees, and fish. Astarte: Greek goddess of fertility, love, astrology, war, vengance, victory, fire, and sexual prowess. Ate: Greek goddess of obsession, guilt, infatuation, and mischief. Athena: Greek Goddess of war and wisdom. Symbolizes strength, battle, war, victory, beauty, wisdom, and education. Aura: Greek goddess of the morning wind. Aurora: Greek goddess of the dawning morning. Boreas: Greek god of the Northern arctic winds. Callisto: Greek moon goddess. Cybele: Greek Great Mother of the Gods. She symbolizes the element Air and fertility. Demeter: Greek Earth goddess, all-nourishing mother of the earth. She is associated with agriculture, crops, and abundance in childbirth and agriculture. Dione: Greek nature and earth goddess, associated with divination, predictions, love, and prophecy. Doris: Greek sea goddess. Eirene: Greek goddess of peace and wealth. Enyo: Greek goddess of war. Erebos: Greek god of darkness. Eros: Greek god of sexual desire. Eunomia: Greek goddess of legislation and order. Ganymede: Greek cup bearer. Hades: Greek god of death and keeper of the underworld. Helios: Greek god of the sun. Hephaestus: Greek blacksmith god. Symbolizes Fire magic, creativity, and wisdom. Hera: Greek goddess of matrimony and women's growth. Symbolizes love, motherhood, the moon, and the element of Air. Hestia: Greek mother goddess. She symbolizes the element of Fire, conception, and domestic magic. Hymen: Greek god of marriage. He symbolizes love and virginity. Hypno: Greek god of sleep. Ladon: Greek river god. Maia: Greek goddess of life, rebirth, spring, and youth; she symbolizes love. Moros: Greek god of doom. Nike: Greek winged goddess of victory. Nus: Greek god of understanding and intelligence. Pan: Greek god of fertility. He symbolizes love, lust, and the element of Earth. Plutus: Greek god of wealth. Poseidon: Greek god of earthquakes and the sea. He symbolizes the elements of Air and Water. Prometheus: In Greek mythology, he stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans. He is thought of as the first human. Proteus: Greek sea god who served Poseidon. Pythia: Greek serpent and snake goddess. Salacia: Roman goddess of spring water. Selene: Greek moon goddess and teacher to the magicians. Thetis: Greek goddess who had an affair with Zeus. They had a child, Achilles, whom Thetis tried to make immortal by dipping him in the river Styx, but she held him by the ankle, hence the term "Achilles' Heel". Zephyrus: Greek god of the west winds. He symbolizes the element of Air. Zeus: Chief god of the Greek pantheon. He is the god of the skies, lightening and thunder, and storms. He takes on other forms as well: Zeus Chronos: Fertility and the element of Earth. Zeus Gamelios: Marriage Zeus Herkios: Protects home Zeus Kleisos: Protects property Zeus Sote: Father and savior of man Zeus Xenios: Politeness and hospitality.